Hi Yann,

> It's one of the packages suggested by the php-image-graph package which
> is already in Debian.
> Graphes can optionally have their axes graduated using roman numbers by
> using the Image_Graph_DataPreprocessor_RomanNumerals preprocessor.
> But in fact, I packaged it because it's a dependancy of centreon [2], a
> kind of nagios frontend I want to package for Debian.
> But you made me wonder if they didn't put as a dependancy because of
> Image_Graph without actually using it.
> I checked and indeed they don't use the RomanNumerals preprocessor.
> So I could drop the package but since I already done the work, I think
> it would be better to have a suggested package in the archive.
> What do you think ?

I think that in principle the use case seems fair, so it could be uploaded. 
However, if you only packaged it as a dependency and it's not being used 
afterall, I'd not go through the trouble of uploading it. You say that "the 
work is already been done", but every package has a maintenance cost 
associated with it.

Because re-doing the packaging of this is not that difficult, I'd suggest to 
just leave the package for now. If someone actually wants to use the 
functionality they can make the upload, especially because of the highly 
specialistic purpose of this package.

Of course, this is just my opinion. If you want to upload it nonetheless 
there's no fundamental problem with that.


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