Re: missing debian-user-digest list??

2001-02-14 Thread Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed

Does anybody have any idea what has happened to this list? I haven't
received a single message from this list in over 2 weeks...does anyone have
any clue? I did notice a post on this subject last week or so, but haven't
heard any responses from anyone. I have even tried re-subscribing under a
new account, using a different machine, to eliminate any phantom procmail
configurations or such

If you too are experiencing this, could you let this be known?

I find the traffic on debian-user way too busy...but also feel almost
starved without debian-user-digest...

kindest regards,



    --  Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed  --
--  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
-- Micromuse PLC, Disraeli House, 90 Putney Bridge Road, London SW18 1DA --
-- --

Re: missing debian-user-digest?

2001-02-19 Thread Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed

A number of subscribers seem to be having problems with the digests of the
debian-user mailing list. I am also one of these "sufferers" in that I have
_not_ received a message for couple of weeks. Some people haven't received a 
message for longer - some shorter. However, we seem to be in the minority, as 
there seems to be a number of people who have not experienced any problems, and 
are receiving the digests just fine. I myself have tried resubscribing several 
times under "other" email addresses to no success (i.e. seemed to be added to 
the list, but not receiving digests.)

Any ideas what's up? I find it very hard to believe that is a "local"
problem, since a number of people seem to have been experiencing the same
difficulties in and around the same time. Is there anything that can be
done, or any changes made that have affected a subset of the list

Your response is eagerly anticipated ;^)

Kindest regards,


    --  Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed  --
--  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
-- Micromuse PLC, Disraeli House, 90 Putney Bridge Road, London SW18 1DA --
-- --

Vim: underline. subscripting etc

2001-03-05 Thread Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed

How does one do things like underlining and subscripting under Vim? I had a
look at the manual, and read up about term caps, but can't seem to get it
working under xterm.




p.s - I have been unable to recieve digests, and am not currently subscribed
to the user list, so could you please cc any responses? It would be greatly

Re: GDM dont work

2001-01-21 Thread Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed

Olivier Billet wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:33:50AM -0800, Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed wrote:
> >> Try deleting all "orbit" files from the /tmp directory.
> >> I had this problem a while ago... I think I had been hacking
> >> around the password files by hand and not using the proper
> > >commands (e.g. usermod,leading me to think it might have
> > something to do with shadow passwords etc)
> >>
> > >HTH
> >>
> > >kindest regards,
> >>
> > >--ibs.
> >
> >Dear Ibraheem,
> >
> >I think you're right the issue is located in the /tmp directory.
> >But I can't figure out what's the good thing to do (for ex. what is
> >the bad file we need to delete, etc...).

I would save the contents of the user to some seperate
partition/directorythen delete the user, (userdel) and then remove
files that reference that user from the /tmp directory, especially the
"tmp-orbit" ones. I also made sure that there were no rogue traces of
deleted user in the passwd / group files. It seemed odd to me but it
Once you have gotten rid of those files, try re-creating the user, then
copying back the contents of the directory.

very flaky huh?

Kindest regards,


> >In fact, I've reinstalled
> >the whole stuff, and gdm was working fine; then I decided
> >to make /tmp a special partition: I added /dev/hda* /tmp in the fstab
> >and then gdm didn't work anymore even after reboot.
> >
> >Thanks for your mail,
> >regards,
> >
> >Olivier.