I realised some useful scripts deep in the sdcc tree in the last days
( and this mailing-list also ). That is why I can try how is it
working my 16F1938 device with sdcc.

1.) I copied the necessary file ( p16f1938.inc from mpasmx ) into the
gputils package.
2.) I modified the /sdcc/device/incluce/pic14/pic14devices.txt, I
copied the last entry ( 16f1936,16f1937 ) and modified the program and
data memory size ( I know that this is not enough ).
3.) I extended the /sdcc/device/lib/pic14/libdev/devices.txt file with
16f1934,16f1936,16f1937 and 16f1938 lines
4.) I extended the /sdcc/device/non-free/lib/pic14/libdev/Makefile.in
file with the devies above ( 16f1934,16f1936,16f1937 and 16f1938 )
5.) Here is the most important for me. I modified
/sdcc/device/non-free/lib/pic14/libdev/mkall.sh file becasuse of:
  a.) - my svn directory is other than it was in the file
  b.) - the script want to save the pic_____.h files into the
/sdcc/device/include/pic14 directory instead of the
/sdcc/device/non-free/include/pic14/ directory.
6.) I have to add - #define NO_BIT_DEFINES - lines to the pic16f____.c
files in the /sdcc/device/non-free/lib/pic14/libdev directory because
some bit defines are twice in the file. ( I think I had to remove
additional defines from the file manually. )

The library are compiled for 16F877 in this situation. I did
modification on the next two file to compiling libraries for 16f1938:
I should change the ARCH variable from 877 to 1938

My question is that are there any simplier way to do this? Are there
any parameter for the make process which forces the compiler to
re-compiling the library files? I do it manualy by go into the
/sdcc/device/non-free/lib/pic14 and /sdcc/device/lib/pic14 directories
and started - make clean - and than in the /sdcc directory - make -.
Did I something wrong with mkall.sh script because the generated .h
files gives error messages without the NO_BIT_DEFINES option?


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