Follow-up Comment #7, bug #66614 (group screen):

[comment #6 commentaire #6 :]
> I don't think this is a normal situation:http & https changing and changing
> again,add a space or change a letter.
> Maybe it's more important to figure out why this happens first.

As I said, screen-v4 and screen-v5 were already separate branches when the
fixes were done in screen-v4. If the branches have not diverged too much in 10
years (!), the fixes could be applied to screen-v5 by cherry-picking.

For instance, the following one

> -SOCKDIR. Personally, I favour a user's home directory and recommend the the
> +SOCKDIR. Personally, I favour a users home directory and recommend the
> the(There's an extra space here)

(the first line being in the fixed screen-v4 and the second line being in the
unfixed screen-v5) was fixed in

commit c5d53d69c08eeb69416af5bef8408d121f6c47ba
Author: René Genz <>
Date:   2022-01-28 14:47:09 +0100

    [PATCH] fix typing errors

for screen-v4.


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