Re: speed of COW directory copying: XFS 20x slower than ext3

2007-09-16 Thread Ondrej Certik
> Does this possibly have to do with buffer flushing choices by the
> filesystem?  Maybe xfs syncs after some operations (like rm -rf) that ext3

Probably not.

> does not.
> Try adding 'sync' after both steps and see if that changes performance.

I did, see "Note 3" in the wiki. It's actually XFS, that caches things
on amd64, so with sync, the XFS takes 3.5s on amd64 (instead of those
0.5s). But ext3 with sync is still very fast (from 0.2s to 0.4s)
everywhere. So this only makes things worse for XFS...


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Re: RFS: QtOctave -- A Qt front-end to Octave

2007-09-16 Thread Nicolas Pettiaux
2007/6/21, Rafa Rodriguez Galván <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi, Jordi and guys of the Debian Octave Group.
> I'm a member of this group (not DD), though my obligations have made
> me less active in the last year. Between them, I'm the responsible
> of the Free Software Office of the Cadiz University (Spain) [1],
> that in the last months has been supporting qtOctave. In fact
> one of the developers, Alejandro Alverez Ayllon, is member of our
> office.
> We had between our plans the idea of making a Debian package for
> qtOctave, following the Debian Octave guidelines, so if you wish and
> people from Debian Octave group agree, I can collaborate with you,
> taking your package as starting point in order to reach that objective.

very good idea.

I am back working on octave and trying to use qtoctave for the
numerical analysis course that I am teaching.

I have just compiled succesfully the sources of qtoctave I downloaded
with svn today, on a Ubuntu 7.04 on AMD64, but I have some trouble
running the application. I have built a .deb package with checkinstall
that I have thereafter installed. (I can share this package with the
people who would like)

As qtoctave starts, it immediately opens a pop-up windows containing
"octave has finished. restarting" that comes back when I close it.

I wanted to check and change the definition of the octave binary used
by qtoctave, in ./qtoctave/config.rc, but I found no corresponding
entry that I could change.

As I started  qtoctave from the command line, I got there

Error: /home/np/.qtoctave/menus not found
QThread::wait: Thread tried to wait on itself

What can I do to arrange this problem ?

Is there any dedicated mailing list related to qtoctave developpement
or qtoctave usage to which I could subscribe ?

Is there a wiki related to qtoctave where I could contribute ?
Wouldn't be adequate that such a wiki be included in the official
octave wiki to support the combined usage and developpement ?

Unfortunately, I do not (yet) speak, and even read spanish so I can
hardly contribute, as a simple / advance user to the doc. But I am
ready, as I plan to use qtoctave, to help with my students in the
course of the year if I can.

Much thanks,

Nicolas Pettiaux - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Utiliser des formats ouverts et des logiciels libres -
Pour la bureautique, les seuls formats ISO sont ceux de

Re: RFS: php-numbers-roman

2007-09-16 Thread Thijs Kinkhorst
On Sunday 16 September 2007 01:56, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> I think you should talk to upstream and get them to use some other
> license like LGPL or BSD.
> The ftp-master's take a particularly hard line on this license and it
> may require justifying later on if they decide to get picky.

I've uploaded quite some packages with a PHP-licence or that have components 
licenced under the PHP licence, but have not encountered any trouble with 
that to date.

I really recommend asking upstream to change licences, because the PHP licence 
is admittedly a bit strange or awkward, and there's enough standard, widely 
known licences that accomplish the same goals.

Most problematic is probably point 6, which requires you to state that this 
project "includes PHP". Awkward, but not quite non-free. If upstream do not 
want to change licences, I recommend you just go ahead and upload it. I've 
not seen any so called "hard line" on this in recent times.


Description: PGP signature

Sponsor for multipipe

2007-09-16 Thread Christopher Zimmermann

I just packaged the small multipipe tool from

It can send its stdin to several other commands like this:

cat blub |multipipe 'cat >/dev/null' 'less' 'wc'

I find this little tool very handy in many cases. Something like this
should be available in Debian.

You can download the source package from

I have not yet contacted upstream since the only way seems to contact
upstream through sourceforge.

Kind regards, 
Christopher Zimmermann

Description: PGP signature

Re: RFS: php-numbers-roman

2007-09-16 Thread Thijs Kinkhorst
Hi Yann,

> It's one of the packages suggested by the php-image-graph package which
> is already in Debian.
> Graphes can optionally have their axes graduated using roman numbers by
> using the Image_Graph_DataPreprocessor_RomanNumerals preprocessor.
> But in fact, I packaged it because it's a dependancy of centreon [2], a
> kind of nagios frontend I want to package for Debian.
> But you made me wonder if they didn't put as a dependancy because of
> Image_Graph without actually using it.
> I checked and indeed they don't use the RomanNumerals preprocessor.
> So I could drop the package but since I already done the work, I think
> it would be better to have a suggested package in the archive.
> What do you think ?

I think that in principle the use case seems fair, so it could be uploaded. 
However, if you only packaged it as a dependency and it's not being used 
afterall, I'd not go through the trouble of uploading it. You say that "the 
work is already been done", but every package has a maintenance cost 
associated with it.

Because re-doing the packaging of this is not that difficult, I'd suggest to 
just leave the package for now. If someone actually wants to use the 
functionality they can make the upload, especially because of the highly 
specialistic purpose of this package.

Of course, this is just my opinion. If you want to upload it nonetheless 
there's no fundamental problem with that.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Sponsor for multipipe

2007-09-16 Thread Patrick Schoenfeld

Christopher Zimmermann schrieb:
> I just packaged the small multipipe tool from

IANADD but anyways, here are some (hopefully useful) comments:

At first: You would help potential sponsors a lot if you could post more
information about your package / the software you package. Like Author,
Upstream URL, license, etc. You should consider your sponsorship request
as an ad for your package, as such more information on first sight makes
it easier to get some DD to sponsor your upload. But at least should you
point a direct link to the .dsc file so that DD can use dget to get your

Ok, but to go on:
- debian/changelog: You should file an ITP bug for this package and
close this one in the changelog (by adding (Closes: #))
- debian/copyright: According to the policy this file needs to include
informations about copyright(s), upstream author, upstream location and
license. See Policy 12.5 for more information.
- debian/rules:
  * there is no need to keep the comments derived from the dh-make
  * there are some uncommented entries, like line 38 or 72-83. If you
don't need them, then don't keep them.
  * using dh_install for the installation of just one binary seems
to be an overkill. i recommend you to use install instead. you can
use with -D, then it will also create usr/bin which makes
debian/dirs and the dh_installdirs call not needed

Best Regards,


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sponsor for multipipe

2007-09-16 Thread Justin Pryzby
On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 04:32:13PM +0200, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> Hi!
> I just packaged the small multipipe tool from
> It can send its stdin to several other commands like this:
> cat blub |multipipe 'cat >/dev/null' 'less' 'wc'
Neat.  You can do something similar using bashisms:

echo foo |tee >(sed s/^/x/) >(sed s/^/y/) >(sed s/^/z/)

> I find this little tool very handy in many cases. Something like this
> should be available in Debian.
I have to agree :)

> You can download the source package from
Some comments:

Your copyright file is incomplete (I think you know this).

Ideally, debian/dirs:usr/bin isn't necessary since the upstream
makefile should handle this.

*some* debian/rules comments should go away.  But you should also
understand what eg. DH_VERBOSE, docbook-to-man, # dh_*, and the
manpage macro comments do and try the relevant things once before
getting rid of them.

Your configure-stamp target seems to do nothing.  You should
understand why it was in the template and ultimately get rid of it.

BTW tell your upstream that libc6 unistd.h already defines
STDIN_FILENO and such, so main.c essentially just duplicates this.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: pyxplot

2007-09-16 Thread Piotr Ożarowski
2007/9/15, Ondrej Certik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > * the package looks good, it is lintian/linda clean and builds in 
> > > cowbuilder

I will check and upload it this evening

> > > * Why not to join the PAPT team and let it maintain as part of it?
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Sounds nice, but I want to keep using git rather than subversion. :(
> Right. I think it should be possible. There is
> , so I don't see a reason why you couldn't use git. Piotr?

I wanted to keep PAPT as close to DPMT as possible so we are using
Subversion. I don't think using more than one VCS is reasonable.

Sam, if you want to join PAPT, please read our policy and send me your
alioth account name.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-numbers-roman

2007-09-16 Thread Yann Rouillard

Le dimanche 16 septembre 2007 à 16:30 +0200, Thijs Kinkhorst a écrit 
> Because re-doing the packaging of this is not that difficult, I'd suggest to 
> just leave the package for now. If someone actually wants to use the 
> functionality they can make the upload, especially because of the highly 
> specialistic purpose of this package.

I think this package has a low maintenance cost but since I have already
other php packages to upload and maintain, I think I will follow your
advice and update the ITP accordingly.


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Re: RFS: php-numbers-roman

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 06:19:20PM +0200, Yann Rouillard wrote:
> After Raphael's advice, I searched a bit and according to:
> A pear package with php license would be rejected.
> There are already some pear packages with php licence in Debian but it
> seems they were uploaded before the php licence problem was raised.
> Have you recently uploaded new package with php licence ?

Version 3.01 of PHP licence is for PHP software and not only for
PHP itself. IIRC this version is more or less acceptable for Debian.
But you should even so encourage upstream author to switch to a
better licence like BSD or GPL.

$ diff 3_0.txt 3_01.txt 
<   The PHP License, version 3.0
>   The PHP License, version 3.01
<  "This product includes PHP, freely available from
<  ".
>  "This product includes PHP software, freely available from
>  ".
< This product includes the Zend Engine, freely available at
> PHP includes the Zend Engine, freely available at

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-numbers-roman

2007-09-16 Thread Yann Rouillard

Le dimanche 16 septembre 2007 à 16:26 +0200, Thijs Kinkhorst a écrit :
> On Sunday 16 September 2007 01:56, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> > I think you should talk to upstream and get them to use some other
> > license like LGPL or BSD.
> >
> > The ftp-master's take a particularly hard line on this license and it
> > may require justifying later on if they decide to get picky.
> I've uploaded quite some packages with a PHP-licence or that have components 
> licenced under the PHP licence, but have not encountered any trouble with 
> that to date.

After Raphael's advice, I searched a bit and according to:
A pear package with php license would be rejected.

There are already some pear packages with php licence in Debian but it
seems they were uploaded before the php licence problem was raised.
Have you recently uploaded new package with php licence ?

> I really recommend asking upstream to change licences, because the PHP 
> licence 
> is admittedly a bit strange or awkward, and there's enough standard, widely 
> known licences that accomplish the same goals.

I will do that anyway but if it is mandatory to be able to upload the
package, I think I will have to be patient since I have 9 other pear
packages with php licence to upload before I can upload centreon.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sponsor for multipipe

2007-09-16 Thread Stefan Fritsch

On Sunday 16 September 2007, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> I just packaged the small multipipe tool from
> It can send its stdin to several other commands like this:
> cat blub |multipipe 'cat >/dev/null' 'less' 'wc'
> I find this little tool very handy in many cases. Something like
> this should be available in Debian.

it already is. The program "pee" from the moreutils package seems to 
do the same. Please look whether multipipe can do anything pee can't. 
If no, then there is no need for multipipe in Debian (though it might 
be a good idea to add "like multipipe" or something similar to pee's 


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Re: RFS: mirmon

2007-09-16 Thread Mario Iseli
On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 01:55:03AM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
> Dear mentors,

Hello Hideki

>  I'm looking for a sponsor for my package "mirmon". It is useful for 
>  minitoring mirror servers. For example, I'm using this for monitoring 
>  Japanese Debian mirrors. 
>  see

I will sponsor your package and review it tomorrow morning at work.
Please add it to (I use that to track my

Thanks for your contribution and regards,

  .''`. Mario Iseli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 : :'  :Debian GNU/Linux developer
 `. `'`
   `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system

Description: Digital signature

Re: Man pages and UTF-8

2007-09-16 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 10:39:10AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 02:25:26AM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 11, 2007 at 09:55:44AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> > > Is this what your "hack" pipeline implements? If so, I'd love to see it;
> > > if not, I'm happy to implement it.
> > 
> > The prototype is:
> >   pipeline_command_args (p, "perl", "-CO", "-e",
> >   "use Encode;"
> >   "undef $/;"  
> >   "$_=;"
> >   "eval{print 
> > decode('utf-8',$_,1)};"
> >   "print decode($ARGV[0],$_) if 
> > $@",
> >   page_encoding,
> >   NULL);
> > so it's similar.  "Slurp everything into core" in C is a page of code, your
> > idea of a static buffer makes it simpler; and I'm not in a position to
> > complain that it's another hack :p
> Current man-db makes the buffering pretty trivial:
>   const char *buf = pipeline_peek (p, 65536);
> I'll try to implement something like this in C, then.

I've now done this. The code is in bzr here and fully integrated into
all the man-db programs that care about encodings:


Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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up-to-date policy for PHP PEAR modules

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

(I apologize for cross-posting but I think this subject concerns
webapps because original draft, pkg-php because it's the place
for PHP PEAR modules and debian-mentors because there are a lot of
ITP/RFS last weeks. Please respect the Reply-To/Mail-Followup-To,
which is set to [EMAIL PROTECTED], thanks)

We have a lot of ITP/RFS for PHP PEAR modules, mainly because new
webapps need this modules. Note there are today 459 PHP PEAR
modules in "" and I think we need a clear policy to
avoid a lot of unmaintained packages. That why I propose a
up-to-date draft for packaging PHP PEAR modules here:

Feel free to comment it and send me updates by mail or IRC.
The main idea is to have similar packaging for all modules to
make easier collaborative maintenance. I hope this could also
permit to "foo web application" maintainer to ask for new modules
instead of packaging and take the responsability to maintain it.

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-text-password

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 05:43:15PM -0400, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php-text-password".

* set a (versionned) depend on php-pear instead of php5
* change short description to "PHP PEAR module for creating passwords"
* improve long description with real manual:
* add Homepage field

* ask to upstream to switch license to PHP License 3.01, or
 better, to (BSD|LGPL|...) license

* if you don't have interesting stuff to add, remove it

The last release dates from 2005 august. Are you sure this
package is maintained by upstream? Have you technical skills to
patch PHP source code if needed?

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-i18nv2

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 05:46:40PM -0400, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php-i18nv2".

* set a (versionned) depend on php-pear instead of php5
* improve short description and begin with "PHP PEAR module
* remove list of languages from long description
* add Homepage field

* you copyright is very incomplete:
  - verify copyright in all upstream files (for example, Naoki
Shima is listed Negotiator.php, then you must mention it in
copyright file). See php-date for example.
  - include all license text
  - if license is PHP version < 3.01, ask to upstream to switch
license to PHP License 3.01, or better, to (BSD|LGPL|...)
* if you don't have interesting stuff to add, remove it

debian/postinst and debian/prerm:
* you don't need this file because register/unregister is dealt
  with cdbs class. BTW there ware some discussions about
  the way to install/remove modules and final choice is given in
  dh-make-php package : directly in debian/rules and not in
  postinst/prerm files

The last release dates from 2006 march and is declared as "beta".
Are you sure this package is maintained by upstream and that code
source is high-quality to be include in Debian?

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-mdb2 (2nd attempt)

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 03:32:06PM -0400, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php-mdb2".

* it may be fun to have the date when you finish your package,
  use 'dch -r' before uploading for example ;-)

* set a versionned depend on php-pear: php-pear (>= 5.2.0-8)
* begin short description to "PHP PEAR module for ..."
* add Homepage field

* you copyright file is incomplete:
  - verify copyright in all upstream files, you don't mention all
  - include the exact license text or mention the right
file in /usr/share/common-licenses/ (but this license looks
like a BSD licence *style*, then include it)
  - there is a strange condition in license text:
// | Neither the name of Manuel Lemos, Tomas V.V.Cox, Stig. S. Bakken,|
// | Lukas Smith nor the names of his contributors may be used to endorse |
// | or promote products derived from this software without specific prior|
// | written permission.  |
Verify with debian-legal if this is okay for Debian main.

* if you don't have interesting stuff to add, remove it

debian/postinst and debian/prerm:
* you don't need this file because register/unregister is dealt
  with cdbs class. BTW there ware some discussions about
  the way to install/remove modules and final choice is given in
  dh-make-php package : directly in debian/rules and not in
  postinst/prerm files

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-text-password

2007-09-16 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> debian/control:
> * set a (versionned) depend on php-pear instead of php5
> * change short description to "PHP PEAR module for creating passwords"
> * improve long description with real manual:
> * add Homepage field

Will do.

> debian/copyright:
> * ask to upstream to switch license to PHP License 3.01, or
>  better, to (BSD|LGPL|...) license

I wasn't aware till earlier tonight that 3.01 was acceptable.  I'll try
to get upstream to do that (they haven't responded to my other queries, yet).

> The last release dates from 2005 august. Are you sure this
> package is maintained by upstream? Have you technical skills to
> patch PHP source code if needed?

I do have the skills.

I'm packaging these to prepare for the release of a soon-to-be GPLed
application, so I have the motivation to maintain them.

GPG Fingerprint: 7E15 362D A32C DFAB E4D2  B37A 735E F10A 2DFC BFF5

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
-- Albert Einstein, The World As I See it

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Re: RFS: php-mdb2-driver-mysql (2nd Attempt)

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 03:36:51PM -0400, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php-mdb2-driver-mysql".

I think all my comments for your php-mbd2 are useful for this
one. In addition, your long description is so bad : you don't
need repeat the short description and your long description is
too ...short. Read this pages:

More general comment: please don't ITP/RFS a package for just
"dh-make-php Foo_Bar.tgz". You should read packaging docs and be
aware of what is a debian maintainer.

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-i18nv2

2007-09-16 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> debian/control:

> debian/copyright:

> debian/README.Debian


> debian/postinst and debian/prerm:
> * you don't need this file because register/unregister is dealt
>   with cdbs class. BTW there ware some discussions about
>   the way to install/remove modules and final choice is given in
>   dh-make-php package : directly in debian/rules and not in
>   postinst/prerm files

I really don't understand what you mean here.  I used the latest
dh-make-php and didn't think I saw it doing the registration.  Perhaps I
missed it, though.

> The last release dates from 2006 march and is declared as "beta".
> Are you sure this package is maintained by upstream and that code
> source is high-quality to be include in Debian?

We're using it in our (soon-to-be released) GPLed php app, so, yes, I'm
willing to vouch for the quality and maintain it if needed.

GPG Fingerprint: 7E15 362D A32C DFAB E4D2  B37A 735E F10A 2DFC BFF5

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
-- Albert Einstein, The World As I See it

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-i18nv2

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 09:43:18PM -0400, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> > debian/postinst and debian/prerm:
> > * you don't need this file because register/unregister is dealt
> >   with cdbs class. BTW there ware some discussions about
> >   the way to install/remove modules and final choice is given in
> >   dh-make-php package : directly in debian/rules and not in
> >   postinst/prerm files
> I really don't understand what you mean here.  I used the latest
> dh-make-php and didn't think I saw it doing the registration.  Perhaps I
> missed it, though.

Registration files are included in binary packages.

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-mdb2 (2nd attempt)

2007-09-16 Thread Raphael Geissert
On 16/09/2007, Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   - there is a strange condition in license text:
> ---8<---
> // | Neither the name of Manuel Lemos, Tomas V.V.Cox, Stig. S. Bakken,|
> // | Lukas Smith nor the names of his contributors may be used to endorse |
> // | or promote products derived from this software without specific prior|
> // | written permission.  |
> ---8<---
> Verify with debian-legal if this is okay for Debian main.

That doesn't require a discussion at debian-legal. That statement is
perfectly ok.
If you take a look at different packages in Debian you will find some
that include similar statements.

  3. The name "PHP" must not be used to endorse or promote products
 derived from this software without prior written permission. For
 written permission, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Or in its generic form:

* 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its 
*may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this 
*without specific prior written permission.

> --
> Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
> Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

Atomo64 - Raphael

Please avoid sending me Word, PowerPoint or Excel attachments.

Say NO to Microsoft Office broken standard.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-net-pop3

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 04:23:27PM -0400, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "php-net-pop3".

* set a (versionned) depend on php-pear
* begin short description to "PHP PEAR module for ..."
* add Homepage field

* you miss the copyright statement
* it is commonly usage to add email for authors (this apply also
  for your other packages)

* if you don't have interesting stuff to add, remove it

The last release dates from 2005 april. I see in you last email
that you could maintain upstream source code if needed. I see
there are open bugs for this module, perhaps could you consider
to become upstream author?

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-mdb2-driver-mysql (2nd Attempt)

2007-09-16 Thread Mark A. Hershberger
Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> More general comment: please don't ITP/RFS a package for just
> "dh-make-php Foo_Bar.tgz". You should read packaging docs and be aware
> of what is a debian maintainer.

Point taken.  I do plan on packaging a GPLed application and framework
that will use all these PEAR modules.  I'm not sure if Debian would be
interested in a web app for managing health care workers, but the
framework may be of some interest.

That is, I'm not just packaging php modules for the fun of it.


GPG Fingerprint: 7E15 362D A32C DFAB E4D2  B37A 735E F10A 2DFC BFF5

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
-- Albert Einstein, The World As I See it

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Re: RFS: php-mdb2 (2nd attempt)

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart
On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 08:48:11PM -0500, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> >   - there is a strange condition in license text:
> > ---8<---
> > // | Neither the name of Manuel Lemos, Tomas V.V.Cox, Stig. S. Bakken,|
> > // | Lukas Smith nor the names of his contributors may be used to endorse |
> > // | or promote products derived from this software without specific prior|
> > // | written permission.  |
> > ---8<---
> > Verify with debian-legal if this is okay for Debian main.
> That doesn't require a discussion at debian-legal. That statement is
> perfectly ok.
> If you take a look at different packages in Debian you will find some
> that include similar statements.
> E.g.
> ---
>   3. The name "PHP" must not be used to endorse or promote products
>  derived from this software without prior written permission. For
>  written permission, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
> Or in its generic form:
> ---
>   * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its 
> contributors
>   *may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this 
> software
>   *without specific prior written permission.
> ---

Oops, I'm so sorry, it's even in classical BSD license text.
It's time to sleep for me...

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RFS: php-mdb2-driver-mysql (2nd Attempt)

2007-09-16 Thread Gregory Colpart

On Sun, Sep 16, 2007 at 09:53:19PM -0400, Mark A. Hershberger wrote:
> > More general comment: please don't ITP/RFS a package for just
> > "dh-make-php Foo_Bar.tgz". You should read packaging docs and be aware
> > of what is a debian maintainer.
> Point taken.  I do plan on packaging a GPLed application and framework
> that will use all these PEAR modules.  I'm not sure if Debian would be
> interested in a web app for managing health care workers, but the
> framework may be of some interest.

Have you an ITP or URL for your webapp?

> That is, I'm not just packaging php modules for the fun of it.

I'm sure ;-) Note that you could also make an RFP for packages
needed (even you have habilities to make the first package, see
if you want maintain it during next years in Debian).

Gregory Colpart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  GnuPG:1024D/C1027A0E
Evolix - Informatique et Logiciels Libres

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]