
Does anybody have any idea what has happened to this list? I haven't
received a single message from this list in over 2 weeks...does anyone have
any clue? I did notice a post on this subject last week or so, but haven't
heard any responses from anyone. I have even tried re-subscribing under a
new account, using a different machine, to eliminate any phantom procmail
configurations or such....

If you too are experiencing this, could you let this be known?

I find the traffic on debian-user way too busy...but also feel almost
starved without debian-user-digest...

kindest regards,


                        --  Ibraheem Umaru-Mohammed  --
                        --  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  --
-- Micromuse PLC, Disraeli House, 90 Putney Bridge Road, London SW18 1DA --
                        --  http://www.micromuse.com --

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