Not sure exactly what you mean, but in Cinder using the
InstanceLocalityFilter[1], you can  schedule a volume to the same compute
node the instance is located. Is this what you need?


On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Jay S. Bryant <> wrote:

> Kevin,
> This is functionality that has been requested in the past but has never
> been implemented.
> The best way to proceed would likely be to propose a blueprint/spec for
> this and start working this through that.
> -Jay
> On 09/23/2016 02:51 AM, Zhenyu Zheng wrote:
> Hi Novaers and Cinders:
> Quite often application requirements would demand using locally attached
> disks (or direct attached disks) for OpenStack compute instances. One such
> example is running virtual hadoop clusters via OpenStack.
> We can now achieve this by using BlockDeviceDriver as Cinder driver and
> using AZ in Nova and Cinder, illustrated in[1], which is not very feasible
> in large scale production deployment.
> Now that Nova is working on resource provider trying to build an
> generic-resource-pool, is it possible to perform "volume-based-scheduling"
> to build instances according to volume? As this could be much easier to
> build instances like mentioned above.
> Or do we have any other ways of doing this?
> References:
> [1]
> local-disks-for-instances.html
> Thanks,
> Kevin Zheng
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