On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 02:18:35PM -0500, Scott Patterson wrote:
> >I installed debian in the belief that it would install. Xwindows  simply
> >will not install. As newcomer I can't work with a program w/o the gui.
> >I wanted xwindows (eventually kde) ppp connection, printer, netscape and I
> >want to do experiments with star office and other suites. Debian was
> >suggested because a lot of people use it and there would be paid support.
> >This has simply not been the case.
> >In any event I need to get xwindows - gnome up and running and I can hack
> >my way to the other goas w/o support.
> You've come to the right place for support. There are many knowledgable people
> here eager to help.
> So, without any delay what have you done so far?
> It sounds like you've installed a minimum set of packages. If you can boot 
> your
> computer into Linux with a login prompt, login in as root and then type
> "tasksel". This will present you with a list of tasks, one of which is to
> install X.
> Perhaps you've already loaded X and don't know it. Try typing "startx" at the
> command line prompt.

kudos! nice job covering elementary bases there, without
leaving any dangling 'this is available, somewhere' vaguaries.

it took me about a week to find "startx" when i was first
tinkering with X! and "tasksel" is something i couldn't
find for months!

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precedence over the job to be done.  School and prison. 
                                        --William Glasser 

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