Follow-up Comment #12, bug #66614 (group screen):

I build the newest screen-v5 branch.Then debug with valgrind.

Use "echo" output any Chinese are displayed "NEWS os.h TODO", this should be
the name of the three source files, directly input any Chinese execution,
Outputs the file name of the NEWS.

*Here is test result(???? is 中文):*

12tp:~/screen/src# valgrind ./screen

12tp:~/screen/src# echo ????
                  NEWS os.h TODO
12tp:~/screen/src# ????
                  NEWS: command not found

[screen is terminating]
==23034== HEAP SUMMARY:
==23034==     in use at exit: 64,932 bytes in 579 blocks
==23034==   total heap usage: 1,871 allocs, 1,292 frees, 653,474 bytes
==23034== LEAK SUMMARY:
==23034==    definitely lost: 8 bytes in 2 blocks
==23034==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==23034==      possibly lost: 406 bytes in 6 blocks
==23034==    still reachable: 64,518 bytes in 571 blocks
==23034==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==23034== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==23034== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==23034== ERROR SUMMARY: 276 errors from 6 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==23033== HEAP SUMMARY:
==23033==     in use at exit: 261 bytes in 15 blocks
==23033==   total heap usage: 61 allocs, 46 frees, 21,803 bytes allocated
==23033== LEAK SUMMARY:
==23033==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==23033==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
                  ==23033==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==23033==    still reachable: 261 bytes in 15 blocks
==23033==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==23033== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==23033== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==23033== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


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