Re: configuration of network adaptor

2000-12-22 Thread ktb
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 03:28:41AM +0100, Andreas Fromm wrote:
> Hi,
> I just want to ask how to configure a network adaptor on a running
> system (potato). I recompiled the kernel with the coresponding module
> for the adaptor, installed it with modconf (installation succeeded) and
> set it up with ifconf. I can ping to the IP asigned to the NIC, but
> can't ping another system. I also tried a "route add".
> If someone can help me, please cc me an answer.

Put your isp's nameserver ip in /etc/resolve.conf with the
format - nameserver  
You can add more than one on separate lines.

The format for /etc/networks/interfaces is -
# for lo
iface lo inet loopback

# first network card
iface eth0 inet static

As the file says, 'network, broadcast, gateway is optional'

Run /etc/init.d/networking restart

That should do it.  Any trouble let us know.
  "In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
  you must first create the universe."  
 - Carl Sagan

Re: OT postgres: bitwise testing & setting?

2000-12-22 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 09:41:54PM +, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> will trillich wrote:
>   >this is way OT, but debian-user has the Folks Who Know...
>   >
>   >i'm using 6.3 postgresql on potato, and would like to compress
>   >a wee bit-o-space out of each record by using bitwise booleans,
>   >instead of bytewise.
>   >
>   >there seems to be no bitwise operators to facilitate such
>   >testing (nor even an numerative dataset type) so i was trying
> 1. Is it actually worth jumping through hoops to save a few bytes?

2 bytes x 2,000,000 records = 4mb
16 bytes x 2,000,000 records = 32mb!

>Disk space is usually cheaper than time, and, to my mind, it is
>of primary importance to keep database design as simple as
>possible.  These sort of tricks will make your life and any
>successor maintainer's life more difficult in the future.
>We aren't living in the 1960's, after all!

true. trade-offs, trade-offs. hmm...

> 2. If you want to do fancy stuff, you're going to need to keep
>PostgreSQL up to date.  There are lots and lots of bugs in 6.3
>It's definitely antediluvian!   There are 7.0.3-2 debs available
>for potato at  Treatment
>of views is greatly improved on 6.3.

not postgredeluvian? :)

thanks for the link! (i'm beginning to think that oliver IS

> 3. You might find the BIT or VARBIT types of use, which have some logical
>and shift operators available.  They don't seem to be documented,
>and there are bugs in them even at 7.0.3 (cured in 7.1).
>Operators are: 
> bray=# select oprname,t1.typname as oprleft,t2.typname as oprright,oprcode 
> from pg_operator as o, pg_type as t1, pg_type as t2 where oprleft in (select 
> oid from pg_type where typname ~* 'bit') and o.oprleft = t1.oid and 
> o.oprright = t2.oid; 
>  oprname | oprleft | oprright |oprcode
> -+-+--+---
>  =   | bit | bit  | biteq
>  <>  | bit | bit  | bitne
>  <   | bit | bit  | bitlt
>  >   | bit | bit  | bitgt
>  <=  | bit | bit  | bitle
>  >=  | bit | bit  | bitge
>  &   | bit | bit  | bitand
>  |   | bit | bit  | bitor
>  #   | bit | bit  | bitxor
>  <<  | bit | int4 | bitshiftleft
>  >>  | bit | int4 | bitshiftright
>  ||  | bit | bit  | bitcat
>  =   | varbit  | varbit   | varbiteq
>  <>  | varbit  | varbit   | varbitne
>  <   | varbit  | varbit   | varbitlt
>  >   | varbit  | varbit   | varbitgt
>  <=  | varbit  | varbit   | varbitle
>  >=  | varbit  | varbit   | varbitge
> (18 rows)
> Bit constants are specified like this: B'011001'

cool. thanks!

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
--William Glasser 


volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies --

Re: debian help

2000-12-22 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 02:18:35PM -0500, Scott Patterson wrote:
> >I installed debian in the belief that it would install. Xwindows  simply
> >will not install. As newcomer I can't work with a program w/o the gui.
> >I wanted xwindows (eventually kde) ppp connection, printer, netscape and I
> >want to do experiments with star office and other suites. Debian was
> >suggested because a lot of people use it and there would be paid support.
> >This has simply not been the case.
> >In any event I need to get xwindows - gnome up and running and I can hack
> >my way to the other goas w/o support.
> You've come to the right place for support. There are many knowledgable people
> here eager to help.
> So, without any delay what have you done so far?
> It sounds like you've installed a minimum set of packages. If you can boot 
> your
> computer into Linux with a login prompt, login in as root and then type
> "tasksel". This will present you with a list of tasks, one of which is to
> install X.
> Perhaps you've already loaded X and don't know it. Try typing "startx" at the
> command line prompt.

kudos! nice job covering elementary bases there, without
leaving any dangling 'this is available, somewhere' vaguaries.

it took me about a week to find "startx" when i was first
tinkering with X! and "tasksel" is something i couldn't
find for months!

There are only two places in the world where time takes
precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
--William Glasser 


volunteer to document your experience for next week's
newbies --

Re: VMWare question

2000-12-22 Thread Sebastiaan

just guessing, but have you installed the kernel-source in /usr/src/linux? 
Many programs need some kernel sources.

Hope it helps,


On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Jack Morgan wrote:

> I'm installing VMware and I got vmmon to build but then it puked! Any
> help as to why?
> Output  below...
> Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.
> Building the vmmon module.
> make: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only'
> make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only'
> make[2]: Entering directory
> `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.18pre21'
> In file included from .././linux/driver.c:11:
> ../linux/driver-config.h:35: warning: No include path in which to find
> linux/modversions.h
> In file included from .././linux/hostif.c:19:
> ../linux/driver-config.h:35: warning: No include path in which to find
> linux/modversions.h
> In file included from .././common/vmx86.c:21:
> ../linux/driver-config.h:35: warning: No include path in which to find
> linux/modversions.h
> In file included from .././common/task.c:32:
> ../linux/driver-config.h:35: warning: No include path in which to find
> linux/modversions.h
> In file included from .././common/memtrack.c:21:
> ../linux/driver-config.h:35: warning: No include path in which to find
> linux/modversions.h
> In file included from .././common/phystrack.c:22:
> ../linux/driver-config.h:35: warning: No include path in which to find
> linux/modversions.h
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.18pre21'
> make[2]: Entering directory
> `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.18pre21'
> In file included from .././linux/driver.c:11:
> ../linux/driver-config.h:35: linux/modversions.h: No such file or
> directory
> make[2]: *** [driver.o] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/driver-2.2.18pre21'
> make[1]: *** [driver] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only'
> make: *** [auto-build] Error 2
> make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only'
> Unable to build the vmmon module.
> For more information on how to troubleshoot module-related problems,
> please have
> a look at "";.
> Execution aborted.
> -- 
> ~~~
> Jack Morgan   System Administrator
> ~~~
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Finding/Including sr_mod post install

2000-12-22 Thread Sebastiaan

I belive that that module is compiled in into the standard kernel. If not,
or if you need it as module anyhow, you must enable 
scsi-support -> scsi-cdrom-support

If you start with a clean .config file and after that make dep; make modules
you will find sr_mod.o in /usr/src/linux/modules

Copy this file to /lib/modules/2.2.17(or whatever)/scsi

If it works then, I do not know.


On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I don't have any SCSI devices, I just need it for to
> use cdrecord with an ATAPI IDE.
> I guess I am going to have to recompile my kernel,
> but first I have to FIND the darn thing.
> sr_mod, I feel confident, will be the only remaining
> module I need to install.
> I've looked through the modules HOWTO and many
> other places and I still can't find where they are supposed
> to be. 
> Thank you very much.
>Joshua Si Narins

exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread Robert Epprecht
Hi,  I have recently changed to debian which implied a change from
sendmail to exim.  Now I'm not able to send mail to a couple of
mailing lists any more.  With the help of the list admin I think I
found the culprit:
envelope sender = <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This is wrong of course.

How do I convince exim to set the envelope sender to

Robert Epprecht.

Re: VMware install in Potato trouble

2000-12-22 Thread Rino Mardo
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 07:50:50PM +0900 or thereabouts, Jack Morgan wrote:
> I'm trying to install VMware on Potato, and I'm getting the following
> error:
> ---Error
> None of VMware's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your running
> kernel. Do
> you want this script to try to build the vmmon module for your system
> (you need
> to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes]
> What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
> running
> kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/include
> The directory of kernel headers (version 2.2.15) does not match your
> running
> kernel (version 2.2.17). Consequently, even if the compilation of the
> module was
> successful, the module would not load into the running kernel.

get the kernel sources via apt-get

> What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
> running
> kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]
> ---Error
> I tried using /usr/include but got the above error. My kernel is 2.2.17
> binary. Do I need to recompile a new kernel. Any suggestions?
> -- 
> ~~~
> Jack Morgan   System Administrator
> ~~~
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Key fingerprint = 9DE1 5825 77B4 FF45 7485  D3EB DCCF DE48 09B6 4426

"Who's watching the watchmen?"

netscape 4.76 and java plugin

2000-12-22 Thread Denzil Kelly
Does anyone know how to get the java plugin to work
with netscape 4.76? 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: Is X using Xdefaults?

2000-12-22 Thread Marco Herrn
I have a similar problem. I wrote some lines in ~/.Xdefaults to activate the
wheel of my mouse. For programs like xterm or nedit it worked. But not for
netscape. I thought that it was my mistake. But I don't know.

Here's what I have in my ~/.Xdefaults for netscape:

Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace\
:   ArmLink()   \n\
:   ArmLink()   \n\
~Shift:   ActivateLink()  \n\
~Shift:   ActivateLink(new-window)  \
Shift:ActivateLink(save-only)  \
Shift:ActivateLink(save-only)  \
: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
: DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
: DescribeLink()  \n\
:   xfeDoPopup()\n\
: ActivatePopup() \n\
Ctrl: PageUp()\n\
Ctrl: PageDown()\n\
Shift: LineUp()\n\
Shift: LineDown()\n\
 None: LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
Alt: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
Alt: xfeDoCommand(back)\n

Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations: #override\n\
 Shift: LineUp()\n\
 Shift: LineDown()\n\

 Alt: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
 Alt: xfeDoCommand(back)\n

!# You may also want to enable scrolling with the numeric keypad with the

 KP_9: PageUp()\n\
 KP_3: PageDown()\n\
 KP_8: LineUp()\n\
 KP_2: LineDown()\n\
 KP_4: ColumnLeft()\n\
 KP_6: ColumnRight()\n


Marco Herrn

Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Hi all

Finally, after many test installs of Potato and Woody, got Potato
installed in a more or less usable shape. Thank goodness, my
friends, that my decission of going Debian is truly serious, since
installation and the aspect of the system once is done is... how to
say?... mind-freezing.

Never mind. I'll get to love it. Swear. There are, nevertheless, some
problems I would appreciate your help to solve:

-A Spanish Xkeyboard is not provided or installed. Spanish-
HOWTO is outdated (1996) and not debianized. Is there any utility
or instructions to install it?

-After instalation was finished, I started to upgrade some packages
from woody. I've got the 5 unofficial CDs you can get from that
hungarian server. Run apt-cdrom add (I think it was that) and
worked nicely. Run apt-cache update (I think) Run apt-get install
mozilla and worked ok (although installed M14-2 from potato, I
thought there was something newer in woody). My frustation
started when I tried to upgrade sawmill, task-gnome-desktop and
that kind of programs. It always ended similarly: apparently many
things changed, but old versions still remained, or worst: it couldn't
be because of dependence problems. Resuming my experiment, I
tried apt-get dist-upgrade. After several errors and a dselect
segfault, all ended up in a dependence problems. My question is:
how the hell can you upgrade something more complex than a
single file (gnome, a window manager, etc., for example) without a
pile of problems? Am I forgetting anything in my hurry to have my
system in my old RH times?

All hints/feedback/mauling will be welcome!

Dr. Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
Dpto. Recursos Naturales
Aptdo. oficial. 46113-Moncada (Valencia). ESPAÑA-SPAIN.
Linux user #172687


2000-12-22 Thread Corey Popelier
All of a sudden my mail is truncated mid sentence, meaning I only get the
first 2.5k or so of each email, then nothing.
Is this a known bug at all? I'm using fetchmail/sendmail combo (pop3).

 Corey J. Popelier

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
did you install this on debian 2.1? or anything using the 2.0 kernel?
from what i remember this was a kernel 2.0 limitation. 124MB
reported by the system is normal. 124*1024=126,976kB , add
some more for the space the kernel takes up when it loads into
memory and any memory used by modules when the system loads
and you have 128MB. also bios settings such as shadow can
effect how much memory is available.


Denzil Kelly wrote:
> When I partitioned my hard drive, I noticed that I was
> unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. For
> whatever reason, the largest partition I was able to
> make was 122 MB. Why is this? Also I've noticed that
> all of my memory isn't detected either. Why is this? I
> have 128 MB installed, but this is what is reported by
> free
> total used  free   sharedbuffers
> cached
> Mem:1241203  45 17 42
> Swap:   122  0  122
> Total:  246120  125
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ: 75132336

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
it is, look at 'dmesg' or look at the log when the system boots.

in my case i have 512MB memory

Memory: 517152k/524288k available (1256k kernel code, 412k reserved,
5424k data, 44k init)

the system tells you what the overhead is used for.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ free -m
 total   used   free sharedbuffers
Mem:   505278226 70  8   
-/+ buffers/cache: 49455
Swap:  368  0368


D-Man wrote:
> I have 64MB RAM and 256MB swap.  When I run free it tells me I have
> 61MB RAM and 244MB swap.  Interesting.
> Also, I had read in a How-To that Linux wouldn't use more than 128MB
> of swap in a single partition.  Before I relayed that info, I though I
> would test it (I had only recently expanded my swap beyond the 128MB
> size).  I got it to use 241MB of swap (with free telling me I had 2MB
> free).  Must be outdated info in the how-to.
> However, I think that the system is really using all the memory
> available.  It must have something to do with the way free gets its
> information.  (but I have no proof)
> -D
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 05:46:48PM -0800, Denzil Kelly wrote:
> > When I partitioned my hard drive, I noticed that I was
> > unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. For
> > whatever reason, the largest partition I was able to
> > make was 122 MB. Why is this? Also I've noticed that
> > all of my memory isn't detected either. Why is this? I
> > have 128 MB installed, but this is what is reported by
> > free
> >
> > total used  free   sharedbuffers
> > cached
> > Mem:1241203  45 17 42
> > Swap:   122  0  122
> > Total:  246120  125
> >
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ: 75132336

Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Willi Dyck
Hi List,

how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get?
or why am i getting error messages after upgrading to 2.0.1?
example: failed to load etc.

truetype fonts present but not working

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
I'm running xfstt on a testing (migrated from Potato) box.  The fonts are
loaded in X and I can see them in the Netscape font dialog, but when I switch
the them, the font is always the same and it loses all scaling (h1 text is the
same size as standard paragraph text).  I remember on other distros that one
needed a fonts.dir file in the truetype directory created by ttmkfdir, which
I've been unable to locate via apt-cache search.  Would this be the case or is
it something else?

This happens with any truetype font, and the font that is actually displayed is
always the same font (not sure which -- I'm assuming it's just a fall back). 

Anyone have any suggestions?


Re: Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Colin Watson
>-A Spanish Xkeyboard is not provided or installed. Spanish-HOWTO is
>outdated (1996) and not debianized. Is there any utility or
>instructions to install it?

The task-spanish package is probably the best place to start.

>-After instalation was finished, I started to upgrade some packages
>from woody. I've got the 5 unofficial CDs you can get from that
>hungarian server. Run apt-cdrom add (I think it was that) and worked
>nicely. Run apt-cache update (I think) Run apt-get install mozilla and
>worked ok (although installed M14-2 from potato, I thought there was
>something newer in woody).

Note that woody is now the 'testing' distribution, and for various
reasons it's quite a long way behind unstable at the moment. mozilla may
currently be missing.

mozilla M18-3 is in potato now; try pointing apt at the potato archives
on the net as well, as those may be more up-to-date than your CDs.

>My frustation started when I tried to upgrade sawmill,
>task-gnome-desktop and that kind of programs. It always ended
>similarly: apparently many things changed, but old versions still
>remained, or worst: it couldn't be because of dependence problems.
>Resuming my experiment, I tried apt-get dist-upgrade. After several
>errors and a dselect segfault,

(!) Reproducible?

>all ended up in a dependence problems.

Could you give us more detail? Quite often you do have to sort out
dependencies, but in my experience (as a dselect user, at least) it's
usually not that hard. If you have complex dependencies to resolve then
apt-get isn't really the right tool for the job; maybe you could try one
of the apt front-ends like console-apt or aptitude if you're having
problems with dselect.

It might be helpful to know that sawmill has been renamed to sawfish for
trademark reasons, though again I'm not sure if this is in 'testing'


Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Colin Watson
Willi Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get?

apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid.

>or why am i getting error messages after upgrading to 2.0.1?
>example: failed to load etc.

I assume "libk" stands for something there? What?

Does running /sbin/ldconfig as root help?


Re: Missing memory and defunct rodent

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
Glyn Millington wrote:

>  I tried append="mem=160m" in lilo.conf, ran lilo and got a kernel panic -
>  not only the kernel let me tell you!  The bios knows it's there but
>  the kernel sn't picking it up.  What should I add to lilo.conf?


not sure if the capitalization matters or not but sometimes you need to
make it 1MB less then is installed. depends on the system.

>  2. My mouse has died.  It is a ps2 mouse and my gpm.conf reads like this
> device=/dev/gpmdata
> responsiveness=
> repeat_type=raw
> type=ps2
> append=""
> Until the disaster above evrything worked - any hints as to what might be
> damaged?

i don't use gpm much but does it work when you set the device to
/dev/psaux ? and does the kernel detect the ps2 mouse?


ICQ: 75132336

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Denzil Kelly
Initially I installed a slink on this box, and at the
time I had 64 MB of RAM however I was unable to make a
swap partition of 128 MB. I later added another 64 MB
of RAM. I tried to resize my /home partition but
something went wrong and I wound up reformatting the
hard drive, and installed storm, then mandrake for a
few weeks. Mandrake allowed me to make a swap
partition of 128 MB. When I got the debian 2.2(potato)
cd's, I reformatted and installed potato which is what
I'm using now. The reason I was concerned is because
I've noticed that after about 9-11 days of running
this box crashes, and forces me to restarts. I was
wondering if this might have been the problem.

debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for

This is the message that is generated after the crash.
--- Nate Amsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> did you install this on debian 2.1? or anything
> using the 2.0 kernel?
> from what i remember this was a kernel 2.0
> limitation. 124MB
> reported by the system is normal. 124*1024=126,976kB
> , add
> some more for the space the kernel takes up when it
> loads into
> memory and any memory used by modules when the
> system loads
> and you have 128MB. also bios settings such as
> shadow can
> effect how much memory is available.
> nate
> Denzil Kelly wrote:
> > 
> > When I partitioned my hard drive, I noticed that I
> was
> > unable to make a swap partition of 128 MB. For
> > whatever reason, the largest partition I was able
> to
> > make was 122 MB. Why is this? Also I've noticed
> that
> > all of my memory isn't detected either. Why is
> this? I
> > have 128 MB installed, but this is what is
> reported by
> > free
> > 
> > total used  free   sharedbuffers
> > cached
> > Mem:1241203  45 17
> 42
> > Swap:   122  0  122
> > Total:  246120  125
> > 
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of
> Products.
> >
> > 
> > --
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> -- 
> :::
> ICQ: 75132336
> -- 
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
maybe part of the problem is that you are replying to the mail keeping
the original mail in the message body. it probably doesn't make a
but i make sure that the message has only what the list software wants
nothing more, no signature, no strange characters, not even an extra
in the message.


Brian McGroarty wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 12:38:59AM -0800, Nate Amsden wrote:
> > one of my friends came to me with something similar, i told him it
> > worked he didn't believe me so i subscribed and unsubscribed in a
> > matter of 5 minutes.
> I've had no trouble in the past, but now I'm having similar problems
> with every Debian list I try to remove myself from.
> Something seems to have broken recently.
> See example session:
> Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Delivery-date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 07:37:47 -0600
> Date: 21 Dec 2000 13:37:46 -
> Subject: Re: unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Loop:
> Precedence: junk
> You have not been removed, I couldn't find your name on the list.
> What I did find were the following approximate matches:
> If you recognise one of these addresses as being the one you wanted to
> unsubscribe, send in a new unsubscribe request containing the text:
> unsubscribe the_address_you_meant.
> If this wasn't your intention or you are having problems getting
> yourself unsubscribed, reply to this mail now (quoting it entirely
> (for diagnostic purposes), and of course adding any comments you see
> fit).
> If you see below an automated text with a reason like bounced
> messages, please just resubscribe to the lists you want to be on when
> the mail problems which resulted in the forced unsubscription by the
> listmasters are solved.
> Transcript of unsubscription request follows:
> --
> >From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Dec 21 07:37:45 2000
> >X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Received: (qmail 22575 invoked from network); 21 Dec 2000 13:37:45-
> >Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >  by with SMTP; 21 Dec 2000 13:37:45 -
> >Received: from snowfox by with local (Exim 
> >3.20+#1 (Debian))
> >   id 1495ui-6m-00
> >   for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 21 Dec 2000 07:37:44 -0600
> >Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 07:37:44 -0600
> >Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Mime-Version: 1.0
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >Content-Disposition: inline
> >From: Brian McGroarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >X-Diagnostic: Tried to confirm unsubscription
> >Subject: unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 01:37:35PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> You have requested that the following address:
> >>
> >>
> >> be deleted from the debian-www mailing list.
> >>
> >> You have NOT yet been unsubscribed from the list.
> >> To unsubscribe you need to confirm your unsubscription
> >> request by sending email to the address:
> >>
> >>
> >> with the Subject string:
> >>
> >>  CONFIRM u122107373422540
> >>
> >> With a reasonable good email program a reply to this
> >> message should be sufficient
> >>
> >> When your confirm message has been received the above listed address
> >> will be (un)subscribed.  If the above address is incorrect, please do not
> >> send in the confirm message listed above. Instead, send a new
> >> (un)subscribe request containing the Subject:
> >>
> >>subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>
> >>   or
> >>
> >>unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> >> and wait for a new confirmation message.
> >>
> >> A copy of the (un)subcription request appears below.  In the event that
> >> you did not send a request to (un)subscribe, the headers of the message
> >> may help you discover who sent the request.
> >>
> >> If you are unable to subscribe to our lists through this mechanism
> >> please don't hesitate to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly.
> >>
> >> >From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Dec 21 07:37:34 2000
> >> >X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >Received: (qmail 22525 invoked from network); 21 Dec 2000 13:37:34-
> >> >Received: from ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >> >  by with 

Re: VMware install in Potato trouble

2000-12-22 Thread Defresne Sylvain
* Jack Morgan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I tried using /usr/include but got the above error. My kernel is 2.2.17
> binary. Do I need to recompile a new kernel. Any suggestions?

If you're kernel is the kernel shipped with the install disk,
you can install the kernel-headers-2.2.17 package. Then you
point VMWare to /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.17/


Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Willi Dyck
Colin Watson wrote:

> Willi Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get?
> apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid.
> >or why am i getting error messages after upgrading to 2.0.1?
> >example: failed to load etc.
> I assume "libk" stands for something there? What?

:) it stands for and then
undefind symbol: getButtonShift__14QPlatinumStyleRiT1

> Does running /sbin/ldconfig as root help?

it shows that exists.

> --
> Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: German debian-user-list?

2000-12-22 Thread Cajus Pollmeier
Am Freitag, 22. Dezember 2000 00:21 schrieb Herbert Schmitz:
> Hello,
> one question to the german users: Does the german debian-mailing list still
> exists? I didn´t  received any reaction from there. Cause my english is
> terrible - sorry guys, I´d better learn at school 20 years ago - the german
> list would be much better for me.

I tried to subscribe to debian-user-de, there is (was) no response :-(


Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:07:59AM +, Colin Watson wrote:
> Willi Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get?
> apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid.

Yup.  You best bet is to completely wipe kde and reinstall 2.0.  I've found
that 'apt-get remove libqt*' will get rid of everything kde related (as long as
you don't have any non-kde apps that use qt that you want to keep).  It's a
pretty kludgey solution, but it works.


Getting a point release via http without apt

2000-12-22 Thread Matthews, Jonathan
Hi - just a quickie:
I recently bought a Debian 2.2r0 6-cd source+binary set from cheep(?)linux,
and I'd like to get hold of only those packages which have changed in either
r1 or r2.
The only internet connection I've got is from a windows machine with CD
writer, so I was wondering if anyone could point me towards one easy
download which I could burn onto CD and point APT at, and update my r0
machine all the way to r2.  I'd prefer to get precompiled i386 binaries, but
the source would be fine if binaries aren't out there . .
Any help'd be much appreciated!

Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Willi Dyck
Rob VanFleet wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:07:59AM +, Colin Watson wrote:
> > Willi Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >how to downgrade kde from 2.0.1 to 2.0 with apt-get?
> >
> > apt-get can't downgrade easily, I'm afraid.
> Yup.  You best bet is to completely wipe kde and reinstall 2.0.  I've found
> that 'apt-get remove libqt*' will get rid of everything kde related (as long 
> as
> you don't have any non-kde apps that use qt that you want to keep).  It's a
> pretty kludgey solution, but it works.

my question then is: how to find out which apps use qt?

> -Rob
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
Denzil Kelly wrote:
> Initially I installed a slink on this box, and at the
> time I had 64 MB of RAM however I was unable to make a
> swap partition of 128 MB. I later added another 64 MB
> of RAM. I tried to resize my /home partition but
> something went wrong and I wound up reformatting the
> hard drive, and installed storm, then mandrake for a
> few weeks. Mandrake allowed me to make a swap
> partition of 128 MB. When I got the debian 2.2(potato)
> cd's, I reformatted and installed potato which is what
> I'm using now. The reason I was concerned is because
> I've noticed that after about 9-11 days of running
> this box crashes, and forces me to restarts. I was
> wondering if this might have been the problem.
> debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
> kswapd...

from what i've heard on this list that error is a kernel
bug. maybe a memory leak, but i must admit on all the systems
i run linux on (about 40) i have not yet once experienced it.
I suggest just adding more swap, or more memory, or something.
try 2.2.18 if you haven't already it may fix it. i run everything
from 2.2.5 to 2.2.17 ..never seen that error. of course i always
am sure to have plenty of memory and plenty of swap.


ICQ: 75132336

Re: Downgrading kde

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 10:32:52AM +0100, Willi Dyck wrote:
> my question then is: how to find out which apps use qt?

Just run apt-get remove libqt* -s and it will simulate the removal, listing the
apps that will be removed.


Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Nate Amsden wrote:

> maybe part of the problem is that you are replying to the mail keeping
> the original mail in the message body. it probably doesn't make a
> difference
> but i make sure that the message has only what the list software wants
> nothing more, no signature, no strange characters, not even an extra
> space
> in the message.

Have you tried to unsubscribe recently?

It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do
manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can appeal to to
do a manual unsubscribe?


Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote:
> Have you tried to unsubscribe recently?
> It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do
> manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can appeal to to
> do a manual unsubscribe?

If there is a problem, then it is only affecting a certain group of people.
I've unsubscribed myself a few times over the last month just to see if I
could.  It worked every time with no problems whatsoever.


Adding UFS support

2000-12-22 Thread Andrew McRobert
hi all

I just put a SCSI disk from an old sparc-station into my server, but when I
try to mount it with:

mount -t ufs -o ufstype=sun /[mount] /[mount_point]

I get a message that the kernel doesn't support the UFS filesystem ...
excuse my ignorance, but does anyone know if its possible for me to run a
UFS module with 'insmod' or something along those lines?

Andrew McRobert

Re: [debian-user] I can't type any ü, ä or ö in a shell

2000-12-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:06:00AM +0100, Rüdiger Kuhlmann wrote:
> Hi!
> >--[Ethan Benson]--<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > actually you just have to change LANG=C in /etc/environment to
> > LANG=ca_ES or whatever.
> This used to work, but somehow since a few weeks /etc/environment isn't
> honoured anymore by KDE. How can I make it work?

i assume you mean kdm or some other display manager.  many of these
are broken and don't properly source /etc/environment.  

wdm from unstable currently works if you add to its pam
file.  for others that dont work right with pam you can add a kludge
to /etc/X11/Xsession:

# If /etc/environment is present, source it. It's useful to put
# environment settings in this file, and then source it both here and
# /etc/profile.
if [ -f /etc/environment ]; then
eval env "`cat /etc/environment`"

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Rodolfo Canet-Castello
On 22 Dec 00, at 9:06, Colin Watson wrote:

> The task-spanish package is probably the best place to start.

Many thanks for your help, Colin.

Task-spanish is supposedly installed, and "Spanish" indicated as
language in all the concerning questions during the installation.
When your Xkeyboard is asked during X configuration, Spanish is
not offered in the list. First time, I selected "none" expecting to be
able to correct that lately, but X refused to start. Next time I
installed potato, selected "US-International" and could use the
system at least. I hope this question will be easily solved by some
Spanish Debian user (there are a few in the list, very helpful all of

The number of dependence problems which arose from my
updating attempts was so high that it would be an abuse to bother
the list with them. I've been adviced against unofficial woody CD-
images, and maybe the problem is that I've got packages needing
Gnome 1.0.5 which cannot be upgraded to the versions which
would work with Gnome 1.2. Maybe there are are in woody now,
but not in my CDs (although they were downloaded this last
monday). Unfortunately, upgrading my home system (the
concerned one, since I only have direct connection to the Internet
here in the work, where I'm obliged to use Windows --not for long, I
hope) via a ppp connection is unaffordable for me.

There is one thing in your message, nonetheless, which surprises
me: Mozilla M18 being in potato now. When I was preparing my
migration to Debian, I was told in the group that there are not
updates to potato (save security fixes). All updates go to woody,
and I would never get gnome 1.2, XFree 4, KDE2, etc. for potato.
Wasn't that true?

Finally, I believe I'm going to freshly install potato to start from a
"brand new" system, and will try to upgrade packages step by step
using dselect. I've been trying it, and it's daunting, since debian
packages are quite different from RedHat's, but I believe I'll manage.

Again, many thanks for your help

Dr. Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
Dpto. Recursos Naturales
Aptdo. oficial. 46113-Moncada (Valencia). ESPAÑA-SPAIN.
Phone: 34-96-1391000  Fax: 34-96-1390240
Web page:
Web page of Spanish Group of Soil Enzymology:

web and perl and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread james \(home\)
does anyone know how to get a mysql database, queried by PERL on to the web.

I would appreciate some help.

I am trying to create a table in a web page which has 3 static fileds, and 3
input fields.

Its basically a list of servers and ip addresses and passwords, all fixed,
and I want to be able to add new customer names, e-mail addresses and
contact number, as and when the servers are sold.

so one web page to display the current table and fields, and one to add the
new customers details to.

Thanks for any help on this.

I appreciate this is probably ot the best list to send to ;-(



Re: Adding UFS support

2000-12-22 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 06:22:29PM +0800, Andrew McRobert wrote:
> hi all
> I just put a SCSI disk from an old sparc-station into my server, but when I
> try to mount it with:
> mount -t ufs -o ufstype=sun /[mount] /[mount_point]
> I get a message that the kernel doesn't support the UFS filesystem ...
> excuse my ignorance, but does anyone know if its possible for me to run a
> UFS module with 'insmod' or something along those lines?

yes, you can.  debian kernels may not include that module, just
recompile your kernel with UFS support turned on or modularized and
install the module.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: VMware install in Potato trouble (solved)

2000-12-22 Thread Jack Morgan
> * Jack Morgan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I tried using /usr/include but got the above error. My kernel is 2.2.17
> > binary. Do I need to recompile a new kernel. Any suggestions?
> If you're kernel is the kernel shipped with the install disk,
> you can install the kernel-headers-2.2.17 package. Then you
> point VMWare to /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.2.17/
> Bye
> -- 
> DEFRESNE Sylvain

That's what I ended up doing.  Now it's working fine. Thanks everyone!

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Dwight Johnson
On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Rob VanFleet wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote:
> > Have you tried to unsubscribe recently?
> >
> > It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do
> > manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can appeal to to
> > do a manual unsubscribe?
> If there is a problem, then it is only affecting a certain group of people.
> I've unsubscribed myself a few times over the last month just to see if I
> could.  It worked every time with no problems whatsoever.

It seems to be affecting that certain group of people who have tried to
unsubscribe over the last two days.


Re: VMWare question

2000-12-22 Thread Cajus Pollmeier
Am Freitag, 22. Dezember 2000 15:50 schrieb Jack Morgan:
> I'm installing VMware and I got vmmon to build but then it puked! Any
> help as to why?

Configure and build your kernel. You don't need to install. The modversion 
file is generated during "make dep clean bzImage".


Another Question Re: diskless debian

2000-12-22 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

I read the howto's, but I'm still having kernel trouble.

I'm trying to boot from a LILO based floppy with root=/dev/nfsroot
(the pseodo device 0,255 named in the docs, tried it as both a block
and char device), and the kernel fails on trying to mount the rootfs
with a device failure.

I enabled kernel level auto config, and all the NFS stuff I could find
in the kernel build (serveral iterations using xconfig, menuconfig,
config and finally hand hacking the .config file) couldn't find the
NFS_ROOT option anywhere, and I'm loath to just add it to the .config,
not knowing if it's supported in 2.2.17

Any Ideas,

I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread Santiago Fernandez
I need printcap entries and a filter (maybe from magicfilter) for a
Epson Sylus Color 400. Has anyone some experience configuring this
printer? I've tried different possibilities without success.

I've read README-StylusColor from magicfilter but it doesn't offer any
help: I know I should buy another printer, but I've spend all my money
on CD Technology, and a friend of mine has given me this ridiculous
printer. So, that's all I've got to print my documents at home.

Thanks in advance,


"Choppy" sound - Woody, 2.4.0-test11 kernel, xmms & esd

2000-12-22 Thread Matthew Exley
I don't seem to be the only one having this problem, but I have isolated
a test case:

Hardware: SoundBlaster AWE64 ISA PnP, IDE drives
Distro:   Debian Potato + Woody etc. etc. etc.
Kernel:   2.2.18pre21 and 2.4.0-test11 (from debian kernel-source
Sound:OSS/Lite SB16/AWE32 drivers configured as kernel modules
 xmms   1.2.4-helix1
 esound 0.2.20-2
 esound-common  0.2.22-2

1) Under kernel 2.2.18pre21, XMMS can play using the eSound plugin (i.e.
via esd) quite happily.
(although I get kernel messages at random about DMA timeout to sound
card thru possible IRQ conflicts, which I traced to heavy disk
utilisation periods and therefore something up the spout with my ide
config - everything else on the system "freezes" at the same time also)

2) Under kernel 2.4.0-test11, XMMS->eSound still works, but the sound is
"choppy" - broken up into audible chunks. No amount of tweaking the
eSound plugin's buffering or pre-load settings will eliminate this,
however it's possible to make it far, far worse.
Under this scenario, "normal" Gnome events will play thru esd fine (no
choppiness) - basically anything that's passed to esd as a file is OK,
but stream playback suffers the chop. Using XMMS->OSS Driver also plays
back audio just fine but requires esd to be put into standby.

My question is therefore: Can anyone else reproduce this, and can
anyone *fix* this? (tweaks to esound / XMMS settings perhaps?)

I have tried loading /dev/shm as suggested in the kernel documentation
since I thought it possible XMMS was communicating to ESD via shared
memory. This makes no discernable difference.

I apologise for taking up your valuable time..


Matthew Exley   
Things you never want to hear a Sysadmin say. No. 1: 'Uh-oh'

Re: VMWare question

2000-12-22 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

All you should need is the kernel-headers package that matches your
kernel, if you're using an out of the box Debian kernel.  No need for
a rebuild unless you have a non standard kernel.


Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Matthias Wieser
>   Re: swap space and memory [ Denzil Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]

> debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
> kswapd...
i have the same proplem but only when login as a user. When i am root,
nothing happens.
As soon as I log in as a user, I hardly can move the mouse, the rest is
realy frozen ...

It is probably a bug, but I have that problem just since today. Thus I
have not researched what could be the reason.

   __   _   __   *
/\_/\  \ \_/ \_/ /   *  Matthias Wieser  *
   / \  \   /*  ICQ#:  12597522  *
  / /\_/\ \  \_/^\_/ *[EMAIL PROTECTED]   *
  WW WW  *

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread D-Man

I think you are right nate.  When I started with Linux a couple years
ago, the 2.0 series was current (like 2.0.36 or something).  It was
then that I read in a how-to that even if you make a really big swap
partition, only 128MB would be used.

Last night I tried to confirm this with my current 2.2.16 kernel but
was able to use all 244MB available.


On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:41:33AM -0800, Nate Amsden wrote:
> did you install this on debian 2.1? or anything using the 2.0 kernel?
> from what i remember this was a kernel 2.0 limitation. 124MB
> reported by the system is normal. 124*1024=126,976kB , add
> some more for the space the kernel takes up when it loads into
> memory and any memory used by modules when the system loads
> and you have 128MB. also bios settings such as shadow can
> effect how much memory is available.
> nate

Re: I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread D-Man

What is the mechanism for setting up a printer on Debian?  I installed
Debian recently but haven't had the time to configure it yet (so I'm
still using RH).  In RH I run printtool as root and it handles the
details of printer config.  It lists filters for Epson printers "Epson
Sylus 800 & ESC/P 2 printers" and "Epson Stylus Color (UP)".  If
either of these are close enough to your printer I could set it up on
my system and send you the config files. (it might help you figure
what you need on your system for it to work)


On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 01:23:34PM +0100, Santiago Fernandez wrote:
> I need printcap entries and a filter (maybe from magicfilter) for a
> Epson Sylus Color 400. Has anyone some experience configuring this
> printer? I've tried different possibilities without success.
> I've read README-StylusColor from magicfilter but it doesn't offer any
> help: I know I should buy another printer, but I've spend all my money
> on CD Technology, and a friend of mine has given me this ridiculous
> printer. So, that's all I've got to print my documents at home.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Santi
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread John Hasler
Robert Epprecht writes:
> I have recently changed to debian which implied a change from sendmail to
> exim.

No, exim just happens to be the MTA that is installed by default.  Sendmail
is in Debian, as are several others.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread ktb
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:43:43AM +0100, Robert Epprecht wrote:
> Hi,  I have recently changed to debian which implied a change from
> sendmail to exim.  Now I'm not able to send mail to a couple of
> mailing lists any more.  With the help of the list admin I think I
> found the culprit:
> envelope sender = <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is wrong of course.
> How do I convince exim to set the envelope sender to
At the bottom of /etc/exim.conf in the "REWRITE CONFIGURATION"
section comment out what is there and put something like -

I really don't know why the default rewrite doesn't work but it
never has for me.

  "In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
  you must first create the universe."  
 - Carl Sagan

TEAC CD-W512E (DOES it work ???)

2000-12-22 Thread Serge Gavrilov

Does anybody know: is TEAC CD-W512E works with linux?

Thanks a lot !!!
Please, reply me directly, because I am not subscribed to this list.

Serge Gavrilov 

Re: lilo

2000-12-22 Thread Dean
Hi Stefaans:
  Last time I reinstalled windows all
I did was use windows fdisk to set
my linux root partition as the active
partition and lilo was active again. 
  hth Dean

Stefaans Mostert wrote:
> Jason Holland wrote:
> >
> > check out mkboot.  its a pretty sweet way to create a boot floppy in case of
> > emergencies. :)
> >
> > jason
> >
> > >
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > Well I was wondering can one transfer lilo onto a stiffy and boot from
> > > that?
> > >
> > > Scenario:
> > > You reinstall windows (wich is on the same drive as linux) and it
> > > overwrites your mbr.After wich you suddenly and to your horror discover
> > > that the dog lying in the corner looks so content beacause he has just
> > > devouered you bootdisk!!
> > >
> > > What now?
> > > I realize you will need lilo.conf in there somewhere to specify your
> > > root partition.
> > >
> > > I am not searching the mail archives (witch I normally do) but posting
> > > to all my groups beacause this is an emergency.
> > > So forgive me if it was already explained
> > >
> > > Cheers from sunny South-Africa
> > >
> > > Stefaans
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> > >
> > >
> True
> But the mbr IS overritten and the floppy gone!
> can't get in!
> What now
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-12-22 Thread green_botanik
Is it possible to upgrage distrib (slink -> potato, for example :)
without apt-get or other wrapper, but using just dpkg?
It look like there is no sufficient control information in dpkg's
to split / join packages as requied in such upgrade.
Is there anybody who done such useless exeriment?
Or someone may give me distinct anwer (with 'because of...' keyword)?

P. S. my apologise  for terrible English :)

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Dean
Just a wild stab, but could it make a
difference if one subscribes using
a window browser, but in unsubscribing
using a linux's?Dean

Dwight Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Rob VanFleet wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote:
> > > Have you tried to unsubscribe recently?
> > >
> > > It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do
> > > manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can appeal to 
> > > to
> > > do a manual unsubscribe?
> >
> > If there is a problem, then it is only affecting a certain group of people.
> > I've unsubscribed myself a few times over the last month just to see if I
> > could.  It worked every time with no problems whatsoever.
> It seems to be affecting that certain group of people who have tried to
> unsubscribe over the last two days.
> Dwight
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Another Question Re: diskless debian

2000-12-22 Thread Xucaen

--- "Jonathan D. Proulx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I enabled kernel level auto config, and all the
> NFS stuff I could find
> in the kernel build (serveral iterations using
> xconfig, menuconfig,
> config and finally hand hacking the .config
> file) couldn't find the
> NFS_ROOT option anywhere, and I'm loath to just
> add it to the .config,
> not knowing if it's supported in 2.2.17
> Any Ideas,
> -Jon

not sure if this is relevant, but I thought I
read somewhere that you need to install NIS to
boot off of a network drive...

my $.02


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Merry Christmas

2000-12-22 Thread Alex Horsnell
To everyone on the list,

Thank you for all your help and advise this year, I hope you all have a _VERY_
Merry Christmas and a brilliant Millennium!!

I look forward to further help and advise in the New Year!



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Kernel 2.4.0-test12

2000-12-22 Thread JP Sartre
Hi all..

Just curious if there is something different with the latest test kernel? I was 
running test10 and decided to try out test12 with a fresh potato -> woody 
install. I've compiled many kernels, but this latest time I have run into a 
little snag. Seems my modules do not work. I have done a make modules && make 
modules_install and they are installed for sure, but my new modules.dep is 
empty (i.e 0 bytes), and I can't modprobe any of my modules.. every time I do I 
get something like module XXX.o not found. I've followed the same procedure as 
with every kernel, and this one is a mystery to me. I have everything set to 
yes in the Loadable Modules support section, and I even tried with kernel 
module loader off to see if that would do anything... 

So, anyone have any suggestions? I'm stumped.. 



configuring network card solved.

2000-12-22 Thread Xucaen
just FYI for all the newbies who were trying to
figure out how to configure the network card. the
easiest way I found was to reinstall the whole
system. The installation program is very easy to
use and sets up all the files. (It is also very
easy to miss). I re-reinstalled again lastnight
and there it was; network card, gateway,
hostname, IP, nameservers..  
I'm surprised that debian doesn't have this
installation program available after installation
is completed so that we can go back and
change/add network settings..


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Re: Merry Christmas

2000-12-22 Thread J. Reilink
Alex Horsnell wrote:
> To everyone on the list,
> Thank you for all your help and advise this year, I hope you all have a _VERY_
> Merry Christmas and a brilliant Millennium!!
> I look forward to further help and advise in the New Year!
> ;-)
> Alex

Hereby I also want to wish everyone on the list a Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year !!


Digital Overdrive

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Re: Went Debian: Spanish Xkeyboard and other issues

2000-12-22 Thread Colin Watson
>On 22 Dec 00, at 9:06, Colin Watson wrote:
>> The task-spanish package is probably the best place to start.
>Many thanks for your help, Colin.
>Task-spanish is supposedly installed, and "Spanish" indicated as 
>language in all the concerning questions during the installation. 
>When your Xkeyboard is asked during X configuration, Spanish is 
>not offered in the list. First time, I selected "none" expecting to be 
>able to correct that lately, but X refused to start. Next time I 
>installed potato, selected "US-International" and could use the 
>system at least. I hope this question will be easily solved by some 
>Spanish Debian user (there are a few in the list, very helpful all of 

Hmm. Not my field, I'm afraid. I know that you can use 'setxkbmap es'
(setxkbmap at least, what follows may be different) to change your X
keyboard map at run-time, but how to set it at startup varies a lot and
I don't really understand XKB. :) /etc/X11/XF86Config is certainly the
place to look, and 'man XF86Config' might explain the necessary things
if you dig deeply.

>The number of dependence problems which arose from my 
>updating attempts was so high that it would be an abuse to bother 
>the list with them. I've been adviced against unofficial woody CD-
>images, and maybe the problem is that I've got packages needing 
>Gnome 1.0.5 which cannot be upgraded to the versions which 
>would work with Gnome 1.2.

There could be conflicts of that form, yes. The newer versions might
well be in the unstable distribution; a *lot* of upgraded versions of
packages aren't in woody due to depending on glibc 2.2, which won't
build on all architectures yet.

dselect will give you details about conflicts, once you get used to it,
and of course assuming it doesn't segfault.

>There is one thing in your message, nonetheless, which surprises 
>me: Mozilla M18 being in potato now. When I was preparing my 
>migration to Debian, I was told in the group that there are not 
>updates to potato (save security fixes). All updates go to woody, 
>and I would never get gnome 1.2, XFree 4, KDE2, etc. for potato. 
>Wasn't that true?

It was very close to true. The general rule is that stable releases such
as potato don't get any new code, only critical bug fixes like security
updates. However, when the first (I think, or maybe the second) point
release of potato was being prepared, the release manager said that he
thought it would be nice to put in a very few new or much-improved
packages that lots of people want, provided absolutely that they're
standalone and that they don't break anything else. The things you
mention are right out: they're large, complex, and lots of stuff depends
on them. mozilla M18 was selected for inclusion, though, as I believe
was console-apt.

>Finally, I believe I'm going to freshly install potato to start from a 
>"brand new" system, and will try to upgrade packages step by step 
>using dselect. I've been trying it, and it's daunting, since debian 
>packages are quite different from RedHat's, but I believe I'll manage.

OK. Best of luck!


perl cgi and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread james \(home\)
Can anyone point me into the right direction

I would appreciate some sample code.

I have created a database within mysql, its fine, I can get Perl to talk to

I need to know how to create the htm and I guess a perl/cgi code to talk to
the database.

what I am trying to create is 2 web pages.

1:-which will show the current database
2:-which will allow a user to add data to the database

any example code, ideas or need more info please mail me I am getting
desperate on this one.



RE: perl cgi and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread Jason Holland
have you tried DBD-mysql??

> Can anyone point me into the right direction
> I would appreciate some sample code.
> I have created a database within mysql, its fine, I can get Perl 
> to talk to
> it.
> I need to know how to create the htm and I guess a perl/cgi code 
> to talk to
> the database.
> what I am trying to create is 2 web pages.
> 1:-which will show the current database
> 2:-which will allow a user to add data to the database
> any example code, ideas or need more info please mail me I am getting
> desperate on this one.
> Thanks
> James.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact 

What is the file name of the ps2 mouse driver?

2000-12-22 Thread John Foster
I need the name of the ps2 mouse driver file. I am having difficulty
with a new install. The mouse works in X but not on the console. I set
up the XF86Setup configs with the same setting I used for gpm, & X works
fine. Xterm does not. I do not see any driver listed in
/lib/modules/kernelXXX/misc/ for the mouse. I did set it up and compile
it as a module. Boot up shows detecting ps2 port.

Re: What is the file name of the ps2 mouse driver?

2000-12-22 Thread ktb
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:09:29AM -0600, John Foster wrote:
> I need the name of the ps2 mouse driver file. I am having difficulty
> with a new install. The mouse works in X but not on the console. I set
> up the XF86Setup configs with the same setting I used for gpm, & X works
> fine. Xterm does not. I do not see any driver listed in
> /lib/modules/kernelXXX/misc/ for the mouse. I did set it up and compile
> it as a module. Boot up shows detecting ps2 port.
> Thanks!
> John

There are some issues running both console and X mouse at the
same time.  At least with Potato and I'm not the only one.
Search the archives for a fix.  I haven't got mine to work both
at the same time but it isn't a high priority for me.  Here is
my pointer section in XF86Config -
 Section "Pointer"
   Protocol "ps/2"
   Device "/dev/mouse"

 Run /etc/init.d/gpm stop 
 to shut off the mouse on console then restart X with the new
 pointer section and see if things work for you.

  "In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
  you must first create the universe."  
 - Carl Sagan

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Marco Herrn

- Original Message - 
From: "Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Still cannot get off list

> Just a wild stab, but could it make a
> difference if one subscribes using
> a window browser, but in unsubscribing
> using a linux's?Dean

No, I use a windows mail client and had no problems so far. (Until now)

Marco Herrn

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Gary Hennigan
"Rob VanFleet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 02:06:32AM -0800, Dwight Johnson wrote:
> > Have you tried to unsubscribe recently?
> > 
> > It is failing at the confirm stage. And listmaster is not on the job to do
> > manual unsubscribe. Is there someone besides listmaster we can appeal to to
> > do a manual unsubscribe?
> If there is a problem, then it is only affecting a certain group of people.
> I've unsubscribed myself a few times over the last month just to see if I
> could.  It worked every time with no problems whatsoever.

Before you write to the list on this topic please try to unsubscribe
from the list yourself and see what happens. It's really doesn't
matter what you did "over the last month". The problem seems to have
started this week, and I really doubt it's specific to a "certain
group of people". If you can unsubscribe yourself TODAY, then it might
be helpful to send us a script of what you did. It does *NOT* help to
submit a post to the group and make it sound like it's something we're
doing wrong!

I've subscribed and unsubscribed myself quite a few times over the
years. And yes, that's *years*. I'm no newbie and I've used mailing
lists for a *LONG* time and I've failed in all 5 of my attempts over
the last 1.5 days to unsubscribe. No, there's definately something
wrong and it doesn't help that mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
isn't, apparently, actively monitored.


Re: What is the file name of the ps2 mouse driver?

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
I think the problem here is gpm being unconfigured, rather than X and it not
playing together nicely.  Run gpmconfig to configure gpm.  /dev/psaux is the
device file associated with a ps/2 mouse.

Like ktb said, you need to stop gpm before you'll be able to use the mouse in
X, so, in essence, you trading in one problem for another.


On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:28:28AM -0600, ktb wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:09:29AM -0600, John Foster wrote:
> > I need the name of the ps2 mouse driver file. I am having difficulty
> > with a new install. The mouse works in X but not on the console. I set
> > up the XF86Setup configs with the same setting I used for gpm, & X works
> > fine. Xterm does not. I do not see any driver listed in
> > /lib/modules/kernelXXX/misc/ for the mouse. I did set it up and compile
> > it as a module. Boot up shows detecting ps2 port.
> > Thanks!
> > John
> > 
>   There are some issues running both console and X mouse at the
>   same time.  At least with Potato and I'm not the only one.
>   Search the archives for a fix.  I haven't got mine to work both
>   at the same time but it isn't a high priority for me.  Here is
>   my pointer section in XF86Config -
>Section "Pointer"
>  Protocol "ps/2"
>  Device "/dev/mouse"
>  Emulate3Buttons
>Run /etc/init.d/gpm stop 
>to shut off the mouse on console then restart X with the new
>pointer section and see if things work for you.
> -- 
>   "In order to make an apple pie from scratch,
>   you must first create the universe."  
>  - Carl Sagan
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: perl cgi and mysql

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
Search on google for 'Perl DBI MySQL'.  You might also want to add either
'sample code' or 'tutorial' to that as well.  There is a ton of info on the
subject if you look for it.


On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:42:29PM -0800, james (home) wrote:
> Can anyone point me into the right direction
> I would appreciate some sample code.
> I have created a database within mysql, its fine, I can get Perl to talk to
> it.
> I need to know how to create the htm and I guess a perl/cgi code to talk to
> the database.
> what I am trying to create is 2 web pages.
> 1:-which will show the current database
> 2:-which will allow a user to add data to the database
> any example code, ideas or need more info please mail me I am getting
> desperate on this one.
> Thanks
> James.
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: swap space and memory

2000-12-22 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 01:05:49AM -0800, Denzil Kelly wrote:
> debian kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for
> kswapd...

That is a known kernel bug that affected (IIRC) kernels 2.2.12-2.2.16
but is fixed in kernel 2.2.17 and later.  2.2.18 is current and you can
grab the sources from


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Pontnet Karácsonyi üdvözlet

2000-12-22 Thread Guzoránné Cserjés Erika
Kedves Partnerünk!

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Guzoránné Cserjés Erika
Üzletág igazgató
Multinet International Kft.
PontNet Szakmai Kereső
Partnerek és Ügyfelek Internet kapcsolata.

tel: 34-479-204

Re: stale apt-get mirrors?

2000-12-22 Thread Chris Gray
> will trillich writes:

wt> what's the lag on various debian mirror sites?
wt> % apt-get update
wt> % apt-get upgrade

wt> % apt-setup /pick a different mirror/

wt> i'd just switched from to
wt> if that matters...?

wt> % apt-get update
wt> % apt-get upgrade
wt> Reading Package Lists... Done
wt> Building Dependency Tree... Done
wt> The following packages will be upgraded
wt>   bind-doc elvis-tiny ncurses-term task-dns-server tcpdump
wt> xfree86-common xlib6g
wt> 7 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not
wt> upgraded.
wt> Need to get 2718kB of archives. After unpacking 0B will be
wt> used.
wt> Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

wt> so am i downloading old packages from a stale mirror? or did
wt> this mirror just now get some updates? or maybe different
wt> mirrors have different package subsets? hmm?

All of the mirrors are making a few switches right now.  Testing is
now being implemented as are package pools.  It is quite possible that
some mirrors are slower at making these changes than others.  

What might be happening is that you have "woody" as your distribution
and one mirror is interpreting that as "unstable" and the other is
interpreting it as "testing".


Got jag?

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:41:39AM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> Before you write to the list on this topic please try to unsubscribe
> from the list yourself and see what happens. It's really doesn't
> matter what you did "over the last month". The problem seems to have
> started this week, and I really doubt it's specific to a "certain
> group of people". If you can unsubscribe yourself TODAY, then it might
> be helpful to send us a script of what you did. It does *NOT* help to
> submit a post to the group and make it sound like it's something we're
> doing wrong!
> I've subscribed and unsubscribed myself quite a few times over the
> years. And yes, that's *years*. I'm no newbie and I've used mailing
> lists for a *LONG* time and I've failed in all 5 of my attempts over
> the last 1.5 days to unsubscribe. No, there's definately something
> wrong and it doesn't help that mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> isn't, apparently, actively monitored.

Jeez... calm down...  Did I *say* that *anyone* was doing *anything* wrong?  It
was my honest assumption that it might have had something to do with certain
mail situations.  At your recomendation, I attempted to unsubscribe again, and
noticed that there does seem to be something up with it, as I've also
previously unsubscribed and resubscribed.  Sorry, I made a mistake, there's no
need for you to get all pissy, beat your chest and try to exert your alpha geek
status over me ("*years*", "*LONG* time", etc).


Re: I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread Bob Underwood
My Epson Stylus Color 400 installed well during the system installation
process.  Just use the Stylus Color I selection as the one specifically for the
400 doesn't work.

If you want, I can send my printcap separately.


On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Santiago Fernandez wrote:
> I need printcap entries and a filter (maybe from magicfilter) for a
> Epson Sylus Color 400. Has anyone some experience configuring this
> printer? I've tried different possibilities without success.
> I've read README-StylusColor from magicfilter but it doesn't offer any
> help: I know I should buy another printer, but I've spend all my money
> on CD Technology, and a friend of mine has given me this ridiculous
> printer. So, that's all I've got to print my documents at home.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Santi
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Q: Hiding M$ Exchange behind a firewall ?

2000-12-22 Thread Michael Steiner
Hello to all!

What I want to do:
Hiding a M$-Exchange-server behind a Debian-based firewall running
ipchains (with masqerading) and squid and ???. Here is my special

What is the configuration:
Through an old little Cisco 1003 router the connection to internet is
Then I run a Debian-Box with 2 interfaces. One for the DMZ and one for
internal net. In the internal net users are served by exchanger-server.

What I tried:
Using sendmail as MTA to do the transfer between the DMZ and internal
It was driving me creazy with all his antirelaying stuff. This can be a
problem of just not understanding the matters.
I've running in an other environment sendmail with virtual users and
masquerading of domains, serving several users through IMPA-server, but
as an endpoint in the transfer-chain. So some very basic understanding I
have how to handle sendmail.

What do I need:

I don't know what software I should run on the firewall to catch all
incoming smtp-traffic and deliver it to the internal net ->
Exchange-server and vice versa. The exchange server understands only

In which way should it be done ?
Installing an MTA (which one?)on the Debian-box or to transfer all
traffic directly to the internal net by forwarding(how to do this ?).

Please can you give me some hints in which direction I should
investigate ?
I'm shure some of you have solved this problem already.

Best regards

Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Vienna, Austria

Re: Q: Hiding M$ Exchange behind a firewall ?

2000-12-22 Thread Robert L. Yelvington
I can't give you an exact answer, but I can suggest that you run some
kind of IDS or packet monitor for a couple of days/weeks, and monitor
traffic at each interface.  'snort' would be my number one pick if you
don't already have an IDS.  Generally, snort isn't used as a packet
monitor , but it has awesome logging features.  

hope this helps


Michael Steiner wrote:
> Hello to all!
> What I want to do:
> Hiding a M$-Exchange-server behind a Debian-based firewall running
> ipchains (with masqerading) and squid and ???. Here is my special
> problem.
> What is the configuration:
> Through an old little Cisco 1003 router the connection to internet is
> done.
> Then I run a Debian-Box with 2 interfaces. One for the DMZ and one for
> internal net. In the internal net users are served by exchanger-server.
> What I tried:
> Using sendmail as MTA to do the transfer between the DMZ and internal
> net.
> It was driving me creazy with all his antirelaying stuff. This can be a
> problem of just not understanding the matters.
> I've running in an other environment sendmail with virtual users and
> masquerading of domains, serving several users through IMPA-server, but
> as an endpoint in the transfer-chain. So some very basic understanding I
> have how to handle sendmail.
> What do I need:
> 1.
> I don't know what software I should run on the firewall to catch all
> incoming smtp-traffic and deliver it to the internal net ->
> Exchange-server and vice versa. The exchange server understands only
> smtp.
> 2.
> In which way should it be done ?
> Installing an MTA (which one?)on the Debian-box or to transfer all
> traffic directly to the internal net by forwarding(how to do this ?).
> Please can you give me some hints in which direction I should
> investigate ?
> I'm shure some of you have solved this problem already.
> Best regards
> Michael
> --
> Michael Steiner, Minorgasse 35, A-1140 Vienna, Austria
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm error (pid 257): server unexpectedly died Help please

2000-12-22 Thread DTi4565459
In a message dated 12/21/00 4:20:05 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 > When I try to startx, I get error message:
 > X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/SF86_S3 failed
 > _X11TransSocketUNIX COnnecty: Can't connect: errno - 111
 > giving up
 > xinit: Connection refused
 > xinit: No such procerss (errno 3):  Server error
 > When I look at xdm log, I find error in subject line.  I'm a newbie and 
 > appreciate some clues.  TIA,
   try to run X itself and see if you get any error, run either startx or
 plain X
   try on or both of the following:
   startx 2> startx.log
   X 2> X.log
   and check the startx.log and X.log files

Thanks, Erik.  I tried that.  startx 2>startx.log produces same output
as I described above.  X2> X.log produces only the first line of same
output:  " X: exec of /usr/bin/X11/XF86_S3 failed"

Additional suggestions welcomed...,, dave

Re: I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread Jon Pennington
Bob Underwood wrote:
> My Epson Stylus Color 400 installed well during the system installation
> process.  Just use the Stylus Color I selection as the one specifically for 
> the
> 400 doesn't work.
> If you want, I can send my printcap separately.

The least painful method I've found for setting up my Stylus 440 is the
CUPS system.  Install cupsys-bsd and libcupsys2, point your browser to
localhost (I forget the port), and let 'er rip ;).  Web-based
administration, queue checking, printer tests, and other cool stuff.  I
like it.

-=|JP|=-"Why, oh, why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Jon Pennington| Atipa Linux Solutions   -o)
Kansas City, MO, USA  | 816-595-3000 x1550 _\_V

6D04 39E0 CAE9 9ADA 2CA3  2EBE 898A 6C37 CA1E A29C

PowerPC boot disk with USB support????

2000-12-22 Thread Xucaen
Hi all.
Does anyone know where I can find a rescue and
root disk in hfs format with USB support?
I have a friend who is trying to install Debian
on his PowerPC. He downloaded the
boot-floppy-hfs.img and created the rescue disk
from that. It boots up fine but when he gets no
response from  the keyboard. He has a USB
keyboard and we think he needs a rescue disk with
USB support. Does anyone know where I can find a
rescue and root disk in hfs format with USB



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Re: downgrade from Woody to Potato - Yes, I too wish you would explain....

2000-12-22 Thread DTi4565459
In a message dated 12/21/00 10:47:18 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 01:33:54PM +0100, Stephan Engelke wrote:
 > Johann Spies writes:
 > > Replace your libc6 package with the potato version using dpkg -i with
 > > the --force-depends option.
 > Unfortunately this did not work; I could not get around the
 > dependencies on glibc 2.2. 
 > To shorten a long story, I have done a reinstall, and got the system
 > up to working condition within three hours.  There's probably the odd
 > package still missing, but I am reinstalling everything by hand
 > intentionally, because it gives me a chance to clean things up a
 > little and get rid of unused packages.
 hey there. would you like to write up your 'how i did a quickie
 install' for the newbieDoc troupe? you might be able to help
 preserve a future newbie's hairline by doing so...

YES, writing up a quickie install method would be greatly appreciated.
HOW about a quickie on installing from source, like CDROM #4 of the
6 CD Debian package.  It is supposed to contain all the source for binary
disc #1.  Thanks,  dave

Re: Still cannot get off list

2000-12-22 Thread Gary Hennigan
"Rob VanFleet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:41:39AM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> > Before you write to the list on this topic please try to unsubscribe
> > from the list yourself and see what happens. It's really doesn't
> > matter what you did "over the last month". The problem seems to have
> > started this week, and I really doubt it's specific to a "certain
> > group of people". If you can unsubscribe yourself TODAY, then it might
> > be helpful to send us a script of what you did. It does *NOT* help to
> > submit a post to the group and make it sound like it's something we're
> > doing wrong!
> > 
> > I've subscribed and unsubscribed myself quite a few times over the
> > years. And yes, that's *years*. I'm no newbie and I've used mailing
> > lists for a *LONG* time and I've failed in all 5 of my attempts over
> > the last 1.5 days to unsubscribe. No, there's definately something
> > wrong and it doesn't help that mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > isn't, apparently, actively monitored.
> Jeez... calm down...  Did I *say* that *anyone* was doing *anything*
> wrong?  It was my honest assumption that it might have had something
> to do with certain mail situations.  At your recomendation, I
> attempted to unsubscribe again, and noticed that there does seem to
> be something up with it, as I've also previously unsubscribed and
> resubscribed.  Sorry, I made a mistake, there's no need for you to
> get all pissy, beat your chest and try to exert your alpha geek
> status over me ("*years*", "*LONG* time", etc).

Just to make it clear, I already sent a note to Rob, I was *NOT*
trying to "exert my alpha geek status" (good one!:)). I just wanted to
point out that Rob's post wasn't really helpful in finding out what
the problem was. As always, email is lousy for expressing emotion, or
lack thereof as in this case.

Anyway, I've had some rather unpleasant correspondences with the list
maintainers (two were unpleasant anyway, one was quite friendly). They
are aware of the problem and will get around to looking into it.

By the way the unpleasantness was my own fault for sending email to
their personal email addresses instead of
[EMAIL PROTECTED] It wasn't clear to me that the listmaster
address was working since nobody here said they'd heard anything
back. I apologize to the list maintainers, again.

It's been a LONG week

Re: interesting xmcd conundrum

2000-12-22 Thread Michael A. Miller
Did you find a solution to this problem yet?  I've had the same
thing happen to me and haven't been able to sort it out either.


Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread Robert Epprecht
ktb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:43:43AM +0100, Robert Epprecht wrote:
> > How do I convince exim to set the envelope sender to
> > 
>   At the bottom of /etc/exim.conf in the "REWRITE CONFIGURATION"
>   section comment out what is there and put something like -
>   I really don't know why the default rewrite doesn't work but it
>   never has for me.

Should this be regarded as a bug?
How and where to does one file a bug report?

BTW: no, I didn't mean that sendmail would not be part of debian.
Sorry that my wording wasn't clear enough about that.

Thanks a lot for your help,
Robert Epprecht.

Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread Balbir Thomas
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 07:23:19AM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> Robert Epprecht writes:
> > I have recently changed to debian which implied a change from sendmail to
> > exim.
> No, exim just happens to be the MTA that is installed by default.  Sendmail
> is in Debian, as are several others.
> -- 
> John Hasler
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, Wisconsin
Excuse me if this is a gross misunderstanding, but dselect does not allow the 
installation of Sendmail and exim togeather and reports a conflict between the 
two. Why would this be ? 
Balbir Thomas

Re: downgrade from Woody to Potato - Yes, I too wish you would explain....

2000-12-22 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 11:48:58AM -0500 wrote

> YES, writing up a quickie install method would be greatly appreciated.
> HOW about a quickie on installing from source, like CDROM #4 of the
> 6 CD Debian package.  It is supposed to contain all the source for binary
> disc #1.  Thanks,  dave

I don't know about reinstalling from sources, I have not done that. 
Before reformatting the harddisk I did a dpkg --get-selections and backed
up /etc.  This is what does the trick, since all configuration files are kept 
in /etc.  I decided to clean up the system a little, so I did not push 
the seleciton list back in to dpkg (dpkg --set-selections),  but if you
want the system to be identical to the one you had before, running 
dpkg  --set-selections and initialing the install process (e.g. by running
dselect) should  give you the same system as before.  Replace the system's
/etc directory with your backup and you should be all set.

Cheers -- Stephan 

Re: "Choppy" sound - Woody, 2.4.0-test11 kernel, xmms & esd

2000-12-22 Thread Michael Smith
FWIW, Usually when the sound skips like that, there's a problem with the dma or
irq setup on the board itself when you loaded the module.  That's the angle that
I would take.

It's a shame that a family can be torn apart
by something as simple as wild dogs.

Debian 2.2 and ISDN

2000-12-22 Thread Felix Natter

I just tried to set up isdn exactly the way Marcus Jodorf described in his
mail a few months ago (configure modules, create config files with
isdnconfig and edit them).

at bootup I get the following isdn-messages:

Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: ISDN subsystem Rev: 
1.100/1.84/1.114/1.63/1.17/1.4 loaded
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Linux Driver for passive ISDN cards
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Version 3.3e (module)
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Layer1 Revision 2.37
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Layer2 Revision 2.20
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: TeiMgr Revision 2.13
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Layer3 Revision 2.10
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: LinkLayer Revision 2.40
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Approval certification valid
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Approved with ELSA Quickstep series 
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Approval registration numbers:
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: German D133361J CETECOM ICT Services 
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: EU (D133362J) CETECOM ICT Services 
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Approved with Eicon Technology Diva 
2.01 PCI cards
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: Card 1 Protocol EDSS1 Id=fritzpci (0)
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: AVM PCI driver Rev. 1.14
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: AVM PCI: stat 0x3020a
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: AVM PCI: Class A Rev 2
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: AVM Fritz!PCI config irq:11 
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: AVM PCI: ISAC version (0): 2086/2186 V1.1
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: AVM Fritz PnP/PCI: IRQ 11 count 0
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: AVM Fritz PnP/PCI: IRQ 11 count 3
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: DSS1 Rev. 2.23
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: 2 channels added
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: HiSax: MAX_WAITING_CALLS added
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial 
options enabled
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
Dec 16 20:07:53 couchpotato kernel: ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
Dec 16 20:07:54 couchpotato kernel: isdn: Verbose-Level is 2
Dec 16 20:07:55 couchpotato ipppd: info: no CHAP secret entry for this user! 
Dec 16 20:07:55 couchpotato ipppd[182]: Found 1 device: /dev/ippp0
Dec 16 20:07:55 couchpotato ipppd[187]: ipppd i2.2.10 (isdn4linux version of 
pppd by MH) started
Dec 16 20:07:55 couchpotato ipppd[187]: init_unit: 0 
Dec 16 20:07:55 couchpotato ipppd[187]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 8

Then I tried to dial using
$isdnctrl dial ippp0
which does not create a connection and only results in these messages:
Dec 16 20:29:10 couchpotato kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
Dec 16 20:29:10 couchpotato kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0

any help is appreciated.


Felix Natter

Unidentified subject!

2000-12-22 Thread Balbir Thomas
I recently switched from  RedHat 6.2 to potato and my cdrom seems to have the 
following problems : 
Most of the time I get errors like :

hdb: irq timeout: status=0xc0 { Busy }
hdb: ATAPI reset complete

Sometimes I also get errors like :

attempt to access beyond end of device
03:40: rw=0, want=33, limit=0
dev 03:40 blksize=1024 blocknr=32 sector=64 size=1024 count=1
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=03:40, iso_blknum=16, block=32
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
   or too many mounted file systems
   (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
   instead of some logical partition inside?)

And often it works too !
The CDROM is 44x IDE cdrom. 
The didn't happen in redhat so I expect it is a configuration problem of some 
srt . Could you please guide me to the appropriate literature or give a tip or 
two ?

Balbir Thomas

Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread Jon Pennington
Balbir Thomas wrote:
> Excuse me if this is a gross misunderstanding, but dselect does not allow the 
> installation of Sendmail and exim togeather and reports a conflict between 
> the two. Why would this be ?

Why (and how) would you intend to install two MTAs on one machine?  Exim
is a replacement for sendmail.

-=|JP|=-"Why, oh, why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Jon Pennington| Atipa Linux Solutions   -o)
Kansas City, MO, USA  | 816-595-3000 x1550 _\_V

6D04 39E0 CAE9 9ADA 2CA3  2EBE 898A 6C37 CA1E A29C

Re: Unidentified subject!

2000-12-22 Thread Xucaen

--- Balbir Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently switched from  RedHat 6.2 to potato
> and my cdrom seems to have the following
> problems : 
> Most of the time I get errors like :
> hdb: irq timeout: status=0xc0 { Busy }
> hdb: ATAPI reset complete

isn't the CD ROM drive supposed to be hdc?

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Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: PLEASE: standard package README file/orientation

2000-12-22 Thread Marc Haber
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 12:49:42 +1000, Anand Kumria
>README.Debian exists in the package(s) which have made substainial changes
>to how the package operates. If it exists it contains important information
>that the maintainer wanted you to read.

However, Debian's apache comes configured to hide README files. Thus,
http:///doc//README.Debian is hidden from anybody who
happens to enjoy the web browser interface to /usr/doc.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |   " Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom " | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG "Rightful Heir" | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: What is the file name of the ps2 mouse driver?

2000-12-22 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 22 Dec 2000, John Foster wrote:
> I need the name of the ps2 mouse driver file. I am having difficulty
> with a new install. The mouse works in X but not on the console. I set
> up the XF86Setup configs with the same setting I used for gpm, & X works
> fine. Xterm does not. I do not see any driver listed in
> /lib/modules/kernelXXX/misc/ for the mouse. I did set it up and compile
> it as a module. Boot up shows detecting ps2 port.
> Thanks!
> John

Using /dev/gpmdata in the XF86Config file works for me and avoids this
problem. It generates an error message when I run startx but this
doesn't seem to matter.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.2 (Windows-free zone)
Over 100 book reviews:
Skeptical essays:

"Palo y tente tieso." (Spanish proverb)
Free translation: "Holdfast is your only dog."

Re: exim and envelope sender

2000-12-22 Thread Balbir Thomas
Apologies I think I misunderstood johns statement . So much for the perils of 
learning !
Balbir Thomas

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 12:23:58PM -0600, Jon Pennington wrote:
> Balbir Thomas wrote:
> > 
> > Excuse me if this is a gross misunderstanding, but dselect does not allow 
> > the installation of Sendmail and exim togeather and reports a conflict 
> > between the two. Why would this be ?
> Why (and how) would you intend to install two MTAs on one machine?  Exim
> is a replacement for sendmail.

Re: Finding/Including sr_mod post install

2000-12-22 Thread csj
Before recompiling it would be nice to try:

# modprobe ide-scsi
# modprobe sg

cdrecord might automatically load the "sg" module. As a cd-rom, the cd-writer 
can be mounted as /dev/scd0 (or the infamous /dev/sr0). You might also need 
to add the following to your /etc/lilo.conf (not sure; I use grub):

append=" hdc=ide-scsi" 

where /dev/hdc is your cd-writer (YMMV). ZIP / LS120 driver owners might need 
a few more tricks to achieve IDE / SCSI harmony. Nothing which the unloading 
/ loading of modules won't fix.

On Friday 22 December 2000 15:10, Sebastiaan wrote:
> High,
> I belive that that module is compiled in into the standard kernel. If not,
> or if you need it as module anyhow, you must enable
> scsi-support -> scsi-cdrom-support
> If you start with a clean .config file and after that make dep; make
> modules you will find sr_mod.o in /usr/src/linux/modules
> Copy this file to /lib/modules/2.2.17(or whatever)/scsi
> If it works then, I do not know.
> Greetz,
> Sebastiaan
> On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I don't have any SCSI devices, I just need it for to
> > use cdrecord with an ATAPI IDE.
> >
> > I guess I am going to have to recompile my kernel,
> > but first I have to FIND the darn thing.
> >
> > sr_mod, I feel confident, will be the only remaining
> > module I need to install.
> >
> > I've looked through the modules HOWTO and many
> > other places and I still can't find where they are supposed
> > to be.
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> >
> >Joshua Si Narins

Re: irq timeouts - CDROM

2000-12-22 Thread Balbir Thomas
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 10:29:29AM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
> --- Balbir Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I recently switched from  RedHat 6.2 to potato
> > and my cdrom seems to have the following
> > problems : 
> > Most of the time I get errors like :
> > 
> > hdb: irq timeout: status=0xc0 { Busy }
> > hdb: ATAPI reset complete
> > 
> isn't the CD ROM drive supposed to be hdc?
Correct me if I am wrong . The CDROM is a slave to the primary IDE drive so I 
would expect it would be hdb. 


Re: I need a filter for Epson Stylus Color 400

2000-12-22 Thread mikpolniak

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:23:34 +0100, Santiago Fernandez said:

> I need printcap entries and a filter (maybe from magicfilter) for a
>  Epson Sylus Color 400. Has anyone some experience configuring this
>  printer? I've tried different possibilities without success.
>  I've read README-StylusColor from magicfilter but it doesn't offer any
>  help: I know I should buy another printer, but I've spend all my money
>  on CD Technology, and a friend of mine has given me this ridiculous
>  printer. So, that's all I've got to print my documents at home.
Probably the 2 easiest ways are with 'printtool' or 'pdq'  and
'xpdq'. Just did both (you need only one) and choose 'stcolor' driver
when you add your printer.

Woody dselect Woes

2000-12-22 Thread Thomas Delany

I have a Debian system running Woody that I am 
having big problems with re: dselect and updating it.
I was in the middle of updating the system with 
dselect when I attempted to background the dselect process in order to do 
something that was suggested by the output from one of the packages that was 
being configured.  Any way, to make a long story short, I somehow managed 
to hang the system and had to (gulp) push the reset button.
After reboot, things were a mess.  I now have 
a bunch of half-configured packages, and a bunch more that won't install due to 
dependency problems.  The biggest problem seems to involve getting debconf 
configured.  When its configuration runs, I get the following:
Use of reserved word "our" is deprecated at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 19.

Bareword "our" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 19.
Unquoted string "our" may clash with future reserved word at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 19.
Array found where operator expected at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 19, at end of line
(Do you need to predeclare our?)
Global symbol "@EXPORT" requires explicit package name at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 19.
syntax error at /usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 19, near 
"our @EXPORT"
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
/usr/lib/perl5/Debconf/ line 7.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/debconf/frontend 
line 22.
dpkg: error processing debconf (--install):
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 
Errors were encountered while processing:
I ran dpkg --install for the debconf package by 
itself to capture the above error text.  I admit that I'm hardly a Linux 
power user, and I'm totally at a loss as to how to fix this.  Any help 
would be greatly appreciated.

Starup script - how can I make it start later? (Firestarter)

2000-12-22 Thread Phillip Deackes
I need to start a script containing ipchains settings derived freom
Firestarter. The docs suggest I start the script in /etc/rc.x. If I do
this, on boot up I get error messages which do not occur if I run the
script after the system has rebooted. This leads me to summise that the
script is starting too early. How can I make sure it is the last thing to
run on boot up?

Anyone else using Firstarter? The script is and contains
ipchains references.

I can try it again and copy over the error messages I receive on boot, but
I don't know how to get these messages again to copy - they appear during
boot up but they are not in /var/log/messages or /var/log/system.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

How to track *part* of unstable?

2000-12-22 Thread Richard Cobbe
Greetings, all.

I'm still fairly new to debian, so I'm not all that familiar with dpkg,
dselect, and apt.

Is there a way to track the unstable branch for only certain packages?  I'd
like to install the unstable version of gnucash.  I downloaded the .deb and
tried an apt-get install, but it failed due to a number of unsatisfied
dependencies.  Most of these dependencies simply required later versions of
packages that I've already installed---from potato.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to use dselect to grab this version of
gnucash and satisfy its dependencies, but I want to leave the rest of my
system at stable, where it is now.  Is there a good way to do this?

The only thing I can think of is keeping two sources.list files, one for
stable and the other for unstable, and switching them out as necessary.  Is
there a better way?

(Also, and forgive me for asking this, but please CC me directly on any
responses.  I've subscribed to this list and received confirmation of my
subscription, but I'm not receiving any of the list traffic, and I'm not
sure why.)

Thanks much,


Re: exim-configuration--relaying mail

2000-12-22 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 11:30:06PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> If you desire it, I compiled Exim 3.20 for potato over the weeked for my
> own machines; I've put the .deb on the 'net under
> (sorry, no apt-get'table archive
> yet).  It has dependencies on the following packages:

You did it, so it must be possible, but stupid me I get: 

lookups/lookups.a(ldap.o): In function `perform_ldap_search':
/tmp/exim-3.20/build-Linux-i386/lookups/ldap.c:351: undefined reference to 

So what's wrong?
I'm running a vanilla potato, and all the libs you mentioned are installed
but the ssl thing.

groetjes, carel

irq timeouts error-cdrom ?

2000-12-22 Thread Balbir Thomas
I recently switched from RedHat 6.2 to potato. I have a IDE 44x cdrom that is 
giving the following errors (which did not happen previously) 

1) Most of the time the error is :

hdb: irq timeout: status=0xc0 { Busy }
hdb: ATAPI reset complete

2) Sometime I also see some thing like this :

ttempt to access beyond end of device
03:40: rw=0, want=33, limit=0
dev 03:40 blksize=1024 blocknr=32 sector=64 size=1024 count=1
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=03:40, iso_blknum=16, block=32
VFS: Disk change detected on device ide0(3,64)
cdrom: open failed.
VFS: Disk change detected on device ide0(3,64)
VFS: Disk change detected on device ide0(3,64)
ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A

I am not very experienced in these matter and can't figure what is going wrong. 
Could you please give me a tip or two on what to do, or direct me to the 
appropriate literature ?

Sorry about this repost, I forgot to put the subject on the last one. 

Balbir Thomas

Re: How to track *part* of unstable?

2000-12-22 Thread D-Man

I don't think that can be done.  Woody (unstable) is based on glibc
2.2 while potato is based on glibc 2.1.  Thus any binaries for woody
that use the C library at all won't run (even if you get them to
install) on potato.  You could probably upgrade the libc independent
of the rest of the system though (since it is binary backwards

The other thing you will want to be careful of is dependencies.
Gnucash depends on guile and maybe a couple of other libs.  Other
apps/libs may also depend on those libs.  If those needed libs aren't
backwards compatible you may inadvertantly break other parts of your

I think it would be best for you to try and find a source package and
build it on your system.  If gnucash itself (not the prebuilt package)
doesn't require newer libs this is the best route.


On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 01:35:28PM -0600, Richard Cobbe wrote:
> Greetings, all.
> I'm still fairly new to debian, so I'm not all that familiar with dpkg,
> dselect, and apt.
> Is there a way to track the unstable branch for only certain packages?  I'd
> like to install the unstable version of gnucash.  I downloaded the .deb and
> tried an apt-get install, but it failed due to a number of unsatisfied
> dependencies.  Most of these dependencies simply required later versions of
> packages that I've already installed---from potato.
> Ideally, I'd like to be able to use dselect to grab this version of
> gnucash and satisfy its dependencies, but I want to leave the rest of my
> system at stable, where it is now.  Is there a good way to do this?
> The only thing I can think of is keeping two sources.list files, one for
> stable and the other for unstable, and switching them out as necessary.  Is
> there a better way?
> (Also, and forgive me for asking this, but please CC me directly on any
> responses.  I've subscribed to this list and received confirmation of my
> subscription, but I'm not receiving any of the list traffic, and I'm not
> sure why.)
> Thanks much,
> Richard

Re: How to track *part* of unstable?

2000-12-22 Thread Rob VanFleet
> On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 01:35:28PM -0600, Richard Cobbe wrote:
> > Is there a way to track the unstable branch for only certain packages?  I'd
> > like to install the unstable version of gnucash.  

Is gnucash_1.4.8 new enough for you?  If so, just install Helix Gnome from  Running Potato, Helix is the best way to get new
Gnome/GTK packages.  I'm not sure if gnucash is included by default, but if you
don't want most of the other packages, just use the base gnome installation
option; that will give you most of what gnucash will be dependant on.  After
the base installation just apt-get install gnucash.  Simple enough?


Re: Starup script - how can I make it start later? (Firestarter)

2000-12-22 Thread D-Man

I haven't done this yet, but I have a feeling that when I finish
installing Debian I will be playing with the rc?.d scripts.

The scripts are actually symlinks to the real scripts.  The symlinks
have a name like


The symlinks that start with S are for startup and the ones with K are
for shutdown.  The 2-digit number tells the system which order to run
the scripts.  The text after the number is the name of the service.

If you increase the number, it will start later.  It would be a good
idea to read the docs first.  There is a program called sysconf or
some similar name that is used to keep the init system in sync.  Check
the archives or wait for the other gurus to explain it better than me.


On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 07:34:39PM +, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> I need to start a script containing ipchains settings derived freom
> Firestarter. The docs suggest I start the script in /etc/rc.x. If I do
> this, on boot up I get error messages which do not occur if I run the
> script after the system has rebooted. This leads me to summise that the
> script is starting too early. How can I make sure it is the last thing to
> run on boot up?
> Anyone else using Firstarter? The script is and contains
> ipchains references.
> I can try it again and copy over the error messages I receive on boot, but
> I don't know how to get these messages again to copy - they appear during
> boot up but they are not in /var/log/messages or /var/log/system.
> -- 
> Phillip Deackes
> Using Storm Linux 2000
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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