> Reading this list with interest a thought occurs to me. > > How many of you have actually installed linux on a laptop and not had to > configure more than one or two programs to get a working system. > > I'm not talking about configuring it to how you like it, I'm talking about it > just working so that you can get the work done with no fuss.
I found that installing my laptop was no easier or harder than the desktops I've setup before. If the hardware is well supported, I think the installer will give you a nice system to work with. I actually have done it the hard way, either on laptop or desktop systems: I've skipped the installer as soon as I could and choose the packages I wanted by "apt-gettting" them.. (Im my particular laptop install, I had to deal with xfree configuration, but just because xfree from woody would not run my ati 7500. Going to xfree from sarge worked it.)