It seems /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/95hdparm-apm script from the hdparm
package may be called when AC power adapter is plugged or unplugged
(true/false arguments). I see that this script is invoked by
/lib/udev/rules.d/85-hdparm.rules through /lib/udev/hdparm on boot or
What pack
On 22/08/2022 18:02, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 10:02:22AM +, Victor Sudakov wrote:
Any applications using standard decorations (Firefox, MATE Terminal,
Google Chrome etc).
It's worth pointing out, perhaps, that Google Chrome does *not* use
the standard window manager dec
On 01/09/2022 06:33, David Christensen wrote:
First sentence -- You don't want the OS to access the drive on the next
I would say that while ddrescue is running any other disk operations,
especially causing seeks, may be undesired. While smartd may be
configured or stopped, udisksd is
On 19/09/2022 02:37, jr wrote:
when I saw the links and started investigating, I tried cat for the names, ie
$ tar -cvWf $arcname $(cat $fnames)
adding one or two file names on the command line works as expected,
supplying names from list and or file produces those links.
It seems some fil
On 22/09/2022 14:00, jr wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 September 2022 at 17:20:05 UTC+1, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
Could you please stop using a mail client that starts a new thread with
every message you send?
Please use something instead that really creates a reply when you are
replying to someone (i
On 24/09/2022 02:37, jr wrote:
On Thursday, 22 September 2022 at 16:30:05 UTC+1, Max Nikulin wrote:
Debian mail list archive has a rare mhonarc configuration that adds
reply to list action (usually only reply to sender is available) and
these mailto: links contain proper In-Reply-To value
On 04/10/2022 11:07, Tianyu Chen wrote:
I'm using Google Chrome (/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome) as my default
browser, which is set by `update-alternatives` command. However my
firefox-esr is always launching when links are opened in Telegram and
Mozilla Thunderbird.
Almost certainly Thu
On 05/10/2022 16:09, Mick Ab wrote:
Firefox was updated to Firefox 102.3.0 esr (64 bit).
It has subsequently been found that this version of Firefox does not
allow email attachments to be opened.
Clicking on such an attachment used to always open a dialogue
box which had options "Open with..
On 05/10/2022 20:08, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
After a recent Thunderbird upgrade in Buster (from version 91-something
to 101-something, or like), it stopped handling newsgroups properly
(where the source is News Server (NNTP) on the same machine, and there
nothing was changed/upgraded).
If you
On 08/10/2022 04:54, Gary L. Roach wrote:
I've been trying to compile an older program from source code and keep
getting the error missing sigc++/object.h file.
I really need
this program (gspeaker). Removing the # from the offending
module only caused a slew of other errors. What would b
On 07/10/2022 01:14, piorunz wrote:
On 06/10/2022 00:05, Ralph Katz wrote:
news://news.gmane.io/gmane.linux.debian.user and replying directly to
Wow! Is this free service?
The story of gmane:
On 08/10/2022 23:17, Gary L. Roach wrote:
Thank you all for your replies, I mean gspeaker not gespeaker. The first
is a speaker enclosure design program and the second is a front end for
the sound system. Not the same -- damn, I had hopes. I also went back
and looked at the older versions of si
On 18/10/2022 08:59, Stefan Monnier wrote:
- In my experience, whether `hdparm -S..` works on a USB drive depends
on the USB<->SATA adapter in use. If it doesn't, `hdparm` will tell
you, tho.
I did go further but my impression was that in the case of USB disk
enclosures sdparm may work
On 17/10/2022 22:50, Tixy wrote:
# Set spindown time for disk
if NAS1=`findmnt -n -o SOURCE /nas1/main`; then /sbin/hdparm -S120 $NAS1; fi
Rather than hard code the disk as /dev/sdc I use 'findmnt' to get the
disk name from the point it's mounted at (/nas1/main in this case).
On 22/10/2022 02:09, The Wanderer wrote:
'info sed', section 'sed regular expressions', subsection 'regular
expression extensions':
While a reader may find more interesting stuff lying around while
traveling by this path, there is a shorthand
info "(sed) regexp extensions"
and alternatives
On 22/10/2022 20:23, Gary Dale wrote:
sed -i '//d' *.html
did the trick.
I would suggest you to use more specific pattern to avoid removing of
meaningful text due to a lost newline character:
sed -i -e '/^\s*]*>\s*$/d'
"." in regexp may be a source of surprises (or catastrophic backtr
On 25/10/2022 15:50, jeremy ardley wrote:
My only problem now is the annoying NetworkManager icon in the Mate
panel. I want to remove it and I have gone through various advice pages
but nothing seems to work. The NetworkManager icon seems permanently
wedged into the panel.
Something like /e
On 26/10/2022 04:34, William Torrez Corea wrote:
Model Family: Toshiba L200 (SMR)
I would not consider a HDD with shingled magnetic recording as a storage
to install OS. This series has a CMR product, but it has another problem:
3 Spin_Up_TimePOS--K 100 100 001-
On 26/10/2022 10:42, David Christensen wrote:
P.S. I have not managed to change heads unload timeout for Toshiba
L200 using hdparm. In your case due to high G-Sense_Error_Rate
increasing timeout might be dangerous.
So, you own one of these drives?
I have a Toshiba L200 HDWK105 SATA 3 500G CM
On 26/10/2022 17:21, Dan Ritter wrote:
Max Nikulin wrote:
On 26/10/2022 10:42, David Christensen wrote:
So, you own one of these drives?
I do not expect anything directly related to the original subject in this
thread, but to not hijack this thread, you may ask your questions e.g. in
On 28/10/2022 07:07, Mario Marietto wrote:
find . | cpio --create
I rarely use cpio, but recently there was a thread on tar and unwanted
hard links in the created archive. "find" output mixes regular files and
directories. If the archiver recursively walks through received
directories then re
On 28/10/2022 05:19, William Torrez Corea wrote:
Only use my laptop in my desktop and when i going to sleep in a night
table for watch a movie.
Compare G-Sense_Error_Rate attribute value in smartctl output in the
beginning and at the end. In some buildings a train line nearby may
cause stron
On 18/11/2022 14:42, Kamil Jońca wrote:
user_pref("mailnews.nntp.jsmodule", false);
might help
Notice that Thunderbird developers are closing bugs related to the old
NNTP implementation marking them WONTFIX.
On 19/11/2022 18:59, Kamil Jońca wrote:
On 18/11/2022 14:42, Kamil Jońca wrote:
user_pref("mailnews.nntp.jsmodule", false);
But old implementation works, at least for me, while new not.
I would say that both implementations have issues and I faced more
painful bugs in the older one.
On 07/12/2022 06:58, gene heskett wrote:
what or where is this "profiledir:"? after sudo updatedb today, I find
Querying search engine "thunderbird profile directory" gives
On 07/12/2022 15:02, gene heskett wrote:
And when I find it. the prefs.js file does not contain any of the
strings mentioned in the reply I quoted and everyone but you have clipped.
Am I to add these below? According to the top of the file, t-bird must
be stopped before editing as it saves thi
On 08/12/2022 20:38, Semih Ozlem wrote:
(i) I accidentally turned one of the partitions on the hard disk of the
machine I currently have to linux swap. That partition contained files
that I may need to review or use later. Is there a way to recove those
files and if so how
A chance is rathe
On 07/12/2022 19:18, Greg Wooledge wrote:
rlart() {
local day time path
find "${1:-.}" -type f -printf '%T@ %TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\0' |
sort -zn |
while read -rd '' _ day time path; do
printf '%s %s %s\n' "$day" "${time%.*}" "$path"
I was not aware of the "read -
On 08/12/2022 23:52, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Thu, Dec 08, 2022 at 09:53:37PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
I have tried slash (a character disallowed in file
names) instead of space as field separator:
The "problem" with that is we have slashes in our pathnames (%p) in
almost all case
On 09/12/2022 23:20, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 10:23:29PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
find dir dir/ dir// -printf '%T@/%TY-%Tm-%Td/%TT/%p\0' | sort -zn |
while IFS=/ read -rd '' _ day time path; do
printf '%s %s %s\n' "$day&quo
On 11/12/2022 22:01, Semih Ozlem wrote:
Basically the menu that offers choices for where to boot the machine
appears. If Debian or USB drive is chosen the menu comes back with no
progress at all.
Directory structure for UEFI boot (sdd4 in your case) depends on whether
it is internal disk or
On 14/12/2022 06:22, pa...@quillandmouse.com wrote:
I prefer to run i3wm, but it has no native menu system. Like Openbox,
GNOME, Plasma, etc. Does anyone know of a menu system/program which
reads *.desktop files, and can supply categorized menus, but doesn't
insist on being run under a non-i3wm
On 20/12/2022 09:49, Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
Newer Intel graphics require closed source binary blobs. Try installing
In the previous thread somebody spotted an issue with fetching modes
supported by the monitor. Examples of commands to debug such problem:
On 21/12/2022 00:26, Kleene, Steven (kleenesj) wrote:
On Tuesday, December 20, 2022 10:36 AM, Max Nikulin wrote:
get-edid | parse-edid
edid-decode /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid
Thanks. get-edid doesn't find any EDIDs, and there are no edid files under
Have you ch
On 23/12/2022 18:36, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
I wanted to open vi with a white background and a black fg
to do that,
Do you mean graphical gvim window or vim running in a terminal? In the
latter case which one and should vim follow terminal background? Is tmux
or screen involved?
Besides colo
On 24/12/2022 03:49, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
if I put in .vimrc "colorscheme white" or any unknown color (qwert for
I get a message "cannot find colorscheme xxx", but I have black on white
characters with vim.
I am curious what is the output of
(without argument) when you
On 29/12/2022 08:10, lou wrote:
set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
i boot installer from buster, installed at sda4,
i wonder if i shall change hd0 to hd3 in line 4 above
If you have multiple hard drives you may need to change hd0, but at
first it is necessary to change partition from msdos1 to msdos4 or
On 29/12/2022 18:23, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
I mapped the compose
key to CAPS LOCK (who needs that, right?)
- [CapsLock] to select first layout
- [Shift+CapsLock] to select second layout
- [RightAlt] for Compose
Gnome can
On 29/12/2022 10:55, lou wrote:
i have solved my 2nd problem on my own, thanks anyway!
i have 2 suggestions:
E.2. Contributing to This Document
If you have problems or suggestions regarding this document, you should
On Thu 29 Dec 2022 at 22:07:15 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
Notice that you having an .iso file stored on a hard drive, it is possible
to boot it directly.
GRUB's loopback facility will not work with installer images.
They do not contain iso-scan.
On 09/01/2023 13:20, Sadhu Santh wrote:
If not, why the upstream structure
is not made simpler?
If I remember correctly, current repository layout minimizes traffic at
the moment of new release. .deb packages are already synced as a part of
testing suite. Almost certainly it is explained on
On 17/01/2023 04:06, Richard Hector wrote:
I'm using bindfs in my web LXC containers to allow particular users to
write to their site docroot as the correct user.
I am not familiar with bindfs, so I may miss something important for
your use case.
First of all I am unsure why you prefer bin
On 17/01/2023 17:52, Max Nikulin wrote:
lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root /srv/sitename/doc_root
none bind,optional,create=dir
Sorry, path inside the container should be without the leading slash.
lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root srv/sitename/doc_root
On 18/01/2023 03:52, Richard Hector wrote:
On 17/01/23 23:52, Max Nikulin wrote:
lxc.idmap = u 0 10 1000
lxc.idmap = u 1000 1000 1
lxc.mount.entry = /home/richard/sitename/doc_root
srv/sitename/doc_root none bind,optional,create=dir
My goal is not to map container users to host users
On 18/01/2023 13:02, Richard Hector wrote:
I have a Wordpress site. The directory /srv/sitename/doc_root, and most
of the directories under it, are owned by user 'sitename'.
PHP runs as 'sitename-run', which has access (via group 'sitename') to
read all of that, but not write it. Some subdirec
On 21/01/2023 01:55, Charles Curley wrote:
root@white:~# ps aux | grep -i openssl
root 4586 5.8 0.9 8256 2064 pts/3S+ 11:48 0:00 grep
--colour=auto -i openssl
root 4587 150 2.1 4720 ?R11:48 0:00
/usr/bin/openssl x509 -subject_hash_old -fingerprint
On 25/01/2023 21:52, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 03:36:33PM +0100, Yassine Chaouche wrote:
runas_wwwdata ()
echo su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "$*";
su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c "$*"
su(1) is pretty much the WORST possible choice for this, as it forces
you t
On 26/01/2023 11:04, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 10:26:34AM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
Greg, I agree with your warnings. Just out of curiosity, is there a reason
why the following variant may still be unsafe?
runas() { local who=$1; shift; su --login "$who" --shell
On 31/01/2023 16:57, deb...@sioban.net wrote:
I'm contacting you because I'm clueless on what's happening.
Basically my issue is I don't have logs anymore :/
> systemctl start rsyslog.service
A dependency job for rsyslog.service failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for
❯systemctl --fa
On 01/02/2023 01:49, Pierre Willaime wrote:
I would like to format plain text emails to increase readability and
information separation.
The following message is result of ascii export from Emacs Org mode, the
source file is attached. Export backend is customizable.
On 30/01/2023 10:32, Celejar wrote:
For those who may not be aware, the developer of uBlock Origin and
uMatrix, Raymond Hill, has ceased work on uMatrix:
It is really sour. On a lot of sites, including github, hig
On 01/02/2023 21:48, Freyja wrote:
Instead of just creating the folders, I've reinstalled some packages:
I would consider complete reinstall (install from scratch). It may be
faster even for a person having experience with systemd troubleshooting.
Something low level is affected.
However I
On 03/02/2023 01:47, Richmond wrote:
It might be a good way for someone to reproduce the error on some other
machine. I have no problems with the CD/DVD writer and have used it a
few times recently.
Do you see the same errors if kernel command line is edited from grub to
pass non-existing UUI
On 05/02/2023 17:37, Yvan Masson wrote:
I don't know anything about battery, but I can do easy soldering.
1. Proper technology for rechargeable batteries is welding, not
soldering (to prevent overheating).
2. If you just disconnect a cell then a chip monitoring health status of
the assembly w
On 05/02/2023 03:12, Richmond wrote:
The errors about sr0 come before the stuff about resume.
Does the following command generate similar errors (taken from initrd
scripts, UUID is intentionally not from the set of existing partitions)?
blkid -l -t UUID=---- -
On 05/02/2023 23:32, gene heskett wrote:
Speaking as a CET with some knowledge of battery degradation, the
thought of replacing an individual cell in a li-ion battery scares me.
That new battery will have a bit more capacity, which in turn may force
other older cells into reverse polarity, acce
On 02/02/2023 23:00, stand...@gmx.net wrote:
(qemu) info usbhost
Bus 2, Addr 4, Port 9, Speed 480 Mb/s
Class 00: USB device 058f:6387, Mass Storage
Bus 2, Addr 3, Port 3, Speed 1.5 Mb/s
Class 00: USB device 046d:c34b, USB Keyboard
Bus 2, Addr 2, Port 2, Speed 12 Mb/s
On 06/02/2023 00:11, Richmond wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
On 05/02/2023 03:12, Richmond wrote:
The errors about sr0 come before the stuff about resume.
Does the following command generate similar errors (taken from initrd
scripts, UUID is intentionally not from the set of existing
On 08/02/2023 01:15, stand...@gmx.net wrote:
Max Nikulin schrieb am Montag, 6. Februar 2023 um 13:30:06 UTC+1:
sudo -A setfacl -m u:`id -un`:rw /dev/bus/usb/002/007
I think running as root doesn't requirte this change, or?
Then I have no idea. Does it work if you pass a USB device
On 09/02/2023 01:23, Charles Curley wrote:
On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 22:07:37 +0700
Max Nikulin wrote:
Does it work if you pass a USB device to a Linux
guest (e.g. boot some live image)?
Yes. I can hand a USB memory stick to a Debian guest, Debian installer,
bullseye and bookworm. Host is bullseye
On 12/02/2023 05:46, Default User wrote:
[14777.998904] Modules linked in: ctr ccm nls_ascii nls_cp437 vfat fat
ext4 mbcache jbd2 ses enclosure scsi_transport_sas rfcomm cmac
algif_hash algif_skcipher af_alg bnep x86_pkg_temp_thermal
intel_powerclamp coretemp rtw88_8821ce btusb kvm_intel rtw88_
On 16/02/2023 14:59, Nicolas George wrote:
Debian is not Ubuntu, major upgrade do not break the system.
Perhaps the issue is not Ubuntu per se, but e.g. number of 3rd-party
repositories. Ubuntu users may be more frequently affected by
suggestions to add a ppa repository. I have heard opinion
On 14/02/2023 22:48, David Wright wrote:
On Mon 13 Feb 2023 at 11:39:31 (+0100), Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Today I have deleted almost everything of avahi and xfce4. After a
reboot the 169.254.xxx.yyy is no more configured.
Yes, and that's a problem for anyone trying to replicate the
On 18/02/2023 08:57, Albert S. wrote:
If you think I issued the xrandr command on the wrong machine, that was
not the case: history makes it clear.
Behavior depends on the DISPLAY environment value at the moment when
xrandr was executed. Likely it was pointed not to vnc Xserver, but to
On 16/02/2023 22:25, Joe wrote:
Stretch installed perfectly dual-boot with Win 10 on an EFI Acer
netbook, but upgrading to Buster broke booting to grub. It actually
broke EFI booting completely, but I've been able to restore booting at
least to Windows. And yes, I've tried everything the Net can
On 17/02/2023 00:48, winnie hw wrote:
When both snapd and apt sources are available, which one should I choose
for package installation? Though I found the package versions in snapd
are a bit newer than apt.
With snapd you do not have full control when an application is updated.
The daemon
On 18/02/2023 12:26, Charles Curley wrote:
menuentry "Install Debian 12 OS (preseeded)" {
set root='hd0,msdos5'
set isofile=/firmware-testing-i386-netinst.iso
insmod part_msdos
insmod loopback
loopback loop (hd0,msdos5)$isofile
linux (loop)/install.386/vmlinuz auto=t
On 18/02/2023 13:33, tomas wrote:
On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 12:50:12PM +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
When some application is packaged for Linux distributions it is easier to
rebuild it with a custom patch. I suspect that a developer distributing a
snap package may use specific and not well
On 16/02/2023 22:41, Greg Wooledge wrote:
2) Also suggested: avahi-browse -rt _ipp._tcp
This year, the output of that command no longer contains my printer's
IP address. Last year, it did. I have no idea why this has changed.
Avahi was mentioned in the ipv6 thread, so I decided to re
On 19/02/2023 23:35, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Am Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 05:21:47PM +0100 schrieb Geert Stappers:
Having installed package openvswitch-switch and doing `ip route` I do get dev ovs-system scope link src metric 1004
Please have a look at https://wik
On 20/02/2023 01:57, Geert Stappers wrote:
feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: ovs-system: Failed
to update link state, ignoring: No such file or directory
feb 19 18:46:18 trancilo systemd-networkd-wait-online[601]: ovs-system: Failed
to update link state, ignoring: No s
On 20/02/2023 20:59, Vic Cekvenich wrote:
I think that is the goal for all
of us.
I did/do apt install python3-pip and python3-venv and python ensurepip
still does not work. But if I do pyenv to build, all of python works well.
There is large gap between too generic goal "can develop"
On 20/02/2023 21:44, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Am Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 09:59:20AM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
Perhaps to get rid of 169.254.x.y addresses, it is enough to properly
configure network interface, either to ensure that DHCP server is available
or to assign a static address. After
On 22/02/2023 01:26, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
I have no idea if it is possible to estimate a DHCP response
Since static IP address is assigned, it does not matter. I expected DHCP
configuration and that delay may be noticed in `journalctl -b 0` logs.
Description=A remote mail
On 22/02/2023 11:34, Qiming Ye wrote:
I have a Debian box running for 280+ days without rebooting, recently it
crashes pretty much everyday. Where should I look for the reason of
sudo journalctl
You may limit logs to specific boot by adding option like "--boot=-1".
Scroll to end
On 19/02/2023 01:01, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
On Saturday 18 February 2023 12:17:20 am Max Nikulin wrote:
echo "$DISPLAY"
So this got me curious, and I tried it out. In the terminal that's
running inside of the virtualbox instance where I'm doing emails, it
comes b
On 22/02/2023 23:45, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Am Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:24:59PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
On 22/02/2023 01:26, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Description=A remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility
After=network-online.target opensmtpd.service unbound.service
On 25/02/2023 04:43, Geert Stappers wrote:
Having `apt purge avahi-autoipd` still gets me "auto IPv4 address"
Ideas how to avoid it are welcome.
Have you checked "journalctl --boot" for logs which component assigns
169.254.x.y address and for various errors related to network?
I am not fam
On 25/02/2023 00:55, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
On Wednesday 22 February 2023 09:24:17 pm Max Nikulin wrote:
On 19/02/2023 01:01, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
So this got me curious, and I tried it out. In the terminal that's
running inside of the virtualbox instance where I'm do
On 26/02/2023 18:18, Geert Stappers wrote:
AIUI is systemd-networkd the main player, dhcpcd some helper
and NetworkManager for contact with user.
First of all, I would not touch dhcpcd.conf for a while.
Is it assumed that ovs-system should get its IP address from DHCP?
If I understand it corr
On 25/02/2023 19:49, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Now there are no messages reported by journald as above.
I am curious if fixing unbound and so network-online.target helped to
avoid 169.254.x.y address in your case. Can fetchmail work without a
kludge you added to achieve some delay? My expect
On 28/02/2023 17:25, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
I will just inform about the status. Everything is fine now. A word
about systemd-networkd-wait-online: With this service running there
has been even a delay of 1-2 seconds when switching from one console
to a different one (the consoles when X is n
On 03/03/2023 10:08, Tim Woodall wrote:
New to this thread, so might be totally off-piste but openvpn has hooks
to run scripts like this:
This is server side but the route-up/pre-down work client side too.
Presumably you can do something here to renew dhcp leases or restore
On 03/03/2023 13:29, Tim Woodall wrote:
On Fri, 3 Mar 2023, Max Nikulin wrote:
dhclient running for enp2s0f0 should detect that
VPN is active and to avoid overwriting DNS settings that direct
requests to tun0.
The hook can create and delete a file like rhis:
tim@dirac:/etc/dhcp (none
On 02/03/2023 22:27, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Am Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 09:26:33PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
On 28/02/2023 17:25, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
I will just inform about the status. Everything is fine now. A word
about systemd-networkd-wait-online: With this service running there
On 04/03/2023 07:53, Ken Young wrote:
Do you know any other way to resolve a hostname by manual on this
However I am unsure concerning k8s containers. Some interpreters:
python3 -c 'import socket as s, sys;
print(s.gethostbyname(sys.argv[1]))' debian.net
On 05/03/2023 15:22, Ken Young wrote:
1. scp
Notice that in bookworm (next release) scp uses SFTP protocol. This
ssh-based protocol can be used in the current stable release as well. Do
not confuse it with ftps that is traditional FTP over TLS.
On 07/03/2023 18:19, Cédric Van Rompay wrote:
> This program implements the verification specs defined in the
document, "Package Verification with dpkg: Implementation", which is a
more complete reference for the verification procedure.
Any idea which document is this refering to?
On 06/03/2023 19:17, davenull wrote:
On 2023-03-03 06:22, Max Nikulin wrote:
Perhaps the opposite. dhclient running for enp2s0f0 should detect that
VPN is active and to avoid overwriting DNS settings that direct
requests to tun0.
Yes, indeed. I want dhclient to NOT overwrite /etc/resolv.conf
On 09/03/2023 17:32, Corey Hickman wrote:
What's the suggested PDF generator in Debian (without desktop)?
And is there a VIM plugin for that?
If you use some markup language that can be converted to HTML then there
is an alternative to LaTeX workflow:
chromium --headless --disable-gpu --pri
On 09/03/2023 22:11, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf file.txt
produces a PDF of better quality (fewer spacing issues).
I was assuming something like markdown/reStructuredText/asciidoc/etc.
instead of plain text. As the last resort
vim command t
On 09/03/2023 21:29, tomas wrote:
TeX is perfectly fine as a PDF backend. Especially if you go for the
more "modern" variants, like LuaTeX, which grok UTF-8 natively.
I am curious if you can provide preamble with font configuration working
for most of users for documents including non-latin sc
On 08/09/2023 04:39, Romain wrote:
I can confirm that when this happens, it's the OVH server that fails to
send the response to my network.
35 9.862648672 MY_PUBLIC_IP_AT_HOME → ICMP 78 Echo (ping)
request id=0x4b30, seq=33150/32385, ttl=1
36 9.862704895 → MY_PUBLIC_
On 10/09/2023 06:36, Tom Browder wrote:
We have a Raku module that uses "xclip" during use on a computer with a
monitor. We need to test it with Github workflows which does not have a
graphics device.
Is there any "xclip" option to allow for testing without a graphics
devivce without throwin
On 10/09/2023 16:44, Tom Browder wrote:
On Sat, Sep 9, 2023 at 21:06 Max Nikulin wrote:
You can create a mock-up and use it instead of real xclip binary.
Sounds interesting, Max, can you show the code?
Unless you need to test subtle issues like
On 14/09/2023 17:30, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
Yes, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is problematic, but as "su -" doesn't work in
GNU Screen (it yields major display issues), I presume that some
environment variables (terminal related?) are still useful.
I just have tried it. "su -" preserves TERM=screen.xterm-25
On 14/09/2023 19:48, Michael Kjörling wrote:
On 14 Sep 2023 12:17 +0200, from vinc...@vinc17.net (Vincent Lefevre):
badblocks says that there are 25252 bad blocks.
I'm using ddrescue before doing anything else (mainly in case things
would go worse), but I would essentially be interested in know
On 14/09/2023 22:26, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
I noticed the issue just before the upgrade to bookworm (I wanted
to do that for the upgrade). But I can't reproduce it in bookworm.
So this may have been an old bug that has been fixed.
I do not follow the topic, so I can not attribute changes to pa
On 16/09/2023 10:09, Greg Wooledge wrote:
Altering the contents of an existing file in ~/.config/ upon login
sounds incredibly wrong to me, to the point where I have a hard time
believing it's a default behavior.
The $HOME/.config/user-dirs.dirs file is a text file that conta
On 25/09/2023 00:27, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 01:05:32PM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote:
Tom Browder wrote:
Every time I set up a new host, I have to jump through the hoops trying to
get the same PATH for ordinary users as well as root, regardless of how
they log in. Reading the ma
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