Hi Sadrul,
Just tried it on my test environment. Works like a charm on FreeBSD
8.0-STABLE i386.
Now I can handle a window title without impact on other programs
output. Exactly what I was looking for in these latter days. Great
job! I'll still go with dev version and provide you with bugreports if
Once again thank you for your time and features implementing.


2010/3/29 Artjom Gora <dr.tib...@gmail.com>:
> Thank you for commit!
> I'll try it tomorrow morning ('cause tonight I need to finish my
> violin exercises before it's too late, that would not make my
> neighbors see red) and give you feedback at once.
> Cheers,
> Artjom
> 2010/3/29 Sadrul Habib Chowdhury <ima...@gmail.com>:
>> (cc-ing devel. Original post to users at:
>>  http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/screen-users/2010-03/msg00019.html)
>> * Sadrul Habib Chowdhury had this to say on [29 Mar 2010, 12:20:09 -0400]:
>>> * Artyom V. Gora had this to say on [29 Mar 2010, 18:26:38 +0300]:
>>> > On 29/03/2010-14:42:03, Artyom V. Gora wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>> > >
>>> > > Hi Sadrul,
>>> > > One additional question regarding this feature. Every time I doing
>>> > > `screen -S <session-name> -Q title` the title appears in message
>>> > > line on the bottom of the window. Is there any way to restrict
>>> > > such kind of verbosity? It just a bit annoying if I doing
>>> > > something in console and my bots execute that query quite often.
>>> > >
>>> > > Thanks for your time,
>>> > > Artjom
>>> >
>>> > Hi again,
>>> > As a follow up I also noticed that this message suspends any other
>>> > output to stdout inside screen. That is while window's title is
>>> > displayed in message line we cannot see any output of foreground
>>> > programs we are running. To reproduce just run in screen any program
>>> > which prints something to terminal (I was running ping) and run
>>> > `screen -S <session-name> -Q title` in another console. Than keep an
>>> > eye on your screen program's output. Or even easier, run `screen -S
>>> > <session-name> -Q title` inside screen and you'll see that command
>>> > prompt becomes unavailable until window's title still displayed in
>>> > message line.
>>> > Is it desired behaviour or something we need to fix in feature releases?
>>> There are two issues here:
>>> * The 'query commands' are not quiet. There is a plan to allow commands
>>>   to be quiet when '@' (or '-') flags are prepended to the command
>>>   names. Once that is functional, you can simply use '@title' command
>>>   instead of 'title'. It's not complete yet, though, and it requires
>>>   non-trivial work. (Also, it looks like '-' is not a good prefix to be
>>>   used with remote commands. Perhaps I will change it to use '%'
>>>   instead.)
>> Actually, I have committed the changes required for this [1]. So now,
>> you can prefix commands with '@' (e.g. '-Q @title') and they will be
>> very quiet! If you can pull the latest version from git and try it out,
>> that'd be great! (bug-reports are welcome!)
>> [1]
>> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/screen.git/commit/?id=b24b0bc5a3e973c5fc798a7e77c7e13510fa8990
>> Sadrul

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