Olivier Billet wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 10:33:50AM -0800, Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed wrote:
> >> Try deleting all "orbit" files from the /tmp directory.
> >> I had this problem a while ago... I think I had been hacking
> >> around the password files by hand and not using the proper
> > >commands (e.g. usermod,leading me to think it might have
> > something to do with shadow passwords etc)
> >>
> > >HTH
> >>
> > >kindest regards,
> >>
> > >--ibs.
> >
> >Dear Ibraheem,
> >
> >I think you're right the issue is located in the /tmp directory.
> >But I can't figure out what's the good thing to do (for ex. what is
> >the bad file we need to delete, etc...).

I would save the contents of the user to some seperate
partition/directory....then delete the user, (userdel) and then remove
files that reference that user from the /tmp directory, especially the
"tmp-orbit" ones. I also made sure that there were no rogue traces of
deleted user in the passwd / group files. It seemed odd to me but it
Once you have gotten rid of those files, try re-creating the user, then
copying back the contents of the directory.

very flaky huh?

Kindest regards,


> >In fact, I've reinstalled
> >the whole stuff, and gdm was working fine; then I decided
> >to make /tmp a special partition: I added /dev/hda* /tmp in the fstab
> >and then gdm didn't work anymore even after reboot.
> >
> >Thanks for your mail,
> >regards,
> >
> >Olivier.

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