Debian on the MacBookAir3,1

2010-12-07 Thread mike dentifrice
Hi there,

I'm trying to get Debian to work properly on one of the new MacBookAir
machines. I've started documenting my steps so it can be of use to
someone hopefully:,1/

It's a work in progress, and quite a lot of things need to be fixed
and/or figured out still, so contributions/corrections are more than

I'd be delighted to know that some more people are trying to get Debian
running on this nice little machine.


mike dentifrice 

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Nec LaVie MX LX60T/5 + keys

2003-04-18 Thread mike dentifrice
Hi there,

I've just bought a cute Nec LaVie MX LX60T/5 subnotebook
This product has been widely spread over Japan, but seems to have hardly
ever hit Europe or the US. As a result, I have found nearly no
documentation about it that I can understand. As no manual was shipped
with it and the NEC hotline refuses to help me (it was a stock clearage
offer from an online store), I would be *really* glad to find people I
can ask simple questions to (like, is there really a switchable
backlight to be found somewhere?).

Now let's go to the software part. I've installed a Debian Woody on it
(booted from USB CD-ROM and did the rest from the network), and I'm
having problems with some keys that aren't recognized (like Alt Gr,
which is very painful). Any tip on how to adapt keymaps? Are there
specific keymaps for laptops? 

I'll get to ACPI issues later I guess,

Thanks in advance,

PS: from what I could guess, a pretty similar version of this laptop has
been released in France under the name of "Versa Ultralite", and in the
US under the name of "Versa Daylite". So if you're using one of these...

mike dentifrice

Re: alt-gr problem off-topic

2003-05-10 Thread mike dentifrice
> today i was going to use a alt-gr + key and it didn't work.
> No alt-gr + key combination works..
> But it's only in  X. Using tty1 

You have to tell X where to find the Alt-Gr key. To do this, first
launch the "xev" program under X, which will tell you the keycode for
each key you press. Write down the keycode that pops-up when you press
Alt-Gr, and quit.

Then, try to map the Alt-Gr "function" to the keycode you obtained, by
$ xmodmap -e keycode = Mode_switch

Try using Alt-Gr. If it works, create a .xmodmaprc file in your $HOME,
containing "keycode = Mode_switch"
and call it from your .xinitrc or .xsession by adding "xmodmap

That's it!

mike dentifrice

troubles with ACPI on a NEC LaVie MX

2003-05-13 Thread mike dentifrice
Hi there,

I'm having problems with ACPI on a NEC LaVie MX LX60T/5 sublaptop
(which is *very* similar to NEC Versa Ultralite and Daylite models - if
you have one of those, *please* tell me about your experience!).

When using tools such as wmbattery to monitor battery state,
wmbattery hangs after a certain period of time, and eats all CPU
power. Any attempt to kill the process (with the -9 option) remains
unsuccessful. At this point, when I try to read files in /proc/acpi,
most of them crash the shell, and won't allow to be killed.

When this happens, I get loads of such messages in my logs
(messages, kern.log and syslog):

May 11 18:49:16 localhost kernel:  osl-0888 [49] os_wait_semaphore : 
Failed to acquire semaphore[c6cf7580|1|0], AE_TIME

Switching from wmbattery to "acpi -V" seemed to help. But there
remains a big problem. 

Quite often, my keyboard stops working. Most of the time, it happens
after I leave the computer alone for some time, lid closed (with AC
adaptor plugged or unplugged). But recently, it even happened while
I was typing! When this happens, the mouse keeps working, as well as
the key combination "ctrl alt del". The reboot can't be completed,
though, and the machine hangs while trying to unmout usb devices (I
don't have any USB connected). 

The reason why I think it has to do with ACPI is that I get the
"os_wait_semaphore" line as well when it happens. I also ssh'ed into
my machine in this state, and any acpi querrying would crash the

Any idea how to fix this?

More info on my configuration:

$ uname -sr
Linux 2.4.20-wolk4.0s-pre-final

$ cat /proc/acpi/info
version: 20030328
states:  S0 S1 S3 S4 S5

mike dentifrice

Re: Problems getting ACPI support to work on a HP Pavilion

2003-06-05 Thread mike dentifrice
Niko Schmuck disait :
> Setting the System clock using the Hardware Clock as reference...

The RTC (realtime clock) driver is responsable for this. You should
recompile your kernel without it...

mike dentifrice

Dell Latitude LS: crash on reboot w/ 2.4.x

2003-07-12 Thread mike dentifrice

I'm having a weird problem on a Dell Latitude LS laptop, running Debian
Sarge. Everything works fine, except when I do a reboot from a 2.4.x

After the reboot, Debian starts fine until my hdparm script turns DMA on
and sets the disk to 32-bit mode. At this point, I get a series of DMA
timeout messages, and hdparm ends up switching back to 16-bit mode.
When this happens, my network card doesn't work anymore and floods me
with error messages when I try to ping another machine. On top of
that, I sometimes get another error message, related to USB UHCI (I
enclosed error messages as an attachment - errorlog.txt).

This *only* happens when I reboot the computer while using a 2.4.x
kernel. I've been doing some tests with various custom kernels: 2.4.18
kernel sources from Woody and 2.4.21 from I also compiled a
kernel with APM disabled, and the same thing happens. (I enclosed my
kernel .config file as an attachment - kernelconfig.txt).

What makes me believe it has to do with my 2.4.x kernel is that I've
tried with the 2.2.20-idepci kernel from the woody install CD, and then,
there's no problem!

These problems only happen after a reboot (with "reboot"). Switching the
computer off with "halt", and switching it on again causes no trouble at

Has anyone encountered such a weirdness? Any explanation? Solution?

Thanks in advance,

mike dentifrice

This is what happens when I do a "hdparm -c 1 -d 1 /dev/hda":

setting 32-bit IO_support flag to 1
setting using_dma to 1 (on)
blk: queue c02c2940, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0x)
IO_support   =  1 (32-bit)
using_dma=  1 (on)

hda: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x21
hda: timeout waiting for DMA
hda: timeout waiting for DMA
hda: (__ide_dma_test_irq) called while not waiting
hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }

When I try to use the network card:

NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: transmit timed out, tx_status 00 status e000.
diagnostics: net 0cfc media 8880 dma 00a0.
Flags; bus-master 1, dirty 0(0) current 16(0)
Transmit list 07f73200 vs. c7f73200.
0: @c7f73200  length 802a status 002a
1: @c7f73240  length 802a status 002a
2: @c7f73280  length 802a status 002a
3: @c7f732c0  length 802a status 002a
4: @c7f73300  length 802a status 002a
5: @c7f73340  length 802a status 002a
6: @c7f73380  length 802a status 002a
7: @c7f733c0  length 802a status 002a
8: @c7f73400  length 802a status 002a
9: @c7f73440  length 802a status 002a
10: @c7f73480  length 802a status 002a
11: @c7f734c0  length 802a status 002a
12: @c7f73500  length 802a status 002a
13: @c7f73540  length 802a status 002a
14: @c7f73580  length 802a status 802a
15: @c7f735c0  length 802a status 802a

Sometimes, this error message also appears:

uhci.c: fce0: host controller halted. very bad

# Automatically generated by make menuconfig: don't edit
# CONFIG_SBUS is not set

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M586 is not set
# CONFIG_M586TSC is not set
# CONFIG_M586MMX is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_MPENTIUM4 is not set
# CONFIG_MK6 is not set
# CONFIG_MK7 is not set
# CONFIG_MK8 is not set
# CONFIG_MELAN is not set
# CONFIG_MCRUSOE is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIPC6 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP2 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP3D is not set
# CONFIG_MVIAC3_2 is not set
# CONFIG_TOSHIBA is not set
# CONFIG_X86_MSR is not set
# CONFIG_X86_CPUID is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM is not set
# CONFIG_SMP is not set
# CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC is not set
# CONFIG_X86_UP_IOAPIC is not set
# CONFIG_X86_TSC_DISABLE is not set

# General setup
# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
# CONFIG_EISA is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set

# PCMCIA/CardBus support
# CONFIG_TCIC is not set
# CONFIG_I82092 is not set
# CONFIG_I82365 is not se

mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Hello out there,

I'm trying to find an efficient way to synchronize mail folders between
my laptop and my desktop computer, and would be glad to hear about some
possible (and working!) setups.

Here's my configuration and what I would like to do:

I'm using mutt on debian, and my mail folders are in mbox format (I
don't want to switch to Maildir, which is one of the reasons why I can't
find an easy solution, since so much people who sync seem to be using
Maildir :/). I fetch mail from a mail server using IMAP through SSH;
mostly to my desktop computer, but occasionnaly to my laptop computer. 

I would like to maintain two copies of my Mail folders, one on the
desktop and one on the laptop. Both would be updated with mails I
deleted/wrote/received + their status, on a regular basis - say, each
time I sync :)

I've had a look at rsync, but it seems not to handle bidirectionnal
syncing, and cannot understand mbox contents, since it relies on file
modification date (which I think can lead to great errors, forget some
new messages and not suppress some deleted ones, etc.)

I've had a look at mailsync, but it can only connect to a remote host
via IMAP, and thus recquires the installation of an imapd server both on
the laptop and on the desktop. Plus it does not support ssh (which is
not such a big deal though, since it can be tunnelised).

I've also looked at isync, but it only supports Maildir.

So, any idea/experience?

Thanks in advance!

mike dentifrice

Re: Wireless

2003-08-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Ryan Nowakowski disait :
> The AirPlus 650+ has a weird chipset apparently.  The last time I
> checked, it didn't work with Debian.

There's a closed-source driver available (don't know if it works,

And an open-source driver is currently being developped, though it still
needs the proprietary firmware:

There's also a link to a (useless) D-Link infopage:

mike dentifrice

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Ryan Nowakowski said:
> > Check out unison:
> >
> > apt-get install unison

Unison can do bidirectionnal syncing indeed. But I fear it can't take
*content* into consideration. Unison will look at files as files, not as
mboxes, so it won't know if a mail is to be suppressed (because deleted)
or added (because new), right?

mike dentifrice

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-18 Thread mike dentifrice
Daniel Andor said:
> Any tools to convert mbox to maildir?

The qmail site ( provides a set of scripts to do
this (cf

See also

mike dentifrice

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-18 Thread mike dentifrice
criggie said:
> Maildir would be a beautiful solution - because each email is a uniquely
> numbered file inside a directory structure.  Any of the two-way sync
> programs should be able to deal with that.  Why do you not want to
> switch to maildir format?  Its relatively easy too.

Seems to be easy enough, indeed. Till now, I've been reluctant to use
Maildir because of disk-space issues (Maildir is a great inode eater!),
and because my whole mail system (mutt, postfix, procmail) is configured
for mbox (and I have a lot of these folders).

> Whats the end goal anyway?  If you're getting email from an imap
> server... why not simply leave the mail on the imap server and use an
> imap-aware mail client on each machine?  I have my laptop and
> squirrelmail (webmail interface) using an imap server at home, so I can
> access mail from a desktop anywhere or my laptop, as long as theres a
> net connection.   Are you trying to find a problem for a solution?  :)

A solution :)

I don't want to leave mails on the server because I have limited storage
space there. And I want to be able to do offline reading, since most
places I travel to happen to be disconnected environents, or connected
via a regular 33k6 modem (which means slow and expensive bandwidth).

mike dentifrice

Re: Problems getting ACPI support to work on a HP Pavilion

2003-06-06 Thread mike dentifrice
Niko Schmuck disait :
> Setting the System clock using the Hardware Clock as reference...

The RTC (realtime clock) driver is responsable for this. You should
recompile your kernel without it...

mike dentifrice

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dell Latitude LS: crash on reboot w/ 2.4.x

2003-07-12 Thread mike dentifrice

I'm having a weird problem on a Dell Latitude LS laptop, running Debian
Sarge. Everything works fine, except when I do a reboot from a 2.4.x

After the reboot, Debian starts fine until my hdparm script turns DMA on
and sets the disk to 32-bit mode. At this point, I get a series of DMA
timeout messages, and hdparm ends up switching back to 16-bit mode.
When this happens, my network card doesn't work anymore and floods me
with error messages when I try to ping another machine. On top of
that, I sometimes get another error message, related to USB UHCI (I
enclosed error messages as an attachment - errorlog.txt).

This *only* happens when I reboot the computer while using a 2.4.x
kernel. I've been doing some tests with various custom kernels: 2.4.18
kernel sources from Woody and 2.4.21 from I also compiled a
kernel with APM disabled, and the same thing happens. (I enclosed my
kernel .config file as an attachment - kernelconfig.txt).

What makes me believe it has to do with my 2.4.x kernel is that I've
tried with the 2.2.20-idepci kernel from the woody install CD, and then,
there's no problem!

These problems only happen after a reboot (with "reboot"). Switching the
computer off with "halt", and switching it on again causes no trouble at

Has anyone encountered such a weirdness? Any explanation? Solution?

Thanks in advance,

mike dentifrice

This is what happens when I do a "hdparm -c 1 -d 1 /dev/hda":

setting 32-bit IO_support flag to 1
setting using_dma to 1 (on)
blk: queue c02c2940, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0x)
IO_support   =  1 (32-bit)
using_dma=  1 (on)

hda: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x21
hda: timeout waiting for DMA
hda: timeout waiting for DMA
hda: (__ide_dma_test_irq) called while not waiting
hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }

When I try to use the network card:

NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
eth0: transmit timed out, tx_status 00 status e000.
diagnostics: net 0cfc media 8880 dma 00a0.
Flags; bus-master 1, dirty 0(0) current 16(0)
Transmit list 07f73200 vs. c7f73200.
0: @c7f73200  length 802a status 002a
1: @c7f73240  length 802a status 002a
2: @c7f73280  length 802a status 002a
3: @c7f732c0  length 802a status 002a
4: @c7f73300  length 802a status 002a
5: @c7f73340  length 802a status 002a
6: @c7f73380  length 802a status 002a
7: @c7f733c0  length 802a status 002a
8: @c7f73400  length 802a status 002a
9: @c7f73440  length 802a status 002a
10: @c7f73480  length 802a status 002a
11: @c7f734c0  length 802a status 002a
12: @c7f73500  length 802a status 002a
13: @c7f73540  length 802a status 002a
14: @c7f73580  length 802a status 802a
15: @c7f735c0  length 802a status 802a

Sometimes, this error message also appears:

uhci.c: fce0: host controller halted. very bad

# Automatically generated by make menuconfig: don't edit
# CONFIG_SBUS is not set

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M586 is not set
# CONFIG_M586TSC is not set
# CONFIG_M586MMX is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_MPENTIUM4 is not set
# CONFIG_MK6 is not set
# CONFIG_MK7 is not set
# CONFIG_MK8 is not set
# CONFIG_MELAN is not set
# CONFIG_MCRUSOE is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIPC6 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP2 is not set
# CONFIG_MWINCHIP3D is not set
# CONFIG_MVIAC3_2 is not set
# CONFIG_TOSHIBA is not set
# CONFIG_X86_MSR is not set
# CONFIG_X86_CPUID is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM is not set
# CONFIG_SMP is not set
# CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC is not set
# CONFIG_X86_UP_IOAPIC is not set
# CONFIG_X86_TSC_DISABLE is not set

# General setup
# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
# CONFIG_EISA is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set

# PCMCIA/CardBus support
# CONFIG_TCIC is not set
# CONFIG_I82092 is not set
# CONFIG_I82365 is not se

mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Hello out there,

I'm trying to find an efficient way to synchronize mail folders between
my laptop and my desktop computer, and would be glad to hear about some
possible (and working!) setups.

Here's my configuration and what I would like to do:

I'm using mutt on debian, and my mail folders are in mbox format (I
don't want to switch to Maildir, which is one of the reasons why I can't
find an easy solution, since so much people who sync seem to be using
Maildir :/). I fetch mail from a mail server using IMAP through SSH;
mostly to my desktop computer, but occasionnaly to my laptop computer. 

I would like to maintain two copies of my Mail folders, one on the
desktop and one on the laptop. Both would be updated with mails I
deleted/wrote/received + their status, on a regular basis - say, each
time I sync :)

I've had a look at rsync, but it seems not to handle bidirectionnal
syncing, and cannot understand mbox contents, since it relies on file
modification date (which I think can lead to great errors, forget some
new messages and not suppress some deleted ones, etc.)

I've had a look at mailsync, but it can only connect to a remote host
via IMAP, and thus recquires the installation of an imapd server both on
the laptop and on the desktop. Plus it does not support ssh (which is
not such a big deal though, since it can be tunnelised).

I've also looked at isync, but it only supports Maildir.

So, any idea/experience?

Thanks in advance!

mike dentifrice

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wireless

2003-08-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Ryan Nowakowski disait :
> The AirPlus 650+ has a weird chipset apparently.  The last time I
> checked, it didn't work with Debian.

There's a closed-source driver available (don't know if it works,

And an open-source driver is currently being developped, though it still
needs the proprietary firmware:

There's also a link to a (useless) D-Link infopage:

mike dentifrice

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Ryan Nowakowski said:
> > Check out unison:
> >
> > apt-get install unison

Unison can do bidirectionnal syncing indeed. But I fear it can't take
*content* into consideration. Unison will look at files as files, not as
mboxes, so it won't know if a mail is to be suppressed (because deleted)
or added (because new), right?

mike dentifrice

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-18 Thread mike dentifrice
Daniel Andor said:
> Any tools to convert mbox to maildir?

The qmail site ( provides a set of scripts to do
this (cf

See also

mike dentifrice

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mail synchronisation between laptop and desktop

2003-08-18 Thread mike dentifrice
criggie said:
> Maildir would be a beautiful solution - because each email is a uniquely
> numbered file inside a directory structure.  Any of the two-way sync
> programs should be able to deal with that.  Why do you not want to
> switch to maildir format?  Its relatively easy too.

Seems to be easy enough, indeed. Till now, I've been reluctant to use
Maildir because of disk-space issues (Maildir is a great inode eater!),
and because my whole mail system (mutt, postfix, procmail) is configured
for mbox (and I have a lot of these folders).

> Whats the end goal anyway?  If you're getting email from an imap
> server... why not simply leave the mail on the imap server and use an
> imap-aware mail client on each machine?  I have my laptop and
> squirrelmail (webmail interface) using an imap server at home, so I can
> access mail from a desktop anywhere or my laptop, as long as theres a
> net connection.   Are you trying to find a problem for a solution?  :)

A solution :)

I don't want to leave mails on the server because I have limited storage
space there. And I want to be able to do offline reading, since most
places I travel to happen to be disconnected environents, or connected
via a regular 33k6 modem (which means slow and expensive bandwidth).

mike dentifrice

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Users...

2003-11-26 Thread mike dentifrice
Yves Rutschle said:
> (ok, PWM is good too. Gnome and KDE are essentially the same thing
> IMO.)

I've been using PWM for some time now, and just can't get anything
better. It allows everything to be done via keyboard, is way more
flexible that ion (you can have some windows overlap is you want to,
which I sometimes do :P), is very light and even elegant, very (and
easily) configurable, has tabbed browsing (I think it even introduced
it, before fluxbox made it popular), dock support, EVERYTHING! :)

# apt-get install pwm
$ links

You people should, really.


mike dentifrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Users...

2003-11-26 Thread mike dentifrice
Yves Rutschle said:
> (ok, PWM is good too. Gnome and KDE are essentially the same thing
> IMO.)

I've been using PWM for some time now, and just can't get anything
better. It allows everything to be done via keyboard, is way more
flexible that ion (you can have some windows overlap is you want to,
which I sometimes do :P), is very light and even elegant, very (and
easily) configurable, has tabbed browsing (I think it even introduced
it, before fluxbox made it popular), dock support, EVERYTHING! :)

# apt-get install pwm
$ links

You people should, really.


mike dentifrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apple iBook G4 & GNU/Linux (Debian) compatibility?

2004-02-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Hi there,

I'm in the process of buying a new laptop, and I have to admit that I'm
very attracted to the cute new 12" Apple iBook G4. But browsing through
a few pages and asking around on IRC, it seems there's still some
serious issues with it:

- sleep mode: whereas previous iBooks had perfect Linux support
for suspend, it doesn't (yet?) work on the newer G4. Any information on
the development status? In short, is there any hope for a sleep support
in the future? Is it scheduled? Etc. 

- Airport Extreme: not working, and apparently, might never work
(no drivers, no specs, uncaring broadcom company). Any information on an
open-source driver/work-around (with binary driver from OS X or

- no PCMCIA slot: I need wireless connectivity, and if I can't
have Airport Extreme work, I'd like to be able to use my PCMCIA WiFi
cards, at least! Does anyone know of an USB to PCMCIA converter that
works with GNU/Linux? Or any other solution that would allow me to use
PCMCIA on those iBooks?

Thanks in advance for any pointers, answers, tips and the like!

mike dentifrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Users...

2003-11-26 Thread mike dentifrice
Yves Rutschle said:
> (ok, PWM is good too. Gnome and KDE are essentially the same thing
> IMO.)

I've been using PWM for some time now, and just can't get anything
better. It allows everything to be done via keyboard, is way more
flexible that ion (you can have some windows overlap is you want to,
which I sometimes do :P), is very light and even elegant, very (and
easily) configurable, has tabbed browsing (I think it even introduced
it, before fluxbox made it popular), dock support, EVERYTHING! :)

# apt-get install pwm
$ links

You people should, really.


mike dentifrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Debian Users...

2003-11-26 Thread mike dentifrice
Yves Rutschle said:
> (ok, PWM is good too. Gnome and KDE are essentially the same thing
> IMO.)

I've been using PWM for some time now, and just can't get anything
better. It allows everything to be done via keyboard, is way more
flexible that ion (you can have some windows overlap is you want to,
which I sometimes do :P), is very light and even elegant, very (and
easily) configurable, has tabbed browsing (I think it even introduced
it, before fluxbox made it popular), dock support, EVERYTHING! :)

# apt-get install pwm
$ links

You people should, really.


mike dentifrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Apple iBook G4 & GNU/Linux (Debian) compatibility?

2004-02-17 Thread mike dentifrice
Hi there,

I'm in the process of buying a new laptop, and I have to admit that I'm
very attracted to the cute new 12" Apple iBook G4. But browsing through
a few pages and asking around on IRC, it seems there's still some
serious issues with it:

- sleep mode: whereas previous iBooks had perfect Linux support
for suspend, it doesn't (yet?) work on the newer G4. Any information on
the development status? In short, is there any hope for a sleep support
in the future? Is it scheduled? Etc. 

- Airport Extreme: not working, and apparently, might never work
(no drivers, no specs, uncaring broadcom company). Any information on an
open-source driver/work-around (with binary driver from OS X or

- no PCMCIA slot: I need wireless connectivity, and if I can't
have Airport Extreme work, I'd like to be able to use my PCMCIA WiFi
cards, at least! Does anyone know of an USB to PCMCIA converter that
works with GNU/Linux? Or any other solution that would allow me to use
PCMCIA on those iBooks?

Thanks in advance for any pointers, answers, tips and the like!

mike dentifrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>