> Am Mittwoch, 28. April 2004 01:09 schrieb Benjamin Herrenschmidt:
> [...]
> > Overall, we can go the gentoo way, and do a full 64 bits debian
> > distribution independant from the 32 bits one, or we can simply do like
> > other distributions do, and I think it makes some sense, is to have a
> > biarch distribution.
> Not recompiling everything saves a lot of time - and potential trouble.
> I've no deep knowledge of ppc64 interna, and if you'd say that it has no
> major drawbacks I'm really fine with "just" trying to set up kernel,
> binutils and certain *lib* packages.
> I found some information in
> http://people.debian.org/~fmw/p630-LPAR-Debian-en.txt
> about preparing an installation on p-series LPAR's.
> Will look into this...
Ok. Maybe you remember...

I've a IBM pSeries (p615) available now for at least two months - may be
extendable by some additional months. It _may_ be available on a long time
base for the debian project as a build host, but that's not clear yet. It's a 
dual POWER4+ 1.4GHz with 8GB's of memory. No power5 yet :-/

There was a SuSE system pre installed, and I was too lazy to do an 
installation from scratch and bootstrapped to another partition, built debian 
packages for binutils/gcc that support 64 bits and crosscompiled a 2.6.7'er 
kernel. As the result the machine is up and running Debian now. The compiler 
package is not biarch and I was not able to build the libc stuff yet.

Btw - I tried the debian installer for ppc, but that machine seems to accept 
64bit code on bootup, only.

If there's some interest in testing with that machine, trying to build 
packages, etc. let me know.


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