nes in src/sbin too.
./dump/optr.c:#if __STDC__
./init/init.c:#ifdef __STDC__
./newfs/mkfs.c:#ifdef __ELF__
./newfs/newfs.c:#if __STDC__
./mount_ntfs/mount_ntfs.c:#if __FreeBSD_version >= 30
how likely are the above to change. (some of them will never change,
considering what branc
On 27 Jul 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> I move that we replace GNU grep in our source tree with this
> implementation, once it's been reviewed by all concerned parties.
Normally I don't post "me too" messages. I'll make an exception.
Me too.
- bill
reload, which would mean
a reboot everytime you wanted to change the config file. For the average
ISP this isn't a problem, for someone who uses dhcp to make configuring
servers easier (me) this would suck.
However that's an administrator's choice and changing the behavior
#x27;s firewall.
Choosing ports by number would be nice, however the same objections Matt
had with changing our API ring some buzzers in my head too, however the
evil side of me says "screw whoever is porting inetd, we like functionality.
The evil side normally wins.
- bill fumerola
> If someone wants to run a service on a port that it wasn't desinged
> for, they can still do it today. I don't see what the argument
> against this change could possibly be. There is no evil here.
Changing getportbyname() would be, which is what was discussed be
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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has to be that way. I can't think of another product that
is treated so poorly in the wake of another's success.
"What you broke a land speed record? Well, were you driving a Ford? No,
well, we just won't mention that you were driving a Chevy."
- bill fumerola - bi...@chc
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Matthew Hunt wrote:
> I have no idea how much of the FreeBSD code would actually build on
> a K&R compiler.
Thanks to Bruce, a lot of it.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - bfume...@computerhorizon
-r--r--r-- 1 root ncvs 213240 Jul 31 09:47 /home/ncvs/src/Makefile,v
If I change the permissions, my next cvsup changes them back.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Warner Losh wrote:
> In message
> Bill Fumerola writes:
> : cvsup seems to set the wrong attributes after I've forced them to work
> : that way.
> I see this when I cvsup as root too (although the file you quoted
> should be r--r--r--. I
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Mike Pritchard wrote:
> *default umask=002
SetAttrs CVSROOT/commitlogs/other.981201.gz
That seems to be doing the trick for everything. Thanks.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - bf
> then it would have worked too. It honors the umask setting unless
> overridden in the supfile.
True, I hate changing my umask for different programs. It's nice to have
the option to do it in the supfile.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
open to too many variables :-(.
None of which by anyone with a law degree.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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with "unsubscri
However explains why this hostname is not allowed. FreeBSD is not violating
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
hawk% ping wa
On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> Yeah... isn't it time you Yanks got together and stormed that Trade Dept?
> I mean, if you can get excited over a few wooden crates containing tea...
The federal agents carry sub-machine guns, this is less workable now-a-days.
- bill fu
proved versions of socket functions.
The above could be completly wrong.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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with "
27;s 1.222, that's when it was split.
Look at RELENG_3, it's, which would be the second revision of
that file since it was branched, I think.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - -
ion for the reservation clerk to finally
figure out just what the hell I was talking about. WC CDROM did the
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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nce so now I get to find
out just how well they cancel reservations.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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with "unsubsc
No. Eivind Eklund was working this according the FreeBSD projects
page ( I don't know the implication of this,
would this impact phk's jail routines?
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - bf
> make for a situation where such an e-mail is useless for many of your
> readers.
This would be post #3 of the same code and changes that no-one has
reponded to.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - bfume...@computerhorizo
he bus that the onboard NIC is on probably gets probed later then
then the expansion bus.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Doug Rabson wrote:
> > SIO doesn't support anything but isa attachments right now. Its probe
> > and attach routines need to be corrected to not be ISA specific.
> I think I will tackle that soon.
You'd be my (and a lot of other people's
Not without someone noticing in a big way. DDB is a silent attack.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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[redirected to -advocacy where this belonged first off]
On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Chris D. Faulhaber wrote:
> There is a short but sweet[1] article on ZDNet today regarding FreeBSD:
> Not too in-depth, but it gives
c6.1 changes necesitated by Linux's "progressive
> attitude".
How often do I see a author make a program and release _one_ FreeBSD
binary and about 5 different binaries depending on what linux libc format
you have.
We're considerably more stable then that other OS.
- bill fumer
; be willing to keep track of such a list and put it on a web page? Or
> is there too little cost/benefit?
If there is enough people, I'll make a FAQ entry.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - bfume...@computerhorizons.
change for the sake of change.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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ort for an arbitrary version of program.
Not really.
> E.g.: try to check out port for samba 1.9.18p10
$ cvs co -D 08/29/98 samba
works for me on freefall.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - bi...@fre
g to parse a single file).
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Max Khon wrote:
> I have very (VERY!) bad link to are there other
> anoncvs servers?
Not to my knowledge, though has a few co-located machines, I'm
sure one could run an anoncvs mirror.
- bill fumerola - bi...@chc-chimes.c
layout more efficient.
I think this is a very realistic, easy thing to do. Maybe I'll work on a
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Darryl Okahata wrote:
> - No need to CVS commit ar files. (BTW, CVS can also handle binary
> files, so ASCII vs. binary is a non-issue.)
CVS handles binary files poorly. It is an issue.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Greg Skafte wrote:
> As a side note OSICOM has just released a quad intel 82558 card.
I wasn't able to get the dual card(From Intel) to work. I'd like to hear
of anyone who gets the OSICOM card to work.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - comp
ever. (tcpdump never saw any either) Perhaps I'll dust off the card and
toss it in a test machine and whine louder and try more obscure things
this time.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - bi...@fre
problems are not his fault are you saying he should have backed
out his changes because they exposed old faulty code? What kind of
progress is that?
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - -
On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Motoyuki Konno wrote:
> But what about new-bus?
newbus was well announced. any FreeBSD committer was extended newbus
commit privledges as well. The cvs tree was public as well.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2
On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Greg Black wrote:
> Generally speaking, it's a good idea to make sure that test code
> is at least decent before starting to puzzle over what it does.
Regardless. These are the things exploits are made of.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - comput
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Bill Huey wrote:
> There definite technical problems with Linux, but it doesn't seem
> to measure up to the level of criticism that I've seen directed
> at it because the source tree is a consistently moving target.
- bill fumerola - b
On Fri, 11 Jun 1999, Marius Bendiksen wrote:
> > > at it because the source tree is a consistently moving target.
> > s#moving#wreckless#
> s/wreckless/reckless/.
> wreckless is most certainly not true ;)
I hate when I make spelling errors that change the entire mess
On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> While the -core is busy to review/approve this patch,
> I would like to know your opinion. What do you think
> of it?
The sysv init should probably be off by default.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons co
This is cute. Moo.
Fixed. Thanks.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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On 22 Jun 1999, Jesus Monroy wrote:
> vi(1) is for whimps
As long as you're critiquing people for what you called (paraphrased) "a
smiley that made you sound insincere", I guess I'll point out that
[bcc to committers, replys to hackers]
Unless there is strong feelings against it, I'd like to commit the smb
patches (as seen on and ipsec/ike patches (recently mailed
to the tcpdump mailing list and to tcpdump(1).
- bill fumerola - bi..
On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Pierre Beyssac wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 06:54:06PM -0400, Bill Fumerola wrote:
> > Unless there is strong feelings against it, I'd like to commit the smb
> > patches (as seen on
> Could you elaborate some more about the
ne has compromised root on one machine, evidently security already
isn't a concern for them.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, David O'Brien wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 06:54:06PM -0400, Bill Fumerola wrote:
> > Unless there is strong feelings against it, I'd like to commit the smb
> > patches (as seen on
> Cool! I've been meaning to d
On 30 Jun 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> Bill Fumerola writes:
> > Unless there is strong feelings against it, I'd like to commit the smb
> > patches (as seen on and ipsec/ike patches (recently mailed
> > to the tcpdump mailing list and b...
> can teach you.
This deserves a FAQ entry. What an awesome response.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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with "un
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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with "un
asking which of the
developers are coming to it. I'm going to try to get some large group
photos etc etc.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
To Unsubscribe: send mail to ma
't also choose to include the cats of the
> core team as well.
It also clears up the misconception that being a member of -core requires
a beard.
A constant 5 o'clock shadow, maybe, but not a beard.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp
omeone pointing out in a previous e-mail that
all the core members had some sort of beard.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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and the fact that doesn't run OpenBSD. I guess I was wrong
about IRC being positive.
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Alex Zepeda wrote:
> P.S. If you're looking for an easy to use regexp implementation, and
> aren't afraid of C++, check out Qt; if you're looking for more of a
> challenge, there's always the need for an rtsl(1) ;)
rtsl(1) = glimpse(1) :&
anything. the new user isn't going to know it unless
refered to it. (or unless there is a question mark to click)
- bill fumerola - - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - - -
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just upgrading machines to recent versions of FreeBSD
would be just as easy as trying to push out that kind of update.
I'd encourage all others who are looking for softupdates in 2.2.8 to
just upgrade to 4.2-{RELEASE,STABLE}.
Bill Fumerola / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ps. not speaking for my
probably the most modular way to drop in raw-frame-needing-module-X.
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
> Here is the output of ulimit -a, just in case that helps.
It doesn't.
If you look at the output of 'netstat -m' you'll see you've run mbufs
(well, mbuf clusters) and that is whats causing this problem. The
"requests for memory" lines will show you how many t
that they've stopped doing should simply look like a good
opportunity to others who want to step up in the community.
Bill Fumerola / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ps. even ignoring the improper punctuation, "didnt nothing positive" is
improper English, in the future you might want
reeBSD be able to reclaim memory quicker at the sacrifice
of a few cpu cycles. Why? Well, the "add more memory" arguement doesn't work
well when I get DoS attacks that will eat any memory available because they
can connect quicker then I can reclaim the memory.
Bill Fumerola - N
the behavior goes away.
Someone tell me I'm wrong here...
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect / Computer Horizons Corp - CHIMES
PS. No, it's not something stupid like file flags or something.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PR
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 04:08:24PM -0400, Bill Fumerola wrote:
> PS. No, it's not something stupid like file flags or something.
No, it was something even stupider. Completely ignore this.
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect / Computer Horizons Corp - CHIMES
e-mail: [EMAIL P
as much work
as other, uhm, less motivated, cow-orkers.
I fully expect to be physically assulted by all who I encounter the
next time I'm in California for this act of stupidity.
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect / Computer Horizons Corp - CHIMES
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 03:46:52AM +0200, Leif Neland wrote:
> Is there an option in make world to work like a traditional make works?
> i.e. just recompile if the source has changed.
-DNOCLEAN is as close as you're going to get, probably.
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect
It's legal, and much more devastating.
> Just noticed you're in Michigan. Are you aware of any Michigan
> FreeBSD groups? I've been looking around Detroit for a while, and
> haven't found any.
There was talks of starting a Southeastern Michigan group, but most
I have an informal group. Everyone is more than welcome to come
> here or maybe we could meet somewhere in between ...
There's also a large OpenBSD assembly of people at UofM.
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect / Computer Horizons Corp - CHIMES
and wait for N more people to do it and complain
about it again.
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect, BOFH / Chimes, Inc.
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o upgrade to
4.x-stable or 5.0-current to get it once I'm done.
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect, BOFH / Chimes, Inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
#x27;t committed it.
I will within the next week, but again, you'll have to upgrade
to 5.x/4.x
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect, BOFH / Chimes, Inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
rom 'man free', which you did read twice, right?
(in reference to malloc.conf...)
A All warnings (except for the warning about unknown flags being
set) become fatal. The process will call abort(3) in these cas-
Bill Fumerola - Networ
re the TCP_DROP_SYNFIN option (and you must turn on
the corresponding sysctl for it to be enabled) drops all packets
with both the "syn" and "fin" flags set.
functionally equivalent to:
ipfw add drop tcp from any to any tcpflags syn,fin
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect, BOFH / Chimes, I
On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 07:02:03PM -0700, Jaye Mathisen wrote:
> Just exactly what I said in the Subject. I want to filter on the ethernet
> MAC address.
I guess the "ip" in "ipfw" just wasn't obvious enough that it is an IP firewall
tool. You'r
an't even begin to imagine what you or he mean by
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect / Computer Horizons Corp - CHIMES
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On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 05:41:00PM +, Dan Evensen wrote:
> I would say that this is untraditional to say the least. It does not belong
> on the list. There are millions of promising people in such a need.
> Dan Evensen CCNA Wan Switching
You're a moron.
case, no there is no "conversion" program. If there was
a conversion program it would mean there is a way to translate to plaintext
and that obviously isn't the case (modulo brute-force).
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect, BOFH / Chimes, Inc.
On Sun, Oct 15, 2000 at 10:39:59PM -0500, Peter Avalos wrote:
> Actually Linux machines "can" handle MD5 passwords. Most likely, the problem
> is that you haven't merged the hashed passwords into the passwd.* maps.
I stand corrected.
Bill Fumerola - Network Architec
dy have rules, those 3 lines will go in different sections of your
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect, BOFH / Chimes, Inc.
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Bcc: freebsd-oldlist
[ moving discussion -newlist ]
Bill Fumerola - Network Architect, BOFH / Chimes, Inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
> 296/1024/1024 mbuf clusters in use (current/peak/max)
> where i can increase amount of mbuf ?
> sysctl say what this variables is readonly :(
options NMBCLUSTERS=8192
or whatever in your kernel.
kern.ipc.nmbclusters="8192"# Set the number of mbuf clusters
ely not to die (and rather just fail) with
bad NFS going on.
this entire thread was probably more appropriately located on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECT
t; i take it from ports collection we need to specify /dev/sio0? is it?
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
PS. This too would be appropriate for [EMAIL PROTECTED], hackers isn't tech
To Unsubs
eature when he introduced it.
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
more specific, your connection can be terminated
at the sole discretion of the operator staff.
... which is in the MOTD when you connect to the server.
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsub
appear in the list ifconfig works off of.
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
le had a lot
> to do with the OS design of OS X and let's not forget the design of
> NeXTStep.
... and how currently popular they[NeXT] are. ;->
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsubscribe: send
s, unlike the dissatisfied customers of yours who fill the mail
PS. Poul-Henning is more proficient in English then 95% of the native speakers
I run into on a daily basis.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsu
On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 02:00:54AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > It is possible. It is not trivial.
> >
> What leads you to believe that it's not trival?
A functioning brain.
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
weak, then the underlying structure
> (or framework) should be expected of similar condition.
I can't find a point in the above paragraph besides "bad stuff
is bad."
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
quot; aka "tough sh*t"
> echo has been heard loud and clear.
> They dont want your stinking binary contributions. Get used to it.
Not suprisingly you're both wrong. Many binary-only ports exist
in the FreeBSD ports tree.
If you're going to act like an ass on the mai
nd then you could
simply provide a KLD, that would make everyones life easier.
Sometimes these things aren't that simple, though. :-<
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 04:04:36PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Bill Fumerola, who states that security policy
> information is un-available. However, I might
> refer his comment to the Security Officer instead,
> if Bill feels this appropriate.
here is this well documented?
"The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System"
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-
CD vendors figure
out ways to attract customers from each other, lets worry more
about ways to attract 'customers' from other operating systems.
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMA
s then you
obviously are aware of. You may want to do a little more research until
you accuse them of being anything but positive for the project. For every
point you just accused them of being absent and non-beneficial I can name
multiple major contributions they funded, supported with people,
em again.
There are plenty of other BSD consipiracies with a lot less concrete evidence
to prove them wrong, you may want to start trolling with those.
done with this thread,
Bill Fumerola / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
emory to a lot more then 2097152
I'd personally suggest just tuning net.inet.tcp.*space to 64k at most.
Bill Fumerola - security yahoo / Yahoo! inc.
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 05:00:50PM -0500, Bill Fumerola wrote:
> Good christ thats a lot of memory per socket. kern.ipc.maxsockets is
> also fairly important to know here too. Nothing is going to prevent
> the above values from getting out of hand, short of a huge amount of
> memory
et much better cooling
> and reliability with a 2U unit.
I have not had any problems (that were related to environment) with any of my
multi-processor 1U machines. There are companies[1] who know how to build them.
Bill Fumerola / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1. rackable (
t what
> looks like a dialup address, and running through Earthling?
> Looks like SPAM to me.
It's not coming from eGroups.
Bill Fumerola / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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