Sorry for misunderstanding the original post. I thought that he was looking for
a tool that would find the printer and could tell what kind it was. :/
Yeah, magicfilterconfig does a nice job of it if you are using the standard
lpr.  It is a little quirky if you are using LPRng.

On 07-Dec-97 Damir J. Naden wrote:
> Hi Pere Camps; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
>>      Is there any tool anywhere where I can tell what printer do I have
>> and where is it and then the program takes care of everything, or do I
>> have to read everything there's to know about printcaps and magicfilters?
> Did you try running magicfilterconfig (as a root), after installing
> magicfilter package? This scritp will ask you about the printer(s) that
> you have and make a 'custom' /etc/printcap for you. it worked for me...
> Oh, yeah...remove your existing /etc/printcap prior to running the
> above script (for safety sake I used to move mine to /etc/printcap.old
> so I could retrieve it later, but I had working printcap prior to
> magicfilter....)
> damir  
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