Update of bug #26832 (project screen):

                  Status:         Need Discussion => Wont Fix               
             Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed                 


Follow-up Comment #3:

The following seem to be the change relevant to libutempter:

--- a/src/configure.in
+++ b/src/configure.in
@@ -863,12 +855,14 @@ AC_TRY_COMPILE([
 #include <utmp.h>
-],[struct utmp u; u.ut_host[0] = 0;], AC_DEFINE(UTHOST))
-AC_CHECK_HEADER(utempter.h, have_utempter=yes, have_utempter=no)
-if test "$have_utempter" = yes; then
-  LIBS="$LIBS -lutempter"
+],[struct utmp u; u.ut_host[0] = 0;], AC_DEFINE([UTHOST], [], [UTHOST]))
+[AC_CHECK_LIB([utempter], [main],
+LIBS="$LIBS -lutempter"],
 dnl    ****  loadav  ****

>From this change, it looks like you are checking for the existence of the
library even after you've found the header file. I am inclined to say that
will happen only in a broken system, and screen shouldn't need to work around


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