(cc-ing devel. Original post to users at:

* Sadrul Habib Chowdhury had this to say on [29 Mar 2010, 12:20:09 -0400]:
> * Artyom V. Gora had this to say on [29 Mar 2010, 18:26:38 +0300]:
> > On 29/03/2010-14:42:03, Artyom V. Gora wrote:
> [snip]
> > > 
> > > Hi Sadrul,
> > > One additional question regarding this feature. Every time I doing
> > > `screen -S <session-name> -Q title` the title appears in message
> > > line on the bottom of the window. Is there any way to restrict
> > > such kind of verbosity? It just a bit annoying if I doing
> > > something in console and my bots execute that query quite often.
> > > 
> > > Thanks for your time,
> > > Artjom
> > 
> > Hi again,
> > As a follow up I also noticed that this message suspends any other
> > output to stdout inside screen. That is while window's title is
> > displayed in message line we cannot see any output of foreground
> > programs we are running. To reproduce just run in screen any program
> > which prints something to terminal (I was running ping) and run
> > `screen -S <session-name> -Q title` in another console. Than keep an
> > eye on your screen program's output. Or even easier, run `screen -S
> > <session-name> -Q title` inside screen and you'll see that command
> > prompt becomes unavailable until window's title still displayed in
> > message line.
> > Is it desired behaviour or something we need to fix in feature releases?  
> There are two issues here:
> * The 'query commands' are not quiet. There is a plan to allow commands
>   to be quiet when '@' (or '-') flags are prepended to the command
>   names. Once that is functional, you can simply use '@title' command
>   instead of 'title'. It's not complete yet, though, and it requires
>   non-trivial work. (Also, it looks like '-' is not a good prefix to be
>   used with remote commands. Perhaps I will change it to use '%'
>   instead.)

Actually, I have committed the changes required for this [1]. So now,
you can prefix commands with '@' (e.g. '-Q @title') and they will be
very quiet! If you can pull the latest version from git and try it out,
that'd be great! (bug-reports are welcome!)



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