> today i was going to use a alt-gr + key and it didn't work.
> No alt-gr + key combination works..
> But it's only in  X. Using tty1 

You have to tell X where to find the Alt-Gr key. To do this, first
launch the "xev" program under X, which will tell you the keycode for
each key you press. Write down the keycode that pops-up when you press
Alt-Gr, and quit.

Then, try to map the Alt-Gr "function" to the keycode you obtained, by
$ xmodmap -e keycode = Mode_switch

Try using Alt-Gr. If it works, create a .xmodmaprc file in your $HOME,
containing "keycode = Mode_switch"
and call it from your .xinitrc or .xsession by adding "xmodmap

That's it!

mike dentifrice

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