Follow-up Comment #2, bug #66614 (group screen):

when i use "git diff 8a4124d" to compare the version differences,I found lot
typo or Spelling mistakes,Or is this not English?

*I've just picked a few random ones here:*

-# in my .cshrc I may use this for a wonderful tcsh-prompt:
+# in my .cshrc I may use this for a wonderfull tcsh-prompt:

-  get allocated. This is very useful if you have a large scrollback.
+  get allocated. This is very useful if you have a lage scrollback.

-* New terminal capabilitise CS/CE for cursorkey control.
+* New terminal capabiliteise CS/CE for cursorkey control.

-  either on screen or in another register.
+  either on screen or in anouther register.

-* new encoding: Chinese GBK
+* new encoding: chinese GBK

-    scrolling up text into the history buffer. (Wayne Davison)
+    scolling up text into the history buffer. (Wayne Davison)


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