Fwd: Stats of hits of translated web pages

2013-10-03 Thread Laura Arjona
Hi all
The lists of outdated translations/non translated webpages have become
ordered alphabetically instead of by popularity.
It seems that stats of hits are unavailable.

Go to
And hover the mouse on Bugs/Developer (popup with "Hit count N/A"
instead of the number).

I believe that info is created with this script:
Which uses the stats collected here:

But I cannot access that "stats" file, nor dde.debian.net (but I'm not
sure if I should access them or they are not public pages).

Please tell me if I should contact to other team (www?) in order to
report this (minor, I hope) problem.

Laura Arjona

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FLOSS Survey 2013

2013-11-21 Thread Laura Arjona
Dear i18n friends
I'm participating in the organization of the FLOSS Survey 2013, trying
to get a big picture of the demographics, motivations and other
aspects of free software coding and non-coding contributors today.

We are trying to reach free software contributors from any place in
the world to participate. Would you like to?


In that website you can take the survey and find more details and
promotion material, if you want to spread the word. Below you can find
the email that we are using for the

Thank you very much!
Laura Arjona

Ten years after the succesful FLOSS survey with over 2500 respondants,
which had a major impact in community, academia and even politics, we
want to recreate the survey with the goal of seeing how the community
is nowadays and how it has changed.

If you are a contributor of any type (not only a developer!) to FLOSS,
we encourage you to participate in the survey. It takes around 10-15


We would also be grateful if you disseminate this announcement among
your community and peers. In our website you can find more information
about the survey, including privacy, results, authors and


The FLOSS2013 team
floss2013 at libresoft.es

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Re: Spam: FLOSS Survey 2013

2013-11-21 Thread Laura Arjona
Dear Svein
First, thank you for trying to take the survey, apologies for the
issues you found, and thank you again for reporting them.

2013/11/21 Sveinn í Felli :
> I was ready to do your survey, but getting a non-trusted certificate plus
> your captcha not working (third-party cookie-business?) made me quit. I
> could possibly allow-once a session cookie and even trust your domain a
> little, but IMHO you could do better than this.
> Especially regarding the kind of folks you were asking to participate.

About the certificate, yes, some browsers don't recognize our
certificate as trusted (Android users reported that, it seems that we
need to install an intermediate certificate too); I've reported the
issue to our sysadmins and they are working on it.
Desktop browsers as Iceweasel or Chromium should not complain about
this, though; would you mind to send the details to me or to
floss2...@libresoft.es ? Or I can ping you when we fix that issue, if
you want.

About the captcha, I'm afraid I'm not sure which is the cause of the
problem; I'll try to reproduce/diagnose the problem and report
upstream (LimeSurvey project). Meanwhile, we have setup a parallel
questionnaire with accessibility improvements, and an additional
question instead of the captcha:


Sorry again for the inconveniences.
Laura Arjona

> Regards,
> Sveinn í Felli
> Þann fim 21.nóv 2013 08:22, skrifaði Laura Arjona:
>> Dear i18n friends
>> I'm participating in the organization of the FLOSS Survey 2013, trying
>> to get a big picture of the demographics, motivations and other
>> aspects of free software coding and non-coding contributors today.
>> We are trying to reach free software contributors from any place in
>> the world to participate. Would you like to?
>> https://floss2013.libresoft.es
>> In that website you can take the survey and find more details and
>> promotion material, if you want to spread the word. Below you can find
>> the email that we are using for the
>> promotion.
>> Thank you very much!
>> Regards
>> Laura Arjona
>> https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona
>> Ten years after the succesful FLOSS survey with over 2500 respondants,
>> which had a major impact in community, academia and even politics, we
>> want to recreate the survey with the goal of seeing how the community
>> is nowadays and how it has changed.
>> If you are a contributor of any type (not only a developer!) to FLOSS,
>> we encourage you to participate in the survey. It takes around 10-15
>> minutes.
>> http://floss2013.libresoft.es
>> We would also be grateful if you disseminate this announcement among
>> your community and peers. In our website you can find more information
>> about the survey, including privacy, results, authors and
>> publications.
>> Thanks!
>> The FLOSS2013 team
>> floss2013 at libresoft.es
>> @FLOSSSurvey2013

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website stats for translations (hitcounts)

2014-06-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hi all

(I'm subscribed, no need to CC me).

Since several months ago, translators of the website have no hitcount 
statistics to guide the priority of translations (files with pending 
translation work are ordered alphabetically now).

AFAIK the script here


parses Apache logs and produce a json file, which was posted to DDE, 
where it was gotten by stattrans.pl to generate the statistics.

But DDE is down and it seems it's not being to be up again (see 
https://wiki.debian.org/DDE ).

Would it be possible to use other machine for the role that previously 
had DDE, and then, get back the hitcount statistics?

If you prefer me to open a bug report please could you say against which 
package exactly (I'm not sure if this is a www, l10n-devel or sysadmin 


Laura Arjona

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Archive: https://lists.debian.org/5398b0a2.8000...@gmail.com

Re: Where to ask for help on interpreting English to translate it more accurately?

2015-01-02 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Beatrice
(happy 2015!)

El 02/01/15 a las 12:05, Beatrice Torracca escribió:
> Hello!
> every once in a while, during the translation/review process, we (the
> Italian translators/reviewers) stumble on some translation we don't
> agree on. I imagine that happens with other teams/languages too.
> Usually web searches, books and such can help, but some times we don't
> agree on what the English authors meant to say.
> We tried in the past to contact the authors themselves, but we were not
> always lucky.
> I wonder where we could ask question such as:
>  «the sentence "bla bla bla" in this document/package description means:
>a)  this and this
>   or
>b) that and that»
> I thought of 2 options - here and in debian-l10n-english.
> What would be the proper place to ask?

I think the place is debian-l10n-engl...@lists.debian.org

At least in www and publicity team we ask them when we need help about
wording/review English texts.


Laura Arjona

> Thanks,
> Beatrice

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

recover website hit stats (and translations prioritization)

2015-04-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi everybody

We used to have website hit counts from some mirror, and they were used
for ordering the webpages with translation pending, so translators know
how to prioritize.

These stats were stored in DDE [1] which is dead since some time.

I am interested in getting the website hit stats back again (for
translation priorizitation, and other reasons).

Maybe we can push the stats file to another place an get it from there?


# This program is run from a crontab on a Debian website mirror like this:
# MAILTO="porri...@debian.org"
# # Atomically and concurrent-safely create a stats.tgz
# 18 3   *   *   * cd "$HOME" && d=$(mktemp -d stats-wip-XX)
&& printf '{"hostname":"\%s"}' $(hostname -f) > "$d/stats.meta.json" &&
./get-www-stats > "$d/stats.json" && tar zcf stats-wip.tgz "$d" && rm
-rf "$d" && mv stats-wip.tgz stats.tgz
# And the output is transferred to dde.debian.net like this:
# MAILTO="porri...@debian.org"
# # Atomically transfer stats and replace them.
# 18 4   *   *   * cd $HOME && { [ ! -e stats-old ] ||
please_cleanup_failed_run ; } && cp -al stats-new stats-old && ln -s
stats-old stats-old.s && mv -T stats-old.s stats && { scp -q -i
.ssh/stats-transfer-nopass senfl.debian.org:stats.tgz stats.tgz ||
scp_failed ; } && rm -rf stats-new && mkdir stats-new && tar zxf
stats.tgz -C stats-new --strip-components=1 && rm stats.tgz && ln -s
stats-new stats-new.s && mv -T stats-new.s stats && rm -rf stats-old
# The output is then exported via DDE (see https://wiki.debian.org/DDE)
and used
# by the stattrans.pl script to sort the page lists in the Debian web site
# translation statistics pages.

So, what I need to know is:

1.- In which mirror is stored that cron job? (or should be stored)
2.- In order to modify the cron job, who do I need to talk to?
3.- Where should the cron job copy the stats file to?

After that, I can try to submit a patch against stattrans.pl so it gets
the file from the new location instead from DDE.

If you think it's better to keep using DDE, I can request the adoption
of the service (and ask DSA to host it, or host in my machine).

Laura Arjona

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Archive: https://lists.debian.org/55311c22.50...@larjona.net

Re: recover website hit stats (and translations prioritization)

2015-04-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi again

El 17/04/15 a las 16:43, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Hi everybody
> We used to have website hit counts from some mirror, and they were used
> for ordering the webpages with translation pending, so translators know
> how to prioritize.
> These stats were stored in DDE [1] which is dead since some time.

I forgot
[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DDE
Laura Arjona

> I am interested in getting the website hit stats back again (for
> translation priorizitation, and other reasons).
> Maybe we can push the stats file to another place an get it from there?
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/webwml/webwml/get-www-stats
> says:
> # This program is run from a crontab on a Debian website mirror like this:
> #
> # MAILTO="porri...@debian.org"
> # # Atomically and concurrent-safely create a stats.tgz
> # 18 3   *   *   * cd "$HOME" && d=$(mktemp -d stats-wip-XX)
> && printf '{"hostname":"\%s"}' $(hostname -f) > "$d/stats.meta.json" &&
> ./get-www-stats > "$d/stats.json" && tar zcf stats-wip.tgz "$d" && rm
> -rf "$d" && mv stats-wip.tgz stats.tgz
> #
> # And the output is transferred to dde.debian.net like this:
> #
> # MAILTO="porri...@debian.org"
> # # Atomically transfer stats and replace them.
> # 18 4   *   *   * cd $HOME && { [ ! -e stats-old ] ||
> please_cleanup_failed_run ; } && cp -al stats-new stats-old && ln -s
> stats-old stats-old.s && mv -T stats-old.s stats && { scp -q -i
> .ssh/stats-transfer-nopass senfl.debian.org:stats.tgz stats.tgz ||
> scp_failed ; } && rm -rf stats-new && mkdir stats-new && tar zxf
> stats.tgz -C stats-new --strip-components=1 && rm stats.tgz && ln -s
> stats-new stats-new.s && mv -T stats-new.s stats && rm -rf stats-old
> #
> # The output is then exported via DDE (see https://wiki.debian.org/DDE)
> and used
> # by the stattrans.pl script to sort the page lists in the Debian web site
> # translation statistics pages.
> So, what I need to know is:
> 1.- In which mirror is stored that cron job? (or should be stored)
> 2.- In order to modify the cron job, who do I need to talk to?
> 3.- Where should the cron job copy the stats file to?
> After that, I can try to submit a patch against stattrans.pl so it gets
> the file from the new location instead from DDE.
> If you think it's better to keep using DDE, I can request the adoption
> of the service (and ask DSA to host it, or host in my machine).
> Regards
> Laura Arjona
> https://wiki.debian.org/LauraArjona

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Archive: https://lists.debian.org/55311cfe.3070...@larjona.net

Advice on bug #680109 (proposal would break translations of the website footer)

2015-05-26 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear i18n friends

I would like to gather your advice in order to fix bug #680109 in the
website (www.debian.org)

The bug is about adding a "disclaimer" stating that mails sent to
debian-www are public.

My proposal is to break the current website footer (1 gettext string) in
3 gettext strings, one of them (the one about contacting the website
team) including the disclaimer:


But that change would break all the translations of the website footer
(I counted more than a dozen...). That's why I'm contacting you.

To try to reduce the damage, my idea is to send a mail to the l10n teams
for affected languages right after commiting the patch, so they update
their translations as soon as they can/want.


Laura Arjona

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Bug#680109: Advice on bug #680109 (proposal would break translations of the website footer)

2015-05-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 27/05/15 a las 10:57, Paul Wise escribió:
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 3:05 AM, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
>> Opinions?
> I would like to replace all contacts for debian-www on the website
> with either a link to the contact page, or forms that submit bug
> reports to bugs.debian.org. This way we can tell people to not email
> us for user questions and tell them that debian-www and bug reports
> are publically archived.

Thanks Paul.
I like very much your idea. The current footer is:

"To report a problem with the web site, e-mail
debian-...@lists.debian.org. For other contact information, see the
Debian contact page."

I'm attaching a new patch, that would change that to:

"To report a problem with the web site, and other contact information,
see the Debian contact page."

Note that this would break translations as the former one, so i18n
advice about how to handle that is still welcome :)

In contact page ( https://www.debian.org/contact ), we already have
(among other info):

* "Please note that most of the e-mail addresses below represent open
mailing lists with public archives. Read the disclaimer before sending
any messages."

* "English language is the common language for communication with Debian
developers. We therefore ask that initial enquiries to developers be
made in English. If this is not possible, go through the user mailing
list for your language."

* Info about the debian-user list for user help desk.

So I think the patch would cover all the needs.

I would review the other appearances of links mailto:debian-www@l.d.o
and would propose individual patches for them, if needed.


Laura Arjona
Index: footer.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/template/debian/footer.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.128
diff -u -r1.128 footer.wml
--- footer.wml	9 May 2014 14:14:07 -	1.128
+++ footer.wml	27 May 2015 09:18:38 -
@@ -89,12 +89,7 @@
-# TRANSLATORS: Please make clear in the translation of the following
-# item that mail sent to the debian-www list *must* be in English. Also,
-# you can add some information of your own translation mailing list
-# (i.e. debian-l10n-xxx...@lists.debian.org) for reporting things in
-# your language.
-  To report a problem with the web site, e-mail debian-...@lists.debian.org.  For other contact information, see the Debian contact page. Web site source code is available.
+  To report a problem with the web site and other contact information, see the Debian contact page. Web site source code is available.
   Last Modified

Fetch several descriptions at once in DDTSS (web interface of DDTP)?

2015-07-06 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi everybody

In the Spanish team we use the web interface to translate package
descriptions, https://ddtp.debian.net/ddtss/index.cgi/es

We would like to know if there is a way to fetch several descriptions to
translate at a time, not one by one.

Other possibility is if somebody could increase the rate of getting
descriptions arrive the "pending translation" queue, as the webpage
says: "The rate of getting new descriptions to translate is not
automatic. If you find you keep running low on things to translate, ask
me to increase it."

Thank you very much

Laura Arjona

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

DPN: Debian Italian Translation, Debian i18n: What do you do?

2015-08-02 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hello Debian Italian Translation, and Debian Internationalization teams,

For an upcoming Debian Project News[1] issue[2] we would like to 
highlight a project or a group inside the Debian project.

We plan to share what you do in the project with the rest of the
community and the world, perhaps raising consciousness of your efforts
and to possibly attract new parties who may be interested in it and, of
course, the overall Debian project.

Towards that end, would you please respond or copy us within your
discussions with a small blurb about your group, and/or
something of interest within your group and its activities.

You can have a look at previous DPN issues to look other teams' 
contributions in this section: [3], [4],[5].

Best regards from the Publicity Team,

Laura Arjona Reina


El 02/08/15 a las 11:30, Paul Wise escribió:

On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Beatrice Torracca wrote:

That would be a good idea. Mentioning the translation efforts in the
DPN. I suspect Italian is not the only translation team with a shortage
of reviewers, so even a "generalized" recruitment for all translation
teams would be a good idea.

That sounds like an even better idea to me. Could you or someone else
co-ordinate it via the debian-i18n mailing list? I don't have much
experience with the i18n/l10n situation in Debian.

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Please review and translate announcement for DebConf15

2015-08-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

Please review and translate the announcement about DebConf15 we want to
publish about tomorrow Tuesday:


The text mirrors the press release that the DebConf team will send
*tomorrow* to several English media:


(I've removed the paragraph "About Debian and Debconf" in the English
version, and used the paragraphs we have in the Publicity templates).

The DebConf team has provided a German version to, to be sent to the
German media:


So I have added an initial German translation too:


but here I kept the whole text since I don't know if we have German
translation of the template (and I don't know German).

I know it's quite hurry, but I suppose better late than never. Any
contribution is welcome!

Thank you very much

Laura Arjona

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Debconf-team] Please review and translate announcement for DebConf15

2015-08-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
El 04/08/15 a las 00:17, Karsten Merker escribió:
> On Mon, Aug 03, 2015 at 05:52:47PM +0200, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
>> Please review and translate the announcement about DebConf15 we want to
>> publish about tomorrow Tuesday:
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/publicity/announcements/en/drafts/debconf15-heidelberg.wml
>> The text mirrors the press release that the DebConf team will send
>> *tomorrow* to several English media:
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc15.git/tree/website/press/2015-08-04.en.xhtml
>> (I've removed the paragraph "About Debian and Debconf" in the English
>> version, and used the paragraphs we have in the Publicity templates).
>> The DebConf team has provided a German version to, to be sent to the
>> German media:
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc15.git/tree/website/press/2015-08-04.de.xhtml
>> So I have added an initial German translation too:
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/publicity/announcements/de/drafts/debconf15-heidelberg.wml
>> but here I kept the whole text since I don't know if we have German
>> translation of the template (and I don't know German).
>> I know it's quite hurry, but I suppose better late than never. Any
>> contribution is welcome!
> Hello,
> I have just taken a look at the announcement and the press
> release and stumbled over one thing.  The German press release
> contains:
> Zu Beginn der achttägigen Konferenz laden die Organisatoren die
> öffentlichkeit ein, sich bei einem Wochenende der offenen Tür
> ein Bild von Debian, seinen Betriebssystemen und den Menschen dahinter zu
> machen. Mehr Informationen zu diesem Wochenende sind unter
> href="http://debconf15.debconf.org/openweekend.xhtml";>http://debconf15.debconf.org/openweekend.xhtml
> verfügbar. Infolge des großen Andrangs können leider keine 
> weiteren
> Anmeldungen angenommen werden.
> I suppose the part "Infolge des großen Andrangs können
> leider keine weiteren Anmeldungen angenommen werden" shall mean
> that there are no more free places for regular ("full-time") DebConf
> attendees, but the way it is placed in the "open weekend"
> paragraph makes it sound like the "open weekend" is full and
> there will be no more admission for the general public.
> The English version is similar in this respect.
> To avoid misunderstandings, I would like to propose pulling the
> "Infolge des großen Andrangs können leider keine
> weiteren Anmeldungen angenommen werden" resp. the "Due to high
> levels of interest, registrations cannot be accepted anymore,
> unfortunately" out of the "open weekend" paragraph and instead
> append it to the previous paragraph (after the "With more than
> 550 attendees from 53 countries, DebConf15 will be the largest
> DebConf so far"), to make it clear that the "regular" conference
> is full, but people are still welcome to take part at the "open
> weekend".

Thanks for caring, Karsten. But I'm afraid the text is correct: it's for
the Open Weekend when we have reached the venue's capacity.

I hope tomorrow we can setup a way to allow some kind of registration
for the days that are not full, or a waiting list for attendants for the
open weekend, or any other solution, but meanwhile, registrations are
close to prevent problems, and we had to state that situation in the


Laura Arjona

> Regards,
> Karsten

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Debconf-team] Please review and translate announcement for DebConf15

2015-08-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hi everybody

El 04/08/15 a las 06:42, martin f krafft escribió:

also sprach martin f krafft  [2015-08-04 06:38 +0200]:

Diff: http://paste.debian.net/288878/

And another: http://paste.debian.net/288879/ to ensure that
registration needs to happen on website so that people know if it's
closed and don't just show up.

Combined: http://paste.debian.net/20/


Have been updated.

I just synced (updated) the English draft of the announcement in the 
publicity repo to reflect these changes... sorry I cannot make it for 
the German and French version (CC'ed...). I hope that somebody can do it...

AFAIK the announcement should be published in the afternoon UTC.

Good luck!

Best wishes

Laura Arjona Reina

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Archive: https://lists.debian.org/55c055a8.1070...@larjona.net

proposal: call for help (together with welcome team)

2015-09-15 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA1

Dear all

As translator and member of the (new) Welcome Team, and together with
Beatrice Torraca from l10n-italian, we are thinking about making a
"call for help" in next DPN in order to get more reviewers and
translators for our teams (Spanish and Italian).

Here is our proposal:

Paragraph in DPN:

Detailed info:

Comments are welcome.

If your language team could also use help *and* have somebody that is
available for reviewing/committing newcomers' work in the next months,
you may consider to add a line at the contact section in

The plan is to send the call for help in the October DPN.


- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v1


Re: proposal: call for help (together with welcome team)

2015-09-16 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

El 16/09/15 a las 10:59, Beatrice Torracca escribió:
> On Wednesday 16 September 2015, at 01:09 +0200, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
> Hi Laura,
>> Here is our proposal:
>> Paragraph in DPN:
>> http://lacaja.larjona.net/grain/d8Xc9veDD5uNZnfGwgikPC
> I get "Unauthorized [403]"
> (I have the link from yesterday, but I am not sure if that is the
> version you want to share or you changed it).

Sorry, I sent a wrong link
Please use this one:

Thanks for reporting!

> Thanks,
> beatrice

Laura Arjona

Package descriptions, short description, begin with uppercase or lowercase?

2015-10-29 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA1

Dear l10n-english and i18n friends,

Two of us (Spanish translators) noticed that some packages have their
short description beginning with uppercase
(https://packages.debian.org/jessie/magics++ ) and others with
lowercase (e.g. https://packages.debian.org/jessie/libss2 ).

1.- Is there a canonical form? Which one?
2.- How to proceed with the packages that don't follow the rule? We
would translate it following the rule, but how to report to the
maintainer? Just file a bug?

Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v1


DPN 2015/09 modified. Please review and translate the changes.

2016-01-01 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256

[ Please reply on -publicity list ]

Hi all,

We have unfrozen the new issue of DPN to include the sad news about
Ian Murdock's passing, and we expect to release the issue today Friday
January 1, around 23:00 UTC.

We would very much appreciate reviews and translations of the new
paragraph and slight change of the "Welcome" paragraph (diff attached).

We're very sorry to break the existing translations and give so short
window for your work, but we hope you understand the particular situatio

Instructions are available on the wiki:


The last updated version is available on the publicity Git repository,
even via HTTP:

Best regards,

- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2

diff --git a/en/2015/09/index.wml b/en/2015/09/index.wml
index d133c2f..44859ec 100644
--- a/en/2015/09/index.wml
+++ b/en/2015/09/index.wml
@@ -17,9 +17,31 @@
-Welcome to the New Debian Project News!
+Mourning Ian Murdock
-We hope that you enjoy our second newly revised issue of the DPN. We have shifted
+Debian is saddened to https://bits.debian.org/2015/12/mourning-ian-murdock.html";>share 
+the news of the passing of Ian Murdock. Ian was not only the founder 
+of Debian, but friend and mentor to many. We will miss him dearly. 
+The publication of this DPN issue has been delayed with this sad 
+news, along with the preparation of a dedicated announcement 
+that will be published soon (debian-announcement mailing list and the 
+### include URLs?
+Then, what should have been the last DPN issue of 2015, 
+becomes the first one of 2016. In any case, we 
+hope that you find the news you find here useful. 
+The New Debian Project
+This is our second newly revised issue of the DPN. We have shifted
 some of the content around, introduced new sections, and moved some content
 onto the https://bits.debian.org/";>Bits from Debian blog.

Re: Draft announcement for 8.3

2016-01-21 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256

El 20/01/16 a las 20:50, Adam D. Barratt escribió:
> Hi,
> As some of you no doubt noticed on IRC, I've added a draft
> announcement for Saturday's point release to the publicity
> announcements repository.
> Cheers,
> Adam

Thanks Adam
CC'ing the debian-l10n-english/debian-i18n friends, so they can review
and translate the 8.3 announcement:


Thank you very much!

Best regards
- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2


https for i18n.debian.org and l10n.debian.org

2016-02-07 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256

Dear all
I see the machines i18n.debian.org and l10n.debian.org now serve pages
under https (thanks DSA!), so I've updated the links that appear in
the Debian website (www.debian.org) to https too.

The cron scripts used to build the www.debian.org website also have a
part that download files from i18n.debian.org or l10n.debian.org

I've updated that script, including  --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian
as DSA recommended. Review of the attached patch is appreciated.

If I don't see any objections in some days, nor other person applied
the patch, I would try to apply myself (not sure if I have permissions
on that repo, and once committed, if somebody has to deploy to some
Debian machine or it gets automatically deployed).

Best regards

- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2

diff --git a/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data b/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data
index 1f95c51..7e1960a 100755
--- a/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data
+++ b/lessoften-parts/1l10n-data
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ umask 002
 [ -d $crondir/datafiles ] || mkdir -p $crondir/datafiles
 cd $crondir/datafiles
 echo "updating the database file used to display l10n stats..." >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log
-wget --timeout=60 -q -N http://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz || { echo "couldn't fetch data/unstable!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }
+wget --timeout=60 -q -N --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz || { echo "couldn't fetch data/unstable!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }
 gunzip -c -f unstable.gz > unstable
 ln -sf $crondir/datafiles/unstable $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n/data/unstable
 wget --timeout=60 -q -N http://popcon.debian.org/source/by_inst && ln -sf $crondir/datafiles/by_inst $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n/data/popcon
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ cd $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n
 echo "updating the status files used to build l10n stats..." >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log
 cd $crondir/datafiles
-wget --timeout=60 -erobots=off -q -N -nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A"status.*" http://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/ || { echo "couldn't fetch status.*!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }
+wget --timeout=60 -erobots=off -q  --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian -N -nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A"status.*" https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/ || { echo "couldn't fetch status.*!" >> $crondir/log/lessoften.log; exit 1; }
 for status_file in status.*; do
 	ln -sf $crondir/datafiles/$status_file $webtopdir/webwml/english/international/l10n/data/$status_file

Re: https for i18n.debian.org and l10n.debian.org

2016-02-23 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

El 07/02/16 a las 19:20, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Dear all
> I see the machines i18n.debian.org and l10n.debian.org now serve pages
> under https (thanks DSA!), so I've updated the links that appear in
> the Debian website (www.debian.org) to https too.
> The cron scripts used to build the www.debian.org website also have a
> part that download files from i18n.debian.org or l10n.debian.org
> I've updated that script, including  --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian
> as DSA recommended. Review of the attached patch is appreciated.
> If I don't see any objections in some days, nor other person applied
> the patch, I would try to apply myself (not sure if I have permissions
> on that repo, and once committed, if somebody has to deploy to some
> Debian machine or it gets automatically deployed).

I cannot push to the repo, seems I have no permissions.
I appreciate if anybody could apply the changes, and hopefully we get an
updated database file used to display l10n stats...


Laura Arjona Reina

403 Forbidden - https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/

2016-03-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Dear all

The /lessoften-parts/1l10n-data script for building the Debian website 
is failing at this wget:

wget --timeout=60 -erobots=off -q  --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian -N 
-nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A"status.*" 

When I try to browse https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/ I get 
a 403 Forbidden.

However if I try to browse


I see the file.

Some weeks ago a similar issue was reported (and fixed) at i18n.debian.org:

(thanks tvincent for the hint)

Could this be the same?

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] 403 Forbidden - https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/

2016-03-15 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256


El 03/03/16 a las 11:32, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Dear all
> The /lessoften-parts/1l10n-data script for building the Debian
> website is failing at this wget:
> wget --timeout=60 -erobots=off -q
> --ca-directory=/etc/ssl/ca-debian -N -nd -r -l1 --no-parent
> -A"status.*" https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/
> When I try to browse https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/ I
> get a 403 Forbidden.

Somebody updated the Apache config, it seems, and the problem is fixed

Thank you very much!

- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2


Please review and translate: DebConf16 Call for Proposal (bits blogpost)

2016-03-19 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all
We are going to publish a blogpost in bits.debian.org for the DebConf16
call for proposals soon. Allison Randal from the DebConf team has
prepared the text (thanks!) and it's ready for publishing. We'll publish
it as soon as some problem with the DebConf16 website sign up process is

In the meanwhile, we appreciate reviews and translations.

The draft can be seen here:


Link to the source code:


I'll keep the "status: draft" until we can publish the blog post.
When your translation is ready for publish, please answer to this email
or ping me in the IRC channel so I publish it together with the English


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: Bug#818991: debian.net uses self-signed certificate

2016-03-22 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256

Dear all
We (the Debian website team) have received this bug:

El 22/03/16 a las 17:08, scootergrisen escribió:
> Package: www.debian.org
> https://ddtp.debian.net/ddtss/index.cgi/login uses a self-signed 
> certificate that my browser complains about.

This what I have researched:

https://wiki.debian.org/Services says there is DDTP service maintained
by Michael Bramer (in CC) and DDTSS (the web interface) maintained by
Martinj Van Oosterhout (in CC).

host -t txt ddtp.debian.net says Simon Paillard (in CC)

ddtp.debian.net is not listed in https://wiki.debian.org/DebianNetDomain

I'm a bit confused about who to ping about the cert issue, hence CCing
'everybody' (also debian-i18n mailing list).

Feel free to point me in the right direction if updates are needed in
https://wiki.debian.org/Services or

Best regards
- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2


DebConf16 closes announcement: please review and translate

2016-07-09 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256

Hi all,

Today was the last day of DebConf16 and the dates of DebConf17 were
revealed yesterday, so we have prepared an announcement to be sent
today (around 19:00 UTC).

We would very much appreciate reviews and translations, although I
know that the margin is very narrow (sorry about that).

For translations, please set the status of the translation (ready to
publish|needs work), so I know which ones to publish when I publish
the English file in the website. I've added a comment line about that.

Instructions are available on the wiki:

The last updated version is available on the publicity
Git repository, even via HTTP:


Best regards
- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: DebConf16 closes announcement: please review and translate

2016-07-09 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256


El 09/07/16 a las 20:11, Holger Wansing escribió:
> Hi,

> In the chapter about next years Debconf is the wrong year: it mentions 2015 
> instead of 2017, two times. I have no commit access ATM, sorry.

Thanks Holger and Justin for the review and fixes, very appreciated.
I've just published the announcement and sent it by mail.

Best regards
- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)

2016-07-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Jaime

El 14/07/16 a las 18:09, Jaime Robles escribió:
> Hello all,
> I am the developer of KLog[1].
> KLog is a Qt based application.
> I am trying to close the bug #831236 [2].
> It is about the translation files, in qm format that I don't know where
> they should be included in the Debian package.
> I have been googling around with no so much success...
> Can anybody give me a hint or point me where to read?

For translators:

To test a translation, first use the "File > Release" option in Qt
Linguist. That will generate a .qm file. Make sure it's saved to the
same /translations/ folder as the .ts file. Then rebuild the program.

For generating all the .qm files at once:

I know that the command used is "lrelease" but I've seen it always
together with a "nameofproject.pro" file, so I guess you need to write
down that .pro file with some parameters, or pass the parameters to
the lrlease command.

Maybe "lrelease *.ts" is enough.

The .qm files should be stored in the same "translations" folder as
the .ts files.

Best regards

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: Fixing a bug on KLog about translation Qt files (qt format)

2016-07-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello again

El 14/07/16 a las 19:22, Jaime Robles escribió:
> Hello Laura,
> Thank you so much for the very quick answer!
> Maybe I did not explained my self properly.
> I mean, when I am packaging KLog to create the deb package, I execute
> the lrelease in the debian/rules file and the qm files are placed in the
> building folder :-)
> This is OK.
> The problem is that after that step, I need to place the qm files in the
> debian archive tree... and I don't know where I should place it so it is
> compliant with the Debian rules :-)
> I need to create the debian package (the deb one) so the qm files are
> properly placed when the user install the klog package.
> Should I placed them in:
> usr/share/klog
> usr/share/klog/translations
> usr/share/ANY-OTHER?

Ah, this, I don't know, I'm not a packager... but what I can say is:

I have pumpa (Qt) installed and its debian.tar.xz includes a
"debian/source/include-binaries" file with this info:


But I cannot find the qm files in my computer (?)

The original source code of pumpa has a pumpa.qrc with (only relevant
files pasted):


Dianara (also Qt, same packager), same style, a
"debian/source/include-binaries" file with this info:


And also the original source code (other upstream) with a dianara.qrc
file with references to  icon, images and translations.


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: ddtp2.debian.net now live

2016-08-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina


El 29/08/16 a las 22:38, Thomas Vincent escribió:

Dear all,

Just a small message to inform you that the DDTSS can now be accessed at


Now it's time to hunt and fix broken scripts, any help is welcome. :)

I see the SSL cert is for the name  ddtp.debian.net and it is self signed.

Any chance to get a good certificate for ddtp.debian.net + 
ddtp2.debian.net, or should we use http only?


Laura Arjona

Please review and translate announcement about hardware donations

2016-09-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hash: SHA256

Dear all

Thanks DSA and HPE, we have prepared an announcement about HPE
hardware that was donated to Debian recently.

Please review and translate the announcement, available here:


We'd like to publish it early next week (Monday or Tuesday).
Best regards

- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina
Version: GnuPG v2


DPN 2016/04 frozen: please review and translate

2016-11-26 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
[ Please reply on -publicity list ]

Dear all,

We just finished the last bits of the new issue of DPN to be published
on Monday 28 November 2016, around 17:00 UTC.

We would very much appreciate reviews and translations.

Instructions are available on the wiki:

The last updated version is available on the publicity
Git repository, even via HTTP:


If you're willing to contribute to the next issue, join
#debian-publicity IRC channel or send a message to

Best regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: DPN 2016/04 frozen: please review and translate

2016-11-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 26 de noviembre de 2016 22:54:36 CET, Laura Arjona Reina 
>[ Please reply on -publicity list ]
>Dear all,
>We just finished the last bits of the new issue of DPN to be published
>on Monday 28 November 2016, around 17:00 UTC.

I just noticed I won't be able to publish until Monday lat night or Tuesday 
morning (UTC time). So, a bit more time for reviews and translations.


>We would very much appreciate reviews and translations.
>Instructions are available on the wiki:
>The last updated version is available on the publicity
>Git repository, even via HTTP:
>If you're willing to contribute to the next issue, join
>#debian-publicity IRC channel or send a message to
>Best regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: DPN 2016/04 frozen: please review and translate

2016-11-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 27 de noviembre de 2016 19:18:45 CET, Holger Wansing 

>I'm unsure about this sentence regarding FAI version 5.2:
>   "..., which now supports creating 
>   cloud^Wdisk images for virtual machines. "
>This "cloud^Wdisk images" looks weird, is that correct?
>I suspect something like "cloud disk images"?

I think it's intentional (a joke), people are tempted to say "cloud images" but 
in fact they are disk images, that can be used in cloud computer 
infrastructure. The ^W being a shortcut for deleting a word, in vim editor, I 

CC'in Thomas Lange, for the case I'm wrong... 

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: When will ddtp.debian.net get back to work?

2016-12-20 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi everybody

El 19/12/16 a las 09:21, victory escribió:
> On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 13:31:45 +0800
> Boyuan Yang wrote:
>> ddtp.debian.net is unavailable since months before. I tried hard to search 
>> the 
>> internet and finally I found debian-i18n list with some information about 
>> ddtp2.debian.net.
>> My question is, will ddtp2.debian.net replace ddtp.debian.net? If yes, 
>> shouldn't we change the DNS record of ddtp.d.n, or the URL for DDTP project 
>> *now*? The current situation is indeed misleading.
> no one knows, no one can save, no one can change DNS,
>  as the ddtp. holder does not respond;
> this may be a flaw in the Debian project workflow
> so as a realistic solution,
>  probably all links which points ddtp. should be changed to ddtp2..

I have updated the Debian website repo to make the links to ddtp point
to the current live instance, https://ddtp2.debian.net

It will appear in www.debian.org the next hours, I hope.

i18n/l10n friends:

* please review the pages of your languages to be sure I didn't break

* I changed the email addresses too, but I don't use them, I'm not
sure if that system is working. Could you test them?

* Tomorrow I'll update wiki.debian.org accordingly: search for
http://ddtp.debian.net or https://ddtp.debian.net and edit the pages
to change those links to https://ddtp2.debian.net. Anybody is welcome
to beat me to it :)


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: When will ddtp.debian.net get back to work?

2016-12-21 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hi again

El 21/12/16 a las 00:11, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:

Hi everybody

El 19/12/16 a las 09:21, victory escribió:

On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 13:31:45 +0800
Boyuan Yang wrote:

ddtp.debian.net is unavailable since months before. I tried hard to search the
internet and finally I found debian-i18n list with some information about
My question is, will ddtp2.debian.net replace ddtp.debian.net? If yes,
shouldn't we change the DNS record of ddtp.d.n, or the URL for DDTP project
*now*? The current situation is indeed misleading.

no one knows, no one can save, no one can change DNS,
 as the ddtp. holder does not respond;
this may be a flaw in the Debian project workflow

so as a realistic solution,
 probably all links which points ddtp. should be changed to ddtp2..

I have updated the Debian website repo to make the links to ddtp point
to the current live instance, https://ddtp2.debian.net

It will appear in www.debian.org the next hours, I hope.

Should be visible now.

i18n/l10n friends:

* please review the pages of your languages to be sure I didn't break

* I changed the email addresses too, but I don't use them, I'm not
sure if that system is working. Could you test them?

* Tomorrow I'll update wiki.debian.org accordingly: search for
http://ddtp.debian.net or https://ddtp.debian.net and edit the pages
to change those links to https://ddtp2.debian.net. Anybody is welcome
to beat me to it :)

I've updated the related wiki pages, except personal pages, and pages 
about work done or past sprints. It's ok as is, IMO.

CC'ing debian-l10n-devel list (sorry I forgot in my former mail).

I was not sure how to reflect the DNS change in 
https://wiki.debian.org/Services - please have a look and improve as you 


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: Validation failed

2017-01-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 13 de enero de 2017 22:29:33 CET, Andrey Skvortsov 
>for some time 14 Debian localization team every day receive validation
>error report. 
>> On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 15:41:39 +
>> Debian Webmaster  wrote:
>> > *** Errors validating
>> >/srv/www.debian.org/www/international/l10n/po/en_GB.ru.html: ***
>> > Line 119, character 351:  "128513" is not a character number in the
>> >document character set
>> > Line 307, character 337:  "128513" is not a character number in the
>> >document character set
>> > Line 1305, character 241:  "128513" is not a character number in
>> >document character set
>> > 
>> > --
>> >  You received this mail for the language code ru.
>> >  Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this
>is not accurate
>> >  Please also update webwml/english/devel/website/ with the new
>coordinator(s) data
>> > 
>> > 
>The cause is UTF-8 character (&=128513; - 'GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING
>EYES'), that translator Anthony Harrington has after his name.
>I think it's false error message, because this is correct UTF-8
>Does somebody know how to fix this validation error?

I didn't know how to fix it.
Victory submitted a patch today, in bug #820119.

Tomorrow I'll try to review and merge but my perl scripts are few so any 
comment on the patch is welcome.


Laura Arjona Reina

DPN 2017/01 frozen: please review and translate

2017-02-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
[ Please reply on -publicity list ]

Dear all,

We just finished the last bits of the new issue of DPN to be published
on Sunday 5 February 2017, around 12:00 UTC.

We would very much appreciate reviews and translations.

Instructions are available on the wiki:

The last updated version is available on the publicity
Git repository, even via HTTP:


If you're willing to contribute to the next issue, join
#debian-publicity IRC channel or send a message to

Best regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: Bug#855179: debian-reference-it: Disable Weblate for currently .po and git maintaned Italian translation

2017-02-15 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 15/02/17 a las 21:23, Helge Kreutzmann escribió:
> Hello Holger,
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 07:46:15PM +0100, Holger Wansing wrote:
>> I totally support this request.
> I totally agree to you both as well, especially Beatrice, given 
> that I do the same for those translations where I'm listed as 
> last translator.
>> I am unsure, when this Weblate thing has entered Debian ... ?
>> How does this work?
>> Did I miss an announcement about this on debian-i18n or something like that?
> This is the first time I'm informed about weblate, so I would like to
> get some more information as well, especially how to configure
> (disable) it for those translations where I'm responsible for.

I guess this is a decision about how to handle translations just for
the package debian-reference in particular.

I know that other Debian packages are handled using weblate too, at
least for several languages. The debian-handbook comes to mind.

I am a weblate user (translator) in hosted.weblate.org for other
project (F-Droid) and when I login, I can lock a translation so it
only allows me work on it. Maybe that's a workaround for all the
languages that have a translation-maintainer that does not work with

Weblate also allows to members of a project to receive notifications
about many different events that happen (updated strings, updated
translations, new people joining the project, etc). Maybe that helps, too.

CC'ing Osamu Aouki, the maintainer of debian-reference package,
(probably knowing how is the current workflow or having better ideas
than me).

Maybe a mention of the proposed workflow for translator should be made
in the README file, too. I suggest to use
as reference, since that project also uses weblate for some languages,
and the usual git commits for others.

Laura Arjona Reina

Fwd: debian-reference

2017-02-26 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Forwarding to debian-i18n as Osamu Aoki requested.

 Mensaje reenviado 
Asunto: debian-reference
Fecha: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 11:34:00 +0900
De: Osamu Aoki 
Para: Raúl Priego 
CC: Laura Arjona Reina , Debian I18n


(CCed to share with others foe weblate related issue related issue))
f My mail is not reaching to debian-i18n@lists.debian.org, please
forward it.)

Thank you for your effort to translate Debian reference into Spanish.

  debian-reference.en.xml is 46.59% translated (5103 of 10952 strings).

It seems to be getting enough to be published like other languages like
Chinese.  I think this quick progress is due to low entry barrier of

| no-obsolete  ja  7642
| untranslated ja  0
| fuzzyja  0
| | no-obsolete  fr  7642
| untranslated fr  0
| fuzzyfr  14
| | no-obsolete  it  7642
| untranslated it  0
| fuzzyit  0
| | no-obsolete  pt  7642
| untranslated pt  0
| fuzzypt  0
| | no-obsolete  de  7642
| untranslated de  0
| fuzzyde  0
| | no-obsolete  zh-cn  7642
| untranslated zh-cn  903
| fuzzyzh-cn  14
| | no-obsolete  zh-tw  7642
| untranslated zh-tw  5245
| fuzzyzh-tw  27
| | no-obsolete  es  7642
| untranslated es  3120
| fuzzyes  189

I see you are translating via weblate.  But I don't think you are
testing goodness of translated text by building it.  Currently, Spanish
breaks build process.  Interface like weblate helps lowering the entry
barrier but hides many things which helps translation. This is clearly
seen here.  Also, considering some parts of Debian Reference are more
interesting than others you may wish to prioritize translation.

>From build log
| | xsltproc --novalid --nonet --xinclude   --stringparam base.dir
/home/osamu/vcs-maint/debian-reference/debian-reference/tmp/ \
| --stringparam html.ext .es.html \
| xslt/style-html.xsl debian-reference.es.xml
| debian-reference.es.xml:291: parser error : EntityValue: '%'
forbidden except for entities references
| debian-reference.es.xml:291: parser error : PEReferences forbidden
in internal subset
| debian-reference.es.xml:291: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
| debian-reference.es.xml:291: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
| debian-reference.es.xml:690: parser error : EntityValue: '%'
forbidden except for entities references
| debian-reference.es.xml:690: parser error : PEReferences forbidden
in internal subset
| debian-reference.es.xml:690: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
| debian-reference.es.xml:690: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
| debian-reference.es.xml:874: parser error : '<' in entity
'debianreferenceversionc' is not allowed in attributes values
| La Guía de
referencia Debian (
|   ^
| debian-reference.es.xml:876: parser error : Opening and ending tag
mismatch: ulink line 874 and para
| un sistema Debian y de su uso.
|  ^
| debian-reference.es.xml:880: parser error : Entity 'linux' not defined
| url="&linux;">Linux.
| ^
| debian-reference.es.xml:925: parser error : Entity
'httpwwwdebianorg' not defined
| url="&httpwwwdebianorg;">http://www.debian.org

As you should see in the source (if you checkout directly by the git
interface to the original archive), the URL string should follow certain
rules.  See some other languages which has URL link to non-ASCII
accented characters.

So offending line is:


This comes from PO file entry:

| #. type: Content of the strongpassword entity
| msgid "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_strength";
| msgstr ""
| "https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrase";
| "%C3%B1a#Factores_en_la_seguridad_de_un_sistema_de_contrase.C3.B1as"

The offending entry is "%".  I know that's what you cut and pasted
from browser

Please review and translate: announcement "Shutting down public FTP services"

2017-04-20 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Dear all

Please review and translate the announcement "Shutting down public FTP 
services", available here:


We'd like to publish it April 25th (Tuesday next week)

Laura Arjona Reina

reorganization of www.debian.org/partners, and translations

2017-05-02 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

We are in the process of reviewing and updating the "partners" section
in the Debian website (bug #844676).

I would kindly ask to begin to update translations.
Here is a summary of how the structure of the section has changed, and
what will change from now on:

1.- The /partners/index.wml file does not contain data about the
companies/organisations that are partners anymore.

2.- We have created a "2015" folder with
** an index.wml file containing similar info as the partners/index.wml
** a partners.data file containing the list of partners as it was in
/partners/index.wml before the reorganization.

If you had a partners/index.wml translated file, you can reuse most of
the content to translate the current 2015 folder, then.

3.- We have created 2016 and 2017 folders with, initially, the same
content as the 2015 one. Later we have committed some changes to the
corresponding partners.data files, mostly minor: removing partners
that are not anymore, or updating logo, links... So it shouldn't be
much work to update the corresponding translations, counting with the
2015 folder updated.

4.- In the following days/weeks we are contacting current partners in
order to review their entries, and we're going to add new partners. So
some descriptions in 2017/partners.data will change.

Feel free to contact me or ping me in IRC if you have any question
about updating the translations, or suggestions to improve the workflow.

Laura Arjona Reina

i18n of www.d.o/partners with gettext

2017-05-24 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi all
I'm trying to use gettext and .po files for the www.debian.org/partners section.

I'll try to move the partners entry to a global partner.def file and a 
partners.data file, both only in the english folder, in a similar way as books 
and merchandise are handled.

I still didn't find the correct way, but I'm working on it during these days 
and expect to get the errors fixed soon.
Sorry for the inconveniences.


Laura Arjona Reina

Please review and translate announcement about DebConf17 closing

2017-08-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

Please review and translate the announcement about DebConf 17 closing
available here:


(to be published in Sunday Aug 13, around 9:00 UTC).
Sorry for the short notice.

I'll do my best to move the translations and improvements that I find in
the announcement git repo, to bits.debian.org, where the post is already

Please commit only in announcements repo (not in the bits repo). I'll
take care that at the end, everything is in sync.

If you had already translated the blogposts in bits.debian.org about the
DebConf platinum sponsors, you can reuse the text from there, for the
"About..." sections in the announcement.

Best regards

Laura Arjona Reina

DPN 2017/02 almost frozen, please review and translate

2017-08-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi all

The second issue of the DPN for this year is almost ready:


Please review and translate.

Content-wise, I think that the only part left is to add a selection of micronews
for the months of April -> August, in the Quick link section, so IMO you can 
reviewing and translating now, since the rest of the DPN I think it's ready.

I'll complete the Quick links section in some hours, if nobody beats me to it :)

Let's publish it soon, what about Monday European afternoon? (15:00 UTC or so).

Thanks to everyone involved, particularly, the new contributors that added
content while being in DebConf17, and the English reviewers and translators,
that always try to help, even when I call with so short notice. I'll try to
plan better for the next time!

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: DPN 2017/02 now frozen, please review and translate

2017-08-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

The DPN is frozen now. Major changes are the Quick Links section,
which is now complete, and a paragraph about dropping some CD sets
for the release of Debian 9.


And the line about authors. If I miss somebody, please add yourselves or ping.


El 13/08/17 a las 13:29, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Hi all
> The second issue of the DPN for this year is almost ready:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/publicity/dpn.git/tree/en/2017/02/index.wml
> Please review and translate.
> Content-wise, I think that the only part left is to add a selection of 
> micronews
> for the months of April -> August, in the Quick link section, so IMO you can 
> start
> reviewing and translating now, since the rest of the DPN I think it's ready.
> I'll complete the Quick links section in some hours, if nobody beats me to it 
> :)
> Let's publish it soon, what about Monday European afternoon? (15:00 UTC or 
> so).
> Thanks to everyone involved, particularly, the new contributors that added
> content while being in DebConf17, and the English reviewers and translators,
> that always try to help, even when I call with so short notice. I'll try to
> plan better for the next time!
> Cheers

Laura Arjona Reina

[www.debian.org] Update www.debian.org/partners section

2017-09-06 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all

I think the reorganization of the /partners section in the website is
done, so I'm closing this bug.

The part I couldn't improve is that currently we have a partners/image
folder with the same contents as /partners/$(current_year)/image folder,
but I don't know how to change the Makefiles to get rid of that
duplication, and I guess it's not much disturbing.

Feel free to reopen the bug if you see something wrong with the current
setup, or if you have patches for getting rid of the double /images folder.

Some notes for translators:

The partners descriptions and some other strings are moved to a
partners.po file. You can update your template going to
webwml/your_language/po/ and writing in the commandline:

make update-po

and then with "make todo" you can see some summary of what is needed to
get everything up to date.

We will probably add, remove or update partners descriptions in the
following weeks/months, but the current ones are still useful for the
former years.

I've fixed the web form for submitting new proposals and slightly
changed the the form, so the partners/partner-form.wml file also needs sync.


Laura Arjona Reina

migration of www-master.debian.org to stretch; issue when building the release notes

2017-09-15 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear website and i18n teams:

The www-master.debian.org machine (wolkenstein) in which we build the
Debian website is running jessie and should migrate to stretch soon or

I'm testing the scripts that we use to build the Debian website:


in a stretch box, to detect (and try to fix) possible issues.

I've seen this issue when I launch the release notes build:

--- LOG 1 ---

Creating documents for alpha, language: ja
make[2]: entering directory '/srv/www.debian.org/release-notes/squeeze'
make[2]: Nothing done for 'html'.
make[2]: Nothing done for 'txt'.
USE_GP=`echo " ja ml vi " | grep " $LINGUA "`; \
if [ -n "$USE_GP" ]; then \
xmlroff --backend gp -o ja/release-notes.alpha.pdf
ja/release-notes.alpha.fo; \
else \
xmlroff --backend cairo -o ja/release-notes.alpha.pdf
ja/release-notes.alpha.fo; \

(xmlroff:23968): libfo-CRITICAL **: Output using GNOME Print is not
supported by this build of libfo.

--- LOG 2 ---

make[2]: *** [vi/release-notes.sparc.pdf] Error 1
make[2]: se sale del directorio '/srv/www.debian.org/release-notes/squeeze'
Creating documents for alpha, language: zh-cn
make[2]: se entra en el directorio
make[2]: No se hace nada para 'html'.
make[2]: No se hace nada para 'txt'.
USE_GP=`echo " ja ml vi " | grep " $LINGUA "`; \
if [ -n "$USE_GP" ]; then \
xmlroff --backend gp -o zh-cn/release-notes.alpha.pdf
zh-cn/release-notes.alpha.fo; \
else \
xmlroff --backend cairo -o zh-cn/release-notes.alpha.pdf
zh-cn/release-notes.alpha.fo; \

(xmlroff:26770): libfo-WARNING **: Expression evaluation error::
Evaluation resulted in an error
Object path:
Object path:
Makefile:193: fallo en las instrucciones para el objetivo
make[2]: *** [zh-cn/release-notes.alpha.pdf] Error 1

These xmlroff error (for languages ja vi ml) is not present in the
current logs, it seems it only appears when building the release notes
in stretch (it can also be that I need to install some package in my
box, too...)

Can anybody help?

If you think it's better that I file a bugreport, I don't which
[pseudo]package should I relate the bug to. The cron scripts belong to
www.debian.org pseudopackages but I guess this is more related to the
own release-notes "make"?

Best regards
Laura Arjona Reina

DPN 2017/03 frozen, please review and translate

2017-09-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

We just finished the last bits of the new issue of DPN to be published
on Wednesday 20 September 2017, around 17:00 UTC:


I've removed some sections to prioritize publishing early, and changed
the order of some subsections for what is IMO better grouping.

Reviews and translations are appreciated!


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: migration of www-master.debian.org to stretch; issue when building the release notes

2017-10-09 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all

El 15/09/17 a las 20:59, Holger Wansing escribió:
> Hi,
> Tomas Pospisek  wrote:
>> xmlroff has the same package version 0.6.2-1.3 in both jessie and
>> stretch, so one would reasonably expect for that package to behave
>> similarily in both stretch and jessie. So the problem you found above
>> looks like a regression. Maybe Gnome in stretch has seen some changes
>> that makes xmlroff not find the corresponding parts of gnome any more
>> during runtime. Anyway, if that would be the case, then that dependency
>> should be somehow visible in the Depends:/Recommends:/Suggests: of the
>> package, which, as far as I can see, is not the case.
>> So again I'd suggest to either file a bug report against xmlroff or to
>> talk to the maintainer.
> This is likely to gain no success, because xmlroff has been orphaned.
> So no maintainer :-(
> Since the problem is with pdf variants for Squeeze (!), disabling the 
> pdf variants for those release-notes would be a way to work around this 
> problem? Squeeze is old for ages, so missing pdfs should be no problem there.
> (PS: Is this really correct, that release-notes are still build for those old
> releases on-the-fly? I would have thought that those documents are extracted
> from the relevant existing packages, here: release-notes in squeeze.
> Maybe I am missing something ... )

Yesterday the machine that builds the website and the release notes was
upgraded to stretch. Before that, some days ago I dropped the building
of the release notes for squeeze:


Thus we are not getting the xmlroff errors. The PDFs are not missing,
the webpages point to the last PDF files available (as with the other
old Debian versions), so I guess everything is ok.

We're getting other kind of errors related to the release notes builds,
but those errors were present before the machine upgrade. I'll try to
better diagnose then and file a bug against the release-notes package or
talk with the documentation team.

Best regards
Laura Arjona

Re: Is DDTP server down?

2017-10-20 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 20/10/17 a las 12:28, Andrey Skvortsov escribió:
> Hi,
> no progress so far. ddtp2.d.n stills down.

> What are using other translators now, when DDTSS is down? Email
> interface to DDTP?

Spanish team use (only) the web interface AFAIK. When it's down, we just


Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#880161: www.debian.org: Get rid of the "tidy validation errors" forcing a rebuild of certain files

2017-10-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: www.debian.org
Severity: normal
Tags: l10n

With the migration of the website build server from jessie to stretch, we are
using a new version of the "tidy" tool, and now we are getting "Tidy validation
errors" for some webpages containing  tag without .

We have updated the template file that was causing these errors:


but many files still need to be rebuilt to use the updated template.

This is an easy task and do-able for anybody with commit permissions in the
website repo. It's just that there are many files to touch.

How can you help?

Go to the tidy logs

and open a language file having a log file with more than 0 KB.
If you see errors like:

*** /srv/www.debian.org/www/path/to/file.cc.html
line 6 column 3 - Warning:  lacks "rel" attribute

Then the file language/path/to/file.wml needs to be touch:

touch language/path/to/file.wml
cvs commit language/path/to/file.wml

wait for the next tidy check (with the lessoften build) and the next tidy log
should not show that error for that page.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards

Laura Arjona Reina

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 8.9
  APT prefers oldstable-updates
  APT policy: (500, 'oldstable-updates'), (500, 'oldstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)

Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-686-pae (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=es_ES.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=es_ES.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Bug#887107: [debian-i18n] https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-01-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: debian-i18n
Severity: normal
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-...@lists.debian.org

Dear i18n/l10n team

I've seen that this .po file is up-to-date:


Date: 2018-01-13 14:40

But the list of packages is not:


Date: 2017-11-23 14:33

(e.g. that unstable.gz file contains a link to
which does not exist anymore).
So, I think something is failing in the script that generate the
translation material daily. Looking at the git repo, I think the script
that fails is this one:


I've looked at tye.debian.org and I can find error log files in
/srv/i18n.debian.org/log/gen-material/ every day since 2017-11-23 but I
have no idea about which one is the one breaking the process, and how to
fix it. I attach today's log error (summarized, deleting the repeated

I believe this issue is causing some pages in the Debian website (some
of the "Status of PO files for language code" pages,
https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po/xx.yy.html) to show
outdated info and broken links. There is also a validation error caused
by a bad encoded character in a .po file, which is fixed in the
corresponding package (django-allauth, bug #881727), but still present
in the website due to the pages not being rebuilt because the material
is not updated. For this reason I will disable validation checking in
the problematic languages and will enable it again when this bug is fixed.

If I can be of any help, just tell.

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: [debian-i18n] https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-01-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Forgot to attach the summarized log file.


Laura Arjona Reina

 checksum error.
 at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
 checksum error.
[... many more like these two...]

 checksum error.
 at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
 checksum error.
 at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.

Package cinder, debconf-updatepo returned:
pt.po:32:3: invalid multibyte sequence
pt.po:33:58: invalid multibyte sequence
[.. many more like these two, in different lines of the file]
pt.po:326:34: invalid multibyte sequence
pt.po:326:35: invalid multibyte sequence
msgmerge: found 83 fatal errors

Package glance, debconf-updatepo returned:
pt.po:69:17: invalid multibyte sequence
pt.po:70:20: invalid multibyte sequence
[.. many more like these two, in different lines of the file]
pt.po:373:23: invalid multibyte sequence
pt.po:373:24: invalid multibyte sequence
msgmerge: found 72 fatal errors

Package glare, debconf-updatepo returned:
pt.po:32:3: invalid multibyte sequence
pt.po:33:58: invalid multibyte sequence
[.. many more like these two, in different lines of the file]
pt.po:320:10: invalid multibyte sequence
pt.po:320:11: invalid multibyte sequence
msgmerge: found 83 fatal errors

 checksum error.
 at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
readline() on closed filehandle PO at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 748.
readline() on closed filehandle PO at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 748.
[.. many more like these two]
readline() on closed filehandle PO at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 748.
readline() on closed filehandle PO at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 748.

 No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c 
 No such file or directory
 No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c 
 No such file or directory
[.. many more like these two, in different languages]
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c 
 No such file or directory
 No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c 
 No such file or directory

checksum error.
 at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
checksum error.
 at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
[...some more like these two..]

/usr/bin/xgettext: warning: file '../../mktemplates.continents' extension 
'continents' is unknown; will try C
/usr/bin/xgettext: error while opening "../../mktemplates.continents" for 
reading: No such file or directory
ERROR: xgettext failed to generate PO template file. Please consult
   error message above

Re: Strange behavior of po-debconf statistics

2018-01-31 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 31/01/18 a las 12:30, Lev Lamberov escribió:
> Hi!
> I found that po-debconf statistics page for Russian [0] is updated in a
> very strange way. E. g., debconf templates for libvirt, privoxy,
> expeyes, openvas-scanner, hyperscan, metaphlan2-data, isa-support,
> open-infrastructure-container-tools, uftp, murano, mailman3-core,
> nixstatsagent were translated, corresponding bug reports were sent,
> corresponding messages with [BTS#] pseudo-header were sent to
> debian-l10n-russian mailing list. Then these packages were in a list
> "Packages with po-debconf support and for which translation is
> underway". The bug reports for these packages were closed by the
> maintainers (and the status of these packages were "done" in the list),
> but after some time these packages again appeared in a list "Packages
> with po-debconf support and for which translation is to do", which is
> misleading.

I'm not sure, but I think all the stats pages are showing not accurate info due
to this issue:

(https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23)

Best regards
Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: Bug #887107 https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-02-09 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi all

I see there are some packages excludes from the gen-material script, due to
different issues:


Maybe we can workaround the problem adding the packages that are problematic now
to the exclusion list.
I'll try to put some time on this later.

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: debian-i18n: [debian-i18n][PATCH] i18n.d.o/material/data/unstable.gz not updated

2018-02-10 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: debian-i18n
Followup-For: Bug #887107

Hi all
attached you can find a patch adding the packages that cause issues in the 
gen-material script
as of today's logs.
My proposal is to exclude all of them for now, to get updated material for the 

Later I hope I can review the list and handle each one of the issues, to try to 
as much packages as possible.

Best regards
Laura Arjona Reina
>From 223809ea89537d34a9fa1d53f547d9ec06b93c06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laura Arjona Reina 
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 22:45:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Add some more packages to the exclusion list of
 gen-material (see #887107)

 etc/dl10n.conf | 16 +++-
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/etc/dl10n.conf b/etc/dl10n.conf
index 9fa8e29..e6078a7 100644
--- a/etc/dl10n.conf
+++ b/etc/dl10n.conf
@@ -48,4 +48,18 @@ export LANGS_SPIDER="ar ca cs da de en es fr gl id it nl 
pt_BR ro ru sk sv tr"
 #   crossfire: see #748716
 #   postfixadmin: upstream tarball has debian/po but the Debian patches drop 
it as there is no longer debconf questions
 #   nvidia-cuda-toolkit: memory mess
+#   More packages excluded due to several errors (see #887107): 
+#   ansible: checksum errors 
+#   cinder: debconf-updatepo returned: pt.po: invalid multibyte sequence 
(multiple times). 
+#   gnome-software:  checksum errors 
+#   igtf-policy-bundle: debconf-updatepo returned: id_ID.po: warning: Charset 
"CHARSET" is not a portable encoding name.
+#   Message conversion to user's charset might not work. 
+#   magnum: debconf-updatepo returned: pt.po: invalid multibyte sequence 
+#   manila: debconf-updatepo returned:  pt.po: invalid multibyte sequence 
(multiple times). 
+#   oneliner-el: debconf-updatepo returned: da.po: duplicate message 
definition... [...] this is the location of the first definition
+#   silverjuke: cs.po: No such file or directory (and the rest of languages)
+#   unifont: Unable to open 

Bug#890083: [debian-i18n] dl10n-check script: dpkg: warning: --compare-versions used with obsolete relation operator '>'

2018-02-10 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: debian-i18n
Severity: normal

Dear i18n/l10n team

Looking at the logs of gen-material, I've seen multiple warnings of the

dpkg: warning: --compare-versions used with obsolete relation operator '>'

grepping for dpkg in the dl10n repo, I guess they are produced due to
this line in dl10n-check script:

$newer = system ("dpkg","--compare-versions", $data->version($pkg),
"\>", $ver);

Laura Arjona Reina

DPN 2018/01 frozen, please review and translate

2018-02-26 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

We just finished the last bits of the new issue of DPN to be published
on Wednesday 28 February 2018, around 17:00 UTC:


Reviews and translations are appreciated!


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: Data in https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/xx/xx unreliable

2018-04-05 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Frans

El 05/04/18 a las 21:27, Frans Spiesschaert escribió:
> Hi,
> For several years I was a happy user of the information provided in htt
> ps://www.debian.org/international/l10n/nl/xx to know which packages are
> in need of translation updates.
> However, since a few months this information is no longer reliable. For
> some packages the displayed information still seems to be up to date,
> but for other ones the webpages show outdated information. So in order
> to know what localisation work exactly needs to be done, I have to
> check each packages sources and bug report logs. This is really tedious
> and time consuming.
> Anyone an idea when this issue could be solved?

I believe this is caused by the issue #887107
[debian-i18n] https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not
updated since 2017-11-23

URL of the bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=887107

I've just applied the patch that I proposed there, which workarounds the
issue adding more packages to the exclusion list.
I'll have a look at the logs in the following days and generation of the
pages, to see if this works.

I leave the bug open, since this is (even in the case that it works)
just a workaround, the stats should be generated for all the packages


Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all
I applied a patch to the dl10n repo in salsa, with a workaround for this
bug (adding the problematic packages to an exclusion list).
However, the material is not being updated, I think because the repo in
tye still uses alioth as origin.

Can somebody in the debian-i18n group update the config in
/srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/ so it uses the salsa repo?

(I'm not sure if manual git pull is needed too, or if there is some cron
script that auto-updates the repo at some time. I'm not in the
debian-i18n group so I think I cannot check...

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 12 de abril de 2018 6:52:28 CEST, Christian PERRIER  
>Quoting Laura Arjona Reina (larj...@debian.org):
>> Hello all
>> I applied a patch to the dl10n repo in salsa, with a workaround for
>> bug (adding the problematic packages to an exclusion list).
>> However, the material is not being updated, I think because the repo
>> tye still uses alioth as origin.
>> Can somebody in the debian-i18n group update the config in
>> /srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/ so it uses the salsa repo?
>> (I'm not sure if manual git pull is needed too, or if there is some
>> script that auto-updates the repo at some time. I'm not in the
>> debian-i18n group so I think I cannot check...
>Hi Laura,
>Thanks for your work.
>I logged in to i18n.d.o, then sudo'ed to debian-i18n, then moved to
>"git pull" mentions that the local copy is up-to-date and "git log"
>says :
>commit d17144ddc047f48bc4609202bb6e48d04fe92f33
>Author: David Prévot 
>Date:   Wed Jan 7 12:12:43 2015 -0400
>Workaround recent SSL breakage from DSA
>So, it looks like I can't have your patch make its way to the

Please modify the .git/config file to change the origin to salsa instead of 


Then save and git pull.


>From what I remember, there is no auto update of the local git
>repository copy, it has to be pulled manually.
>debian-i18n@tye:/srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git$ git remote -v
>origin  git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-l10n/dl10n.git (fetch)
>origin  git://anonscm.debian.org/debian-l10n/dl10n.git (push)
>I think that, indeed, it would be good if someone more active than me
>would apply to be included in the debian-i18n group

Laura Arjona Reina
Sent with K-9 mail

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi again

El 12/04/18 a las 07:12, Christian PERRIER escribió:

> Doh, I'm now in the salsa mess:
> debian-i18n@tye:/srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git$ git pull
> fatal: unable to access 'https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n.git/': 
> server certificate verification failed. CAfile: 
> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
Sorry, my fault, I gave incomplete directions.
There is also needed to do the following (in tye.debian.org):

test -d $dir && git config --local --add http.sslCAInfo $dir/ca-certificates.crt

(This is documented in https://wiki.debian.org/ServicesSSL#git )


Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 12 de abril de 2018 18:52:56 CEST, Christian PERRIER  
>Quoting Laura Arjona Reina (larj...@debian.org):
>> Hi again
>> El 12/04/18 a las 07:12, Christian PERRIER escribió:
>> > Doh, I'm now in the salsa mess:
>> > debian-i18n@tye:/srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git$ git pull
>> > fatal: unable to access
>'https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n.git/': server certificate
>verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
>CRLfile: none
>> Sorry, my fault, I gave incomplete directions.
>> There is also needed to do the following (in tye.debian.org):
>> dir=/etc/ssl/ca-debian
>> test -d $dir && git config --local --add http.sslCAInfo
>> (This is documented in https://wiki.debian.org/ServicesSSL#git )
>It just worked now and the local copy on tye is now synced again with
>the git repo on salsa.

Let's see what happens tomorrow in the next run.

Laura Arjona Reina
Sent with K-9 mail

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-13 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
The material data has not been updated, there are more packages
producing errors.
I've added them as exceptions to the config file, to workaround the
issue (as with my previous patch).
Christian, do you mind to update again the repo in tye, to see if
tomorrow the material data is produced?
I wouldn't mind to join the debian-i18n unix group so I can do it
myself, if that's ok with you too, but I'm not sure about the procedure.

El 12/04/18 a las 18:52, Christian PERRIER escribió:
> Quoting Laura Arjona Reina (larj...@debian.org):
>> Hi again
>> El 12/04/18 a las 07:12, Christian PERRIER escribió:
>>> Doh, I'm now in the salsa mess:
>>> debian-i18n@tye:/srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git$ git pull
>>> fatal: unable to access 'https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n.git/': 
>>> server certificate verification failed. CAfile: 
>>> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
>> Sorry, my fault, I gave incomplete directions.
>> There is also needed to do the following (in tye.debian.org):
>> dir=/etc/ssl/ca-debian
>> test -d $dir && git config --local --add http.sslCAInfo 
>> $dir/ca-certificates.crt
>> (This is documented in https://wiki.debian.org/ServicesSSL#git )
> Gracias!
> It just worked now and the local copy on tye is now synced again with
> the git repo on salsa.

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi again

El 14/04/18 a las 07:31, Christian PERRIER escribió:

> And I launched thte
> /srv/i18n.debian.org/etc/cron.d/10gen-material-unstable script
> manually, just to see what happens. 
I've had a look at the log and added one more package to the exception
list (gcc-7).
I think after that the script should update the material (until some
other package is updated in unstable and produces error :s ).

I've requested to join the debian-i18n unix group (RT#7216), but in the
meanwhile (or for the case it's not appropriate), do you mind to git
pull again?

> Indeed, we get a daily cron
> message which I (sadly) ignored for ages.that's quite probably the
> problem.
> debian-i18n crontab on tye has:
> MAILTO="brot...@debian.org,bubu...@debian.org,f...@debian.org,nek...@debian.org,taf...@debian.org"
> but it seems that all of us are ignoring these mails nowadays.
> I don't remember how one can be added to the right group on Debian
> machines and be allowed to "sudo" to debian-i18n. I suspect this
> should be done with a ticket to the Debian admin team.
> At minimum, I can add your mail address to this crontab, Laura, tthat
> may help
Thanks, I'll try to have a look at those mails and see if there is
something I can do.

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#890083: dl10n-check script: dpkg: warning: --compare-versions used with obsolete relation operator '>'

2018-04-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: debian-i18n
Tags: patch

I'm attaching a diff that I think it solves the issue.
It simply changes '\>' for 'gt'

If nobody shouts I'll commit this in a while.


Laura Arjona Reina
diff --git a/dl10n-check b/dl10n-check
index 4bad7a1..a0b2d85 100755
--- a/dl10n-check
+++ b/dl10n-check
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ use Locale::Country;
 use Debian::L10n::Db;
 use Debian::L10n::Debconf;
+use lib './lib';
 use Debian::Pkg::DebSrc;
 my $progname= $0; $progname= $& if $progname =~ m,[^/]+$,;
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ PKG: while ($dsc = shift @pkg_list) {
 $data->maintainer($pkg, $maint);
 my $newer = ($data->version($pkg) ne $ver);
 if ($newer) {
-$newer = system ("dpkg","--compare-versions", $data->version($pkg), "\>", $ver);
+$newer = system ("dpkg","--compare-versions", $data->version($pkg), "gt", $ver);
 if ((!$force) && $newer==0 && $data->version($pkg) ne ""
 && !( $force_material &&

Bug#890083: [PATCH] dl10n-check script: dpkg: warning: --compare-versions used with obsolete relation operator '>'

2018-04-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Please ignore the former patch.

The correct patch is this one:

diff --git a/dl10n-check b/dl10n-check
index 4bad7a1..7b6b0cf 100755
--- a/dl10n-check
+++ b/dl10n-check
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ PKG: while ($dsc = shift @pkg_list) {
 $data->maintainer($pkg, $maint);
 my $newer = ($data->version($pkg) ne $ver);
 if ($newer) {
-$newer = system ("dpkg","--compare-versions",
$data->version($pkg), "\>", $ver);
+$newer = system ("dpkg","--compare-versions",
$data->version($pkg), "gt", $ver);
 if ((!$force) && $newer==0 && $data->version($pkg) ne ""
 && !( $force_material &&

(also attached)

Laura Arjona Reina
diff --git a/dl10n-check b/dl10n-check
index 4bad7a1..7b6b0cf 100755
--- a/dl10n-check
+++ b/dl10n-check
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ PKG: while ($dsc = shift @pkg_list) {
 $data->maintainer($pkg, $maint);
 my $newer = ($data->version($pkg) ne $ver);
 if ($newer) {
-$newer = system ("dpkg","--compare-versions", $data->version($pkg), "\>", $ver);
+$newer = system ("dpkg","--compare-versions", $data->version($pkg), "gt", $ver);
 if ((!$force) && $newer==0 && $data->version($pkg) ne ""
 && !( $force_material &&

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-14 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

I've had a look at today's log and there is only the warning that is
reported in bug  #890083 (dpkg --compare-versions using obsolete operator).

Guillem Jover ACK'ed my patch for #890083 and thus I have applied it in
the repo.

Christian, do you mind to update again the repo in tye?

Let's hope tomorrow we have our unstable.gz updated :)
Laura Arjona Reina

https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23 - too much packages to add to the ignore_list

2018-04-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
After running the gen-material script several times adding as exceptions
the packages that were producing errors, I don't know if it makes sense
to go on this way. It seems that en each run, one or two new packages
produce errors.

I believe some errors are being produced due to this bug:

l10n scripts should not look at upstream debian/ of source/format 3.0
(quilt) packages

And others in problems in this script:


If anybody with Perl skills can give a hand, it's appreciated.

OTOH, I don't know if this bug should be reasigned to the dl10n package.
I see there are other bugs there and even some patches, but I don't know
if the dl10n package uses a different repo as source. The version
uploaded to sid and the version in
https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n are not the same; I don't know
if this is just because the contents of the dl10n repo have not been
uploaded to sid recently.


Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23 - too much packages to add to the ignore_list

2018-04-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello again

El 18/04/18 a las 01:00, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Hello
> After running the gen-material script several times adding as exceptions
> the packages that were producing errors, I don't know if it makes sense
> to go on this way. It seems that en each run, one or two new packages
> produce errors.

Indeed, this is the last error log:

cat /srv/i18n.debian.org/log/gen-material/gen-material.20180417-2241.err
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/fr.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/ru.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/oc.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/da.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/lt.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/s...@latin.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/gl.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/sr.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/nb.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/zh_CN.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/hu.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/eu.po" >
No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c
"/srv/i18n.debian.org//tmp/gen-material/gcab/po/cs.po" >
No such file or directory
Unable to open
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/g/gcc-3.3/gcc-3.3_3.3.6ds1.orig.tar.gz at
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
Unable to open
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/g/gcc-5/gcc-5_5.5.0.orig.tar.gz at
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
Unable to open
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/g/gcc-5/gcc-5_5.5.0.orig.tar.gz at
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
read() on closed filehandle GEN3287 at
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm line 176.
Failed to read
`/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/g/gcc-5/gcc-5_5.5.0.orig.tar.gz': Bad
file descriptor at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
'x' outside of string in unpack at
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm line 368.

I am sorry but I'm giving up adding packages as exception, we have a
long list already and we're only in letter "g".

I've had a look at the code but frankly I have no idea about how to
solve this problem :(

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23 - too much packages to add to the ignore_list

2018-04-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Nicolas

Thanks for your help.

El 18/04/18 a las 03:35, Nicolas François escribió:
> Can you try adding
> $text = undef;
> after the line 178 in
> https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/blob/master/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm
> You will still have the error messages (Unable to open..., read() on closed
> filehandle..., Failed to read...) but I hope this will avoid the crash ('x'
> outside of string in unpack...)
> (sorry, I could not test).
I have tested this, and it helps the script to go further (see attached
log). So I have committed your suggestion to the repo.
However, as it can be seen in the log, there is a bunch more packages
that would have to be added as exceptions, and we're still in letter "F".

All the errors seem to be of this type:

Failed to read
Bad file descriptor at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
Unable to open
at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
read() on closed filehandle GEN at
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm line 176.

And then at the end a different error:

Unable to open
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/f/otherpackage/otherpackage.diff.gz at
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm line 785.

The offending code:

    $opts{parse_dft} ||= $self->{parse_last};
    $self->{patch} = Debian::Pkg::Diff->new($file, %opts);

    foreach ($self->{patch}->list_files()) {
    $self->{data}->{files}->{$_}->{dchars} =

And then I guess there is a similar issue of what was happening in
Tar.pm, this time in

but there are several "Unable to open" there and I don't know how to fix
the issue.

> Note: The tools were designed at a time when CPU and disk were limited
> (there might have been more diversity in the packaging formats). This may
> not be the case now, and if somebody is interested in a (major) rewrite, it
> might be easier to just extract each source packages using dpkg-source (+
> heuristic to apply patches) than to do this in-memory extract and patch
> mechanism.
This also is beyond my skills; if anybody else can help...

Laura Arjona Reina

Cannot run: gzip -9f -c 
 No such file or directory
Cannot run: gzip -9f -c 
 No such file or directory
Unable to open 
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/f/firejail/firejail_0.9.52-2.debian.tar.xz at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
read() on closed filehandle GEN2839 at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm line 176.
Failed to read 
Bad file descriptor at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
Unable to open 
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/f/firejail/firejail_0.9.52.orig.tar.xz at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
read() on closed filehandle GEN2838 at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm line 176.
Failed to read 
`/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/f/firejail/firejail_0.9.52.orig.tar.xz': Bad 
file descriptor at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
Error: can't find debian/control; skipping package firejail.
Unable to open 
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/f/firetools/firetools_0.9.52-1.debian.tar.xz at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
read() on closed filehandle GEN2841 at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/lib/Debian/Pkg/Tar.pm line 176.
Failed to read 
Bad file descriptor at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
Unable to open 
/srv/mirrors/debian//pool/main/f/firetools/firetools_0.9.52.orig.tar.xz at 
/srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-check line 463.
read() on closed filehandle GEN2840 at 

Bug#896678: l10n-rrd cron jobs fail with "llegal attempt to update using time X when last update time is X (minimum one second step)"

2018-04-23 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: dl10n
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-l10n-de...@alioth-lists.debian.net
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-i18n@lists.debian.org

The daily cron jobs that create the data and graphs in i18n.debian.org currently
fail with these errors:

ERROR: po/da_DK.rrd: illegal attempt to update using time 1524441600 when last
update time is 1524441600 (minimum one second step)

(a lot of more errors changing "po" for "po4a", "manpages" and other, and
da_DK.rrd for other files corresponding to other languages).

I've searched for the error but couldn't find enough info to try to solve it by
myself, I'm not familiarised with rrdtool.

I'm opening this bug for the case anybody has a clue about this; since the error
is recurrent every day, if we have no solution soon I will workaround excluding
that job from the cron tasks, for now...

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#896683: dl10n manpages-rrd.pl script fails trying to download nonexistent arch in testing

2018-04-23 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: dl10n
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-l10n-de...@alioth-lists.debian.net
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-i18n@lists.debian.org

The daily cron jobs that create the data and graphs in i18n.debian.org currently
fail with this error:

wget failed to download
http://mirror.it.ubc.ca/debian//dists/testing/main/Contents-kfreebsd-amd64.gz .
Aborting. at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-rrd/manpages-rrd.pl line 36.

I've had a look at that script in salsa:

and the architectures are there hardcoded; I guess the problem is that the lists
of archs for stable, testing and unstable need to be updated.

I'm opening a bug report and I'll try to come back to this soon, and update the
list of archs properly, if nobody beats me to it.

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#829092: i18n.debian.org: use https for links in l10n-pkg-status/pkglist file

2018-04-23 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello Paul
Thanks for reporting this issue.
I have committed changes to the scripts so they now use https for the
links; I will look (at the next generation of the file
https://i18n.debian.org/l10n-pkg-status/pkglist (tomorrow) to see if the
change is effective, and if yes, will close this bug.


Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#896884: l10n-rrd cron job fail with "Function update_pdp_prep, case DST_GAUGE - Cannot convert '' to float"

2018-04-25 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Package: dl10n
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-l10n-de...@alioth-lists.debian.net
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-i18n@lists.debian.org

The daily cron jobs that create the data and graphs in i18n.debian.org currently
fail with these errors:

ERROR: man/ar.rrd: Function update_pdp_prep, case DST_GAUGE - Cannot convert ''
to float
ERROR: man/be.rrd: Function update_pdp_prep, case DST_GAUGE - Cannot convert ''
to float

(a lot of more errors with different language files).

I've searched for the error but couldn't find enough info to try to solve it by
myself, I'm not familiarised with rrdtool.

I've tried to manually run the task in tye.debian.org and got these errors mixed
with other type of error, mentioned in #896678 "illegal attempt to update using
time X when last update time is X (minimum one second step)", so I guess this
kind of error will be recurrent every day too.

Laura Arjona Reina

ddtp2.debian.net SSL cert expired

2018-04-27 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all
Thanks for bringing back to life the DDTP service.
The SSL cert expired, is it possible to renew it? (looks like a Let's
Encrypt cert so maybe some cron job is stuck?).


Laura Arjona Reina

Bug 887107: https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not updated since 2017-11-23

2018-04-29 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all
Thanks to Nicholas hints, I have managed to make the script skip the
packages that are producing errors; in particular, with these commits:



 and now the gen-material script go to the end, but fails when trying to
write the data:

Unable to write to
Cannot allocate memory

Same happens with the gen-material call for testing:

Unable to write to
Cannot allocate memory

I've had a look at the code and I cannot find any place where the
scripts are called with a limitation for memory.

If I am not wrong, this is the stack of calls:

1.- cron:

25 14  *   *   * run-parts --report /srv/i18n.debian.org/etc/cron.d/

2.- cron.d/10gen-material-unstable
/srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/cron/gen-material unstable

3.- gen-material unstable

gzip -dc $MIRRORDIR/dists/$d/main/source/Sources.gz \
 $MIRRORDIR/dists/$d/contrib/source/Sources.gz \
 $MIRRORDIR/dists/$d/non-free/source/Sources.gz \
| grep-dctrl -n -s Directory,Files '' \
| sed -n -e '/^pool\//{N;N;s/\n.* /\//g;p;}' \
| sed -e "s,^,$MIRRORDIR/," \
| grep -Ev "/${IGNMATERIAL}/" \
| $DL10NDIR/dl10n-check \
  --remove-unused \
  --files-from=- \
  --tmp=$TMPDIR \
  --db=$OUTDIR/data/$d.gz \
  --po=$OUTDIR/po/$d \
  --templates=$OUTDIR/templates/$d \
  --menu=$OUTDIR/menu/$d $* >> $LOGPREFIX.log 2>> $LOGPREFIX.err

4.- dl10n-check


5.- lib/Debian/L10n/Db.pm

L259 (in sub write):
if ($file =~ m/\.gz$/) {
open (DB,"| gzip -c > $file")
|| die "Unable to write to $file: $!\n";

And this is when the program stops with the error "Cannot allocate memory".

What can we do? I've looked at tye.debian.org

$ free -h
  totalusedfree  shared  buff/cache
Mem:   2,0G695M 91M5,9M1,2G
Swap:  511M151M360M

(But I don't know how to monitor memory while the script is running).

The resultant (written) files shouldn't be very big (the current,
outdated ones are):
[ ] testing.gz  2018-04-09 14:3317K
[ ] unstable.gz 2017-11-23 14:333.9M

So I don't know if there is a problem in the resources in tye, or a
problem in our scripts.

I have manually run the gen-material unstable with --verbose and
--debug, and those produced huge log/err files, but couldn't find any
more detail about the current problem.

Any hint? Should I file an RT ticket for DSA to help us?
Laura Arjona Reina

Re: [Debian-l10n-devel] Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way.

2018-04-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
I see ddtp2.debian.net is up and working, and the SSL cert updated. But
we are still getting the errors below.

What's wrong, then? Is there anything that we (translators) can help?

FTR the Spanish team has continued to work in ddttss via
ddtp2.debian.net; if that's not recommended, just tell and we'll wait
for ddtp.debian.org to be set up, or whenever you think it's ok to use
the service.

El 30/04/18 a las 21:56, Debian FTP Masters escribió:
> Arf, Arf, Arf, missing the timestamp 201803030245 directory, not updating 
> i18n, arf, arf, arf
> ___
> Debian-l10n-devel mailing list
> debian-l10n-de...@alioth-lists.debian.net
> https://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/debian-l10n-devel

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: Bug#887107: My improvements to dl10n-check

2018-05-07 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Pino

El 05/05/18 a las 09:14, Pino Toscano escribió:
> Hi l10n people,
> (please CC me, I'm not subscribed to debian-i18n@, or #887107)

> noticing the problems when extracting files (mostly translations) from
> sources, few months ago I reworked dl10n-check a little bit, and it
> ought to work better now.
Thanks for caring! And thank you very much for your work.

> I sent all these improvements to a single merge request on salsa:
> https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/merge_requests/1
> I think I described my commits, and my MR description, well-enough --
> but of course feel free to ask, comment, and try it in case.

For now, I have "reviewed" (read the text of the commit message, and had
a look at the changes in the code) these commits:

dl10n-check: cache the Text::Iconv objects

dl10n-check: move simple ASCII fallback to subroutine

dl10n-check: make Text::Iconv mandatory

dl10n-check: save DB at end only if needed

dl10n-check: add optional value for --careful

dl10n-check: simplify org type collection

And all of them look good for me, but my Perl skills are very very few,
and I had not time to actually test... so more reviews welcome.

About the new dependency (libtext-iconv-perl) I have checked that it is
already installed in tye.debian.org. If looking at the remaining commits
I find that we need some other dependency and it is not installed, I
will send an RT ticket to DSA asking for it.

I will go on reviewing the commits and will test the "new" dl10n-check
launching manually the process in tye (when there are no other processes
running) and comparing the current and new databases (and running the
other jobs over the new database, to see if everything works ok).

> (I have other improvements for dl10n.git, but let's get this biggest
> chunk first.)

Yes! I hope to put time on this during the week for tests, and I will
report to the bug the results.

Laura Arjona Reina

(Final) Migration of the website to from CVS to Git, and from Alioth to Salsa (Bug #846297)

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

* Today (in 1-2 hours) we'll migrate the Debian website repo from CVS to Git,
and from Alioth to Salsa
* CVS commits (to cvs.debian.org:/cvs/webwml) will be disabled
* The migration will probably take the whole day. Please be patient
* The resulting repo will be in https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
(we'll send another mail when it's ready)
* The translation workflow will be mostly the same, but still needs work
* Stay tuned in #debian-www IRC and/or subscribe to Bug #846297 for details or
reporting issues.
* Thanks to everybody involved!

Long version

We have been working in migrating the website to Git, trying to keep the usual
workflows of this team (and translators), and although some things still need
work, I think we are ready for the final migration (on the other hand, CVS will
be disabled on May 31st so we have not much possibility of delaying this).

This is the current status of things and the plan:

0.- For working on this, we have been used (and we are still using):

* bug report #846297
* the wiki page https://wiki.debian.org/WebsiteGitTransition
* The migration test repos under https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/tests

If you want more details about anything explained here, you probably will find
them in the above links.

1.- The proposal is to disable CVS commits (turn the webwml repo read-only)
TODAY 30 May 2018 around 12:00 UTC.
If you have pending work to commit to the website, please hurry up, or wait for
the migration to be complete (we estimate between 12 and 24h later), and then
commit to the resulting git repo in Salsa.

2.- After the CVS repo is set read-only, we will run the script cvs2git (thanks
Paul Wise for providing it!) to convert it to git.

This step takes around 13h to complete.

The script also produces a file cvs-revisions which lists, for each file and CVS
revision, the corresponding commit hash. The script also includes in the commit
messages the list of changed files and CVS revisions.

The resultant git repo will be uploaded to:

3.- Then we will run another script, switch_to_git_translations.pl (thanks Steve
McIntyre for providing it!) to change, in every translated file, the
"translation-check" header to use a commit hash instead of the old CVS revision
numbers. We will commit that changes to

This step takes some minutes to complete.

Note that this is a massive change across the website, touching many files. We
may get build errors in the following days, not related to the migration itself,
but to the fact that some pages are being built now after a long time, and we
may find problems in their wml/Perl code (e.g. using syntax that is deprecated
in Debian stretch).

4.- At that point, our git repo https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
should be mostly usable, and people should be able to continue their work
committing to salsa.

However, there are some things to take into account:

* We'll need to change our cron scripts to use the git repo instead of the old 
* The script stattrans.pl that is run daily to produce the language statistics
webpages (e.g. https://www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/es ) runs correctly
but it still needs work to produce a useful output
* The script copypage.pl should work well and we encourage to use it for new
* We have a *NEW* implementation of smart_change.pl which is limited to
supporting git commit hashes.
* We still need to update the documentation (www.debian.org/devel/website)

We'll send another mail (with more details about the steps post migration and
how can you help), when the git repo is ready.

Thanks to everybody that contributed in the past and in the last weeks to
create, improve and adapt the scripts that support the Debian website

Kind regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: (Final) Migration of the website to from CVS to Git, and from Alioth to Salsa (Bug #845297)

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello again

Sorry, the number of the bug is #845297.

The rest of the message I think it's correct.


El 30/05/18 a las 12:32, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Dear all
> =
> * Today (in 1-2 hours) we'll migrate the Debian website repo from CVS to Git,
> and from Alioth to Salsa
> * CVS commits (to cvs.debian.org:/cvs/webwml) will be disabled
> * The migration will probably take the whole day. Please be patient
> * The resulting repo will be in https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
> (we'll send another mail when it's ready)
> * The translation workflow will be mostly the same, but still needs work
> * Stay tuned in #debian-www IRC and/or subscribe to Bug #846297 for details or
> reporting issues.> * Thanks to everybody involved!
> =
> Long version
> We have been working in migrating the website to Git, trying to keep the usual
> workflows of this team (and translators), and although some things still need
> work, I think we are ready for the final migration (on the other hand, CVS 
> will
> be disabled on May 31st so we have not much possibility of delaying this).
> This is the current status of things and the plan:
> 0.- For working on this, we have been used (and we are still using):
> * bug report #846297
> * the wiki page https://wiki.debian.org/WebsiteGitTransition
> * The migration test repos under https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/tests
> If you want more details about anything explained here, you probably will find
> them in the above links.
> 1.- The proposal is to disable CVS commits (turn the webwml repo read-only)
> TODAY 30 May 2018 around 12:00 UTC.
> If you have pending work to commit to the website, please hurry up, or wait 
> for
> the migration to be complete (we estimate between 12 and 24h later), and then
> commit to the resulting git repo in Salsa.
> 2.- After the CVS repo is set read-only, we will run the script cvs2git 
> (thanks
> Paul Wise for providing it!) to convert it to git.
> This step takes around 13h to complete.
> The script also produces a file cvs-revisions which lists, for each file and 
> revision, the corresponding commit hash. The script also includes in the 
> commit
> messages the list of changed files and CVS revisions.
> The resultant git repo will be uploaded to:
> https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
> 3.- Then we will run another script, switch_to_git_translations.pl (thanks 
> Steve
> McIntyre for providing it!) to change, in every translated file, the
> "translation-check" header to use a commit hash instead of the old CVS 
> revision
> numbers. We will commit that changes to
> https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
> This step takes some minutes to complete.
> Note that this is a massive change across the website, touching many files. We
> may get build errors in the following days, not related to the migration 
> itself,
> but to the fact that some pages are being built now after a long time, and we
> may find problems in their wml/Perl code (e.g. using syntax that is deprecated
> in Debian stretch).
> 4.- At that point, our git repo https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
> should be mostly usable, and people should be able to continue their work
> committing to salsa.
> However, there are some things to take into account:
> * We'll need to change our cron scripts to use the git repo instead of the 
> old CVS
> * The script stattrans.pl that is run daily to produce the language statistics
> webpages (e.g. https://www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/es ) runs correctly
> but it still needs work to produce a useful output
> * The script copypage.pl should work well and we encourage to use it for new
> translations
> * We have a *NEW* implementation of smart_change.pl which is limited to
> supporting git commit hashes.
> * We still need to update the documentation (www.debian.org/devel/website)
> We'll send another mail (with more details about the steps post migration and
> how can you help), when the git repo is ready.
> Thanks to everybody that contributed in the past and in the last weeks to
> create, improve and adapt the scripts that support the Debian website
> infrastructure.
> Kind regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

Debian website git repo in Salsa (Bug #845297)

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all

>> 4.- At that point, our git repo 
>> https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
>> should be mostly usable, and people should be able to continue their work
>> committing to salsa.

the conversion went well and we have a working repo in:


(Note that the website is still built based on the (read only) CVS repo,
we didn't change the cron jobs yet).

For information about Git (the new version control system), for now,
please refer to this mail and general Git documentation.

For information about Salsa (the new software forge and collaboration
tool, that we use instead of Alioth), please refer to the wiki:


Getting notifications

We have setup the configuration of the project in Salsa so commits are
shown in the IRC channel #debian-www

If you want to receive mail notifications when there are
commits in the webwml repo, please subscribe to the "www.debian.org"
pseudopackage via tracker.debian.org and activate the "vcs" keyword
there, following these steps (only once):

* Open a web browser and go to https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/www.debian.org
* Subscribe to the "www.debian.org" pseudopackage. (You can authenticate
via SSO or register an email and password, if you were not using
tracker.debian.org already for other purposes).
* Go to https://tracker.debian.org/accounts/subscriptions/ , "modify
keywords", check "vcs" (if it's not checked) and save.
* From now on you will get emails when somebody commits in the
webwml repo. We will add the other webmaster-team repositories soon.

Working with the repository

You need to install git to work with the repository and configure your
user and email (please refer to general git documentation). Once this is
done, clone the repo with:

$ git clone g...@salsa.debian.org:webmaster-team/webwml.git

Note that since git is a distributed (not centralised) system, after you
commit your changes you need to push your changes to the repo in Salsa.
So an edition in an English file will look like this:

1.- Update your local clone getting the last changes of the repo:

$ git pull

2.- Do some change/edition to a file and commit your changes:

$ git add path/to/file(s)
$ git commit

3.- Push your changes to the Salsa repo

$ git push

If you need write access to the repository, please request it via
https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml (if you are new and had
no access in Alioth, please also send a mail to
debian-...@lists.debian.org with your introduction)

Changes in translations

If you change translated files, you need to update the translation-check
header to link to the git commit hash of the corresponding change in the
English file. You can know that hash with

$ git log path/to/english/file

If you do a new translation, please use the "copypage.pl" script and it
will create a template for your language, including the correct
translation header.

Changes in smart_change.pl

There is a *NEW* implementation of smart_change.pl which is limited to
supporting git commit hashes. To use it:

 1. Make the changes to the original file(s), and commit
 2. Update translations
 3. Run smart_change.pl - it will pick up the changes and update
headers in the translation files
 4. Review the changes (for example with "git diff -u")
 5. Commit the translation changes

This is more involved than previously (needing two commits), but

Note that the "-s" option of smart_change.pl is not usable for now.

This is all, for now, I think.

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: News: 2018-06-01-Debian-7-Long-Term-Support-reaching-end-of-life

2018-05-30 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello Markus

El 30 de mayo de 2018 16:18:06 CEST, Markus Koschany  escribió:
>the LTS team would like to announce the end of Wheezy LTS.

Great! I suppose you want the announcement published on 2018/06/01, can you 
confirm this? (And proposed time (with timezone)? Being weekday and short 
notice we'll do our best to try to publish/send it on time, but no guarantees).

>I have no rights to push to the announcements repository on

You should be able to commit now, ping again if there is any issue.

 but you can find my draft at

About the content, I've just done a quick look and will full review later, but 
for now I think the "About/More info/Contact info" needs to be adapted (remove 
the debconf-related paragraphs and maybe set contact info specific for LTS? We 
can have a look at former LTS-related announcements for reference).

Laura Arjona Reina
Sent with K-9 mail

Please review and translate: announcement "Debian 7 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life"

2018-06-01 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

Please review and translate the announcement about Debian 7 Long Term Support
reaching end-of-life, available here:


(to be published today 1 June 2018, around 14:00 UTC).

Sorry for the very short notice.

Translators, please note that we just adapted the Debian website to use Git
instead of CVS, and now the "translation-check" header cannot be written
manually anymore. That's why the template does not include such header.
We (publicity) will generate the headers when we commit the files in the Debian
website (webwml) repo.


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: Please review and translate: announcement "Debian 7 Long Term Support reaching end-of-life"

2018-06-02 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hello Adriana, Rui

El 2 de junio de 2018 3:37:18 CEST, "Adriana Cássia"  
>2018-06-01 7:52 GMT-03:00 Laura Arjona Reina :
>> Dear all
>> Please review and translate the announcement about Debian 7 Long Term
>> reaching end-of-life, available here:
>> (to be published today 1 June 2018, around 14:00 UTC).
>> Sorry for the very short notice.
>> Translators, please note that we just adapted the Debian website to
>use Git
>> instead of CVS, and now the "translation-check" header cannot be
>> manually anymore. That's why the template does not include such
>> We (publicity) will generate the headers when we commit the files in
>the Debian
>> website (webwml) repo.
>> Thanks!
>Hi Laura,
>I translated to Portuguese - BR.
>I asked  permission on publicity repository.

I can add permissions to Adriana and Rui to the publicity repos, but not now 

But the announcement is already published so your translations need to be 
committed to the website repo, no the publicity/announcements repo anymore.

And with the website the problem that we spotted when we released Stretch: the 
website is not prepared yet to show 2 variants of Portuguese. I believe there 
were two issues here: the organisational (please decide to set the two language 
human groups, coordinators, mailing lists...) and the technical one (how to 
adpapt the website code, test the build of the two variants, move the current 
pages to the corresponding variant) and frankly I don't know if there was any 
progress about this in the last year (well, I know that at the technical side 
no progress was done, sorry).

My proposal is to file a bug against www.debian.org and coordinate there. We 
can use the Chinese case (3 variants) as reference for setting up both the 
organisational and technical changes.

Kind regards

Laura Arjona Reina
Sent with K-9 mail

Re: Joining to ukrainian translators

2018-06-07 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello Alexander, welcome!

El 07/06/18 a las 19:22, Alexander Khodos escribió:
> Good day, fellow translators,
> I want to participate in translating Debian in ukrainian, but as i see,
> there is no language team for ukrainian.
> Can you "point me to individuals working on Debian translations" in my
> language?

>From the website team:

There is some info here:


some more names here:


and in the .po files of the website you can find names and emails of the
last translators:


(please have a look also at the commit log/dates, to see if those
persons were active recently or not).

If after you contact with those people you find out that we need to
update the https://www.debian.org/international/Ukrainian page, please
send a mail to debian-...@lists.debian.org with the updated info (or
commit/send patch/merge request to the webwml repo).

The DDTP web interface (for translating package descriptions) has a
message system, though, so maybe you can send message to the other
translators working there:


(you need to sign up an account to send messages).

>From other areas of translations (documentation, po-debconf
templates...) I cannot tell (maybe others can).

Laura Arjona Reina

Please review and translate blog post (and announcement) about DebConf18 closing

2018-08-03 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear all

Please review and translate the article about DebConf 18 closing
available here:


(to be published in Sunday Aug 5, around 19:00 UTC).

You can see how it looks like right now:


This content will also be published as an announcement in the Debian
website, but please commit your changes only in bits repo (not in the
announcements repo). I'll take care that at the end, everything is in sync.

Note that for now, the text is *very* similar to the one used for last
year's announcement/blog post. Review of links and dates, help
completing the statistics and maybe more/new info about DebConf18 and
DebConf19 are very welcome.

Best regards

Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: improvements to dl10n-check - MERGED

2018-09-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hello all
I have finished my brief review of the commits of the merge request, and
everything looked fine to me.
I have not a test setup here, and I guess we have not much to loose, so I have
merged the code and made "git pull" in tye.debian.org
I still have to send a diff to DSA
) so the package libfile-slurp-perl gets installed in tye (will do it in the
next hours).

And then, in the next days, let's see how the new script works, and hopefully
remove the packages that were listed as exceptions. I'll keep the bug report

Thanks Pino for your work, and sorry for the long delay!

Laura Arjona Reina

El 05/05/18 a las 09:14, Pino Toscano escribió:
> Hi l10n people,
> (please CC me, I'm not subscribed to debian-i18n@, or #887107)
> noticing the problems when extracting files (mostly translations) from
> sources, few months ago I reworked dl10n-check a little bit, and it
> ought to work better now.
> I sent all these improvements to a single merge request on salsa:
> https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/merge_requests/1
> I think I described my commits, and my MR description, well-enough --
> but of course feel free to ask, comment, and try it in case.
> (I have other improvements for dl10n.git, but let's get this biggest
> chunk first.)

Bug#887107: improvements to dl10n-check - initial results

2018-09-17 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hello again
After merging the improvements to dl10n-check (thanks Pino!), and getting 
libfile-slurp-perl installed in tye.debian.org (thanks DSA!), the script was 
still failing with this error:

dl10n-check: error: cannot read debian/control: No such file or directory

yesterday I could have a look and committed this:


(attaching also the diff) and schedule a new run for 18:25 UTC; it seems it 
fixed the problem.

We still get errors (see extract of the log attached) but the files are 

I've re-scheduled the cron job to its usual time, 14:25 UTC.

Since the stattrans script (the one that generates the language stats pages in 
www.debian.org) is run once a day at 17:25 UTC, I guess today or tomorrow we'll 
get the web pages updated. I'll try to follow this during the week, and if it 
goes well, remove gradually the packages that were in the list of exceptions, to 
see if the script can now handle all that too (and then close the respective bug 

Laura Arjona Reina
dl10n-check: warning: unexpected end of diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrck1ugD/debian/patches/fix-version.diff'

dl10n-check: warning: diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcZw1II/debian/patches/0015-Rename-LICENSE-to-LICENSE.md.patch' doesn't contain any patch

tar: A lone zero block at 3606

Cannot create a converter from "8859-5" to "UTF-32BE": Unsupported conversion from 8859-5 to UTF-32BE: Invalid argument at (eval 844) line 1.

dl10n-check: warning: diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcpMY00/debian/patches/revert-register-late' patches file /srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcpMY00/bus/at-spi-bus-launcher.c more than once

dl10n-check: warning: diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcKu80p/debian/patches/15_man-fixes.patch' patches file /srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcKu80p/doc/aumix.1 more than once

tar: A lone zero block at 1114

dl10n-check: warning: unexpected end of diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcpvYzX/debian/patches/0009-patch-hardcoded-upstream-username.patch'

dl10n-check: warning: unexpected end of diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcD3P1g/debian/patches/source.patch'

tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime'
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'SCHILY.dev'
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'SCHILY.ino'
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'SCHILY.nlink'

dl10n-check: warning: unexpected end of diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrc5R8He/debian/patches/fix-readme-file.patch'

dl10n-check: warning: diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcTu37y/debian/patches/Fix-typo.patch' patches file /srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcTu37y/tools/btpclient.c more than once

dl10n-check: warning: diff '/srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcDzZN3/debian/patches/warning' patches file /srv/i18n.debian.org/tmp/gen-material/debsrcDzZN3/boml.c more than once

Cannot create a converter from "charset" to "UTF-32BE": Unsupported conversion from charset to UTF-32BE: Invalid argument at (eval 1495) line 1.

tar: A lone zero block at 140
diff --git a/lib/Debian/Pkg/DebSrc.pm b/lib/Debian/Pkg/DebSrc.pm
index b32267de1253a1311340af77426f58254f4bd1fb..6f0def45b7f60d707c18cb537253d2cbe4ccf909 100644
--- a/lib/Debian/Pkg/DebSrc.pm
+++ b/lib/Debian/Pkg/DebSrc.pm
@@ -231,8 +231,7 @@ sub get_control {
 my $self = shift;
 my $fullpath = File::Spec->catfile($self->{pkgtmpdir}, "debian/control");
-my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new();
+my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new($fullpath);
 return $control;

Bug#909080: dl10n-spider stops parsing mails when there is a month without mails

2018-09-18 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Package: debian-i18n
Severity: normal

Dear all

It seems that the script that parses the l10n-language mailing list archives and 
creates the databases in l10n.debian.org/coordination/00data/status.XX stops 
(without errors) when there is a month in which no mails were sent to the list 
(thinking that we arrived the current month/year).

See for example:


I believe this pages are generated using the data here:


the status.tr file there stops parsing at year 2016 month 6:

Date: 2018-09-18
Year: 2016
Month: 6
Message: 0
Page: 1

This behavior can be easily reproduced in this way:

sudo apt install dl10n
git clone https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n.git
cd dl10n/
mkdir data
touch data/status.tr
./dl10n-spider --year 2016 --month 01 --message 0 tr

(it begins to parse and stops in 2016/06)
./dl10n-spider --year 2016 --month 07 --message 0 tr

(it continues to parse and stops in 2017/05)

./dl10n-spider --year 2017 --month 07 --message 0 tr
(it continues to parse and stops in 2017/11, etc.)

If you look at https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-turkish/ the script stops 
when it arrives a year/month without mails, but can continue if we provide a 
starting point after that empty month.

I've had a look at the code and I think that we should modify the code of the 
https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/blob/master/lib/Debian/L10n/Spider.pm , 
sub spider($@) (Line 173 on). I'm afraid I cannot provide a patch, the code 
is difficult for me to understand and I'm not sure what should I change and how.

I hope somebody else can look at this...


Laura Arjona Reina

Bug#887107: www.debian.org: Language Stats page completely broken - fixed?

2018-09-25 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hello all
I think that with the last updates to the dl10n scripts, this problem is fixed 
now, and we can close these bugs:

Bug#906318: www.debian.org: Language Stats page completely broken
Bug#887107: [debian-i18n] https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/unstable.gz not 
updated since 2017-11-23

The summary of the current status (as I see it, but I may be missing something):

* the files unstable.gz and testing.gz in https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/ 
are updated daily (more or less). We receive the log with warnings and sometimes 
errors due to memory issues, but the files are updated regularly so I would 
prefer to close this bug and then open more specific bugs about the "new" issues.

* Some language statistics pages are not updated because they depend on 
dl10n-spider script that has the issue reported in #909080 : dl10n-spider stops 
parsing mails when there is a month without mails

* If you find other pages that are not updated or other issues please tell and 
we can reopen these bugs or file new ones with the current status.

I'll wait 2-3 days and close #906318 and #887107 if there are no news.


Laura Arjona Reina

Re: [debian-installer] Call to update translations for Buster

2018-10-04 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Hi Holger
how do you feel about publishing a micronews (tweet etc) with your call for 
translations of d-i?

We'll definitely mention it in the next DPN, but when it will be published is 
uncertain (I hope before November).

Micronews would be published today and reaches a lot of people (@debian at 
twitter has 172K followers, and gen mastodon, the people following the RSS 
feed...) , but also it's a more general audience (not necesarily debian 
contributors. DPN readers are mailing list subscribers so probably they know 
better how Debian community works). 

The text would be the subject of your mail and a link to your mail in 
debian-i18n mailing list.

Thanks for your work coordinating this!


El 4 de octubre de 2018 16:36:08 CEST, Holger Wansing  
>Hi translators,
>since we are slowly coming nearer to the end of the development cycle
>Buster, it's probably a good time to send a heads-up to you for the 
>debian-installer now.
>There is still a lot of time left, but you might want to start working
>translation updates now, to save yourself from a last-minute hurry! :-)
>For those of you who are working directly on the Debian GIT repository,
>is at https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/d-i.
>Or, if you work via the Weblate web interface, use
>For some statistics, visit https://d-i.debian.org/l10n-stats/.
>In case of questions or trouble, don't hesitate to ask for help on
>debian-boot or me.
>Many thanks

Laura Arjona Reina
Sent with K-9 mail

Re: Update of the Dutch word list of DDTSS

2018-11-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 11/11/18 a las 17:31, Frans Spiesschaert escribió:
> Hi,
> As far as I know, the following request did not receive a follow up
> until now.
> Since the Dutch localisation team is rather understaffed for the
> moment, I'm acting as it's unofficial actual coordinator.
> So I would like to ask a member of the salsa ddtp team to take care of
> this request, or to be given commit rights to the ddtp git repo, so I
> would be able to update the wordlist myself.

Sorry for the delay handling this.
I have updated the wording list (letter a) with the provided file.
See commit:


Some entries in the old file were not in the new file, so I left them

about   over ...
ascending order Aflopende volgorde -> I have changed it to:
ascending order aflopende volgorde
atime   toegangstijd

This would need to be deployed in ddtp2.debian.net by a person with
permissions for that (I haven't, sorry).

Kind regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

> I am a Debian contributor since 2014 and I am known as frans-guest on
> salsa with commit rights to some repos, including debian-edu-doc,
> installation-guide, webwml, and others.
> Thanks,
> Frans Spiesschaert
> maar...@posteo.de schreef op do 05-07-2018 om 18:05 [+0200]:
>> Dear Sirs
>> I have prepared an update of the Dutch word list of DDTSS. The update
>> should replace all English entries that begin with the letter 'a' and
>> their Dutch translations.
>> The changes have been reviewed within the Dutch translation team.
>> Please edit the current Dutch word list according to the attachment
>> if and when you can.
>> Yours faithfully
>> Maarten
>> Member of the Dutch translation team of Debian

Laura Arjona Reina

status of package dl10n for Buster?

2018-12-10 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Hello all

Buster freeze is coming and I would like to know if anybody is willing to take 
care of the package dl10n (or is already taking care).

There have been recent improvements to its source code (see 
https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/commits/master ) but I think the 
codebase needs some work to update the package itself. There are also some 
pending MR (see https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/merge_requests ). Bugs 
reports are split between bugs.debian.org/dl10n and bugs.debian.org/debian-i18n :(

I'll try to work on the bugs and MRs but not sure if I can finish before the 
freeze. And for putting the package in shape I have no experience so I would 
appreciate other person (uploading-DD?) to help (or take care of).

Kind regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

Re: status of package dl10n for Buster?

2018-12-11 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

El 10 de diciembre de 2018 18:41:40 CET, "David Prévot"  
>Le 10/12/2018 à 04:51, Laura Arjona Reina a écrit :
>> Buster freeze is coming and I would like to know if anybody is
>> to take care of the package dl10n (or is already taking care).
>Is it actually useful in the archive? The package has only been
>once over fifteen years ago,

I don't know, but some bug submitted by  AFAIK non team member suggest they try 
to use the package somewhere.

I don't know if it's used by derivatives either.

 is not used on d.o infrastructure (a
>checkout is used directly instead),

Yes, I can confirm we currently use git master in tye.debian.org.

 and nothing seems worth of use on a
>client machine. Why not simply ask for its removal?

If nobody shouts or adopts, I will ask for removal when deadline approaches.
Meanwhile any input is welcome!


Laura Arjona Reina
Sent with K-9 mail

Two columns named "Translators" in several web pages about l10n stats

2019-01-12 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
Dear website and internationalisation teams

Happy new year.

It has been reported (in #debian-www) that in some web pages under
https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/ there are tables about the
status of translations, having 2 columns named "Translator".

For example, in:

right after "Section: main" we have these headers:

Package Score File Translator Status Translator Date Bug

The first "Translator" columns lists the name in the field
"Last-Translator" of the corresponding .po file. The second "Translator"
column lists the name of the sender of the last message to the mailing
list, about the corresponding .po file.

For the translation of the website files, we have these headers:

File Diff Log Translation Maintainer Status Translator Date

The "Maintainer" column lists the name in the field "maintainer" of the
corresponding .wml file, so here there is no confusion.

How should we name the former 2 "Translator" columns?

My proposal would be these headers

1st Translator -> Translator
2ns Translator -> Last Message

But I don't like them very much. Any other suggestions?

Kind regards,
Laura Arjona Reina

New string in footer in www.debian.org pages, please update templates.??.po

2019-02-22 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Dear Debian I18N people,

We have made a change in the Debian website, to better reflect when each page 
has been updated (see 
https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/merge_requests/21 for details).

As a result, there is a new string used in the footer of every page, which is 
"Last Built".

(Currently the pages say "Last Modified: -MM-DD HH:SS" and from now on they 
will say "Last Built: -MM-DD HH:SS").

Please let us know how this new string is written in your language, there are 
many ways to do this:

* Answer to the list(s) or by IRC (in #debian-www), and I (or other web team 
member) will add the new string.
* Send an updated templates.??.po (?? being your language code) to the list or 
as merge request to salsa (the original file you can find it in the 
https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/ repo, in the "po" subfolder of 
your language folder).

* Commit yourselves your changes in the webwml repo

I have already updated Danish, French, German, Spanish and Swedish with 
suggestions from translators or native speakers present in our IRC channel.

I have taken the opportunity to update all the language templates (the .po 
files) for every language present in the Debian website, so maybe you will find 
other new strings to update/translate in the /po/ subfolder of your language in 
the webwml repo.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

ddtp2.debian.net down? ("Lisa, if you don't like your job".... messages)

2019-03-10 Thread Laura Arjona Reina
since several days we're getting the messages below, and I cannot access
the DDTSS web interface at ddtp2.debian.net

Is anything wrong with the server?

Laura Arjona Reina

 Mensaje reenviado 
Asunto: [Debian-l10n-devel] Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't
strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the
American way.
Fecha: Sun, 10 Mar 2019 13:53:43 +
De: Debian FTP Masters 
Para: debian-l10n-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org

Arf, Arf, Arf, missing the timestamp 201903030242 directory, not
updating i18n, arf, arf, arf

Debian-l10n-devel mailing list

Please review and translate: announcement about Handshake donation

2019-03-28 Thread Laura Arjona Reina

Dear all

Please review and translate the announcement about a donation made by Handshake, 
available here:


(to be published on Friday 29 March 2019, around 17:00 UTC).

Sorry for the short notice.


Laura Arjona Reina

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