New Website

1998-07-08 Thread George Bonser
Just wanted to take a moment to let the Debian folks know that I think the
new look of the website is a GREAT improvement!

Good work, folks!

George Bonser

Microsoft! Which end of the stick do you want today?

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Re: hmm... an idea

1998-07-08 Thread George Bonser
On Sun, 5 Jul 1998, Paul Miller wrote:

> I have 1 static IP and I'm thinking about getting an additional dynamic
> IP.  I'm not exactly sure on how DHCP works, but is there a way to have
> the my DNS server (on static IP) updated when the dynamic IP changes?
> THanks
> -Paul

If you are wanting the host assigned by DHCP to be reachable from the
internet, yeah, you will need something to update your zone file and
restart DNS. There are several DYNDNS packages around, sign up for the
systalk mailing list at and make an inquiry there.

George Bonser

Microsoft! Which end of the stick do you want today?

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Re: Problem installing a package with dpkg

1998-07-09 Thread George Bonser
On Sun, 28 Jun 1998, Katharine Osborne wrote:

> I've been through all the man/--help pages and I
> have no idea how to fix/avoid this. If you have
> any suggestions, please email me.
> thanks in advance.

Download the package and install it manually with a --force overwrite
option like this:

dpkg -i --force overwrite 

And that should do it.

George Bonser

Microsoft! Which end of the stick do you want today?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: I hate dselect

1999-02-01 Thread George Bonser
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> .
> So following another suggestion on this list, I went into dselect
> and tried to put some stuff on Hold. Only thing is, dselect's
> "Select" option sucks! sucks! sucks!
> Maybe if I spent a few weeks learning all the nuances of dselect
> I could figure out how to work it, but the help screens indicated
> that I could just select something like "Required Updated
> Packages" and put that on Hold. But then dependency screens came
> up, so as per the help screens, I pressed "R" to restore things
> to the way they were, then I pressed "X" to exit and abandon all
> changes. But when I went to the "Install" option to try the full
> download again, all of a sudden the size of my download doubled.
> From there it just went downhill.

Well, what I do is put the the stuff on hold, when it throws me
into the conflict resolution screen, I put all THAT stuff
on hold too. Then continue on.

Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread George Bonser
>> What about using REJECT instead of DENY?  That way the browser should
>> immediately be told that the destination (in this case
>> could not be reached.
> I believe DENY would cause the browser to time out, but not right away.  I
> only use DENY for spam hosts/nets so that the spammer wastes more time.
> --

There is an additional difference. If someone runs a port scan against a
machine, anything that is denied will get no response. It will be as if there
is nothing there. If you are rejecting traffic, they will be able to tell that
there is something there that they are not allowed to access. They can simply
adjust their activity from a different location to see if they can gain access
to the rejected service.

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02-Sep-99
Time: 22:50:57

This message was sent by XFMail

RE: filtering with exim

1999-09-06 Thread George Bonser

On 05-Sep-99 Mark R. Devlin wrote:
># cut here #
> if $h_X-Mailing-List: contains debian-devel-changes@
> then
> testprint $h_Subject:
> if $h_Subject: matches "xxx"
> then
> save Mail/debian-changes-in
> finish
> else
> testprint "Throw message away"
> seen finish
> endif
> endif
># cut here #

Are you saying that you do not like the above because it also saves the
Installed messages that you would rather not save?


if $h_Subject: does not contain Installed and $h_X-Mailing-List: 
contains debian-devel-changes@  then


RE: Help with exim -> Message frozen (fwd) ?

1999-09-11 Thread George Bonser

On 11-Sep-99 Colin Telmer wrote:
> I recently moved from smail to exim and have occasionally been sent the
> following note (below). I don't really know what it means (other than the
> obvious:)) nor how to fix it. Can anyone shed some light on this problem?

Add localhost to the local_domains option in /etc/exim.conf

> -- 
> Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <>
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:23:01 -0400
> From: Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Message frozen
> Message 11OwJY-0001rh-00 has been frozen. The sender is
> The following address(es) have yet to be delivered:
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]: remote host address is the local host
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Sep-99
Time: 20:51:32

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: Two ethernet cards

1999-09-12 Thread George Bonser

On 12-Sep-99 Neil Booth wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> Literally all that came in the box was a manual, a cable for
> Wake-On-LAN, and the card itself.
> Could you elaborate?
> Neil.

If both cards are PCI there really should not be a problem. Try swapping the
order of the cards in the PCI bus and see if that helps. 

Just curious, why are you using the different drivers for the two cards? Can't
they both use the same one?

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12-Sep-99
Time: 18:47:13

This message was sent by XFMail

RE: One Without The Other

1999-09-12 Thread George Bonser
You only REALLY need the first one.

On 12-Sep-99 Allix Primus wrote:
> So is it possible to just extract the first binary and install debian with
> the minimum amount of software or is the second one required ?

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12-Sep-99
Time: 19:44:17

This message was sent by XFMail

So is it possible to just extract the first binary and install 
debian with the minimum amount of software or is the second one required 

RE: Advansys Boot Disk

1999-09-25 Thread George Bonser

I have built a set for you using that driver but I am not sure what network
options you need or what kind of machine you have. The result is an SMP
2.2.13-pre6 kernel (yeah, I know, it is a little behind) with the most popular
NIC drivers and no ISDN support.

Try the images at

And see if they work. Let me know how you make out.

On 25-Sep-99 Curtis M. Brune wrote:
> Hello,
> I read with interest your posting of a boot disk with a 2.2.10 kernel
> and "Advansys Support"  -- I have a new Advansys Ultra2 Wide SCSI
> controller (ASB3940U2W) that requires an updated advansys.o driver
> available here
> Do these boot disks you made include support for this SCSI card? 
> Alternatively is there an __EASY__ way for me to build my own boot disks
> that only have different advansys.c and advansys.h files?  Is there a
> project i can download for building boot disks?  I envision changing the
> above two source files, typing "make" and having a new resc1440.bin and
> drv1440.bin .  Or am I just dreaming?
> Thanks,
> Curt
> As I this is written an upload of slink installation disks using the
> 2.2.10 kernel is being uploaded to in the
> /captech/disks/slink/2.2.10 directory
> These are TEST disks, you are welcome to TEST them. There was some SCSI
> support and other less popular options removed because of the size of
> the
> 2.2.10 kernel.
> In the next few days I will be adding some more sets that have much more
> support but are more specialized. There will be a no-scsi set that has a
> lot of network and other peripheral options, a no-ide set that does much
> the same for SCSI. More will follow including an SMP 2.2.10 install set.
> I
> have tested this all here and it appears to work. 
> Of note is that these disks support things like Advansys and Initio disk
> controllers as well as providing much better support for the NetGear
> network cards.
> Also, the base disks include some things from potato recompiled for
> slink.
> The naming convention for some of these packages will change shortly so
> be
> careful.  Right now I am using
> _slink..deb
> but that is likely to change to
> _-slink..deb
> Basicly, this will not affect the majority of you so don't worry about
> it.
> In any case, I am interested in any feedback or particular device
> support
> you might want. I can build a new set in a short period of time.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 25-Sep-99
Time: 02:21:28

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Re: tar

1999-09-27 Thread George Bonser

On 27-Sep-99 Seth R Arnold wrote:
>>From man tar:
>   --exclude FILE
>   exclude file FILE
>   -X, --exclude-from FILE
>   exclude files listed in FILE

Can you verify that this actually works? I tried it a couple of weeks ago and
it seemed to include the files I excluded anyway.

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Sep-99
Time: 23:25:54

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Re: DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-30 Thread George Bonser

I am kind of catching up on old email so I do not know if this problem got
resolved but go into your BIOS and set the IDE controller to PIO Mode 3 or
LOWER and it will work. This is a problem with some UDMA drives. I used to get
them all the time ... constantly as a matter of fact until I turned off DMA and
set PIO-3 on those interfaces.  Newer kernels have better IDE drivers, BTW.

On 28-Sep-99 Stephen R. Gore wrote:
> B. Szyszka wrote:
>> > > Well I can't afford to just go out and get a new harddrive, especially
>> > > since
>> > > the two that I have no have more than enough space. Is there a way to
>> > > run a check on the harddrive that could prove whether or not the
>> > > harddrive
>> > > itself is the problem?
>> > The surest test would be to use it with another motherboard for a while.
>> Like I said, I can't afford to just go out and buy a new piece of hardware
>> as
>> I see fit. These things cost money. Are you tell me there's no way for me
>> to check what hardware Linux might be having a problem with?
> ---end quoted text---
> The way to check is to:
>   1) Read the documentation and HOWTOs in the kernel source.
> or
>   2) Reference your hardware (drive and chipset) in your questions,
>  and see if someone has had experience with them (likely).
> Personally, I find it difficult to troubleshoot problems when the only
> data I'm given is "These things cost money".  Give us something to work
> with.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Steve
> Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
>  useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
>  Reboots are for kernel and hardware upgrades.
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30-Sep-99
Time: 01:26:20

This message was sent by XFMail

RE: How do I switch between JDK versions?

1999-10-02 Thread George Bonser

The debian /usr/lib/jdk/bin/java is really a symlink to a
.java_wrapper script. Having a look at that script may clear some things up for

On 02-Oct-99 Joe Emenaker wrote:
> Probably a FAQ... but, here goes
> I've noticed that the JDK 1.1 description claims that it can co-exist with
> the older JDK 1.0. However, I've not been able to figure out how to make
> this work. Whichever one gets installed last seems to change the
> /etc/alternatives to it's liking and that's what you end up using.
> I've tried changing the links in /etc/alternatives, but it just turns into a
> big mess.
> Aren't there any handy little scripts to switch back and forth? For example,
> on my Windows machine, I have batch files called "JDK10", "JDK11", and
> "JDK12" that switch between 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 respectively.
>  * Is there anything like that in Debian?
>  * Are they separate for jdk and jdk-dev?
>  * Is is possible for each user on the system (via environment vars, I'd
> guess) to pick which they want to use?
> Thanks in advance
> - Joe
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02-Oct-99
Time: 01:30:44

If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!

RE: dual celeron m/b

1999-10-06 Thread George Bonser
I have a BP6 running dual Celeron 366's overclocked to 550. no problems so far.
The trouble I have seen is that people get tempted to fiddle in the BIOS with
CPU voltages and the like and end up causing themselves a lot of problems.

The Abit cup voltage and clock settings are in BIOS and not jumpers, leads
people to want to tinker with it a lot and crash their boxes. It is possible to
get it into a state where it will not even.

On 05-Oct-99 Kam Yee Lo wrote:
> Just curious about Debian running dual celeron with better FPU? I'm
> thinking of  installing Debian on dual celeron for CAD. Is dual celeron
> 500mhz faster than Pentium III 500mhz? I want good debian linux and
> cheap dual celeron :)
> Anyone have dual celeron AbIT motherboard?
> Thanks
> Griz
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> /dev/null

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05-Oct-99
Time: 19:28:47

If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!

RE: hd (?) light (red) always on

1999-10-06 Thread George Bonser

I have a machine that does this until I mount the CDROM. Then I unmount it and
the lamp behaves itself.

On 05-Oct-99 Peter Mickle wrote:
> hi-
> does anyone know why the harddrive light (red) might always be illuminated
> while running under slink? on the same machine, i also have winNT installed,
> and whenever it is running, the light comes on only periodically, while
> opening an application for example.
> any opinion as to whether this might be hazardous to the machine?
> thanks - 
> peter
> -- 
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E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05-Oct-99
Time: 19:32:18

If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!

RE: how do i NAT a legacy network ?

1999-10-07 Thread George Bonser

> and i am a bit confused...
> IP MASQ supports network NAT very wellbut the docs say that we have to
> use
> only private IPs. so .. can i use IP MASQ to hide my 95.x.x.x network
> also
> ??

Yes, you can ipmasq to nat anything. It simply uses masquerades the given
source address to the outbound interface regardless of ip address. It just
seems to be private addresses only from the documentaion since they assume that
is what people will use it for.

E-Mail: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 07-Oct-99
Time: 02:01:38

If it wasn't for us, we wouldn't be here!

routing daemons for debian

1998-03-15 Thread George Bonser
I am in need of a routing daemon capable of ospf.  I notice that debian does
not include gated.  Is there an alternative package capable of this that I am

George Bonser 
Just be thankful that Microsoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals.
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gated dying

1998-03-16 Thread George Bonser
It looks like gated is dying instantly on startup. It gives the following

task_set_option: task ICMP socket 7 option MulticastLoop(13) loop 0: Protocol
not available
Mar 15 22:30:31 calvin gated[27810]: Abort gated[27810] version 3-5-8: Protocol
not available

What am I missing?

bo system upgraded to libc6 but not completely upgraded to hamm.

George Bonser 
Just be thankful that Microsoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals.
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: gated dying

1998-03-16 Thread George Bonser

It looks like the kernel I was using is not configured for multicasting.

On 16-Mar-98 George Bonser wrote:
> It looks like gated is dying instantly on startup. It gives the following
> complaint:
> task_set_option: task ICMP socket 7 option MulticastLoop(13) loop 0: Protocol
> not available
> Mar 15 22:30:31 calvin gated[27810]: Abort gated[27810] version 3-5-8:
> Protocol
> not available
> What am I missing?
> bo system upgraded to libc6 but not completely upgraded to hamm.
> George Bonser 
> Just be thankful that Microsoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals.
> Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.
> --
> E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

George Bonser 
Just be thankful that Microsoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals.
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What SCSI should I buy?

1998-03-16 Thread George Bonser

The driver included in the 2.1 kernels DOES support the UW card.
I would suggest getting that driver, it does work with the 2.0 (and the 1.2)
kernels. I am not sure which version of the driver is being shipped with
Debian's kernel.

That is driver version 3.1D and goes in /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi as
advansys.c and advansys.h.

I can ship you a copy, if you need them. They are about 578K in size combined.

On 16-Mar-98 Nico De Ranter wrote:
> Thanks to everybody who replied.  I believe every SCSI-adaptor is 
> succesfully used by at least one person :-).  Advansys seems to be
> the best choice (or buslogic, but that wasn't one my friends initial
> shopping list).  Although I'm worried about one thing: my friend noted
> that on the box of the Advansys U-version (he didn't give me any 
> id of the board sorry) Linux-support was mentioned but on the UW-version
> there was nothing about Linux.  Does anybody know Advansys' policy?  I mean
> are they commited to providing Linux support for all their SCSI-adaptors?
> Thanks again,
> Nico
> -- 
> --
> Nico De Ranter
> Sony Objective Composer (SOCOM)
> Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
> 1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
> Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86
> ***
>   New Phone number +32 2 724 86 41 !!!
> ***
> --
> E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

George Bonser 
Just be thankful that Microsoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals.
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

E-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: tar

1997-12-07 Thread George Bonser

Even if someone has noclobber set in their shell?

On 07-Dec-97 Scott K. Ellis wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Dec 1997, Steve Koop wrote:
>> Just Was wondering how to, or what is the switch to untar a file to
>> overwrite and replace the existing files? 
> No switch required, tar automatically overwrites files when extracting.
> --
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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

RE: printing

1997-12-07 Thread George Bonser
I think you are going to have to know what kind of printer you have and which
port you connected it to.

On 07-Dec-97 Pere Camps wrote:
> Hi!
>   Is there any tool anywhere where I can tell what printer do I have
> and where is it and then the program takes care of everything, or do I
> have to read everything there's to know about printcaps and magicfilters?
>   TIA!
> Salutacions, Pere     __o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   2:343/108.91   -  _`\<;_
> PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)"Lo importante es el concepto"
> --
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> Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: printing

1997-12-08 Thread George Bonser

Sorry for misunderstanding the original post. I thought that he was looking for
a tool that would find the printer and could tell what kind it was. :/

Yeah, magicfilterconfig does a nice job of it if you are using the standard
lpr.  It is a little quirky if you are using LPRng.

On 07-Dec-97 Damir J. Naden wrote:
> Hi Pere Camps; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
>>  Is there any tool anywhere where I can tell what printer do I have
>> and where is it and then the program takes care of everything, or do I
>> have to read everything there's to know about printcaps and magicfilters?
> Did you try running magicfilterconfig (as a root), after installing
> magicfilter package? This scritp will ask you about the printer(s) that
> you have and make a 'custom' /etc/printcap for you. it worked for me...
> Oh, yeah...remove your existing /etc/printcap prior to running the
> above script (for safety sake I used to move mine to /etc/printcap.old
> so I could retrieve it later, but I had working printcap prior to
> magicfilter)
> damir  
> --
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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


1997-12-08 Thread George Bonser

On 08-Dec-97 A. M. Varon wrote:
> NNTPCACHE is really a cool program. It's a proxy like squid, but instead
> of proxying html, jpgs, etc., It proxies nntp newsgroups. It saves you
> enormous bandwitdth just using this one. This baby can even filter spams
> and connect to multiple nntpservers.
> A little hitch on this one is For non profit organizations and
> educational institutions, it's free. For commercial use, you have to pay.
> Therefore, It's not exactly free. 
> Anybody care to compile it as a .deb file? 

I subscribed to the nntpcache mailing list for a long time.  Development is
on-again off-again but it does seem to creep along.  WHat I like about it is
that it is smart enough to know that if nobody is reading a group, it does not
pull articles for it.  If someone requests articles in a group that has no
cached articles, it will go and get some.  Basicly, it is like DNews.  It pulls
articles based on what is being read.  It sure saves network bandwidth and disk

Actually, a program could be built to do this with cnews + nntpd + suck.  The
program would have a cache table that it passes to suck in the form of a
sucknewsrc.  It would tail the nntplog and if a group is read that is not being
cached, it could be added to the sucknewsrc and then get-news would be kicked
off to pull some articles.  If a group is not read in a configurable number of
days, it is removed from the sucknewsrc and no articles would be pulled for
that group until someone starts to read it again.  Since cnews, suck, and nntpd
are pretty stable programs and are already debian packages, a small glue
program to do this should not be too difficult.  It could be done with inn as
well.  This would avoid some of the problems that nntpcache has in the nntp
part of its code.

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RE: smail to exim

1997-12-11 Thread George Bonser

The largest hurdle that you are going to face is getting smail off of your
system so you can install exim.  You are going to need to force dpkg to remove
this essential package.

I would wait a little while, the package in unstable is much better than the
one in stable and a new upstream source release was just announced this week. 

On 10-Dec-97 Kevin Traas wrote:
> I'm looking to convert from smail to exim for various reasons
> Anyway, I've no experience with exim.  Can anyone give me any pointers on
> how to proceed with this particular "roll-over" or let me know of any docs
> I can RTFM, etc.  Any caveats, things to watch for, etc. would be helpful.
> TIA,
> Kevin Traas
> --
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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

RE: Replacing smail w/exim

1997-12-11 Thread George Bonser

try dpkg -r --force remove-essential smail
dpkg -r --force depends smail

but I think it is the first one.

On 11-Dec-97 Randy Edwards wrote:
> I'm presently running my system with smail.  What I'd like to do is
> to convert to an easier to configure and more capable MTA, which I
> believe is exim (correct me if I'm wrong:-).
>However, I'm in a catch-22.  dselect/dpkg won't allow me to remove
> smail because so many packages depend on it.  And, dselect/dpkg won't
> allow me to install exim because smail already exists.
>Could someone give me some tips on the "proper" way to accomplish
> such a switch?  Is there a way to override dselect/dpkg's dependencies
> for such circumstances?  Thanks in advance.
> -- 
>  Regards, | Debian GNU/ __  o
>  .|/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
>  Randy|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
>  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
>   |  ...because lockups are for convicts...
> --
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Re: is there a Debian specific published manual

1997-12-11 Thread George Bonser

On 11-Dec-97 Random wrote:
> I took a look at it.  It seems fairly complete, but you can get the same
> information from the HOWTO documents and the Debian FAQ.
> Corey

The book is pretty handy if your internet connection is not set up yet ;)

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1997-12-12 Thread George Bonser
I am running one on one of my machines ... no problems.

On 12-Dec-97 Fenrick wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone knew of any problems with running the K6 and
> Debian Linux?
> --
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RE: Mail Server?

1997-12-12 Thread George Bonser

If there is a second dedicated IP address, you would use MX records in the DNS
to do it.  Otherwise, if there is only one IP address, you can use rinetd.

On 12-Dec-97 Robinet David Jeremy wrote:
>   Hi. I'm going to be setting up a dedicated network connection for a 
> client across the border. He has asked me about a separate mail server 
> (on top of the web/cgi server with the Net connection) to offload some of 
> the duties of the main server.
>   I'm a little confused as to how exactly I would accomplish this. I know 
> it's possible. I'm familiar with PPP, and I've set up the one server to 
> communicate on the Net (with a little help from the HOWTO... :)... but 
> how would I have all incoming mail sent to the second computer for 
> processing etc?
>   Thanks in advance.
>   Dave Robinet
> --
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Re: dtterm

1997-12-14 Thread George Bonser
Actually, simply copying the terminfo entry from the solaris machine to the
debian machine worked. 

On 14-Dec-97 Oliver Elphick wrote:
> George Bonser wrote:
>   >
>   >I take that back ... it does not work.  Looks like I created a tercap type
>   >entry out of a terminfo description.  Any idea how I can turn that back to
>   >a terminfo entery for linux or will the Solaris terminfo entry work ok?
> What you posted looked like a good terminfo entry.  You probably need to
> make a termcap entry as well, which should be added into /etc/termcap.
> `infocmp -C' should produce a termcap listing from the terminfo entry.
> -- 
> Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Isle of Wight
> PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
> Unsolicited email advertisements are not welcome; any person sending
> such will be invoiced for telephone time used in downloading together
> with a £25 administration charge.

George Bonser 
Would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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Re: setting up a cable-modem

1997-12-14 Thread George Bonser

On 14-Dec-97 Aaron Walker wrote:
> The card is made by General Instruments.  The TV cable does go into the back
> of the
> card.  

YIKES! That is ALL we need, RF interference problems from computers on the
cable-TV circuit.  The reason I was skeptical was that I was with a company
desinging the power supplies for a couple of different cable modem companies.
WHen asked why they didn't just put it on a card in the PC, the answer was RF
interference problems.  Sorry for doubting you, just that all the cable-modems I
have seen have been ehternet to the computer.

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Re: samba

1997-12-15 Thread George Bonser
I do not think this is correct.  I have seen Linux machines running SaMBa in
both ipx and tcp/ip networks.

On 15-Dec-97 Eloy A. Paris wrote:
> Aaron Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: Are you saying that with I can use any protocol (IPX, TCP/IP, or NetBEUI)
>: with
>: Samba on the win95 box?
> Samba (that runs on several Unix flavors, including of course Linux)
> can _only_ use TCP/IP. Windows 95 can use TCP/IP, IPX/SPX or NetBEUI
> to do Microsoft Networking. If you want a Windows 95 box to talk to a
> Samba server, then it _must_ use TCP/IP because Samba only talks
> E.-
> -- 
> Eloy A. Paris
> Information Technology Department
> Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
> Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645
> --
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George Bonser 
Would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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1997-12-15 Thread George Bonser
I think Hammish posted last night that the names of the options have changed
with pppd but the options file was not changed.  It is a matter of entering the
correct option names.  Check posts made by Hammish in the last 24hrs.

On 15-Dec-97 Alexander Stavitsky wrote:
> Is there a paritcular reason why pppd distributed with debian doesn't have
> support for MS chap compiled in?
>   ===
>  =mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>|__ Alexander Stavitsky
> --
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George Bonser 
Would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?
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Re: Oh yeah!

1997-12-27 Thread George Bonser
I suppose that all depends.  There are some cards that the kernel drivers do
not support that the commercial version does and it really boils down to how
much you value your time.  If the OSS drivers save you an hour or two, it is
probably money well spent. For the $20 you get upgrades as future versions are
become available and if you need to change sound cards, rerunning the OSS
setup makes the switch a snap.

I for one am happy to support the vendor of a quality Linux product. If the
driver was junk, I would say so. Fact is, it is pretty good.

> On Fri, Dec 26, 1997 at 09:43:12PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
> > For sound drivers, use the OSS commercial sound drivers. For $20, you
> > can't beat it with a stick.
> But for most cards, you can beat it in value for money
> with the free sound drivers in the kernel, in my experience
> at least.
> Hamish
> -- 
> Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
> CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.
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RE: [comp.os.linux.hardware] Oracle on Linux

1998-02-16 Thread George Bonser

The fact is that SCO Oracle runs under linux using iBCS. This was a topic of
discussion a while back in the Caldera list.  The trouble with porting an
application to Linux is a lack of standards.  Different distributions bundle
different versions of libraries, update their distributions at different times,
users are always poking around in the configs.  It would be a nightmare to
support.  The only way I see it happening is being bundled with a commercial
Linux such as Caldera and not being supported if the user has deviated the
machine from the standard platform.  The only other way is some form of
versioning that is adopted by all the major distributions. This would provide a
known base configuration of certain vital libraries that a developer and
support engineer could target.

As it stands now, can you imagine the telephone calls from users ... "Hi, my
Oracle worked yesterday but now it is broken since I updated libcwhat do you
mean 'put the libc back' ... your program sucks!" And the company gets a bad
name for producing a program targeted at a platform that changes weekly it
seems. The problem with Linux is that nobody has control of the platform
configuration.  "Official" debian is a step in the right direction.  Another
step is for Debian consultants to support ONLY the "Official" configuration.

On 16-Feb-98 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
>   I thought people here might find this interesting.
>   manoj
> -- 
>  An executive will always return to work from lunch early if no one
>  takes him.
> Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
> Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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RE: Smail uucp file

1998-02-19 Thread George Bonser
As far as I know, smail keeps no uucp file in /var/mail.

On 19-Feb-98 Bill Belon wrote:
> Greetings!  I have a major problem.  I'm the co-owner of a small ISP and 
> we're using Smail.  Our uccp file was accidentally deleted from the 
> /var/mail directory.  We have customers who are very unhappy right now.  
> Can you tell me the lines that the file contains?  Or possibly give me a 
> copy of such a file?  From there I can change the variables as necessary 
> to suit our system.  Please respond as soon as possible.  This is a 
> great emergency for us.
> Thank you for your consideration.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
> --
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George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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RE: Smail uucp file

1998-02-19 Thread George Bonser
The more I think about this the more I wonder exactly what you lost.

The spool files of mail that are waiting to go to the uucp user are in

Smail keeps all of its configuration information in /etc/smail uucp keeps its
configuration in /etc/uucp

There are no files having to do with uucp and smail that are kept in /var/mail

This is, if you are using Debian Linux.

On 19-Feb-98 Bill Belon wrote:
> Greetings!  I have a major problem.  I'm the co-owner of a small ISP and 
> we're using Smail.  Our uccp file was accidentally deleted from the 
> /var/mail directory.  We have customers who are very unhappy right now.  
> Can you tell me the lines that the file contains?  Or possibly give me a 
> copy of such a file?  From there I can change the variables as necessary 
> to suit our system.  Please respond as soon as possible.  This is a 
> great emergency for us.
> Thank you for your consideration.
> __
> Get Your Private, Free Email at
> --
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> Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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RE: make-kpkg

1998-02-20 Thread George Bonser

Try make-kpkg --bzimage kernel_package instead of simply make_kpkg and see if
you have better luck.

On 19-Feb-98 Ralph Winslow wrote:
> When, having brought in kernel-source for 2.0.32 on my bo system, I:
> cd /usr/src/linux;make-kpkg
> a lot of compiling happens (after I answer the config questions)
> and the command
> ld -m elf_i386 ... -o vmlinux
> executes, but aborts with
> /bin/ls: invalid tab size: text
> can any kind soul give ma a clue?  I'm near the point of re-partitioning
> and re-installing from the top, but I'd prefer to figure this out.
> -- 
> -
> Ralph Winslow   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Mary bought a pair of skates
> upon the ice to frisk
> now wasn't that a crazy way
> her sweet young *?
> --
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George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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RE: FrameMaker

1998-02-22 Thread George Bonser

I have written to Adobe and they have informed me that no Linux version of
FramMaker exists or is planned.

On 21-Feb-98 Ralph Winslow wrote:
> Is there a Debian package of FrameMaker or something that does
> the same kinds of things?  I've started using it a work and
> would like to practice using it on my home machine.
> -- 
> -
> Ralph Winslow   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Mary bought a pair of skates
> upon the ice to frisk
> now wasn't that a crazy way
> her sweet young *?
> --
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George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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Re: Full /usr/ partition

1998-02-22 Thread George Bonser
What do you have in /usr/src?  Much besides the linux source?

If you have a lot in there, you might split that off.

Go BlueHens!

On 22-Feb-98 Scott McDermott wrote:
> Will Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, Feb 21, 1998 at 09:02:33PM -0500:
>> I'm running out of space on my /usr partition (500 megs).  I have another
>> 300 megs of unpartitioned space I could add to it,  but I haven't got any
>> idea where would be a logical place to split /usr -- I'd prefer not to
>> combine them into one 300 meg partition.  /usr/local is already a seperate
>> partition.   Any suggestions?
> /usr/bin as one and /usr/lib as another?
> -- 
> Scott
> --
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George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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Exim gone from Hamm?

1998-02-22 Thread George Bonser

I just updated a local mirror of Debian and I noticed that while it did not
grab any new packages, it removed a few ... including Exim.  Is exim gone from
Debian? I manually checked and sure enough, no exim in hamm.

George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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RE: Exim gone from Hamm?

1998-02-23 Thread George Bonser
I must have caught the site while they were moving thigs around. I see exim is
back and is at a higher revision.

On 22-Feb-98 George Bonser wrote:
> I just updated a local mirror of Debian and I noticed that while it did not
> grab any new packages, it removed a few ... including Exim.  Is exim gone
> from
> Debian? I manually checked and sure enough, no exim in hamm.
> George Bonser 
> If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
> Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.
> --
> TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
> Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

George Bonser 
If NT is the answer, you didn't understand the question. (NOTE: Stolen sig)
Debian/GNU Linux ... the maintainable operating system.

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Re: .forward not working

1997-04-08 Thread George Bonser

Uhm, isn't smail finicky about the permissions on a .forward file?  If it
does not trust the file, it will not obey it.

I am giving .sigs a break this month

George Bonser

Re: dselect

1997-04-12 Thread George Bonser

Just a short suggestion:

Split dselect.  A small one (dinstall?) just for installation and a more
full-featured one for configuration management.

I am giving .sigs a break this month

George Bonser

Re: dselect

1997-04-12 Thread George Bonser

The smaller version would have an easier interface, some packages
pre-selected and less chances to get one in trouble at the expense
of having a smaller subset of things to choose from. After it gets
the basics installed (required packages). Then it would launch the
more full-featured version that has NOTHING preselected and does
NOT reselect the same packages that you had selected the last time
that you ran it.

On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, George Bonser wrote:
> > 
> > Just a short suggestion:
> > 
> > Split dselect.  A small one (dinstall?) just for installation and a more
> > full-featured one for configuration management.
> Okay I will bite, Why?
> If you have a small dselect then the first thing to be installed would be
> the larger dselect.
> Now perhaps two different programs with different roles would be a good
> idea, but what would they be more specificaly? 
> Here is an idea that seems to have been hinted at indirectly by a number
> of posts and that is a configuration aide for newbies. It would present
> them with a list of packages and tell them were the config files are and
> direct them to the /usr/doc/package files, etc.. I donno.
> Jason

I am giving .sigs a break this month

George Bonser

Re: dselect

1997-04-12 Thread George Bonser

On second thought, since the required packages are really just a
continuation of base that is too large to fit on floppies, there really
does not need to be a menu for that part of the install at all.  Base
would install then once it is in place, it asks where you want to continue
the installation from (cdrom, partition, ftp, etc) then starts loading the
required packages (assuming a clean install here). No dependancies to
worry about here.  Once THAT part is complete, the menu-driven dselect is
started with NOTHING pre-selected (and it remembers no selections when you

On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, George Bonser wrote:
> > 
> > Just a short suggestion:
> > 
> > Split dselect.  A small one (dinstall?) just for installation and a more
> > full-featured one for configuration management.
> Okay I will bite, Why?
> If you have a small dselect then the first thing to be installed would be
> the larger dselect.
> Now perhaps two different programs with different roles would be a good
> idea, but what would they be more specificaly? 
> Here is an idea that seems to have been hinted at indirectly by a number
> of posts and that is a configuration aide for newbies. It would present
> them with a list of packages and tell them were the config files are and
> direct them to the /usr/doc/package files, etc.. I donno.
> Jason

I am giving .sigs a break this month

George Bonser

Re: dselect

1997-04-12 Thread George Bonser

My harping about remembering selections has to do with selecting to
upgrade something that requires a reboot to take effect or messes the
system up until it IS rebooted. Then not running dselect again for a month
and in the meantime, a newer version of this is uploaded to the FTP site.
You run dselect, forget that you had selected some obscure package that is
quite large or requires reboot, select a bunch of docs, walk away while it
is downloading come back to find that you need to reboot a network server
and knock a bunch of folks "off the air" for a few minutes.

I am giving .sigs a break this month

George Bonser

Re: vi

1997-04-15 Thread George Bonser

Yeah, I can see a Stanford - Berkeley ball game with one side yelling
VI and then other side yelling EMACS ... or was it Giants and A's

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Heiko Schlittermann wrote:

> But this discussion tends to be religious ;-)
> Heiko
> --
> pgp   : A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35  E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 

George Bonser

Re: How do you guys read news offline?

1997-04-15 Thread George Bonser

suck has an rpost function. 

On 15 Apr 1997, Andy Spiegl wrote:

> Hi!
> I thought about using suck to download the news articles I am
> interested in as soon as a PPP is up.  But how do I post my own
> articles back to the net?  I would really be grateful if someone
> could post his/her working setup.
> Thanks a lot in advance!
>  Andy.
>  Andy Spiegl, PhD Student, Technical University, Muenchen, Germany
>  URL:

George Bonser

FINALLY! Relay control for smail

1997-04-16 Thread George Bonser

According to a posting in comp.mail.smail by Bruse Becker, relay control
has been added to smail as of version

This is a MOST WELCOME feature and a security asset to any site on the 
net running smail.  Do we have this verison as a package yet?

George Bonser

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Re: FINALLY! Relay control for smail

1997-04-17 Thread George Bonser

I have investigated exim ... I am part of a 50+ site uucp network with 6
uucp neighbors of my own.  If each site changes connectivity only once per
year, that is one change per week.  smail's usage of pathalias uucp
routing is great.  Exim is fine if you have only smtp or maybe one uucp

On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Tony Finch wrote:

> George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >According to a posting in comp.mail.smail by Bruse Becker, relay control
> >has been added to smail as of version
> >
> >This is a MOST WELCOME feature and a security asset to any site on the 
> >net running smail.  Do we have this verison as a package yet?
> You might want to investigate Exim, which has more security facilities
> than you can shake a stick at, and is just as easy to configure as
> smail.
> Tony.
> --
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George Bonser

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samba woes

1997-04-23 Thread George Bonser

Samba worked fine when I installed it ... for 49 days to be exact. Then I
rebooted and now the windows box does not see my printer.

purging and reinstalling samba fixes it but a reboot kills it again.  I
suspect that something is not getting started correctly.

Any ideas?

George Bonser

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

samba woes -- SOLVED

1997-04-23 Thread George Bonser

Loose nut behind the wheel.

It works junst fine  windows problem.

George Bonser

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Re: Newby: dselect failure

1997-04-25 Thread George Bonser

One trick that I have learned is to SELECT NOTHING the first time you run
dselect, simply let it install the PRESELECTED things only. THEN run
dselect again and choose your other software.

George Bonser

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Re: debian_user mailing list vs newsgroup

1997-04-28 Thread George Bonser

FWIW, the debian lists just started showing up again on my news
server from someplace in France.  I rather LIKE using them in Unsenet
format rather than mailing list format only because my mailbox gets enough

George Bonser

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Re: help!

1997-04-30 Thread George Bonser

Yeah, sendmail is ok till you have to deal with editing routing for a
large uucp network :)  mailertables are a PAIN compared to pathalias.

On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, The Gardyan wrote:

> I don't know if this is an option for you but I installed sendmail instead
> of smail for my debian system and have not regretted that decision.
> Personally I think sendmail is better.
> my two cents.
> --
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George Bonser

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: help!

1997-04-30 Thread George Bonser

Linuxconf handles mailertable databases?  I am not talking about here.  Even if Linuxconf DID handle it, poking in the routing
information for 50 sites by hand from uucp maps is rediculous when you
just run a single command (pathalias) that configured the routing table
for you.

On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, Network Administrator wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, George Bonser wrote:
> > Yeah, sendmail is ok till you have to deal with editing routing for a
> > large uucp network :)  mailertables are a PAIN compared to pathalias.
> Ah but Linuxconf presumably insulates one from the gory details, so the
> ease of use of Linuxconf kind of makes up for the lack of ease of use of
> the underlying config files that Linuxconf manipulates for one; and
> Linuxconf doesnt handle smail at all. That was what convinced me to make
> the switch to sendmail, after long staying with smail for its easier
> configuring. ts hard to get easier than Linuxconf, and if it lacks
> something, bitching to Linuxconf's author tends to get results fairly
> swiftly lately.
> Blessed Be. -MarkM-
> --
> We do remote Linux install, config, support and administration. Inquire.
> "The saddest thing is they WANT to be ignorant, INSIST on it in fact."

George Bonser

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Re: binary problems

1997-05-01 Thread George Bonser

I have had to rerun ldconfig at times for no apparent reason in order to
get my system behaving normally too.  It seems like it sometimes "looses
its mind" and re-running ldconfig gets things going again.  It does not
happen often, maybe once in a month.

On Thu, 1 May 1997, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> On Thu, 1 May 1997, Jesse Goldman wrote:
> > [executable]: Exec format error. Binary file not executable.
> Just a wild guess. Try ldd on the file and ckeck that all the sharded 
> libraries are OK.
> For example:  :-)
> timshel:/etc# ldd /usr/local/games/doom/linuxsdoom
> (DLL Jump 1.1pl8) =>
> /usr/lib/i486-linuxaout/
> (DLL Jump 4.5pl26) => /lib/
> ...RickM...
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: Question: how to switch from an OLD Slackware system to GNU/Debian?

1997-05-03 Thread George Bonser

The only good way of doing this is back up as much stuff as you think you
absolutely need and a little bit more. Reformat the hard disks and
reinstall debian from scratch.

Slackware is not upgrade friendly, particularly the older version.

George Bonser

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Problems with Frozen

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser

I am attempting to install frozen on a spanking clean system, it has
no DOS, no nothing. It has a single IDE disk drive (/dev/hda).

It appears that the only rescue disk in .../frozen/disks-i386/current is
the low memory disk.  This causes me a problem when I try to install, it
asks me if I want to create partitions, I do, but it takes me right back
to the menu, it will not launch cfdisk.

Then I attemted to use the rescue disk from stable with the base disks
from frozen.  When I get to the device drivers disk, it dies with zcat not
found.  I then created a symlink from gunzip to zcat and it appeared to
work but during the configure device driver modules phase, it died with
not finding something in /usr/lib/modules... (it flashed so quickly I
could not catch all of it.)

Where can I find good installation disks for frozen??

George Bonser

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Re: Problems with Frozen

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser

Uhm, how do you tell the doggone boot disk that you want to run fdisk from
the menus?  At that point you have no prompt ... remember, this is a CLEAN
system, there is no fdisk (or anything else) on it.

On Mon, 12 May 1997, Rick Jones wrote:

> On Mon, 12 May 1997, George Bonser wrote:
> > I am attempting to install frozen on a spanking clean system, it has
> > no DOS, no nothing. It has a single IDE disk drive (/dev/hda).
> > 
> > It appears that the only rescue disk in .../frozen/disks-i386/current is
> > the low memory disk.  This causes me a problem when I try to install, it
> > asks me if I want to create partitions, I do, but it takes me right back
> > to the menu, it will not launch cfdisk.
> Did you try using fdisk?  It's not as attractive as cfdisk but it does the
> job.
> --Rick
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: Problems with Frozen

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser

Oh, I see. No, it never got to the installation menu .. it was still
text at that point.  Told me I needed a swap partition to run the GUI
installation program ... then asks for the partition name or  to
create one.  I pressed enter and it kicked me back to the selection again
without creating the swap partition.

I used the installation disk from stable to create the partitions then
re-ran the disk from frozen and all is well.  I am installing the base
diskettes as I type this.

> In your explaination you explain that you are asked to create partitions
> but returned to THE MENU.  This leads me to believe you are at the
> installation menu.  The last entry on the menu will let you drop to the
> console.  At the prompt type "fdisk /dev/hda".

George Bonser

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Re: Problems with Frozen

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser

I had no trouble with the base disks but I created them from another
system running Linux using dd.

The important thing is to use FRESHLY FORMATTED diskettes. Do not
overwrite a diskette with stuff on it. Use MS-DOS to format the diskette
and then use rawrite.

It is the boot disk (resc1440.bin) that I had trouble with.  Grab the one
out of stable/disks-i386/current/rsc1440.bin (note rsc vs. resc) and run
that as far as creating and initializing the partitions, then put in the
diskette from frozen and select reboot system from the installation menu
and start over again with the frozen rescue drive.

It worked well for me and I am installing via FTP using dselect as I type

On Tue, 13 May 1997, Matthew Tebbens wrote:

> I'm about to do the sameinstall frozen on a brand new system.
> Whats the deal with the Base Disks, will they cause problems like
> what happened below ?
> Also, do problems still exist when rawriteing the base disks on a
> dos/windows system ? 
> I know I had trouble with that before..its difficult to write the
> disks on a linux system when you are installing your only linux
> system, and rawriteing the disks on a dos/windows system has problems.
> Thanks,
> Matthew
> On Mon, 12 May 1997 21:42:04 -0400 (EDT), you wrote:
> >On Mon, 12 May 1997, George Bonser wrote:
> >
> >> I am attempting to install frozen on a spanking clean system, it has
> >> no DOS, no nothing. It has a single IDE disk drive (/dev/hda).
> >> 
> >> It appears that the only rescue disk in .../frozen/disks-i386/current is
> >> the low memory disk.  This causes me a problem when I try to install, it
> >> asks me if I want to create partitions, I do, but it takes me right back
> >> to the menu, it will not launch cfdisk.
> >
> >Did you try using fdisk?  It's not as attractive as cfdisk but it does the
> >job.
> >
> >
> >--Rick
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
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> >
> >
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: Debian setup?

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser
I installed the 1.3 distribution in Frozen it asked me if I wanted shadow
passwords ... YES!!!

On Mon, 12 May 1997, JoKeR wrote:

> When is shadow going to be included with the distribution (if it isn't
> already). I haven't seen it recently on one of the mirrors.
> Thank you
>   JoKeR
> --
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George Bonser

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Complaint about default install

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser

Well it sure sucks that I have to pick through the list  of default
packages. emacs slipped past me and here I am on the end of a slow dial-up
downloading a >5 Meg behemoth that I will never use. :(

Sure would be nice if the defaults were a little more dial-up friendly.  I
would like to not have to worry so much about these little "gotchas".

George Bonser

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Re: Complaint about default install

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser
Thanks ... think I will keep it on the system at this point ... will
delete it if space becomes a problem ... somebody, someday might want it.

> Hit ctrl-C to stop it.  recycle to install and answer no to continuing the
> download of the emacs file.

George Bonser

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Re: Debian 1.2 is broken out of the box.

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser
> > by going back and installing every X font package in sight.  Still,
> > it's
> >     BROKEN!  I already sent mail to package 
> > maintainer.
> > 
> > 4) dselect uses the power of perl to create an installation package
> > worthy of DOS shell script.  Basically, the
> >     logic chart of dselect is:
> > 
> >     DEPENDENCIES SATISFIED -- YES -- > install
> >     |
> >     | -- NO -- > THROW A FIT
> > 
> > The proper way to do things is to keep pitching stuff that can't 
> > immediately
> > be installed to the end of the list so that
> > prerequisites have a chance to be installed and configured.  Should
> > be easy enough to do.  At least you picked the
> > right tool :)
> > 
> > 5) Any upgrades of dselect or dpkg should be done FIRST so that other
> > packages which depend on the installation
> >     program knowing what is going on won't fail.
> > 
> > 6) dselect uses perl to install.  However any problems during a
> > perl installation (as happened to me previously ) and dselect now 
> > fails. 
> > This is BAD, VERY BAD.  dselect and dpkg are supposed to be the means
> > to correct installation
> > problems and they should not be affected by installation problems,
> > especially perl which is non-trivial.  I would suggest a
> > protected copy of perl be included with upgrades of dselect.
> > 
> > 7) Debian should really request that their description on
> > be changed to:
> > 
> > "Debian is maintained by 120 voluteers who can't be bothered to test
> > their stuff."
> > 
> > And you may think this is cruel, but Microsoft is still winning and
> > I have a bad feeling about Red Hat.
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
> > Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
> > 
> --Rick
> --
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> Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

George Bonser

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Debian as a server.

1997-05-13 Thread George Bonser

I missed the original messages but I will add my $.02 worth here.  I have
used Debian as a server for a lightly used home LAN and SMTP <--> UUCP
mail and news gateway for about 9 months.

SOme of the things that I am most pleased with are the continuing upgrades
and ease of upgrading, stability, and the configuration of the packages.
For the most part, software is in a standard configuration that conforms
to the author's documentation and files are located in accordance with the
Linux Filesystem Standard making things easy to find when you need to.

The Debian system also uses samba for acting as the LAN print server. It
is also the SMTP and POP mail gateway and a news server for local machines
as well as providing mail and news for UUCP neighbors.

All of this functionality would cost a fortune from Microsoft and I would
probably spend many hours on the telephone with them trying to get things
to work if my employer's NT network is any example.

With the addition of shadow password support in 1.3, I have chosen Debian
over Caldera Open Linux - Standard for a system that will have a permanent
high-speed connection to the internet.  NOTE that I like Caldera ... it is
just that their software has not yet arrived and I am under a time
constraint.  You can always grab a copy of Debian ... even if it isn't
"ready" yet, there are always folks here to lend a hand in getting me over
the rough spots.  This favor is returned when possible.

Debian is not "point and click" or "plug and play" but then again, neither
are the operating systems that claim to be, really.

On Tue, 13 May 1997, Dr. Andreas Wehler wrote:

>  Thanks, really.  Thank you very much for your comprehensive good
> news!
>   Andreas.
> : I use Debian Linux boxes for nearly all important (i.e. can't afford any
> : downtime) internet related servers. I also use it as the main Windows
> : SMB file server (with samba) at my main job.
> : 


George Bonser

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Re: Possible frozen problem....

1997-05-14 Thread George Bonser

YES!!! I just noticed that too on the install that I did last night.
This is, in my opinion, a major problem for anything that you put in the
root directory.

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Matthew Tebbens wrote:

> I just installed Frozen on a new system (clean hd).
> First, I had a small problem with the rescue disk, but I think that
> might be fixed with the 5/13/97 disk set that just came out.
> But here is something really weird...I used 'matthew' as the first
> account. After installing the base I noticed that my '/root' dir had
> the owner of 'matthew' and the group of 'user' ?!?  I'm sure this is
> not normal and I know I didn't do anything but the install.
> Has anyone noticed this, or am I missing something obvious ?
> Thanks,
> Matthew
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: (repost w/o HTML) Debian 1.2 is broken out of the box.

1997-05-14 Thread George Bonser

FWIW, I installed the current 1.3 beta last night and suffered from no
predependancy problems.  The transfer did timeout a couple of times and
required me to restart it but otherwise seemed to install OK.  The only
major problem noted is the root directory ownership problem.

George Bonser

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shadow problems with adduser

1997-05-14 Thread George Bonser

When I attempt to add a user account with adduser  it prompts me
for the password twice as I would expect then notifies me that the user
was not found in /etc/shadow (no duh!  I am trying to ADD a new user!) and
kicks me back to the prompt for a password and it sticks in this loop.

I have to go to another VT to kill adduser to get control back.

QUESTION: How do I add a new user if I have shadow support?

George Bonser

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Re: shadow problems with adduser

1997-05-14 Thread George Bonser
On Wed, 14 May 1997, Rick Jones wrote:

delgroup and deluser are broken too. deluser looks for a file with the
same name as the user entry in /etc/passwd and, of course, does not find
it, delgroup dies with:

line 13: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'

> I've had the same thing happen.  I normally hit ctrl-C (which kills it)
> then change the password either as root using "passwd user" or by logging
> in as that user and changing the password, I forgett which one worked.
> I don't add users often on my system since it's private, so it's not a big
> deal for me.  I figure it will be fixed shortly.
> On Tue, 13 May 1997, George Bonser wrote:
> > 
> > When I attempt to add a user account with adduser  it prompts me
> > for the password twice as I would expect then notifies me that the user
> > was not found in /etc/shadow (no duh!  I am trying to ADD a new user!) and
> > kicks me back to the prompt for a password and it sticks in this loop.
> > 
> > I have to go to another VT to kill adduser to get control back.
> > 
> > QUESTION: How do I add a new user if I have shadow support?
> > 
> > 
> > George Bonser
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
> > Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
> > 
> --Rick

George Bonser

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fixes for delgroup

1997-05-14 Thread George Bonser

I fixed a couple of things in /usr/sbin/delgroup (but did not save the
file first so I could make a diff). The changes are minor and at the top
of the file.


if [ -f /etc/gtmp];

changed to:

if [-f /etc/gtmp]; then


$GID='id -g mail'

changed to

GID=$(id -d mail)

(which really makes no sense unless the author wants to pick a "safe"
GID. but I did not look into it any deeper ... the script appears to run

George Bonser

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Re: fixes for delgroup

1997-05-15 Thread George Bonser
> > Was:
> > 
> > $GID='id -g mail'
> > 
> > changed to
> > 
> > GID=$(id -d mail)
> > 
> > (which really makes no sense unless the author wants to pick a "safe"
> > GID. but I did not look into it any deeper ... the script appears to run
> > now).

ment -g typed -d ... it was a long night.

George Bonser

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Re: how get smail to have a default domainname?

1997-05-16 Thread George Bonser

uhm ...

in /etc/smail/config or wherever your config file is

should do it.

On 15 May 1997, Terrence M. Brannon wrote:

> I want smail to send mail with a default domainname of but
> putting the line 
> in /etc/smail.config does not allow this.
> -- 
> oo Sending  unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE) to this address
>  Legal Notice  is indication of your consent to pay me $120/hour for 1 hour
> oo minimum for professional proofreading & technical assessment.
> terrence brannon * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: Debian as a server.

1997-05-17 Thread George Bonser

> The only people who have reasonably stable Windows machines are the tech
> heads and geeks who have the time, ability, and the inclination to mess
> about it with it for days and weeks on end.

And that stability only lasts till you install a new piece of software
only to discover that it stomps on .dll's that other programs needed
and now your new program works great but several of your previously
working programs are now broken.

Software from Microsoft is the worst for pulling this crap.  Their logic
is "it is our software, we are only letting you operate a copy so we will
tidy things up a bit and if it blows up any non-Microcrap software that
you might be depending on ... all the better .. err, I mean, sorry".

I am sure glad that Debian's system of dependancies, though not always
perfect, gets us around problems like this and the developers and
maintainers seem to be careful not to create too many situations like
this.  In the past when I had new software clobber existing stuff, a quick
bug report seemed to fix it. 

It looks like 1.3 is a fine system.  Thanks for the shadow password

My thanks to all of the Debian crew for a job well done!

George Bonser

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Re: Real Audio

1997-05-18 Thread George Bonser

Yes, the raplayer may be called by any program.  There are even
some test files included with the raplayer that you invoke from the
command line to test it after installation.

You can get the Linux version at the RealAudio web page.

On Sun, 18 May 1997, Remco van de Meent wrote:

> Hey
> Does anyone know if there is a Real Audio player for Linux, without the
> X-Windows/System (so: just text-only) ?
> thanks.. 
> -- 
> // Remco van de Meent 
> //   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> //   www:
> //   " Never make any mistaeks. "
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: Real Audio

1997-05-18 Thread George Bonser

Hmmm.  Yeah, raplayer launches a window.  I don't have it on the
system that I am using at the moment but I seem to recall a test
program somewhere in the source tree, it has been almost a year
so it might be changed now.  They are probably assuming that you
have a GUI browser.

> I already grabbed that one, but you need the Xwindows system:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/raplayer3.0]$ raplayer
> TRANS(SocketUNIXConnect) () can't connect: errno = 111
> Error: Can't open display: :0

George Bonser

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Re: www chat system

1997-05-21 Thread George Bonser

Uhm, If you do not HAVE to physicly have the chat server on your machine,
I know a company that will provide private web-based web chat for your
application (help desk, whatever) and the user client program (it is a
java applet that downloads the first time you use the chat) for web

They charge a fee, you are welcome to add a profit. They would bill you,
you bill the end user.

THey will also train folks and staff them to handle questions, etc, if you
are using it as a help desk type of operation or the company could use
their own staff.'

Let me know if you are interested, they are a major NSP with dilaups US
and Canada (no, not Netcom).

George Bonser

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Re: www chat system

1997-05-21 Thread George Bonser

Try the one from Quaterdeck. It They sell the server and give away the
client.  I am not sure if they have a Linux client but they were working
on one.

On Tue, 20 May 1997, Tim Sailer wrote:

> I have been asked to provide a web based chat system for a client at
> my ISP. I tried to talk him into IRC or a MUD/MOO, but they want it
> web based. Does anyone know of a set of programs/scripts/whatever
> that will do this?
> Thanks,
> Tim
> PS: If this works, I may package it up as a Debian package.
> -- 
>  (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] / (home) [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 
> "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him."
>- John Morley
> ** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my 
> own.**
> --
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George Bonser

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Network Driver Suggestion.

1997-05-21 Thread George Bonser

Had some trouble with Frozen.  No driver for 3Com PCI network card
(3C590C). This is a very handy card as it has all three interface
connectors for ethernet.  Luckily I had a NE2000 sitting around so I am
grabbing the driver and kernel sources via FTP.

Is it possible to include an option to the config menu to pull additional
driver modules from an additional diskette, if needed, in future releases?

For example, the menu might list several of the more popular NICs with
a final option of Additional Modules From Diskette that might include less
popular options. 

Having just installed the new Caldera Open Linux - Standard, their use of
this approach got that system on the network pretty fast.

George Bonser

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Re: Network Driver Suggestion.

1997-05-21 Thread George Bonser

Well, it looks like the 3c59x module was there all along :( I just didn't
know it was there.

George Bonser

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Re: Newbie Question (sorta :)

1997-05-21 Thread George Bonser

I found it pretty easy:

look in /lib/modules/2.0.30/net and see if the module that you need is
there, if it is, edit /etc/modules to comment out the incorrect module,
enter the proper one on a new line and reboot.

If it is not there and if you have kernel source installed, go to
/usr/src/linux/drivers/net and look at the source for the module to see if
it has an example compile line at the top or at the bottom of the source
file.  Compile it, do a manual insmod to make sure that it installs OK, if
it does, copy the .o file to /lib/modules/net and enter the line in
/etc/modules as above and reboot. An example compile command can be found
at the end of the 3c59x.c file (for example).

if all that fails, make a kernel.

On Wed, 21 May 1997, Adam Shand wrote:

> Hi.
> I was getting a new unix trainee to install debian today for the first
> time.  They muffed choosing the right module for the ethernet card and made
> it all the way through the install.
> The question is: Is there any way to get back to the screen with the menu
> interface for loading modules into the kernel once you are done with the
> install or is it a once only sorta thing?
> It would make their life easier... otherwise I'll just start teaching them
> how to recompile the kernel :)
> Adam
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: News Server Configuration

1997-05-22 Thread George Bonser

INN is way too much of a resource hog to be using on anything but a
dedicated machine.  I would suggest that you use newsx or leafnode or
c-news.  INN is fine if you have a dedicated machine with a lot of RAM but
for a small network where a system must wear many hats, you are probably
much better off with batched news.

> I can't seem to get news running OK, I've put my news details into the 
> get-news.conf, and 
> running get-news seems to connect to my ISP's news server and download 
> messages, but they  
> seem to then dissapear completely.
> Is there a HOWTO or a FAQ that covers this configuration ? I've had a look 
> through but 
> not been able to find anything suitable.
> -- 
> --
> Alex Monaghan   Network Support Analyst, Royal Mail Anglia
> London Rd, Stevenage, SG1 1AA, UK
> STD 01438 767081
> Postline5811 7081
> --
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: amd problem

1997-05-22 Thread George Bonser

Go to Radio Shack and get a tube of silicone heatsink compound.  It is in
the section where they sell IC's and mounting hardware. Remove the fan
from the heatsink and smear a tiny bit on the heatskink where it contacts
the CPU. (This stuff is difficult to clean up so BE CAREFUL with it),
then put the fan back on the CPU.  THis aids heat transfer between chip
and fan and will help the CPU run much cooler (though the fan may FEEL
warmer as it is now transferring more heat away from the CPU).

On Thu, 22 May 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i have a amd 5x86-133 cpu "not a k5" when chip gets warmed up my floppy
> drives go belly up. i checked it out by putting a amd 486dx4 120 cpu in and
> the problem dis appered.i also have two fans, one on heat sink other blowing
> over heat sink.
> --
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George Bonser

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News batching problem since upgrading

1997-05-24 Thread George Bonser

I upgraded several packages last night from 1.2 to Frozen.  Most of the
packages were important packages in section base.  I DID NOT upgrade
bash or c-news.

Why am I suddenly getting the following error when sendbatches runs?

George Bonser

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 11:40:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: newscrisis
Subject: news (urgent): sendbatches failure

batching togo.1 for `bradco.sendme' failed
expr: warning: unportable BRE: `^\(.*\)\.[^./]*$': using `^' as the 
first character of the basic regular expression is not portable; it is
being ignored


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Re: News batching problems since upgrade

1997-05-25 Thread George Bonser

I found the problem ...


I have a backup uucp ihave/sendme feed that only kicks in when one
of our sites has a catastrophic failure of our other feeds. The cause of
the problem is the new eval. It does not like a regular expression
starting with ^ and will croak becaue of it.

The $NEWSBIN/batch/batchih and batchsm and batchra scripts use an
expression that causes the error.  This explains why it never choked on
any of my other feeds.

A simple edit of these scripts has fixed the problem.

George Bonser

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Re: gpm and X or not?

1997-05-25 Thread George Bonser

Everything I have read has always said to be sure to DISABLE gpm before
using X.

On Sat, 24 May 1997, Daniel S. Barclay wrote:

> Can GPM and X co-exist or not?  
> I recently tried GPM, and it seemed to work in text consoles and co-exist
> with X.  I could switch back and forth between text consoles and the
> virtual console displaying X.
> Then it crashed X.  It seems that they co-exist as long as there is no 
> mouse activity for some length of time before you switch back to the X 
> server.  If the mouse is moving when you switch to X, the X server crashes,  
> reporting an error about not being able to open a device.
> Daniel
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: gpm and X or not?

1997-05-25 Thread George Bonser

The documentation that I read saying to disable gpm was about a year or
possibly more old.  It could be that gpm has evolved to be more x-friendly
since then.

George Bonser

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My Glitches during upgrade.

1997-05-26 Thread George Bonser

At boot time, system reports can not find hostname but after login a
hostname command returns the proper name.

installed the new kernel image but system reboots (resets) when it tries
to load the 2.0.30 kernel.  The old 2.0.27 kernel boots fine.

Root .bash_profile did not have /sbin and /usr/sbin in the PATH

George Bonser

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Re: couldn't get a free page

1997-05-28 Thread George Bonser

I have seen the same problem with a small system (8MB) when attempting to
mkfs a disk drive.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the disk
controller baing busy when the system attempts to swap.  This is a BusTek
ISA SCSI controller card that seems to want to load the BusLogic Driver.
It is the only disk controller on the system and has three hard drives and
a floppy attached. It probably would not happen with bus-mastering
controllers or and local bus controllers such as VESA or PCI if my
speculation is correct.

What is your disk subsystem configuration.

On Tue, 27 May 1997, David Miles wrote:

> I installed debian on my computer last week.   I left it sitting for the
> weekend.  When I returned, I found the following message updating every so
> often on my screen:  "couldn't get a free page"
> When I hit enter, I get the following statement "Out of memory for bash" a
> few seconds later "Out of memory for init appeared"
> I am not sure what is going on.  I have 6MB of Ram and at least 16 MB of
> swapping space on my HD for the program.
> Please help
> dblm
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: 3com driver (v0.40 in 2.0.30)

1997-05-29 Thread George Bonser

On Thu, 29 May 1997, Steve Hsieh wrote:

> Yes, you can probably continue to use your old driver, but actually any
> new vortex driver will probably work too if you disable bus mastering in
> the driver (assuming you have a 3c905 boomerang).  If you've been
> following the vortex list, then you will have seen some of the solutions
> people have posted.

Hmmm, I have a 590C and have not been following the Vortex list but had
some problems yesterday with a corrupt filesystem after using dselect
to install software over a high-speed connection.  I attribute that 
problem to a faulty disk controller on the motherboard but could it have
really been a problem with the NIC driver?

Are there any quirks concerning that driver and my card that I should be
aware of?

George Bonser

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Re: Networking Win95, Debian Linux and Cable Modem

1997-06-01 Thread George Bonser

Read the IP-Masquerade mini-howto that you should find in
/usr/doc/HOWTO/mini on your linux machine provided you installed the linux

You need to put the local machines in a non-routable subnet.  This is
usually in the class C that is reserved for systems not
directly on the net or, if you need more addresses than a class C you can
use the space which is set aside for the same  thing.

On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Ross D. Gardler wrote:

> I have two machines, one is a Win95 machine, one is a Linux machine.
> The Linux machine has a cable modem connection to the Internet.
> I would like to get the Win95 machine talking to the Linux Machine and to the 
> Internet via the cable modem. How do I do this?
> The Linux machine has two Ethernet cards and I have managed to get it to 
> recognise both but I can't seem to get it to talk to the Win95 machine. I 
> only have one IP address for the two machines, so do not know what to do with 
> the second.
> Any pointers?
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: Debian quality

1997-06-01 Thread George Bonser
> BTW, while I was waiting for the BSDI upgrade, I upgraded my secondary
> DNS server (a Debian box).  It took about an hour :)  I'm still working
> on BSDI ...

If Software in the Public Interest charged big bucks for Debian support,
Debian might be a bear to install too ;)

It is probably just a way to force you to buy the support contract.

George Bonser

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ssh for Debian?

1997-06-04 Thread George Bonser

Where can I find information baout setting up a couple of debian boxes
with ssh?  I want to do some sysadmin over the net on a remote system and
would like to make it a little difficult for someone to watch what I am
doing incase they want to swipe passwords, etc.

George Bonser

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Re: ssh for Debian?

1997-06-05 Thread George Bonser

Thanks folks, for all your help and pointers.  I have the software that I

Gee, this list is great!

George Bonser

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Re: permissions

1997-06-06 Thread George Bonser

Dig around for things with names like cron.daily and cron.monthly in /etc.

If you look at the scripts, you will see things such as umask settings and
paramaters passed to the savelog command that look like -m 644.  These are
the permissions.  Edit them (but save the original line commented out or
save the original files in case you need to back out your changes).

On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, System Account wrote:

> Hello all.
>   How can i set my logs (/var/log/) so they are not world readable?
> I have tried chmod o-r messages (and others including ppp.log and
> daemon.log) but after a reboot or when cron.daily runs some are agian
> world readable. Is there anything that this would affect, other than the
> general use of the last cmd for users? Also, are there any logs that need
> to be readable by others?
>   TIA
>   -Rob
> --
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George Bonser

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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

1997-06-10 Thread George Bonser

On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Lindsay Allen wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, John Foster wrote:
> [snip]
> > I've been thinking about the entire newbie/documentation thing a lot
> > lately. There has to be a way for newbies to get into the
> > /usr/doc/*/*gz files before they know about gzip, zcat and zless. And
> > there has to be a way of saying RTFM without being rude. 
> Midnight Commander (mc) could fill this role.  As it happens the current
> version is broken to the extent that it does not know how to access .deb
> files.  There is a bug report on this which is a month old but mc is still
> useful as it can handle .gz files and the like.

I have a system here with Caldera Open Linux Standard and one thing that
they did was create a default fvwm popup menu when you click on the root
window.  The first item in that window is "Help on Linux". Selecting that
gives the next layer popup that includes links to such things as the woven
docs (FAQ's, HOWTO's, etc in HTML) and launches a browser to read them. 

Since Debian could not launch Netscape by default, they COULD launch lynx
in an Xterm or possibly the new GUI linux browser when it is ready.  The
point here is the default fvwm X configuration is VERY helpful allowing
you to select things like configuration tools and the like from popup
menus.  Root has different menus than the users do. (actually root has
more ADDITIONS to the default systemwide selection).

Seems to me the first step would be in deciding on a default standard X
window manager and then going on to the default menus from there.

George Bonser

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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

1997-06-10 Thread George Bonser

> I also find the idea of forcing the newbie into a particular X/Window
> Manager configuration somewhat disturbing. One of the many reasons I
> like Debian is that my PC looks like _my_ PC.
> So far I like the mc approach best.
> John Foster

1) If we settled on some kind of a default, the system could be pretty
much self-configuring.

2) You can't force anything on a newbie.  Since they probably do not know
what X is, they will be happy to have a more functional X system at
startup and they can ALWAYS change it. Even COL has twm and olvm options
in that same popup menu under the "Desktop" selections.  I know that COL
is a commercial system and I am not suggesting that Debian should be as
extensive, I am simply expressing my opinion that it can be made a bit
more functional "right out of the box" and have easy to find documentation
a click away from the desktop.

George Bonser

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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

1997-06-10 Thread George Bonser

> A better approach could be to do a functional split, such as a
> debian-X11, debian-config or debian-dist. This would reduce volume on
> the main list without having people crossposting all over the place to
> be sure to get an answer.

Either that or start a newsgroup heirarchy.  debian.

George Bonser

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