Hi all!
El 19/7/19 a las 21:59, Laura Arjona Reina escribió:
> Hi!
> I cannot believe DebConf19 is almost here! Still (happily) recovering a
> bit from the Debian 10 buster release (thanks to everybody involved!),
> I'm trying to catch up with things.
> My proposal for publicity items is thi
Hi again
Thanks for the reviews.
We've just published the blog post:
I'll add it to the debconf19 website too.
Further reviews (if needed) and translations are still welcome, I'll
update accordingly.
Kind regards,
El 20/7/19 a las 14:03,
I translated the blog news into Brazilian Portuguese, follow it below,
could someone upload it to the debian blog, or help me upload it?
*DebConf19 convida você para o Dia Aberto do Debian na Universidade Federal
de Tecnologia do Paraná (UTFPR), em Curitiba*
DebConf, a conferência anual para con
Dropping debian-l10n-english
Thanks Carlos!
I will add it to bits and later to the debconf19 website
Kind regards
El 20/7/19 a las 18:45, Carlos Filho escribió:
> I translated the blog news into Brazilian Portuguese, follow it below,
> could someone upload it to the debian blog, or help me upload
Hi Carlos and teams!
We have published the translation and a micronews about it:
and I've submitted a MR to the DebConf19 website to add the news items
in both languages:
Ah if only I happened to be in and around Brazil today. Guess I'll
just have to watch the video streams or read the articles, ☺
On Sat, 2019-07-20 at 20:38 +0200, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
> Hi Carlos and teams!
> We have published the translation and a micronews about it:
> https://bits.debian.or
Hi Paulo,
On 19/07/2019 21:15, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana wrote:
>> It looks like I'm the only member of the Debian AH team on site in
>> Curitiba. I'm happy to help and support efforts here if needed. Who
>> should I be talking to or working with on the local team, please?
> You can talk