Re: stopping the touch pad from 'clicking'

2003-01-31 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > > sry, this has probably been asked a million times before but is there any
> > > way to stop the touchpad from being used as a mouse button when tapped
> > > under X?

> > ok, answering my own question for the sake of the archives.
> >
> > I found a nice little utility called tpconfig with apt-cache search once I
> > knew that the term of reference was "synaptic".
> >
> > it stops the tapping nicely
> But it doesn't work nearly as well as the native synaptics driver at
>, which is probably why nobody else mentioned it.

And my guess is that the synaptics opions you see in XF86Conf file would
allow you to adjust the tapping sensitivity...

Re: fan problem

2003-02-16 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > I have a problem with my laptop, an Asus L3800S. When I boot,
> > if the fans are not already running, they will never work. As
> > a consequence, the system doesn't cool down and it halts. I
> I have the same problem with my ASUS A1300. For me the solution is to use the
> APM modules instead of ACPI. I have them compiled into the kernel.

Ok, I have an l8300C and I guess I'll face the same problem as soon as I
compile a new kernel and try to change to acpi.

My toughts are these:
 - apm is kind of "bios manages thermal related things ALONE, if
much allows monitoring"
 - acpi is kind of "OS manages thermal related things, BIOS just provide
the handles to OS be able to monitor/manage"

When in boot, bios always checks the system state, reacts, and then when
the kernel starts it enters "acpi mode". After that, the system (SO) needs
to control and monitor the machine.
This would explain why the fan state doesn't change unless during boot or
if apm is enable.

So, we're back to this point: How to monitor cpu temp, and how to change
fan state ?!? If one knows that then it would be simple to write a crontab
job to handle the thermal management...

Setting up i810 audio ?!?

2003-02-20 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

Can we get i810 audio hardware to work with the standart 2.4.18-bf24

I've only found treferences to people using 2.4.20...

Re: Setting up i810 audio ?!?

2003-02-20 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > Can we get i810 audio hardware to work with the standart 2.4.18-bf24
> > kernel?
> # modprobe i810_audio
> Should do. It's included in 2.4.18-bf24, and I've been using the sound
> card without problems for some time now.

Wel, the funny thing is... I got that module inserted.
The problem I'm facing is that KDE does not see any soundcard. xmms (over
kde) fails reporting that there is no soundcar or soundcard is locked.

Maybe this is one of those issues with arts (The kde sound daemon)?

So, if the module is inserted, the audio should be fine? Any ideia on how
to test it, besides using xmms?

Joao Clemente

Re: XFree86 4.2.1 on Laptop

2003-02-21 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente
(when not ... ;)
> just a sidenote: AFAIK all LCD's have a fixed refresh rate of 60Hz. I have
> yet to hear of a LCD that breaks this "rule". Maybe anyone can offer more
> insightful info on this?

Sorry, thats not completely true. There are some LCD's working at 75Hz.
 >>> BUT <<< I think those ones are not on laptops but regular "home
cinema" TV lcd's
So, yes, I also think all laptops lcd's work at 60 Hz...

Kde Tooltips - From kde 3.1/sid back to Kde 2.2.2/woody..

2003-02-22 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

Well, I've tried Kde 3.1 by adding "unstable" to my apt sources and doing
a "apt-get dist-update". It worked fine but... To be honest, I didn't
liked kde 3.1 looks (the taskbar icons on my lcd are harder to see, as the
colours changed slightly to a whiter tone) and I've done some messy stuff
with some xfont server or whatever that I didn't liked the result I was

Anyway, I decided to go back to woody and kde 2.2.2.
I changed my apt/preferences file as reported in apt_preferences man file
and did a "apt-get -u dist-update" and it reverted sucessfully to woody
(except for the /etc/debian_version file, that still says
"testing/unstable": Anyone can tell me the default value?)

Then I notisted that my kde 2.2.2 doesn't do tooltips when I hoover a
button on the traybar. I can't be 100% sure, but I think before these
changes to 3.1 and back it also didn't worked.
(in 3.1 it worked fine)

I've double checked that I have "enable tooltips" checked in taskbar
I would like to know if your behaviour is similar or there is something
wrong in my setup.
Besides that, anyone that tryed 3.1 wants to report some toughts about the
colour problem I mentioned?

Joao Clemente

Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @

Re: Kde Tooltips - From kde 3.1/sid back to Kde 2.2.2/woody..

2003-02-23 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > Anyway, I decided to go back to woody and kde 2.2.2.
> > I changed my apt/preferences file as reported in apt_preferences man file
> > and did a "apt-get -u dist-update" and it reverted sucessfully to woody
> > (except for the /etc/debian_version file, that still says
> > "testing/unstable": Anyone can tell me the default value?)
> >
> > Then I notisted that my kde 2.2.2 doesn't do tooltips when I hoover a
> > button on the traybar. I can't be 100% sure, but I think before these
> > changes to 3.1 and back it also didn't worked.
> > (in 3.1 it worked fine)
> Ther was a discussion recently (well, last year - somewhen) on the
> debian-testing list.
> There were some people who wondered about how (and if) a downgrade was
> possible. I do not remember the exact arguments, but I can remember that
> this was not something that can be done by simply using apt-get. In fact
> it looked like it cannot be done at all
> Well, thats at least what I remember

But I already downgraded sucessfully (at least to the extend that I've
worked 'will now). I actually followed the pinning instruction given
somewhere in the middle of that thread.

My questions are still the same:
a) How does kde 2.2.2 beheves for you regarding tooltips? They don't show
for me. [and yes, the option is enabled]
b) What is the value of /etc/debian_version


Anti-aliasing: xfstt or xfs-xtt ?!?

2003-02-25 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

I notisted my kde fonts were somewhat arcaic so I figured out I needed
anti-aliasing. The antialiasing-howto deb package had a doc that talked
but I found (with apt-cache) a xfstt They seem somewhat similar...
Any clue?

Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)

Re: Anti-aliasing: xfstt or xfs-xtt ?!?

2003-02-25 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente
> > I notisted my kde fonts were somewhat arcaic so I figured out I needed
> > anti-aliasing. The antialiasing-howto deb package had a doc that talked
> > about
> > xfs-xtt
> > but I found (with apt-cache) a xfstt They seem somewhat similar...
> > Any clue?

> this was a big deal.  Now that X4 knows how to honor Freetype on its
> own the normal xfs is probably preferred.  However, if you were having
> trouble with that for some reason... perhaps you'd still want it.

> But in terms of an external font server optimized for TTFs, yes, they
> both do that.

But... That means I don't even need {xfs-xtt,xfstt} to have anti-aliasing,
and X "alone" will provide the aliased fonts?
In the meanwhile I tryed both xfstt and xfs-xtt and I actually didn't like
the appearence of either of them... I reverted to non-antialised fonts..

I haven't tryed the basic xfs, will it behave differently? Hmmm..
Thank you for your reply!

Re: asus L3800 c

2003-03-05 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

I've bought a L3C also. This one is running fine, with a combination of
woody + sid's Xfree86. I have no locking in X, whatsoever. The only thing
I still miss is DRI that is not working properly (I can't see the gears of

You just need to
1 - install woody
2 - add the source line for sarge/testing (that has the same Xfree that 
3 - apt-get update
4 - install X (will be upgraded if you had already installed the one from woody)
5 - remove the source line for sarge/testing
6 - apt-get update
7 - Install whatever you want more.

apt runs fine like this, no dependencies problem.
I would advice you to install sinaptics driver for the touchpad, it's
I'm running kde 2.2.2 without a problem. Klaptoptools is a great add for
getting the battery monitor (I think you'll need the apmd also)

Now, if you can get the following things, I would like to know how:

a) Getting framebuffer to work with a debian kernel. (I've only seen
"home-made" kernels doing this)
b) Shut the fan down. I really like working at night with no noise..

Are you sure your hardware is ok? I'm having no lockups...
good luck!

    Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)

Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Script or ..?

2003-03-09 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

So I'm seeking for advice here...

This is what I'm facing: I'd like to get a mail client at my laptop to
carry my mail with me everywhere, checking it out at the seaside, in the
sun.. or when I'm facing those 2-hour wait at the dentist...
Anyway, I'm working at 2 different locations and besides that I also have
net at home... This totals 3 different configs to send mail, so I would
try to figure out what's best to setup..

Besides, I would like to get a mail client with threading and coloring
ability, so I've narrowed down my toughts to mutt, kmail and sylpheed.
I was thinking in a mutt/kmail setup, as sylpheed seems to be using
another mail format and besides I'm having some locale problems with it..

What I really want to know is if I should use my mail client internal
ability to send/read mail [kmail/sylpheed have pop3/smtp support] or if I
should try to setup local mail servers:

As I'm the single user of my laptop, this seems a overkill:
- I only fetch mail of 1 user (me) from my [1] pop3 account.
- I only send mail from me to some smtp server

However, I see there can be some advantages:
- Easier to change smtp server, maybe with a script that checks the ip
I've got from dhcp and then decides what will be my server (I would need
to get a mapping table [myDhcpIp - smtpServerToUse].
- Can "send" mail ignoring whether I'm online or not - the server would
take care of that and send whenever I got online(?)
- Mail is stored locally and not in mail client - can use different
mail client without needing to fetch/sincronize(?)
- Can use mutt
- Maybe can work without needing a smtp server to forward to(?)

So, basically, I am wondering: Is setting up a local mail service, just to
serve myself, a overkill or not?
Any advice from anyone who uses it's laptop to send mail from different
locations, and from anyone who can validate my "(?)"'s ?

Thank you
Joao Clemente

Ps: Maybe I'm just needing to be pointed to some documentation I should
read to understand what's this all about?

Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)

Re: Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Script or ..?

2003-03-10 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> Joao Pedro Clemente ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) had this to say on 03/09/03 at 22:35:
> > As I'm the single user of my laptop, this seems a overkill:
> > - I only fetch mail of 1 user (me) from my [1] pop3 account.
> Don't use POP, use IMAP. Then you won't need to fetch, and all the mail is 
> always avaialable,
> regardless of client.

How's that? AFAIK, every client would try to get an server "copy" each
time I would access a folder/mail. If I used kmail and read my mail, and
then later I used mutt, then I would need to get back online to read the
mail again... right? Or for that matter, i would only need to close kmail
and then open it again, and all my imap mail would be gone, and I would
have no change but to resync again...

[yes, I've already read the posts about offlineimap, but I wanted to reply
to this one first]

offlineimap (Re: Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Script or ..?)

2003-03-17 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

When I asked for a sugestion for mail send/retrieval tools/clients I've
several anwsers pointing to offlineimap.

I've tryed it and I found it quite nice, it syncs my university server and
my laptop client like a charm... However I'm finding some issues that I
would like to comment:

1 - The maildir format is supported by mutt. Anyway I would like to be
able to have some graphical mail client also.. Neither kmail or sylpheed
seem to support the maildir format..

2 - How about sending? IMAP does not take cover of sending, and here I've
seen quite some different approaches:
- Tunneling to my mail server: No good. Sometimes my mail server is my ISP
(when I'm at home, at my home lan), other times it's my university mailer.
- Running courier, or qmail, or sendmail: Aren't those too complicated/big
for the job? I feel them as "server" mailers, not "client" mailers...
I do not need to handle hundreds or thousands of mail, I just need a mail
qeue when I'm offline and a way to dispatch that qeue when I get online..
 sSmtp doens't seem to support qeueing, masqmail is maybe the most near
tool I've found...

Is there a reason why I should use one of the "big" mailers?

Joao Clemente

Re: online/offline exim config

2003-03-24 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente
> > My dream mail configuration looks like this: while off-line, spool the
> > outgoing mail into some file, and then when I'm on-line, send it in one
> > run. While on-line (i.e. at work, where I have permanent connection),
> > mail should be sent right away.
> I use ifplugd (apt-get it) and fetchmail...
> When plugged, my ifplugd config start exim to flush the queue (Exim is
> configured with smarthost).

I actually am doing things "by hand", as I havent found a way for exim to
know what is a "offline state": I found out that "exim -q" flushes the
mails I have in my mail queue (instead of waiting for the next retry date)

I haven't understood this reply: If you just start exim when you get
online, what happens when you try to send mail while offline? If exim is
not running, will it not fail?!?

Re: Debian woody & ATI radeon m7500

2003-03-26 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> Just wondering if anyone has managed to get XFree86 working with an ATI 
> radeon m7500 graphics card as yet?
> should I perhaps update my version of XFree86?

Yes. Upgrade to sid or testing version. Do not use framebuffer unless
you've compiled a new kernel with support for it (woody 2.4.18bf24 has

Ps: I just answered this question 6 hours ago. A google search could get
you the answer easily.

Good luck
Joao Clemente

re: exim config...

2003-03-26 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> Let me re-phrase the question a little...
> I don't mind about how often sendmail retries to flush the queue. That doesn't
> matter. And the queue is never particularly big anyway. But what does often
> happen is that I send an email, while offline, and forget all about actually
> dialing up to send it fully. So it waits in the queue.
> If you type 'mailq' then each message in the queue is listed in the form,
> message id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   recipient-list
> If there is any problem with the message, then exim sends a warning message to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would like to keep [EMAIL PROTECTED] as "[EMAIL 
> that a warning message (for instance when the message has been on the queue
> far too long) is sent to me directly. However, if [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a local
> address, this causes problems when exim tries to send the message into the big
> wide world, since [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an unrouteable address.

I don't know for sure, but maybe it would be enough if you simply could
configure exim not to deliver error messages for at lest 1 or 2 days
(instead of the default 4 hours, I think)...
Thtat youd eventually give you enough time to sedn the mail when you had
eventually change to get connected..

I personally would like to do that:

a) Configure exim to retry every 15 min "forever" (at least a couple of
b) Disable warning/error messages, or at least only report after 2 days.

The reasoning is that I eventually will get connected (I never stay more
than 2-3 days disconnected), and when I connect I'll connect for at least
15 minutes..

Re: laptop recommendation

2003-04-10 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

On Thu, 10 Apr 2003, Ben Southwood wrote:

> Try the Asus L3C series,
> Mine is a 1.7GHZ 512Mb DDR ATI Radeon M7500 Ram 15" 1400x1050 40Gb HDD 
> CD-RW/DVD combo drive
> not tooo heavy big screen, love it! currently running Woody, RH7.3 & M$ XP 
> Pro (the things you have to do for work..!)
> needed to update sndconfig & XFree86 from unstable to get sound & Xwindows 
> working, haven't tried cd-rw/dvd under linux yet (still use nero for that..)

I also own a L3C and it works very well under Linux. It depends a bit on
what you man by "not heavy". I've searched a bit before I bought this one
and I'll post you what I found
(and I eventually concluded that I would bare 3.5Kg for the sake of
havving a good DRI supported card, and for a much better value, so I
bought the L3C and I'm quite happy with it)

L3C: P4-m, Radeon 7500, 15" Lcd 1400x1050, All-In-One, 3.5Kg
(yeh they say 3.2, but put them to a scale and see for yourself)

My choices at the moment were
Compaq EVO N800V : Very similar to L3C hardware, no internal floppy,
removable optical drive. 2.5Kg to 2.9Kg, +500-700 EUR

Asus L3E: same as L3C, with sis chipset instead of radeon. Cheaper, but
DRI support is still not available. Cheaper than L3C

Asus L4: As L3E series, without the built-in-floppy. They say 3.0 Kg (so,
200g less than sey advertise the L3) so you can expect 3.3 Kg. Cheaper
than L3C

Acer 630: P4m, geforce2go, removable optical drive, 2.6-2.9 Kg. Something
between the L3C price and the compaq price.
I just notisted that now there is a acer 650, that is similar but with the
radeon 7500

All these have 15" LCD 1400x1050
I decided to go with the "more value for the money" that would give me cpu
and graphics performance, letting go the weight. So I ended up with a
all-in-one , instead of a modular/swappable laptop (that was my original
choice), and chose ATI 7500 instead of the others because I wanted a good
graphics performance with dedicated memory and support for DRI.

(sis [the 650 model, I think] had no DRI support, and has shared memory)
(I also think geforce2 is less powerfull than radeon 7500)

So, it depends.. What are your requirements for mobility? What are your
requirements for screen size/resolution?

I do development and some system adminstration. In my opinion, I can tell
you: If I needed to choose again, I could choose a lighter laptop, a
modular one, a different cpu, other memory or disk drive, or even
another graphics card... But I garantee
you I would never go back to those 1024x768 screens again.. (As long as I
have the money for it, of course)

But hey, this is my particular taste and requirements.. Think what you'll
do with it, how long will you carry it..

Joao Clemente

Re: 3d Acceleration Radeon 7500M - Tuxracer runs really slow!

2003-05-01 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

I'm pretty sure you don't have dri enabled.
There is a DRI trunk somewhere, that I installed (instead of the vannilla
Xfree) to enable DRI on my Radeon 7500.

Every solution I've seen on this mailing list were the same: To use that
Xfree DRI trunk instead of the normal one.

I don't remember how I've done it, but please search the ML archives: On
the last 2 months, there were plenty of questions and answers about that.

Google for "radeon 7500 dri" or "radeon 7500 debian dri", or something
like that. I'm sure you'll find plenty of info.

Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @

Re: 3d Acceleration Radeon 7500M - Tuxracer runs really slow!

2003-05-01 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

Oh, and I'm suposing you have kernel support for DRM, etc... Please check
that too..

Re: How many of you?

2003-05-02 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente
> Reading this list with interest a thought occurs to me.
> How many of you have actually installed linux on a laptop and not had to
> configure more than one or two programs to get a working system.
> I'm not talking about configuring it to how you like it, I'm talking about it
> just working so that you can get the work done with no fuss.

I found that installing my laptop was no easier or harder than the
desktops I've setup before. If the hardware is well supported, I think
the installer will give you a nice system to work with. I actually have
done it the hard way, either on laptop or desktop systems: I've skipped
the installer as soon as I could and choose the packages I wanted by
"apt-gettting" them..

(Im my particular laptop install, I had to deal with xfree configuration,
but just because xfree from woody would not run my ati 7500. Going to
xfree from sarge worked it.)

Re: 3d Acceleration Radeon 7500M - Tuxracer runs really slow!

2003-05-02 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> Hi Jochen,
> installed Kxconfig,
> ran it and configured modelines in that, still no joy,
> no errors appearing in XF86 log, can ctr+alt change resolutions now, but 
> everything (1024x768, 800x600 etc) but default (1400x1050) is actually to big 
> for the screen, which doesn't make sense!

Yes it does. That's the way Xfree works:
If you have a 1400x1050 screen configured, smaller resolutions will put
you in "extended/virtual desktop modep" (or whatever it is called):
You'll get the ability to scroll the screen as if you had a working space
of 1400x1050 but a smaller visibility.
If you start X with the smaller resolution (try taking the 1400x1050 out
of XF86Config) it will do a "visible working space" with the smaller

Re: 3d Acceleration Radeon 7500M - Tuxracer runs really slow!

2003-05-02 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

Can you run glxgears? Do you actually see the gears? and you do have a
frame rate between 6000-9000?

I have my display modes set to "1400x105" "1280x1024" "1024x768".
Tuxracer works fine. (Btw, what color depth are you using? Try 16)

I almost bet your problem is not tux-races specific...
Also, check your kernel log (dmesg) and your Xfree log to see if they say
something when you try to run something dri accelerated...

On Sat, 3 May 2003, Ben Southwood wrote:

> ahhh..!
> thanks for your help on that, still can't run tuxracer though!
> :(

Re: 3d Acceleration Radeon 7500M - Tuxracer runs really slow!

2003-05-02 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

On Sat, 3 May 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hmm... running glxgears  from console gives me a blank screen.
> and a frame rate of only 550 odd FPS:
> 2773 frames in 5.0 seconds = 554.600 FPS
> nothing odd seems to come up in dmesg or xf86.log
> changed colour depth to 16, still get blank screen, but frame rate improved 
> to:
> 5299 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1059.800 FPS
> I don't spose you could send me your XF86Config-4 could you I might be able 
> to figure out what is wrong by looking at it..
> I have included my log and current config in this post, if you'ld like to 
> have a look, although I can understand if you don't want to...!

There you go! As I've said, the problem is not tux-racer specific. Use
glxgears as your reference to find out if you have your DRI working ok or
At this time you don't have a working DRI. There has been several postings
about "glxgears show no gears". As I've said before, I've also had that
problem and I got around it installing some different Xfree from a so
called "drm trunk".

I'm ssh'ing to a remote console at the moment, so I can't give you my
Xfree config now, but I'll send it later... At that time I'll take a look
at your files, but I don't promise I'll find the solution... I hope
tomorrow I can do all that, ok?

Please google for "debian dri ati", and some other variations.
The radeon.o that I have working was compiled from some package
"drm-trunk.tar.gz" and I'm pretty sure it was gotten from

Re: Debian Upgrade

2003-05-23 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

You just need to add the "testing" sources to your /etc/apt/apt.conf, and
then do the dist-upgrade.
Check your /etc/apt/apt.conf file

    Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)

On Fri, 23 May 2003, Michael Rose wrote:

> I have an install of debian woody on my system and have been wanting to 
> upgrade to sarge for some time now but still can't figure out how. I read 
> something about debian-installer but idunno how to get that. I have tried 
> dist-upgrade but all that does is upgrade some of my packages. Does ne one 
> know how I can go about this? Thanx
> -Michael

Re: Debian Upgrade

2003-05-23 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> On Fri, 23 May 2003, Joao Pedro Clemente wrote:
> > You just need to add the "testing" sources to your /etc/apt/apt.conf,
> /etc/apt/sources.list, surely?

OOps, you're right. Sorry if I mistaken someone.

Re: stopping the touch pad from 'clicking'

2003-01-31 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > > sry, this has probably been asked a million times before but is there any
> > > way to stop the touchpad from being used as a mouse button when tapped
> > > under X?

> > ok, answering my own question for the sake of the archives.
> >
> > I found a nice little utility called tpconfig with apt-cache search once I
> > knew that the term of reference was "synaptic".
> >
> > it stops the tapping nicely
> But it doesn't work nearly as well as the native synaptics driver at
>, which is probably why nobody else mentioned it.

And my guess is that the synaptics opions you see in XF86Conf file would
allow you to adjust the tapping sensitivity...

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fan problem

2003-02-16 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > I have a problem with my laptop, an Asus L3800S. When I boot,
> > if the fans are not already running, they will never work. As
> > a consequence, the system doesn't cool down and it halts. I
> I have the same problem with my ASUS A1300. For me the solution is to use the
> APM modules instead of ACPI. I have them compiled into the kernel.

Ok, I have an l8300C and I guess I'll face the same problem as soon as I
compile a new kernel and try to change to acpi.

My toughts are these:
 - apm is kind of "bios manages thermal related things ALONE, if
much allows monitoring"
 - acpi is kind of "OS manages thermal related things, BIOS just provide
the handles to OS be able to monitor/manage"

When in boot, bios always checks the system state, reacts, and then when
the kernel starts it enters "acpi mode". After that, the system (SO) needs
to control and monitor the machine.
This would explain why the fan state doesn't change unless during boot or
if apm is enable.

So, we're back to this point: How to monitor cpu temp, and how to change
fan state ?!? If one knows that then it would be simple to write a crontab
job to handle the thermal management...

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Setting up i810 audio ?!?

2003-02-20 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

Can we get i810 audio hardware to work with the standart 2.4.18-bf24

I've only found treferences to people using 2.4.20...

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Re: Setting up i810 audio ?!?

2003-02-20 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > Can we get i810 audio hardware to work with the standart 2.4.18-bf24
> > kernel?
> # modprobe i810_audio
> Should do. It's included in 2.4.18-bf24, and I've been using the sound
> card without problems for some time now.

Wel, the funny thing is... I got that module inserted.
The problem I'm facing is that KDE does not see any soundcard. xmms (over
kde) fails reporting that there is no soundcar or soundcard is locked.

Maybe this is one of those issues with arts (The kde sound daemon)?

So, if the module is inserted, the audio should be fine? Any ideia on how
to test it, besides using xmms?

Joao Clemente

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Re: XFree86 4.2.1 on Laptop

2003-02-21 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente
(when not ... ;)
> just a sidenote: AFAIK all LCD's have a fixed refresh rate of 60Hz. I have
> yet to hear of a LCD that breaks this "rule". Maybe anyone can offer more
> insightful info on this?

Sorry, thats not completely true. There are some LCD's working at 75Hz.
 >>> BUT <<< I think those ones are not on laptops but regular "home
cinema" TV lcd's
So, yes, I also think all laptops lcd's work at 60 Hz...

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Kde Tooltips - From kde 3.1/sid back to Kde 2.2.2/woody..

2003-02-22 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

Well, I've tried Kde 3.1 by adding "unstable" to my apt sources and doing
a "apt-get dist-update". It worked fine but... To be honest, I didn't
liked kde 3.1 looks (the taskbar icons on my lcd are harder to see, as the
colours changed slightly to a whiter tone) and I've done some messy stuff
with some xfont server or whatever that I didn't liked the result I was

Anyway, I decided to go back to woody and kde 2.2.2.
I changed my apt/preferences file as reported in apt_preferences man file
and did a "apt-get -u dist-update" and it reverted sucessfully to woody
(except for the /etc/debian_version file, that still says
"testing/unstable": Anyone can tell me the default value?)

Then I notisted that my kde 2.2.2 doesn't do tooltips when I hoover a
button on the traybar. I can't be 100% sure, but I think before these
changes to 3.1 and back it also didn't worked.
(in 3.1 it worked fine)

I've double checked that I have "enable tooltips" checked in taskbar
I would like to know if your behaviour is similar or there is something
wrong in my setup.
Besides that, anyone that tryed 3.1 wants to report some toughts about the
colour problem I mentioned?

Joao Clemente

Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @

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Re: Kde Tooltips - From kde 3.1/sid back to Kde 2.2.2/woody..

2003-02-23 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> > Anyway, I decided to go back to woody and kde 2.2.2.
> > I changed my apt/preferences file as reported in apt_preferences man file
> > and did a "apt-get -u dist-update" and it reverted sucessfully to woody
> > (except for the /etc/debian_version file, that still says
> > "testing/unstable": Anyone can tell me the default value?)
> >
> > Then I notisted that my kde 2.2.2 doesn't do tooltips when I hoover a
> > button on the traybar. I can't be 100% sure, but I think before these
> > changes to 3.1 and back it also didn't worked.
> > (in 3.1 it worked fine)
> Ther was a discussion recently (well, last year - somewhen) on the
> debian-testing list.
> There were some people who wondered about how (and if) a downgrade was
> possible. I do not remember the exact arguments, but I can remember that
> this was not something that can be done by simply using apt-get. In fact
> it looked like it cannot be done at all
> Well, thats at least what I remember

But I already downgraded sucessfully (at least to the extend that I've
worked 'will now). I actually followed the pinning instruction given
somewhere in the middle of that thread.

My questions are still the same:
a) How does kde 2.2.2 beheves for you regarding tooltips? They don't show
for me. [and yes, the option is enabled]
b) What is the value of /etc/debian_version


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Anti-aliasing: xfstt or xfs-xtt ?!?

2003-02-25 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

I notisted my kde fonts were somewhat arcaic so I figured out I needed
anti-aliasing. The antialiasing-howto deb package had a doc that talked
but I found (with apt-cache) a xfstt They seem somewhat similar...
Any clue?

Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)

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Re: Anti-aliasing: xfstt or xfs-xtt ?!?

2003-02-25 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente
> > I notisted my kde fonts were somewhat arcaic so I figured out I needed
> > anti-aliasing. The antialiasing-howto deb package had a doc that talked
> > about
> > xfs-xtt
> > but I found (with apt-cache) a xfstt They seem somewhat similar...
> > Any clue?

> this was a big deal.  Now that X4 knows how to honor Freetype on its
> own the normal xfs is probably preferred.  However, if you were having
> trouble with that for some reason... perhaps you'd still want it.

> But in terms of an external font server optimized for TTFs, yes, they
> both do that.

But... That means I don't even need {xfs-xtt,xfstt} to have anti-aliasing,
and X "alone" will provide the aliased fonts?
In the meanwhile I tryed both xfstt and xfs-xtt and I actually didn't like
the appearence of either of them... I reverted to non-antialised fonts..

I haven't tryed the basic xfs, will it behave differently? Hmmm..
Thank you for your reply!

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Re: asus L3800 c

2003-03-05 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

I've bought a L3C also. This one is running fine, with a combination of
woody + sid's Xfree86. I have no locking in X, whatsoever. The only thing
I still miss is DRI that is not working properly (I can't see the gears of

You just need to
1 - install woody
2 - add the source line for sarge/testing (that has the same Xfree that sid/unstable)
3 - apt-get update
4 - install X (will be upgraded if you had already installed the one from woody)
5 - remove the source line for sarge/testing
6 - apt-get update
7 - Install whatever you want more.

apt runs fine like this, no dependencies problem.
I would advice you to install sinaptics driver for the touchpad, it's
I'm running kde 2.2.2 without a problem. Klaptoptools is a great add for
getting the battery monitor (I think you'll need the apmd also)

Now, if you can get the following things, I would like to know how:

a) Getting framebuffer to work with a debian kernel. (I've only seen
"home-made" kernels doing this)
b) Shut the fan down. I really like working at night with no noise..

Are you sure your hardware is ok? I'm having no lockups...
good luck!

    Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)

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Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Script or ..?

2003-03-09 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

So I'm seeking for advice here...

This is what I'm facing: I'd like to get a mail client at my laptop to
carry my mail with me everywhere, checking it out at the seaside, in the
sun.. or when I'm facing those 2-hour wait at the dentist...
Anyway, I'm working at 2 different locations and besides that I also have
net at home... This totals 3 different configs to send mail, so I would
try to figure out what's best to setup..

Besides, I would like to get a mail client with threading and coloring
ability, so I've narrowed down my toughts to mutt, kmail and sylpheed.
I was thinking in a mutt/kmail setup, as sylpheed seems to be using
another mail format and besides I'm having some locale problems with it..

What I really want to know is if I should use my mail client internal
ability to send/read mail [kmail/sylpheed have pop3/smtp support] or if I
should try to setup local mail servers:

As I'm the single user of my laptop, this seems a overkill:
- I only fetch mail of 1 user (me) from my [1] pop3 account.
- I only send mail from me to some smtp server

However, I see there can be some advantages:
- Easier to change smtp server, maybe with a script that checks the ip
I've got from dhcp and then decides what will be my server (I would need
to get a mapping table [myDhcpIp - smtpServerToUse].
- Can "send" mail ignoring whether I'm online or not - the server would
take care of that and send whenever I got online(?)
- Mail is stored locally and not in mail client - can use different
mail client without needing to fetch/sincronize(?)
- Can use mutt
- Maybe can work without needing a smtp server to forward to(?)

So, basically, I am wondering: Is setting up a local mail service, just to
serve myself, a overkill or not?
Any advice from anyone who uses it's laptop to send mail from different
locations, and from anyone who can validate my "(?)"'s ?

Thank you
Joao Clemente

Ps: Maybe I'm just needing to be pointed to some documentation I should
read to understand what's this all about?

Joao Pedro Clemente
jpcl @
(when not working out)
(when not sleeping)
(when not surfing)
(when not ... ;)

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Re: Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Script or ..?

2003-03-10 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> Joao Pedro Clemente ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) had this to say on 03/09/03 at 22:35:
> > As I'm the single user of my laptop, this seems a overkill:
> > - I only fetch mail of 1 user (me) from my [1] pop3 account.
> Don't use POP, use IMAP. Then you won't need to fetch, and all the mail is always 
> avaialable,
> regardless of client.

How's that? AFAIK, every client would try to get an server "copy" each
time I would access a folder/mail. If I used kmail and read my mail, and
then later I used mutt, then I would need to get back online to read the
mail again... right? Or for that matter, i would only need to close kmail
and then open it again, and all my imap mail would be gone, and I would
have no change but to resync again...

[yes, I've already read the posts about offlineimap, but I wanted to reply
to this one first]

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offlineimap (Re: Mail (smtp) config at different locations. Scriptor ..?)

2003-03-17 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

When I asked for a sugestion for mail send/retrieval tools/clients I've
several anwsers pointing to offlineimap.

I've tryed it and I found it quite nice, it syncs my university server and
my laptop client like a charm... However I'm finding some issues that I
would like to comment:

1 - The maildir format is supported by mutt. Anyway I would like to be
able to have some graphical mail client also.. Neither kmail or sylpheed
seem to support the maildir format..

2 - How about sending? IMAP does not take cover of sending, and here I've
seen quite some different approaches:
- Tunneling to my mail server: No good. Sometimes my mail server is my ISP
(when I'm at home, at my home lan), other times it's my university mailer.
- Running courier, or qmail, or sendmail: Aren't those too complicated/big
for the job? I feel them as "server" mailers, not "client" mailers...
I do not need to handle hundreds or thousands of mail, I just need a mail
qeue when I'm offline and a way to dispatch that qeue when I get online..
 sSmtp doens't seem to support qeueing, masqmail is maybe the most near
tool I've found...

Is there a reason why I should use one of the "big" mailers?

Joao Clemente

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Re: online/offline exim config

2003-03-24 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente
> > My dream mail configuration looks like this: while off-line, spool the
> > outgoing mail into some file, and then when I'm on-line, send it in one
> > run. While on-line (i.e. at work, where I have permanent connection),
> > mail should be sent right away.
> I use ifplugd (apt-get it) and fetchmail...
> When plugged, my ifplugd config start exim to flush the queue (Exim is
> configured with smarthost).

I actually am doing things "by hand", as I havent found a way for exim to
know what is a "offline state": I found out that "exim -q" flushes the
mails I have in my mail queue (instead of waiting for the next retry date)

I haven't understood this reply: If you just start exim when you get
online, what happens when you try to send mail while offline? If exim is
not running, will it not fail?!?

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Re: Debian woody & ATI radeon m7500

2003-03-26 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> Just wondering if anyone has managed to get XFree86 working with an ATI radeon m7500 
> graphics card as yet?
> should I perhaps update my version of XFree86?

Yes. Upgrade to sid or testing version. Do not use framebuffer unless
you've compiled a new kernel with support for it (woody 2.4.18bf24 has

Ps: I just answered this question 6 hours ago. A google search could get
you the answer easily.

Good luck
Joao Clemente

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re: exim config...

2003-03-26 Thread Joao Pedro Clemente

> Let me re-phrase the question a little...
> I don't mind about how often sendmail retries to flush the queue. That doesn't
> matter. And the queue is never particularly big anyway. But what does often
> happen is that I send an email, while offline, and forget all about actually
> dialing up to send it fully. So it waits in the queue.
> If you type 'mailq' then each message in the queue is listed in the form,
> message id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   recipient-list
> If there is any problem with the message, then exim sends a warning message to
> that a warning message (for instance when the message has been on the queue
> far too long) is sent to me directly. However, if [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a local
> address, this causes problems when exim tries to send the message into the big
> wide world, since [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an unrouteable address.

I don't know for sure, but maybe it would be enough if you simply could
configure exim not to deliver error messages for at lest 1 or 2 days
(instead of the default 4 hours, I think)...
Thtat youd eventually give you enough time to sedn the mail when you had
eventually change to get connected..

I personally would like to do that:

a) Configure exim to retry every 15 min "forever" (at least a couple of
b) Disable warning/error messages, or at least only report after 2 days.

The reasoning is that I eventually will get connected (I never stay more
than 2-3 days disconnected), and when I connect I'll connect for at least
15 minutes..

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