Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Frank Küster

Thomas Viehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank Küster wrote:
>> In the original package's control file, there is a line of
>> Build-Depends-Indep, but no Build-Depends. Does this make sense for a
>> source package that has no architecture dependent binary packages at
>> all? Why not just use Build-Depends here and use Build-Depends-Indep
>> only when a source package yields both kinds of binary packages?
> If you hadn't asked here, I'd be inclined to think that you're looking
> for something beyond "because that's what policy tells you to do" (in
> the section on debian/rules)...

Either I don't understand your sentence, or I have a problem reading the
policy. In


I can find statements about the targets binary-arch and binary-indep and
the respective build-targets. But there's nothing about
Dependency-fields in the control file. Also in Chapter 7, "Declaring
relationships between packages", I cannot find an explanation (probably
because I didn't read thoroughly enough).

Bye, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

Re: Problems when packaging KTrack for Debian unstable

2003-08-01 Thread Jaime Robles
Hash: SHA1

El Lunes, 28 de Julio de 2003 23:51, Joshua Kwan escribió:

> Sounds like some #include is missing for KPushButton.
I have found part of the error...
KPustButton (at kpushbutton.h), as you said below is in kdelibs4-dev package.
The problem is that the file that should have the "#include " 
is automatically generated during building using "uic" from a .ui (the GUI 
file) and it is not correctly generated since i updated the debian unstable 
packages about 10 days ago.

Can anybody help me please?

> > transponderdefinitionwidget.h:19: error: forward declaration of `struct
> >KPushButton'
> > transponderdefinitionwidget.cpp:48: error: no matching function for call
> > to ` QGridLayout::addWidget(KPushButton*&, int, int)'
> > /usr/share/qt3/include/qlayout.h:324: error: candidates are: void
> >QGridLayout::addWidget(QWidget*, int, int, int)
> hopefully, KPushButton is : public QWidget, assuming the code makes
> sense otherwise. are there any error lines about files that g++ can't
> find?
> > What package is missing?
> > Can you give me any clue?
> A search of google says that KPushButton should be in kpushbutton.h,
> which says is in kdelibs4-dev.
> Hope this helps!
> -Josh

- -- 
Un saludo,
Jaime Robles -
Coordinador KDE-es - KDE Spanish Translation Team  -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Frank Küster
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 04:54:42PM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
>> Hi,
>> for practice and because I want to use it, I am working on a package of
>> the CVS version of auctex, a LaTeX mode for Emacs. Since it's only an
>> Emacs-addon written in Lisp, it's of course architecture independent. 
>> In debian/rules of the "real" package from unstable, binary requires
>> binary-arch and binary-indep; the first does nothing and the second
>> builds the package.
>> In the original package's control file, there is a line of
>> Build-Depends-Indep, but no Build-Depends. Does this make sense for a
>> source package that has no architecture dependent binary packages at
>> all? Why not just use Build-Depends here and use Build-Depends-Indep
>> only when a source package yields both kinds of binary packages?
> Because it is simpler to have two easily expressed rules ("Build-Depends
> must be satisfied for  targets", "Build-Depends-Indep must be
> satisfied for  targets") than a complex set of exceptions
> ("Build-Depends must be satisfied for  on Arch: (!= all), or  on
> Arch: all, unless Build-Depends-Indep is also set, in which case")

That sounds sensible. However, I'm puzzled by the following statement in 


| Build-Depends, Build-Conflicts 
| The Build-Depends and Build-Conflicts
| fields must be satisfied when any of the following targets is invoked:
| build, clean, binary, binary-arch, build-arch, build-indep and
| binary-indep.

So if I put all the dependencies into Build-Depends for a package that
only generates a single package_version_all.deb, I get the same effect
as if I put only some (like debhelper) there and the rest into
Build-Depends-Indep. Or am I missing something?

> 6 extra characters in the control file is a small price to pay for sanity,
> especially because it allows some of us (namely, porters) to build *simple*
> tools that figure out dependancy trees, and which can prune some parts of
> them based on this information.

What concern do porters have with architecture-all-only-packages?

TIA, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

Re: Problems when packaging KTrack for Debian unstable

2003-08-01 Thread Joshua Kwan
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:59:26AM +0200, Jaime Robles wrote:
> I have found part of the error...
> KPustButton (at kpushbutton.h), as you said below is in kdelibs4-dev package.
> The problem is that the file that should have the "#include " 
> is automatically generated during building using "uic" from a .ui (the GUI 
> file) and it is not correctly generated since i updated the debian unstable 
> packages about 10 days ago.
> Can anybody help me please?

I know nothing about Qt development.


Using words to describe magic is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef.
-- Tom Robbins

Description: PGP signature

Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Frank Küster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>Either I don't understand your sentence, or I have a problem reading the
>policy. In
Or I was wrong. :)

>I can find statements about the targets binary-arch and binary-indep and
>the respective build-targets. But there's nothing about
>Dependency-fields in the control file. Also in Chapter 7, "Declaring
>relationships between packages", I cannot find an explanation (probably
>because I didn't read thoroughly enough).

Basically I thought that the explanation of binary-arch and binary-indep 
with the principle of minimal build-dependencies yields the answer. Especially 
footnote in paragraph 7.6 (on package relations) seems to shed light on this 
shead doubt on the effectiveness of build-depends-indep, oh well).



Re: locale files

2003-08-01 Thread Neil Roeth
On Aug  1, Matthias Urlichs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 > Hi, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 > > But presumably you _would_ have a problem with:
 > > - the old library trying to look up a string which isn't there anymore in
 > >   the new library
 > > - the new library trying to look up a string which isn't there in the old
 > >   library
 > Of course the message catalog would contain the union of strings
 > from both libraries, not its intersection.
 > I'd think that'd be obvious...

That's the point where it would be much easier to version the message package
rather than attempt to keep track of which strings were for the old library,
which for the new, etc.

Neil Roeth

changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Celso González

I have a problem with debian policy 3.6.0

One of the news of this version is that changelog _should_ be in utf-8
In my case the changelog should not be in utf-8 :)

I have iconv'ed my changelog to be fully utf-8, but my name has a 
"strange character" that gets converted 

So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
and results in a NMU

¿Are my steps correct or iŽm wrong?
¿Should I open a bug against debian-policy?

Best regards

Celso González

Description: PGP signature

Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Roland Mas
Celso González (2003-08-01 13:14:33 +0200) :

> One of the news of this version is that changelog _should_ be in
> utf-8 In my case the changelog should not be in utf-8 :)
> I have iconv'ed my changelog to be fully utf-8, but my name has a
> "strange character" that gets converted
> So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the
> control file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that
> are different, and results in a NMU
> ¿Are my steps correct or iŽm wrong?

I can't see where you could possibly go wrong.  I believe your steps
are correct.

> ¿Should I open a bug against debian-policy?

  Maybe not a bug, but you should definitely report this behaviour on
the debian-policy mailing-list.  My opinion would be that the control
file should also be switched to UTF-8.  If you could try that, and if
the uploader stops reporting that as an NMU, then you should suggest
policy to be changed to document that fact.

  Anyway, trust debian-policy, not me, as I don't have any diacritics
in *my* name :-)

Roland Mas

If you spit in the air, it lands in your face.
  -- Tevye, in Fiddler on the roof

Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Celso González
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:33:18PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> #include 
> * Celso González [Fri, Aug 01 2003, 01:14:33PM]:
> > So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> > file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
>   ^
> Show me where policy tells you not to use UTF-8 in control files but
> some other non-ascii charset with some other encoding instead.

Well, I think is not clear enough
A reflexion from the guy that suggest the change in policy

Extracted from C2.2
"Now, we can't switch to using UTF-8 for package control fields 
and the like until dpkg has better support, but one thing we can 
start doing today is requesting that Debian changelogs are UTF-8 
Maintainer is a control field

The solution is that both files have the same encoding (both latin1 or 
both utf-8) but iŽm not sure that utf-8 is correct for debina/control

Thanks for your answer

Celso González

Description: PGP signature

Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:14:33PM +0200, Celso Gonz?lez wrote:
> I have a problem with debian policy 3.6.0
> One of the news of this version is that changelog _should_ be in utf-8
> In my case the changelog should not be in utf-8 :)
> I have iconv'ed my changelog to be fully utf-8, but my name has a 
> "strange character" that gets converted 
> So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
> and results in a NMU

Why not convert your name in the control file as well?


Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Celso González [Fri, Aug 01 2003, 01:14:33PM]:

> So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 

Why not? If you are not making a Description translation for DDTP, there
is no reason for forcing some special charset/encoding into control
files. And if you like to add non-ascii chars, use UTF-8 in control and
not your special thing (latin1, I guess).

> ¿Are my steps correct or iŽm wrong?
> ¿Should I open a bug against debian-policy?

Show me where policy tells you not to use UTF-8 in control files but
some other non-ascii charset with some other encoding instead.

 "VIM - verbesserter Vi" - Wer hat an meinem LANG gedreht...
 jjFux: scheis i18n, das müsste vvi sein, nich vim

Re: locale files

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:30:20AM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

> > But presumably you _would_ have a problem with:
> > - the old library trying to look up a string which isn't there anymore in
> >   the new library
> > - the new library trying to look up a string which isn't there in the old
> >   library
> Of course the message catalog would contain the union of strings
> from both libraries, not its intersection.
> I'd think that'd be obvious...

Since these things are usually managed by automated tools which scan the
source code looking for translatable strings, it would be nontrivial to
ensure that nothing was ever deleted from the file.  Also, the new version
of the library would require a versioned dependency on the package
containing the message catalog.  I think it is much more straightforward to
version it.

 - mdz

Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:47:59PM +0200, Celso Gonz?lez wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:33:18PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > #include 
> > * Celso Gonz?lez [Fri, Aug 01 2003, 01:14:33PM]:
> > 
> > > So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> > > file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
> > ^
> >
> > Show me where policy tells you not to use UTF-8 in control files but
> > some other non-ascii charset with some other encoding instead.
> Well, I think is not clear enough
> A reflexion from the guy that suggest the change in policy
> Extracted from C2.2
> "Now, we can't switch to using UTF-8 for package control fields 
> and the like until dpkg has better support, but one thing we can 
> start doing today is requesting that Debian changelogs are UTF-8 
> encoded"
> Maintainer is a control field
> The solution is that both files have the same encoding (both latin1 or 
> both utf-8) but i??m not sure that utf-8 is correct for debina/control

Right now, dpkg has no explicit support for anything other than ASCII in
debian/control: that is to say, it doesn't attempt to recode maintainer
names to the current locale when asked to display control information
with 'dpkg -s', etc. However, it doesn't support Latin-1 any better than
it supports UTF-8! If you think that this is a problem, then the answer
is not to use Latin-1, but to use only ASCII.

That said, the problems caused by using an encoding that dpkg doesn't
support are not serious; they just mean that some people will see your
name wrongly when they type 'dpkg -s', but hey, that would happen anyway
(particularly if you don't like the ASCII transliteration of your name).
With that knowledge, if you're going to pick a non-ASCII encoding, then
UTF-8 is almost certainly the way to go. It seems unlikely to me that we
would select anything other than UTF-8 as the 8-bit encoding for control

As a side note, I'd love to get rid of Latin-1 in maintainer names; it's
currently difficult for the BTS to declare any character set in the web
pages it generates, since some of the maintainer names it prints are in
Latin-1 and some in UTF-8 and it can't easily tell which are which.
Switching to UTF-8 throughout would solve that problem.

So, to summarize, please either use plain ASCII (if you think that the
lack of recoding is a problem) or UTF-8 (if you don't mind); using other
legacy encodings is just storing up trouble.



Re: Trying to make my first package...

2003-08-01 Thread Julien Barnier
"Bernhard R. Link" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

> dpkg-buildpackage cannot create a orig.tar.gz, as something original
> has already to be there. (Try putting the upstream source code renamed
> there). In order to dpkg-buildpackage even trying, you need to have a
> version number ending with a debian-specific number. (The thing after
> -)

As you say, I just renamed the folder where I put the original sources
with a "-1" version number, and then dpkg-buildpackage produces the
orig.tar.gz and the diff.gz files.

The new version is here :

Thanks !

Re: Trying to make my first package...

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:22:57PM +0200, Julien Barnier wrote:
> "Bernhard R. Link" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :
> > dpkg-buildpackage cannot create a orig.tar.gz, as something original
> > has already to be there. (Try putting the upstream source code renamed
> > there). In order to dpkg-buildpackage even trying, you need to have a
> > version number ending with a debian-specific number. (The thing after
> > -)
> As you say, I just renamed the folder where I put the original sources
> with a "-1" version number,

The name of that directory doesn't matter (much). It's the presence of
the .orig.tar.gz and the version number at the head of debian/changelog
that are important.



Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Joel Baker
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:57:10AM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 04:54:42PM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> for practice and because I want to use it, I am working on a package of
> >> the CVS version of auctex, a LaTeX mode for Emacs. Since it's only an
> >> Emacs-addon written in Lisp, it's of course architecture independent. 
> >> 
> >> In debian/rules of the "real" package from unstable, binary requires
> >> binary-arch and binary-indep; the first does nothing and the second
> >> builds the package.
> >> 
> >> In the original package's control file, there is a line of
> >> Build-Depends-Indep, but no Build-Depends. Does this make sense for a
> >> source package that has no architecture dependent binary packages at
> >> all? Why not just use Build-Depends here and use Build-Depends-Indep
> >> only when a source package yields both kinds of binary packages?
> >
> > Because it is simpler to have two easily expressed rules ("Build-Depends
> > must be satisfied for  targets", "Build-Depends-Indep must be
> > satisfied for  targets") than a complex set of exceptions
> > ("Build-Depends must be satisfied for  on Arch: (!= all), or  on
> > Arch: all, unless Build-Depends-Indep is also set, in which case")
> That sounds sensible. However, I'm puzzled by the following statement in 
> file:///usr/share/doc/debian-policy/policy.html/ch-relationships.html#s7.6
> ,
> | Build-Depends, Build-Conflicts 
> |
> | The Build-Depends and Build-Conflicts
> | fields must be satisfied when any of the following targets is invoked:
> | build, clean, binary, binary-arch, build-arch, build-indep and
> | binary-indep.
> `

Hmmm. I'm not sure if that needs to be updated, or if I've just missed
something. Practice may be preceeding policy, however...

> So if I put all the dependencies into Build-Depends for a package that
> only generates a single package_version_all.deb, I get the same effect
> as if I put only some (like debhelper) there and the rest into
> Build-Depends-Indep. Or am I missing something?

It might work, given the above; it's still better style, if nothing
else, to use the BDI field for stuff that is needed when invoking the
build-indep/binary-indep targets (for example, latex2html or somesuch, for
generating docs for a foo-doc*_all.deb package)

> > 6 extra characters in the control file is a small price to pay for sanity,
> > especially because it allows some of us (namely, porters) to build *simple*
> > tools that figure out dependancy trees, and which can prune some parts of
> > them based on this information.
> What concern do porters have with architecture-all-only-packages?

With most Arch: all packages, little to none. The concern is actually in
*not* having stuff that is *only* needed for -indep targets (which will
generally never be built by porting machines) in the Binary-Depends field,
so that it doesn't get installed (since it won't be needed). Or, in the
case of bootstrapping ports, so that they don't avoid building the package
thinking it needs emacs ported first, when really emacs is only used to do
some documentation fudging.

Yes, there are things in the archive which BDI on emacs...

Description: PGP signature

Re: locale files

2003-08-01 Thread Matthias Urlichs
Hi, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

> But presumably you _would_ have a problem with:
> - the old library trying to look up a string which isn't there anymore in
>   the new library
> - the new library trying to look up a string which isn't there in the old
>   library

Of course the message catalog would contain the union of strings
from both libraries, not its intersection.

I'd think that'd be obvious...

Matthias Urlichs   |   {M:U} IT Design @   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Disclaimer: The quote was selected randomly. Really. |
-- Zippy the Pinhead

Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Frank Küster

Thomas Viehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank Küster wrote:
>> In the original package's control file, there is a line of
>> Build-Depends-Indep, but no Build-Depends. Does this make sense for a
>> source package that has no architecture dependent binary packages at
>> all? Why not just use Build-Depends here and use Build-Depends-Indep
>> only when a source package yields both kinds of binary packages?
> If you hadn't asked here, I'd be inclined to think that you're looking
> for something beyond "because that's what policy tells you to do" (in
> the section on debian/rules)...

Either I don't understand your sentence, or I have a problem reading the
policy. In


I can find statements about the targets binary-arch and binary-indep and
the respective build-targets. But there's nothing about
Dependency-fields in the control file. Also in Chapter 7, "Declaring
relationships between packages", I cannot find an explanation (probably
because I didn't read thoroughly enough).

Bye, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems when packaging KTrack for Debian unstable

2003-08-01 Thread Jaime Robles
Hash: SHA1

El Lunes, 28 de Julio de 2003 23:51, Joshua Kwan escribió:

> Sounds like some #include is missing for KPushButton.
I have found part of the error...
KPustButton (at kpushbutton.h), as you said below is in kdelibs4-dev package.
The problem is that the file that should have the "#include " 
is automatically generated during building using "uic" from a .ui (the GUI 
file) and it is not correctly generated since i updated the debian unstable 
packages about 10 days ago.

Can anybody help me please?

> > transponderdefinitionwidget.h:19: error: forward declaration of `struct
> >KPushButton'
> > transponderdefinitionwidget.cpp:48: error: no matching function for call
> > to ` QGridLayout::addWidget(KPushButton*&, int, int)'
> > /usr/share/qt3/include/qlayout.h:324: error: candidates are: void
> >QGridLayout::addWidget(QWidget*, int, int, int)
> hopefully, KPushButton is : public QWidget, assuming the code makes
> sense otherwise. are there any error lines about files that g++ can't
> find?
> > What package is missing?
> > Can you give me any clue?
> A search of google says that KPushButton should be in kpushbutton.h,
> which says is in kdelibs4-dev.
> Hope this helps!
> -Josh

- -- 
Un saludo,
Jaime Robles -
Coordinador KDE-es - KDE Spanish Translation Team  -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Frank Küster
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 04:54:42PM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
>> Hi,
>> for practice and because I want to use it, I am working on a package of
>> the CVS version of auctex, a LaTeX mode for Emacs. Since it's only an
>> Emacs-addon written in Lisp, it's of course architecture independent. 
>> In debian/rules of the "real" package from unstable, binary requires
>> binary-arch and binary-indep; the first does nothing and the second
>> builds the package.
>> In the original package's control file, there is a line of
>> Build-Depends-Indep, but no Build-Depends. Does this make sense for a
>> source package that has no architecture dependent binary packages at
>> all? Why not just use Build-Depends here and use Build-Depends-Indep
>> only when a source package yields both kinds of binary packages?
> Because it is simpler to have two easily expressed rules ("Build-Depends
> must be satisfied for  targets", "Build-Depends-Indep must be
> satisfied for  targets") than a complex set of exceptions
> ("Build-Depends must be satisfied for  on Arch: (!= all), or  on
> Arch: all, unless Build-Depends-Indep is also set, in which case")

That sounds sensible. However, I'm puzzled by the following statement in 


| Build-Depends, Build-Conflicts 
| The Build-Depends and Build-Conflicts
| fields must be satisfied when any of the following targets is invoked:
| build, clean, binary, binary-arch, build-arch, build-indep and
| binary-indep.

So if I put all the dependencies into Build-Depends for a package that
only generates a single package_version_all.deb, I get the same effect
as if I put only some (like debhelper) there and the rest into
Build-Depends-Indep. Or am I missing something?

> 6 extra characters in the control file is a small price to pay for sanity,
> especially because it allows some of us (namely, porters) to build *simple*
> tools that figure out dependancy trees, and which can prune some parts of
> them based on this information.

What concern do porters have with architecture-all-only-packages?

TIA, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems when packaging KTrack for Debian unstable

2003-08-01 Thread Joshua Kwan
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:59:26AM +0200, Jaime Robles wrote:
> I have found part of the error...
> KPustButton (at kpushbutton.h), as you said below is in kdelibs4-dev package.
> The problem is that the file that should have the "#include " 
> is automatically generated during building using "uic" from a .ui (the GUI 
> file) and it is not correctly generated since i updated the debian unstable 
> packages about 10 days ago.
> Can anybody help me please?

I know nothing about Qt development.


Using words to describe magic is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef.
-- Tom Robbins

Description: PGP signature

Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Thomas Viehmann

Frank Küster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>Either I don't understand your sentence, or I have a problem reading the
>policy. In
Or I was wrong. :)

>I can find statements about the targets binary-arch and binary-indep and
>the respective build-targets. But there's nothing about
>Dependency-fields in the control file. Also in Chapter 7, "Declaring
>relationships between packages", I cannot find an explanation (probably
>because I didn't read thoroughly enough).

Basically I thought that the explanation of binary-arch and binary-indep combined
with the principle of minimal build-dependencies yields the answer. Especially the
footnote in paragraph 7.6 (on package relations) seems to shed light on this (and
shead doubt on the effectiveness of build-depends-indep, oh well).



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: locale files

2003-08-01 Thread Neil Roeth
On Aug  1, Matthias Urlichs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 > Hi, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 > > But presumably you _would_ have a problem with:
 > > - the old library trying to look up a string which isn't there anymore in
 > >   the new library
 > > - the new library trying to look up a string which isn't there in the old
 > >   library
 > Of course the message catalog would contain the union of strings
 > from both libraries, not its intersection.
 > I'd think that'd be obvious...

That's the point where it would be much easier to version the message package
rather than attempt to keep track of which strings were for the old library,
which for the new, etc.

Neil Roeth

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Celso González

I have a problem with debian policy 3.6.0

One of the news of this version is that changelog _should_ be in utf-8
In my case the changelog should not be in utf-8 :)

I have iconv'ed my changelog to be fully utf-8, but my name has a 
"strange character" that gets converted 

So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
and results in a NMU

¿Are my steps correct or iŽm wrong?
¿Should I open a bug against debian-policy?

Best regards

Celso González

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Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Roland Mas
Celso Gonz+AOE-lez (2003-08-01 13:14:33 +-0200) :

> One of the news of this version is that changelog _should_ be in
> utf-8 In my case the changelog should not be in utf-8 :)
> I have iconv'ed my changelog to be fully utf-8, but my name has a
> "strange character" that gets converted
> So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the
> control file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that
> are different, and results in a NMU
> +AL8-Are my steps correct or i+AX0-m wrong?

I can't see where you could possibly go wrong.  I believe your steps
are correct.

> +AL8-Should I open a bug against debian-policy?

  Maybe not a bug, but you should definitely report this behaviour on
the debian-policy mailing-list.  My opinion would be that the control
file should also be switched to UTF-8.  If you could try that, and if
the uploader stops reporting that as an NMU, then you should suggest
policy to be changed to document that fact.

  Anyway, trust debian-policy, not me, as I don't have any diacritics
in *my* name :-)

Roland Mas

If you spit in the air, it lands in your face.
  -- Tevye, in Fiddler on the roof

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Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Celso González
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:33:18PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> #include 
> * Celso González [Fri, Aug 01 2003, 01:14:33PM]:
> > So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> > file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
>   ^
> Show me where policy tells you not to use UTF-8 in control files but
> some other non-ascii charset with some other encoding instead.

Well, I think is not clear enough
A reflexion from the guy that suggest the change in policy

Extracted from C2.2
"Now, we can't switch to using UTF-8 for package control fields 
and the like until dpkg has better support, but one thing we can 
start doing today is requesting that Debian changelogs are UTF-8 
Maintainer is a control field

The solution is that both files have the same encoding (both latin1 or 
both utf-8) but iŽm not sure that utf-8 is correct for debina/control

Thanks for your answer

Celso González

Description: PGP signature

Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:14:33PM +0200, Celso Gonz?lez wrote:
> I have a problem with debian policy 3.6.0
> One of the news of this version is that changelog _should_ be in utf-8
> In my case the changelog should not be in utf-8 :)
> I have iconv'ed my changelog to be fully utf-8, but my name has a 
> "strange character" that gets converted 
> So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
> and results in a NMU

Why not convert your name in the control file as well?


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Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Eduard Bloch
* Celso González [Fri, Aug 01 2003, 01:14:33PM]:

> So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 

Why not? If you are not making a Description translation for DDTP, there
is no reason for forcing some special charset/encoding into control
files. And if you like to add non-ascii chars, use UTF-8 in control and
not your special thing (latin1, I guess).

> ¿Are my steps correct or iŽm wrong?
> ¿Should I open a bug against debian-policy?

Show me where policy tells you not to use UTF-8 in control files but
some other non-ascii charset with some other encoding instead.

 "VIM - verbesserter Vi" - Wer hat an meinem LANG gedreht...
 jjFux: scheis i18n, das müsste vvi sein, nich vim

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Re: locale files

2003-08-01 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 07:30:20AM +0200, Matthias Urlichs wrote:

> > But presumably you _would_ have a problem with:
> > - the old library trying to look up a string which isn't there anymore in
> >   the new library
> > - the new library trying to look up a string which isn't there in the old
> >   library
> Of course the message catalog would contain the union of strings
> from both libraries, not its intersection.
> I'd think that'd be obvious...

Since these things are usually managed by automated tools which scan the
source code looking for translatable strings, it would be nontrivial to
ensure that nothing was ever deleted from the file.  Also, the new version
of the library would require a versioned dependency on the package
containing the message catalog.  I think it is much more straightforward to
version it.

 - mdz

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Re: changelog in utf-8 conflicts with maintainer in control

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:47:59PM +0200, Celso González wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 01:33:18PM +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > #include 
> > * Celso González [Fri, Aug 01 2003, 01:14:33PM]:
> > 
> > > So when the uploader checks the name of the Maintainer in the control 
> > > file (not utf-8) with the name in the changelog says that are different, 
> > ^
> >
> > Show me where policy tells you not to use UTF-8 in control files but
> > some other non-ascii charset with some other encoding instead.
> Well, I think is not clear enough
> A reflexion from the guy that suggest the change in policy
> Extracted from C2.2
> "Now, we can't switch to using UTF-8 for package control fields 
> and the like until dpkg has better support, but one thing we can 
> start doing today is requesting that Debian changelogs are UTF-8 
> encoded"
> Maintainer is a control field
> The solution is that both files have the same encoding (both latin1 or 
> both utf-8) but i??m not sure that utf-8 is correct for debina/control

Right now, dpkg has no explicit support for anything other than ASCII in
debian/control: that is to say, it doesn't attempt to recode maintainer
names to the current locale when asked to display control information
with 'dpkg -s', etc. However, it doesn't support Latin-1 any better than
it supports UTF-8! If you think that this is a problem, then the answer
is not to use Latin-1, but to use only ASCII.

That said, the problems caused by using an encoding that dpkg doesn't
support are not serious; they just mean that some people will see your
name wrongly when they type 'dpkg -s', but hey, that would happen anyway
(particularly if you don't like the ASCII transliteration of your name).
With that knowledge, if you're going to pick a non-ASCII encoding, then
UTF-8 is almost certainly the way to go. It seems unlikely to me that we
would select anything other than UTF-8 as the 8-bit encoding for control

As a side note, I'd love to get rid of Latin-1 in maintainer names; it's
currently difficult for the BTS to declare any character set in the web
pages it generates, since some of the maintainer names it prints are in
Latin-1 and some in UTF-8 and it can't easily tell which are which.
Switching to UTF-8 throughout would solve that problem.

So, to summarize, please either use plain ASCII (if you think that the
lack of recoding is a problem) or UTF-8 (if you don't mind); using other
legacy encodings is just storing up trouble.



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Re: Trying to make my first package...

2003-08-01 Thread Julien Barnier
"Bernhard R. Link" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

> dpkg-buildpackage cannot create a orig.tar.gz, as something original
> has already to be there. (Try putting the upstream source code renamed
> there). In order to dpkg-buildpackage even trying, you need to have a
> version number ending with a debian-specific number. (The thing after
> -)

As you say, I just renamed the folder where I put the original sources
with a "-1" version number, and then dpkg-buildpackage produces the
orig.tar.gz and the diff.gz files.

The new version is here :

Thanks !

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Re: Trying to make my first package...

2003-08-01 Thread Colin Watson
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 04:22:57PM +0200, Julien Barnier wrote:
> "Bernhard R. Link" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :
> > dpkg-buildpackage cannot create a orig.tar.gz, as something original
> > has already to be there. (Try putting the upstream source code renamed
> > there). In order to dpkg-buildpackage even trying, you need to have a
> > version number ending with a debian-specific number. (The thing after
> > -)
> As you say, I just renamed the folder where I put the original sources
> with a "-1" version number,

The name of that directory doesn't matter (much). It's the presence of
the .orig.tar.gz and the version number at the head of debian/changelog
that are important.



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Re: Build-Depends-Indep and packages with architecture all

2003-08-01 Thread Joel Baker
On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:57:10AM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 04:54:42PM +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> for practice and because I want to use it, I am working on a package of
> >> the CVS version of auctex, a LaTeX mode for Emacs. Since it's only an
> >> Emacs-addon written in Lisp, it's of course architecture independent. 
> >> 
> >> In debian/rules of the "real" package from unstable, binary requires
> >> binary-arch and binary-indep; the first does nothing and the second
> >> builds the package.
> >> 
> >> In the original package's control file, there is a line of
> >> Build-Depends-Indep, but no Build-Depends. Does this make sense for a
> >> source package that has no architecture dependent binary packages at
> >> all? Why not just use Build-Depends here and use Build-Depends-Indep
> >> only when a source package yields both kinds of binary packages?
> >
> > Because it is simpler to have two easily expressed rules ("Build-Depends
> > must be satisfied for  targets", "Build-Depends-Indep must be
> > satisfied for  targets") than a complex set of exceptions
> > ("Build-Depends must be satisfied for  on Arch: (!= all), or  on
> > Arch: all, unless Build-Depends-Indep is also set, in which case")
> That sounds sensible. However, I'm puzzled by the following statement in 
> file:///usr/share/doc/debian-policy/policy.html/ch-relationships.html#s7.6
> ,
> | Build-Depends, Build-Conflicts 
> |
> | The Build-Depends and Build-Conflicts
> | fields must be satisfied when any of the following targets is invoked:
> | build, clean, binary, binary-arch, build-arch, build-indep and
> | binary-indep.
> `

Hmmm. I'm not sure if that needs to be updated, or if I've just missed
something. Practice may be preceeding policy, however...

> So if I put all the dependencies into Build-Depends for a package that
> only generates a single package_version_all.deb, I get the same effect
> as if I put only some (like debhelper) there and the rest into
> Build-Depends-Indep. Or am I missing something?

It might work, given the above; it's still better style, if nothing
else, to use the BDI field for stuff that is needed when invoking the
build-indep/binary-indep targets (for example, latex2html or somesuch, for
generating docs for a foo-doc*_all.deb package)

> > 6 extra characters in the control file is a small price to pay for sanity,
> > especially because it allows some of us (namely, porters) to build *simple*
> > tools that figure out dependancy trees, and which can prune some parts of
> > them based on this information.
> What concern do porters have with architecture-all-only-packages?

With most Arch: all packages, little to none. The concern is actually in
*not* having stuff that is *only* needed for -indep targets (which will
generally never be built by porting machines) in the Binary-Depends field,
so that it doesn't get installed (since it won't be needed). Or, in the
case of bootstrapping ports, so that they don't avoid building the package
thinking it needs emacs ported first, when really emacs is only used to do
some documentation fudging.

Yes, there are things in the archive which BDI on emacs...

Description: PGP signature

search a sponsor

2003-08-01 Thread smilebef
I am new here.
I have debianized a package named "fvwm-themes".
I have it made with instrucktion from original developer.
Now this package is so i think ready to test and ready to show to an sponsor.
The original developer have me say, how he want.
* a entry in the original "deb-dist" and "deb-dist3" like rpm.
So i have it done.
Also i have the "debian/*" uploadet to cvs-server.
Now anybody can load the package from cvs and "make deb-dist".

Ok i wait for respond.

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