Re: Installing sarge

2004-07-30 Thread jon salenger

The same exact thing happened when I installed from the daily businesscard ISO 
(i'm assuming minimal iso=businesscard). I ignored that message and continued 
with the installation, since I knew that there had been a new-world bootstrap 
partition made, and everything worked out fine. Later in the installation, I 
was asked where to load yaboot, and I chose hda2. which was the partition I'd 
made new-world boot partition.

The only problem I had after that (and I haven't fixed it yet under the 
assumption it should be an easy mod to yaboot.conf and it hasn't yet been 
necessary) is that yaboot only offers the option for my OSX partition at boot 
time, whereas I also have an OS9 partition on hdb.



> Downloaded and burned the minimal sarge ppc iso.
> Cd boots fine.
> Everything seems to start installing just fine. After partitioning I
> keep getting the error message
> No NewWorld boot partition found and that I need to set one up.
> I setup the Apple_bootstrap partition but the error still comes up. I
> made it the first partition after the map partition. I thought I did
> what the manual said but everything I try will not work.
> Debian is being installed on a Quicksilver G4. One hard drive for Debian
> and the other for OS X.
> Im new to Linux and only used yellowdog for a couple of months.
> Any suggestions?
> Derek

Re: Using PCMCIA on PowerPC

2004-07-30 Thread Andreas Jaggi

Am Thu, 29 Jul 2004 22:39:17 +0200 schrieb Vincent Lefevre:
> /etc/default/pcmcia contains:
> # Defaults for pcmcia (sourced by /etc/init.d/pcmcia)
> PCMCIA=yes
> PCIC=i82365

For Aluminium PowerBook G4, PCIC=yenta_socket


2004-07-30 Thread Umar Purnomo

Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a good usb 802.11b/g adaptor? I have the ibook G4.

Thanks in advance.

Re: 802.11

2004-07-30 Thread Sebastian Henschel

* Umar Purnomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-30 09:28 +0200]:
> Can anyone recommend a good usb 802.11b/g adaptor? I have the ibook G4.

i use a Netgear WG511 (and exactly that name) in my alu powerbook which works
fine in multiple wlanѕ (monitor, wep).

::: .O.
::: ..O
::: OOO
::: lynx -source | gpg --import

Description: Digital signature

Re: 802.11

2004-07-30 Thread Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
On Friday 30 July 2004 09.41, Sebastian Henschel wrote:
> hello..
> * Umar Purnomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-30 09:28 +0200]:
> > Can anyone recommend a good usb 802.11b/g adaptor? I have the ibook
> > G4.
> i use a Netgear WG511 (and exactly that name) in my alu powerbook
> which works fine in multiple wlanѕ (monitor, wep).

Is this one of the cards that can also work as access point? (I have an 
old ELSA MC-11 which will probably be replaced sometimes soon because 
it apparently does not work as access point)

-- vbi

La vérité souffre d'être trop analysée.
-+- Frank Herbert, Dune -+-

Description: signature

Re: ppc64 port

2004-07-30 Thread Cajus Pollmeier
> Am Mittwoch, 28. April 2004 01:09 schrieb Benjamin Herrenschmidt:
> [...]
> > Overall, we can go the gentoo way, and do a full 64 bits debian
> > distribution independant from the 32 bits one, or we can simply do like
> > other distributions do, and I think it makes some sense, is to have a
> > biarch distribution.
> Not recompiling everything saves a lot of time - and potential trouble.
> I've no deep knowledge of ppc64 interna, and if you'd say that it has no
> major drawbacks I'm really fine with "just" trying to set up kernel,
> binutils and certain *lib* packages.
> I found some information in
> about preparing an installation on p-series LPAR's.
> Will look into this...

Ok. Maybe you remember...

I've a IBM pSeries (p615) available now for at least two months - may be
extendable by some additional months. It _may_ be available on a long time
base for the debian project as a build host, but that's not clear yet. It's a 
dual POWER4+ 1.4GHz with 8GB's of memory. No power5 yet :-/

There was a SuSE system pre installed, and I was too lazy to do an 
installation from scratch and bootstrapped to another partition, built debian 
packages for binutils/gcc that support 64 bits and crosscompiled a 2.6.7'er 
kernel. As the result the machine is up and running Debian now. The compiler 
package is not biarch and I was not able to build the libc stuff yet.

Btw - I tried the debian installer for ppc, but that machine seems to accept 
64bit code on bootup, only.

If there's some interest in testing with that machine, trying to build 
packages, etc. let me know.


Description: signature

Re: Installing sarge

2004-07-30 Thread Wolfram Quester
On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 11:47:24PM -0700, jon salenger wrote:
> Hey,
> The same exact thing happened when I installed from the daily businesscard 
> ISO 
> (i'm assuming minimal iso=businesscard). I ignored that message and continued 
> with the installation, since I knew that there had been a new-world bootstrap 
> partition made, and everything worked out fine. Later in the installation, I 
> was asked where to load yaboot, and I chose hda2. which was the partition I'd 
> made new-world boot partition.
> The only problem I had after that (and I haven't fixed it yet under the 
> assumption it should be an easy mod to yaboot.conf and it hasn't yet been 
> necessary) is that yaboot only offers the option for my OSX partition at boot 
> time, whereas I also have an OS9 partition on hdb.

I guess you have to add a line 
to your /etc/yaboot.conf. There should be a line



Description: Digital signature

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Re: 802.11

2004-07-30 Thread Sebastian Henschel
hello adrian..

* Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-30 10:21 
> On Friday 30 July 2004 09.41, Sebastian Henschel wrote:
> >
> > * Umar Purnomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-30 09:28 +0200]:
> > > Can anyone recommend a good usb 802.11b/g adaptor? I have the ibook
> > > G4.
> >
> >
> >
> > i use a Netgear WG511 (and exactly that name) in my alu powerbook
> > which works fine in multiple wlanѕ (monitor, wep).
> Is this one of the cards that can also work as access point? (I have an 
> old ELSA MC-11 which will probably be replaced sometimes soon because 
> it apparently does not work as access point)

dunno, the driver seems to support it:

i just tried to set it to master mode and the iwconfig succeeded.
but that does not have to mean anything. :)

::: .O.
::: ..O
::: OOO
::: lynx -source | gpg --import

Description: Digital signature

Re: Using PCMCIA on PowerPC

2004-07-30 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2004-07-30 09:07:23 +0200, Andreas Jaggi wrote:
> For Aluminium PowerBook G4, PCIC=yenta_socket

Thanks. In fact, yenta_socket was automatically loaded when I rebooted
with the adapter + the SD card in the PowerBook:

pcmcia_core73108  3 ide_cs,ds,yenta_socket

But I'll do the change (in fact, I remember that I did a change like
this last year, when I tried a wireless card, but for some reason, it
seems to have been overwritten).

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: 
100% validated (X)HTML - Acorn / RISC OS / ARM, free software, YP17,
Championnat International des Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques, etc.
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

Re: ppc64 port

2004-07-30 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Cajus Pollmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Am Mittwoch, 28. April 2004 01:09 schrieb Benjamin Herrenschmidt:
>> [...]
>> > Overall, we can go the gentoo way, and do a full 64 bits debian
>> > distribution independant from the 32 bits one, or we can simply do like
>> > other distributions do, and I think it makes some sense, is to have a
>> > biarch distribution.
>> Not recompiling everything saves a lot of time - and potential trouble.
>> I've no deep knowledge of ppc64 interna, and if you'd say that it has no
>> major drawbacks I'm really fine with "just" trying to set up kernel,
>> binutils and certain *lib* packages.
>> I found some information in
>> about preparing an installation on p-series LPAR's.
>> Will look into this...

Please check the debian-amd64 (or debian-devel) mailinglist looking
for "multiarch". The multiarch proposal from there is an unification
of the various biarch architectures and their biarch solutions into a
clean and consistent solution.

If you are intrested in improving ppc64 support in debian that would
be the team to join. The multiarch repository is currently amd64+i386
only but its trivial to add other archs to it if someone is willing to
compile and test.

After an initial bootstraping (kernel, binutils, glibc, gcc) for the
arch other people would be able to upgrade to it with dpkg.


Re: crosstool and .rpm's

2004-07-30 Thread Rafael Ávila de Espíndola
Hash: SHA1

Em Thursday 29 July 2004 20:39, you wrote:
> Rafael Ávila de Espíndola wrote:
> Thanks.  Are the extra patches inside your attached patch good
> enough to contribute back to gcc mainline?
> e.g. would it be sensible to do
>mv debian/patches/glibc-2.3.2-csu-make.patch
> patches/glibc-2.3.2/glibc-2.3.2-csu-make.patch ?
Yes. In fact I have already emailed it:
> - Dan
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: ppc64 port

2004-07-30 Thread Rafael Ávila de Espíndola
Hash: SHA1

Em Friday 30 July 2004 05:13, Cajus Pollmeier escreveu:

> Btw - I tried the debian installer for ppc, but that machine seems to
> accept 64bit code on bootup, only.
Indeed. The following thread might be usefull:

> If there's some interest in testing with that machine, trying to build
> packages, etc. let me know.
> Cheers,
> Cajus

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


Re: X11: version 4.3 and/or dri-trunk?

2004-07-30 Thread Michel Dänzer
On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 11:23 +0200, Martin Kuball wrote: 
> Am Monday 26 July 2004 15:11 schrieb Michel Dänzer:
> > On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 15:01 +0200, Martin Kuball wrote:
> > > Thanks for the answer. I had to remove the dri-trunk package
> > > because the problem was with the glDrawArrays method in libGL not
> > > in the hardware specific stuff. And the problem did indeed vanish
> > > afterwards.
> >
> > It would be great if you could try the libGL from current X.Org CVS
> > and submit a bug to the bugzilla (if there isn't
> > one already) if the problem is still there.
> If you tell me how to get/install it, I will try.

No need to install anything, just have your test program(s) use the
libGL built in the CVS tree.

> By the way, now that I remove the dri-trunk gl library, should I 
> remove the dri-trunk xserver, too?

Your call really. Try XFree86.nodri-trunk instead of XFree86 to compare.

Earthling Michel Dänzer  | Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Libre software enthusiast|

Re: X11: version 4.3 and/or dri-trunk?

2004-07-30 Thread Michel Dänzer
On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 17:26 +0200, Marcin 'Morgoth' Kurek wrote: 
> On 27.07.04, you wrote:
> > The DRI CVS xc tree is now deprecated, it has been folded into the X.Org
> > tree. That's why I specifically mentioned X.Org above.
> I wonder is there any Debian package of current available for PPC ?
> Unoofical or official one. 

I don't know of any.

> I think a loong time to try it but I prefer to have debian package (source 
> or binary) to easily remove it if it will be necesary.

FWIW, any future X server packages of mine will probably be based on an
X.Org tree. But when I'll get around to doing those is still unknown.

Earthling Michel Dänzer  | Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Libre software enthusiast|

Re: mouseemu (was: Re: initial XF86Config)

2004-07-30 Thread Jesus Climent
On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 12:14:30PM -0400, Rick Thomas wrote:
> I assume I download  mouseemu_0.12-1_powerpc.deb -- But what do I 
> do once I've done that?

dpkg -i mouse*deb

Jesus Climent
Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.4.26|Helsinki Finland
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69

So, Lord Helmet, at last we meet again for the first time for the last time.
--Lone Starr (Spaceballs)

Re: crosstool and .rpm's

2004-07-30 Thread Dan Kegel

Rafael Ávila de Espíndola wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Em Thursday 29 July 2004 20:39, you wrote:

Rafael Ávila de Espíndola wrote:
Thanks.  Are the extra patches inside your attached patch good
enough to contribute back to gcc mainline?
e.g. would it be sensible to do
  mv debian/patches/glibc-2.3.2-csu-make.patch
patches/glibc-2.3.2/glibc-2.3.2-csu-make.patch ?

Yes. In fact I have already emailed it:

I guess I'll test with dash, then.  Is this the right URL?
Also, have you verified that patch works with other shells?

All the others are already in crosstool:
Why the duplication?  Oh, your procedure doesn't use *any* of the
patches in the crosstool patch repository, so you had to
copy the ones you felt you needed, I guess.
- Dan

My technical stuff:
My politics: see for examples of why I'm for regime 

Re: Installing sarge

2004-07-30 Thread jon salenger

> > The only problem I had after that (and I haven't fixed it yet under the
> > assumption it should be an easy mod to yaboot.conf and it hasn't yet been
> > necessary) is that yaboot only offers the option for my OSX partition at
> > boot time, whereas I also have an OS9 partition on hdb.
> I guess you have to add a line
> macos=/dev/wherever
> to your /etc/yaboot.conf. There should be a line
> macosx=/dev/somewhereelse
> already.

That's exactly what I assumed, just haven't gotten around to it yet. Just 
checking out this whole new environment. Exploring. Already some interesting 
things... somehow my OpenOffice is in _German_ ;P


> HTH,
> Wolfi

Re: crosstool and .rpm's

2004-07-30 Thread Daniel Kegel

Rafael Ávila de Espíndola wrote:

Why the duplication?  Oh, your procedure doesn't use *any* of the
patches in the crosstool patch repository, so you had to
copy the ones you felt you needed, I guess.

Exactly. I am building a cross-compiler to Debian and so I intend to use only 
Debian patchs in the future (I think that it is a bug if a Debian package 
does not cross-compile).

It would be nice if the crosstool and debian patch
repositories could be kept in sync / merged.

Anyone want to contribute a patch to crosstool to let you
pick whether to select between the debian or crosstool patch
repositories when building crosstool?
- Dan

Re: 802.11

2004-07-30 Thread Adam Done
On Fri, 2004-07-30 at 00:41, Sebastian Henschel wrote:
> hello..
> * Umar Purnomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-07-30 09:28 +0200]:
> > 
> > Can anyone recommend a good usb 802.11b/g adaptor? I have the ibook G4.
> i use a Netgear WG511 (and exactly that name) in my alu powerbook which works
> fine in multiple wlanѕ (monitor, wep).

I am also looking at a wireless PCMIA card to use.  I read that some
cards are not suported as yet.  I  am looking at a d-link card but I am
not to sure if the drivers are available?


migrating from newworld to oldworld

2004-07-30 Thread Seth Daniel

I currently have a NewWorld mac (Blue and White G3) which I have debian
unstable installed on (with kernel 2.4.19-powerpc).  I will be giving
away this machine and receiving an OldWorld powermac 8600.  Is it
possible to simply remove the hard drive from the NewWorld mac and place
it in the OldWorld mac and have things work?  From what I have read it
seems like it may be possible but I am very new to the world of
powermacs, powerpcs etc...  I am not new to Linux or debian.

Thank you for any help.

seth /

Re: AmigaONE && Debian (unstable?)

2004-07-30 Thread Ken Moffat
On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:

> I got my AmigaOne yesterday, and I'm currently trying to install it with
> the ISO @ SourceForge. However, I'm having some troubles with the IDE disk,
> cable or something completley different - 'device not ready for command' or
> something like that.

 might be because you don't have ide=nodma in the bootargs.  That way
lies pain and an eventual reinstall.

> Quoting Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I think the kernel patch for those is more big than the pegasos one, and
> > i am not entirely sure in which subarch category the AmigaOne falls.
> There's a kernel CVS module ('linux-2.4.22') at the SourceForge site and
> diff'ing that with the original 2.4.22 kernel source tree gives me a 1.8Mb
> patch. Most of this is just '$Id: $' changes...
> I sent a mail to Ross about this, I'll see what that can give us. If nothing
> else, I'll extract the relevant part myself. Don't want to do that - 1.8Mb
> patch is A LOT to look through :)
 No kidding, was it only 1.8MB ? it felt more.  Yes, I did look through
it and I've extracted the real changes and put them at  Seem to work mostly ok with
2.4.25 and later (read the docs, most people who have commented get
adequate results with the work-around for disk dma.  Not perfect by any
means, but it's a start).  You'll need mkimage from u-boot to build the
uImage.  But, you'll need to use an older kernel to install the system
before you can do this.

> > I guess a complete new one. |Turbo, how do you boot linux on amigaone, and
> > where do you get the kernel image for it. What is the status about
> > initrd booting ?
> To simply everything for me, I boot the boot image through TFTP. Booting
> from CD, Floppy and HD is also supported (and VERY simmilar to TFTP booting).

 For an initrd, you can put both the kernel and the initrd into the
uImage.  However, since the maximum size for an eltorito image is 2.88MB
you can't get very much in there.

 das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce

how do I get a Sid package on a Woody system?

2004-07-30 Thread Eric D. Hedekar
I've been wanting to get AMSN messenger (
running on my woody system however the .deb package is only available
throught the Sid package list.  I don't know how to program or compile from
source code and when I attempt to install the package manually I get stuck
in dependency hell.  Is there any way to alter the apt-get package list so
as to be able to get this program?  Thanks.


Re: Installing sarge

2004-07-30 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 11:47:24PM -0700, jon salenger wrote:
> The only problem I had after that (and I haven't fixed it yet under the 
> assumption it should be an easy mod to yaboot.conf and it hasn't yet been 
> necessary) is that yaboot only offers the option for my OSX partition at boot 
> time, whereas I also have an OS9 partition on hdb.

There's supposed to be a probe for this. Does "/System Folder/System"
exist on the Mac OS 9 filesystem, and is it HFS?


Re: how do I get a Sid package on a Woody system?

2004-07-30 Thread Sean Schertell
On Saturday 31 July 2004 06:29 am, Eric D. Hedekar wrote:
> I've been wanting to get AMSN messenger
> ( running on my woody system however the
> .deb package is only available throught the Sid package list.  I
> don't know how to program or compile from source code and when I
> attempt to install the package manually I get stuck in dependency
> hell.  Is there any way to alter the apt-get package list so as to be
> able to get this program?  Thanks.

Sure, no sweat.  Just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and wherever you 
see the word "stable", change it to "unstable".  Then "apt-get update", 
then "apt-get install the_package_you_want".  After your done, don't 
forget to change your source.list back to the way it was and apt-get 
update again.

But I think there's an even easier way.  Try this before trying the 
method above:
apt-get install -t unstable the_package_you_want

By the way, unless you're using your box for some hardcore mission 
critical server or something, you might want to upgrade to testing or 
unstable for a much nicer desktop experience.  Very easy, edit 
your /etc/apt/sources.list so that all instances of stable say 
"testing" or "unstable" (depending on if you want Sarge or SID), then 
do this:
apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade

Have fun!


: : : : : DataFly.Net : : : : :
Complete Web Services

Re: X11: version 4.3 and/or dri-trunk?

2004-07-30 Thread Dean Hamstead

how does differ from

/me climbs out from under rock


Michel Dänzer wrote:
On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 17:26 +0200, Marcin 'Morgoth' Kurek wrote: 

On 27.07.04, you wrote:

The DRI CVS xc tree is now deprecated, it has been folded into the X.Org
tree. That's why I specifically mentioned X.Org above.

I wonder is there any Debian package of current available for PPC ?
Unoofical or official one. 

I don't know of any.

I think a loong time to try it but I prefer to have debian package (source 
or binary) to easily remove it if it will be necesary.

FWIW, any future X server packages of mine will probably be based on an
X.Org tree. But when I'll get around to doing those is still unknown.

ICQ: 16867613

Re: how do I get a Sid package on a Woody system?

2004-07-30 Thread Derrik Pates

Sean Schertell wrote:

On Saturday 31 July 2004 06:29 am, Eric D. Hedekar wrote:

I've been wanting to get AMSN messenger
( running on my woody system however the
.deb package is only available throught the Sid package list.  I
don't know how to program or compile from source code and when I
attempt to install the package manually I get stuck in dependency
hell.  Is there any way to alter the apt-get package list so as to be
able to get this program?  Thanks.

Sure, no sweat.  Just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and wherever you 
see the word "stable", change it to "unstable".  Then "apt-get update", 
then "apt-get install the_package_you_want".  After your done, don't 
forget to change your source.list back to the way it was and apt-get 
update again.

But I think there's an even easier way.  Try this before trying the 
method above:

apt-get install -t unstable the_package_you_want

If you want to keep your system running stable, that's probably not a 
good idea. Most sid packages depend on the newer libc, so you'll get 
that, and a bunch of other updated packages (X packages in particular, 
since the division of X into packages has changed substantially between 
woody and sarge), so even if you just ask for that one package, you'll 
probably have to install a signficant number of other packages. In that 
case, you might check, or just consider upgrading to 
sarge (it should be the new stable RSN).

Derrik Pates