On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Stefano Maffulli
> On Fri 29 Aug 2014 12:47:00 PM PDT, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:
> > Third-party-request
> >
> > This list is the new place to request the creation or modification of
> > your third party account. Note that old requests sent to the
> > open
I agree that 2 meetings per week will mess things up. 1+ for alternating
On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Kurt Taylor wrote:
> In my opinion, further discussion is needed. The proposal on the table is
> to have 2 weekly meetings, one at the existing time of 1800UTC on Monday
> and, also
Both are fine, but A is better.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Kurt Taylor
> So far it looks like we have centered around 2 options:
> Option "A" 1200 and 2200 UTC
> Option "D" 1500 and 0400 UTC
> There is still time to pick your best time. Please vote at
> https://www.google.com/mode
Yes, I think that the changes of being merged after K1 are few. Check this
docs with the priority list that the core team are working on:
On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 9:40 AM, liuxinguo wrote:
> If a cinder driver can not be merge
This is usually is related to mis-configuration on the backend driver. For
example, if you create a volume, shutdown the driver to change some
configuration, the backend driver can get confused while trying to delete
the volume or even can't be able to locate the volume in the storage array.
Hi all, hi cinder core devs,
I have read on IRC discussions about a deadline for drivers vendors to have
their CI running and voting until kilo-2, but I didn't find any post on
this list to confirm this. Can anyone confirm this?
> [2]
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cinder/tested-3rdParty-drivers#Testing_requirements_for_Kilo_release_and_beyond
> Regards,
> Ivan Kolodyazhny
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Erlon Cruz wrote:
>> Hi all, h
ve got a thread mailing-list [1] for it and some details in wiki
> [2].
> > >>Anyway, need to get confirmation from our core devs and/or Mike.
> > >>
> > >>[1]
> > >>http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-October/0495
> > >&
the Kilo release.* Discussion regarding this was in the
>> #openstack-meeting IRC room during the Cinder meeting. Read discussion
>> logs
>> <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/cinder/2015/cinder.2015-01-14-16.00.log.html#l-21>
Hi Yogesh,
The best way to start writing tests is to get some examples from tests
already implemented. Since icehouse release, all tests must be written with
mock¹. Most of the tests on the codebase are written with the old framework
(mox), please have a look on this implementations:
Hi Asselin,
Do you had problems with other ports? Is it need to have outbound access to
other ports?
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Asselin, Ramy wrote:
> All,
> I’ve been working on setting up our Cinder 3rd party CI setup.
> I ran into an issue where Zuul requires direct ac
Ok thanks.
On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Asselin, Ramy wrote:
> As far as I know, that’s the only non-standard port that needs to be
> opened in order to do 3rd party ci.
> Ramy
> *From:* Erlon Cruz [mailto:sombra...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Friday,
Great John,
I'll push fellows here to help. Couldn't join today but I'll put in my
schedule for the next weeks. Do you plan to do this review force every
On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Kerr, Andrew
> +1
> Andrew Kerr
> On 6/13/14, 10:30 AM, "Duncan Thomas" wr
> Leave the option about when to submit a design vs. when to submit code to
> contributor.
That's is what is being done so far right? Hard to know (mainly if you are
a first contributor) when a change is big or not. I can see lots
of patches being submitted without the spec getting rejected
Hi Nikesh,
There's a script in devstack, 'driver_certs/cinder_driver_cert.sh' that is
used to test third party drivers. It will run all the necessary tests to
get your driver tested. After run, the script says if your driver passed or
failed. I see that you are using TEMPEST_VOLUME_DRIVER, TEMPES
Cinder is definitely lacking reviewing force. I remember 2 years ago
comparing with today and I can tell that patches are taking a lot longer to
get reviewed.
This link is also very useful to triage incoming patches:
You can define several backends with the same volume_backend_name and call
that a group. For example:
So, no matter what storage is behind every backend, it will be filt
Not a core but surely is well deserved. Congrats Scott!!
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 5:06 AM, Gorka Eguileor wrote:
> +2
> Congrats Scott!!
> On 27/06, Sean McGinnis wrote:
> > I would like to nominate Scott D'Angelo to core. Scott has been very
> > involved in the project for a long time
Hi Chen,
Not sure if I got you right but I brought this topic in #openstack-cinder
some days ago. The idea is to be able to rollback a snapshot in Cinder.
Today what is possible to do is to create a volume from a snapshot. From
the user point of view, this is not ideal, as there are several cases,
time to gather
>> the user's scenarios and determin what to do next step.
>> Sincerely,
>> zongliang chen
>> *发件人:* Erlon Cruz [mailto:sombra...@gmail.com]
>> *发送时间:* 2016年4月5日 2:50
int, the device naming problems are identical.
> On 11 April 2016 at 20:22, Erlon Cruz wrote:
>> The actual user workflow is:
>> 1 - User creates a volume(s)
>> 2 - User attach volume to instance
>> 3 - User creates a snapshot
>> 4 - Somethin
e backwards compatibility problem mentioned further up
> this thread, then I think there's a strong case for considering adding this
> API.
> The next step is a spec and a PoC implementation.
> On 11 April 2016 at 20:57, Erlon Cruz wrote:
>> You are right,
Can you give a bit more of context? Where is the design you mentioned? By
datasource you mean the Cinder service?
There is already some work[1] to allow Cider to attach volumes in baremetal
[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/use-cinder-without-nova
On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at
Hi Li,
Can you give a quick background on servicegroups (or links to. The spec you
linked only describe the process on Nova to change from what they are using
to tooz)? Also, what are the use cases and benefits of using this?
On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Michał Dulko
> On 12/1
ue, Dec 22, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Michał Dulko
> On 12/22/2015 01:29 PM, Erlon Cruz wrote:
> > Hi Li,
> >
> > Can you give a quick background on servicegroups (or links to. The
> > spec you linked only describe the process on Nova to change from what
> > they are u
Great addition. I'm not active in Manila, but we work in the same team in
our company and I see he is doing a great work! Well deserved!
On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Valeriy Ponomaryov wrote:
> Rodrigo is the first person in queue for taking such responsibility.
> +2
> On Tue, Feb 2, 201
Hi Eduard,
What extra_specs do you configured in this volume_type?
Yes you can force a volume to an specific node, or backend. You must
configure the volume_backend_name on cinder.conf, and add an extra spec
"volume_backend_name='same_as_in_cinder_conf'" on the volume type you
For examp
Thanks for the questions, it Ill really help me to make a the best choice.
I hadn't pondered the first question . +1 to make those and other if
suggest part of the candidate proposal.
On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 6:49 AM, Duncan Thomas
> Hi John. Thanks for the questions.
Hi Vincent,
Just to complement what Mike and Gorka said, Cinder NFS drivers does not
provision FS services. It 'consumes' a FS export, and provisions block
To be more detailed, the Cinder NFS backend, mount a remote share from a
NFS server, and create/stores the cinder volumes as files in
Hi Cris,
There are some questions that came to my mind.
Cinder has near zero tolerance to backends that does not have a CI running.
So, can one assume that all drivers in Cinder will have the "OpenStack
Compatible" seal?
When you say that the driver have to 'pass' the integration tests, what
Hi Mike,
There is 2 features[1][2][3] of HNAS driver that still are not
Is there anything missing to then to be approved?
[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/hds-hnas-ssh-backend
[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/hds-hnas-pool-aware-sched
Do you have the log of the discussion as well?
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 7:09 AM, Danny Al-Gaaf
> Hi Jay,
> do you have a link to the etherpad?
> Danny
> Am 13.02.2015 um 05:54 schrieb Jay S. Bryant:
> > All,
> >
> > Several members of the Cinder team and I were discussing the
> > cur
Hi Anne,
How about driver documentation that is in the old format? Will it be
removed in Kilo? The wiki says: "Bring all driver sections that are
currently just ‘bare bones’ up to the standard mentioned." Will this be
performed by core team?
On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 4:58 PM, Anne Gen
Agreed, CI systems are not reliable. Most of failures are related to
mis-configuration or devstack problems, not driver problems itself. What
happen then, is that people just don't care if there's a red FAILURE in the
CIs results. A 4) option would be to rate CIs according to their
trustfulness (ma
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 8:28 AM, Erlon Cruz wrote:
>> Hi Anne,
>> How about driver documentation that is in the old format? Will it be
>> removed in Kilo?
> Hi Erlon,
> The spec doesn't have a specific person assigned for r
Ok, thanks Anne!
On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 6:10 PM, Anne Gentle
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Erlon Cruz wrote:
>> Hi Anne,
>> Thanks for the quick answer. One thing that still not clear for me is
>> about the documentation that is
I agree with John (comment on the mentioned patchset). Also, I expected one
change removing all drivers that does not report on CI. There's one of us
(HUSDriver) that is not maintained and also should be deprecated/removed.
Liu, the best argument here would be a report from your CI in this patch
Mike, for HDS and Hitachi, the contact person is the same:
openstackdevelopm...@hds.com. Also, we have 5 drivers:
This last one, HDS HUS, is deprecated by HBSD drivers and won't be
maintained, so you can add it in the removal list.
Hi Mike,
The majority of the CIs don't run all 304 tests mostly because of these
tempest problems. I remember there was a list in the Thirdparty CI Wiki
with the common tests that used to fails to everyone, or at least most of
people. IMO its better to have a more consistent CI than CIs with full
I like Duncan's idea. To have a dash in horizon where admin can see error
events. It can hide backend details from tenants and would save the time
of browsing through logs seeking for the operations that caused errors
(the request id also should be logged in the metadata to allow further
Had the same error, but with cinder. Did you find find out something about
this error?
2015-04-17 14:12:31.957 TRACE cinder Traceback (most recent call last):
2015-04-17 14:12:31.957 TRACE cinder File "/usr/local/bin/cinder-volume",
line 10, in
2015-04-17 14:12:31.957 TR
Any scratch of the solution you plan to propose?
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 5:57 AM, liuxinguo wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestion, George. But when I looked into
> python-cinderclient (not very deep), I can not find the “wrapper around the
> python-cinderclient” you have mentioned.
> Cou
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Jordan Pittier
> Hi,
> Isn't CHAP iscsi-specific ?
> Jordan
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 2:41 PM, Dave Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Recently I have been curious as to which Cinder drivers support
>> authentication. It seems that only a subset do. I
into it, maybe can begin
>> with the “wrapper around the python-cinderclient” as George Peristerakis
>> suggested.
>> *发件人:* Erlon Cruz [mailto:sombra...@gmail.com]
>> *发送时间:* 2015年4月27日 20:07
>> *收件人:* OpenStack Development
Do you have the patch link? I don't see any report of it[1].
[1] http://ci-watch.tintri.com/project?project=cinder&time=7+days
On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 6:40 AM, Lenny Verkhovsky
> You can do it in your Zuul layout.yaml configuration file
> Ex:
> - name: Nova-ML2-Sriov
> br
Hey Scott,
Very sorry too, to see you go. My best wishes in your new position.
2017-12-11 18:00 GMT-02:00 Jay S Bryant :
> Scott,
> Very sorry to have you go. Thank you for letting us know that you won't
> be able to continue participating. It has been a pleasure to work with you
> ov
In the Queens release, Cinder has implemented an internal mechanism to
automatically calculate the max_over_subscription_ratio[1]. As Kaminario
and Pure drivers already have a config option and are doing that
internally, we kindly recommend that the driver maintainers deprecate those
Thanks for the sum up Kendall!
On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 1:20 PM, Kendall Nelson
> Hello All,
>We came out of the Midcycle with a lot of things on a lot of people’s
> plates. Here is a summary of what everyone signed up for and what things
> need owners.
> scottda:
Hi sean, I think it would worth to CC the contact info informed in the CI
Wiki (openstack...@scality.com).
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Sean McGinnis wrote:
> Tomorrow is the one week grace period. I just ran the last comment
> script and it still shows it's been 112 days since the Scality CI
Hi Jordan, Slade,
Currently NFS driver does not support cloning neither snapshots (which are
the base for implementing cloning). AFAIC, the NFS driver was in Cinder
before the minimum requirements being discussed and set, so, it just stood
there with the features it already supported.
There is cu
He is mentioning about the Cinder side: https://review.openstack.org/#
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 7:01 AM, Jordan Pittier
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Ben Swartzlander
> wrote:
>> Originally the NFS driver did support snapshots, but it was implemented
>> by just 'cp'i
Hi Jay,
Thanks for the update. I can give a look in the NFS job, it will need some
care, like configuring the slave to be a Ubuntu Xenial and setting
apparmor, so when you finish the cloning support we have an operational job.
On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Jay S. Bryant <
That will depend on the Cinder/OS-brick iscsiadm versions right? Can you
tell what are the versions from where the problem was fixed?
2018-02-07 8:27 GMT-02:00 Gorka Eguileor :
> On 07/02, Rikimaru Honjo wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm planning to use cinder as glance store.
> > And, I'll se
I think I missed something about this. By Forum you mean Summit? Will that
happen during the Vancouver Summit right? Will the forum be something
similar to PTG? What is the target public? Operators, users admin?
2018-03-08 14:52 GMT-03:00 Jay S Bryant :
> All,
> I just wanted to share t
Thanks Jay, that helps a lot!
2018-03-06 18:46 GMT-03:00 Ivan Kolodyazhny :
> Jay, thanks a lot for this great summary!
> Regards,
> Ivan Kolodyazhny,
> http://blog.e0ne.info/
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 10:02 PM, Jay S Bryant
> wrote:
>> Team,
>> I have collected all of our actions and ag
Hi Eduardo,
Just for curiosity, do you know the motivation why many OS services were
moved to run on apache instead of just listen? Any reference about that?
Em seg, 11 de jun de 2018 às 06:02, Eduardo Gonzalez
> Hi,
> From Pike cinder-api only runs as a wsgi process and cont
> Regards
> 2018-06-11 14:36 GMT+02:00 Erlon Cruz :
>> Hi Eduardo,
>> Just for curiosity, do you know the motivation why many OS services were
>> moved to run on apache instead of just listen? Any reference a
Hi Sean, what is the command to generate this output?
On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Sean McGinnis
> Checking name: CloudByte CI
> last seen: 2016-09-27 11:49:45 (80 days, 5:38:50 old)
> last success: 2016-09-27 11:49:45 (80 days, 5:38:30 old)
> success rate: 72%
> Per Cinder's non-co
Hmm, nice! Thanks!
On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Sean McGinnis
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 08:27:52AM -0200, Erlon Cruz wrote:
> > Hi Sean, what is the command to generate this output?
> >
> > On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Sean McGinnis
> > wrote:
Hi Jane, there is also some other uses, I know. In migration[1] when
Cinder needs to migrate an attached volume, in some remotefs drivers [2],
when Cinder needs to take a snapshot of an attached volume. Both seems to
work fine with me.
[1] http://bit.ly/2i6m1Pb
[2] http://bit.ly/2i6m3GM
On Tue,
Thanks for giving this review Michal.
On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 8:29 AM, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
> On 2017-01-19 11:10, Michal Dulko wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've seen some confusion around new Cinder CI jobs being proposed to
> > project-config in yesterday's IRC scrollback. This email aims to su
Hi Marco,
What you are proposing is almost like to create an LVM storage box. I
haven't seen any real benefit from the advantages you listed. For 1), the
same problems you can have upgrading the services within the same node will
happen if the LVM services are not in the same host. For, 2), now yo
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Walter Boring wrote:
> How does Horse translate to Cinder block?
> I don't get it. Our original Cinder block made a lot of sense,
> considering the name of the project.
> Horses uses horseshoes, which were created due the needs of the ancient
Roman empire wh
Hi Thomas,
The reserved_percentage *is* taken in account for non thin provisoning
backends. So you can use it to spare the space you need for backups. It is
a per backend configuration.
If you have already tried to used it and that is not working, please let us
know what release you are using, be
> On 06/14/2018 01:10 PM, Erlon Cruz wrote:
> > Hi Thomas,
> >
> > The reserved_percentage *is* taken in account for non thin provisoning
> > backends. So you can use it to spare the space you need for backups. It
> > is a per backend configur
+1 on the game night! Reserve a room only for that :)
Em qua, 20 de jun de 2018 às 15:25, Kendall Nelson
> Hello Everyone!
> Wanted to give you some updates on PTG4 planning. We have finalized the
> list of SIGs/ Groups/WGs/Teams that are attending. They are as follows:
Thanks Jay!
Em sex, 6 de jul de 2018 às 14:30, Jay S Bryant
> All,
> I have created an etherpad to start planning for the Denver PTG in
> September. [1] Please start adding topics to the etherpad.
> Look forward to seeing you all there!
> Jay
> (jungleboyj)
> [1] https://eth
Hi Cinder and Nova folks,
Working on some tests for our drivers, I stumbled upon this tempest test
that is calling Cinder API passing a 'None' connector. At the time this was
added several CIs
went down, and people started discussing whether this (accepting/sending a
None con
> volume attachment.
> Walt
> On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 5:02 AM, Gorka Eguileor
> wrote:
>> On 17/07, Sean McGinnis wrote:
>> > On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 04:06:29PM -0300, Erlon Cruz wrote:
>> > > Hi Cinder and Nova folks,
>> > >
Thanks Jay!
Em qua, 19 de set de 2018 às 06:53, Gorka Eguileor
> On 18/09, Jay S Bryant wrote:
> > Team,
> >
> > I have put together the following page with a summary of all our
> discussions
> > at the PTG: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CinderSteinPTGSummary
> >
> > Please review th
I don't know if our workflow supports this, but it would be nice to have a
place to
place cross-projec changes like that (something like,
and use that as a initial point for high level discussions. But for now,
you can start creating
specs for the projects involved.
Em seg, 1 de out de 2018 às 05:26, Balázs Gibizer <
balazs.gibi...@ericsson.com> escreveu:
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 10:35 PM, Matt Riedemann
> wrote:
> > Nova, cinder and tempest run the nova-multiattach job in their check
> > and gate queues. The job was added in Queens and was a specific j
Hey folks,
Following up on the discussions that we had on the Denver PTG, the Cinder
is planning to enable online volume_extend tests[1] to be run by default.
those tests are only run by some CI systems and infra jobs that explicitly
set it to
be so.
We are also adding a negative
If you are planning to re-image an image on a bootable volume then yes you
should use a force parameter. I have lost the discussion about this on PTG.
What is the main use cases? This seems to me something that could be
leveraged with the current revert-to-snapshot API, which would be even
Hi Ghanshyam,
Though I have concern over running those tests by default(making config
> options True by default), because it is not confirmed all cinder backends
> implements this functionality and it only works for nova libvirt driver. We
> need to keep config options default as False and Devsta
Hey Amit,
Em ter, 9 de out de 2018 às 16:52, Tom Barron escreveu:
> On 02/10/18 13:58 -0400, Tom Barron wrote:
> >Amit Oren has contributed high quality reviews in the last
> >couple of cycles so I would like to nominated him for manila
> >core.
> >
> >Please respond with your +1 or -1
Theres also this document with very detailed information:
Em qui, 18 de out de 2018 às 10:30, Jay S Bryant
> On 10/18/2018 7:21 AM, Sean McGinnis wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 a
I think that there's a change that AppArmor is blocking the access. Have
you checked the dmesg messages related with apparmor?
Em sex, 19 de out de 2018 às 09:38, Neil Jerram escreveu:
> Wracking my brains over this one, would appreciate any pointers...
> Setup: Small test deployment with just
PS. Don't forget that if you change or disable AppArmor you will have to
reboot the host so the kernel gets reloaded.
Em qua, 24 de out de 2018 às 09:40, Erlon Cruz
> I think that there's a change that AppArmor is blocking the access. Have
> you checked the dmesg messa
On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:23 AM, Thierry Carrez
> Alon Marx wrote:
> > Thank you ALL for clearing up this issue.
> >
> > To sum up the discussion (not going into too many details):
> > From legal stand point, if one uses python libraries they should be part
> > of the community or confirmi
Not sure exactly what you mean, but in Cinder using the
InstanceLocalityFilter[1], you can schedule a volume to the same compute
node the instance is located. Is this what you need?
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016
e first approach?
> The idea here is that all the volumes uses local disks.
> I was wondering if we already have such a plan after the Resource Provider
> structure has accomplished?
> Thanks
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 2:05 AM, Erlon Cruz wrote:
It seems good!
On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 7:25 AM, Michał Dulko
> On 09/29/2016 12:10 PM, Michał Dulko wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > We have a non-voting multinode grenade job in check queue for around a
> > month now.
> >
> > https://goo.gl/Kr10s6
> Whoops, I've sent this by mist
Hi Luzasz,
This information (volume_driver) is only used on driver loading so, its not
available outside Cinder context. Can you tell how and why you need that?
And why parsing the conf file is not enough for you?
On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 9:05 AM, wrote:
> Dear all.
> I'm a PHD student f
Now that you had a first feedback about the idea, as Jay said, the next
steps is to write a blueprint/spec so other folks in Cinder can better
understand/suggest/vote on what you are proposing.
On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 12:14 AM, Zhenyu Zheng
> So do we like the idea of "volu
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