Hi there,

I've just bought a cute Nec LaVie MX LX60T/5 subnotebook
This product has been widely spread over Japan, but seems to have hardly
ever hit Europe or the US. As a result, I have found nearly no
documentation about it that I can understand. As no manual was shipped
with it and the NEC hotline refuses to help me (it was a stock clearage
offer from an online store), I would be *really* glad to find people I
can ask simple questions to (like, is there really a switchable
backlight to be found somewhere?).

Now let's go to the software part. I've installed a Debian Woody on it
(booted from USB CD-ROM and did the rest from the network), and I'm
having problems with some keys that aren't recognized (like Alt Gr,
which is very painful). Any tip on how to adapt keymaps? Are there
specific keymaps for laptops? 

I'll get to ACPI issues later I guess,

Thanks in advance,

PS: from what I could guess, a pretty similar version of this laptop has
been released in France under the name of "Versa Ultralite", and in the
US under the name of "Versa Daylite". So if you're using one of these...

mike dentifrice

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