On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 11:48:58AM -0500 wrote

> YES, writing up a quickie install method would be greatly appreciated.
> HOW about a quickie on installing from source, like CDROM #4 of the
> 6 CD Debian package.  It is supposed to contain all the source for binary
> disc #1.  Thanks,  dave

I don't know about reinstalling from sources, I have not done that. 
Before reformatting the harddisk I did a dpkg --get-selections and backed
up /etc.  This is what does the trick, since all configuration files are kept 
in /etc.  I decided to clean up the system a little, so I did not push 
the seleciton list back in to dpkg (dpkg --set-selections),  but if you
want the system to be identical to the one you had before, running 
dpkg  --set-selections and initialing the install process (e.g. by running
dselect) should  give you the same system as before.  Replace the system's
/etc directory with your backup and you should be all set.

Cheers -- Stephan 

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