2007/6/21, Rafa Rodriguez Galván <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi, Jordi and guys of the Debian Octave Group.
> I'm a member of this group (not DD), though my obligations have made
> me less active in the last year. Between them, I'm the responsible
> of the Free Software Office of the Cadiz University (Spain) [1],
> that in the last months has been supporting qtOctave. In fact
> one of the developers, Alejandro Alverez Ayllon, is member of our
> office.
> We had between our plans the idea of making a Debian package for
> qtOctave, following the Debian Octave guidelines, so if you wish and
> people from Debian Octave group agree, I can collaborate with you,
> taking your package as starting point in order to reach that objective.

very good idea.

I am back working on octave and trying to use qtoctave for the
numerical analysis course that I am teaching.

I have just compiled succesfully the sources of qtoctave I downloaded
with svn today, on a Ubuntu 7.04 on AMD64, but I have some trouble
running the application. I have built a .deb package with checkinstall
that I have thereafter installed. (I can share this package with the
people who would like)

As qtoctave starts, it immediately opens a pop-up windows containing
"octave has finished. restarting" that comes back when I close it.

I wanted to check and change the definition of the octave binary used
by qtoctave, in ./qtoctave/config.rc, but I found no corresponding
entry that I could change.

As I started  qtoctave from the command line, I got there

Error: /home/np/.qtoctave/menus not found
QThread::wait: Thread tried to wait on itself

What can I do to arrange this problem ?

Is there any dedicated mailing list related to qtoctave developpement
or qtoctave usage to which I could subscribe ?

Is there a wiki related to qtoctave where I could contribute ?
Wouldn't be adequate that such a wiki be included in the official
octave wiki to support the combined usage and developpement ?

Unfortunately, I do not (yet) speak, and even read spanish so I can
hardly contribute, as a simple / advance user to the doc. But I am
ready, as I plan to use qtoctave, to help with my students in the
course of the year if I can.

Much thanks,

Nicolas Pettiaux - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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