On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Warner Losh wrote:

> In message <199908061100.haa16...@smtp1.erols.com> John Baldwin writes:
> : Perhapas have a group that has write access to all the archive and stick the
> : user in that group?  That doesn't prevent checkins, however.
> You can do that inside the respository itself.  Just try to do a
> commit on your local mirror of the FreeBSD respository, for example.

cvsup seems to set the wrong attributes after I've forced them to work
that way.

hawk% ls -l /home/ncvs/src/Makefile,v                                           
-r--r--r--  1 root  ncvs  213240 Jul 31 09:47 /home/ncvs/src/Makefile,v

If I change the permissions, my next cvsup changes them back.

- bill fumerola - bi...@chc-chimes.com - BF1560 - computer horizons corp -
- ph:(800) 252-2421 - bfume...@computerhorizons.com - bi...@freebsd.org  -

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