On Wednesday 05 September 2012, Masur Jonathan wrote:
>  > Also, as a remark, the 6502 has a derivative, the 65C02; of which
>  > there also exists variants with "secret" (more or less officially
>  > supported) instructions.
> Exact, the 65C02 has some extra instructions. It is used in the
> TurboGraphix-16 / PC-Engine video game console.

err, no - the PCE uses a NEC "HuC6280" CPU, which is "6502 like", but contains 
a bunch of rather specific extension which can not be found in any other CPU 
(eg block copy, paging support)

an actual 65C02 can be found in the NES aka famicom :)

that said, only the 6502 (and 6510) contains such "secret" (as in 
undocumented) instructions. the opcode matrix of the 65C02 is completely 
defined (and further undocumented instructions replaced by either NOP or 
actual new instructions)


http://www.hitmen-console.org    http://magicdisk.untergrund.net
http://www.pokefinder.org        http://ftp.pokefinder.org

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