Follow-up Comment #6, task #16593 (group administration):

> In, the passage on the files in textures/ is quite confusing: one
note says that it's CC BY-SA 4.0, while another note says that the only two
files that are present there are under the Expat license.  By the way, CC
BY-SA 4.0 isn't AGPL-compatible as far as I understand; I wonder if you can
find a better combination of licenses. 

In, I meant that the texture files are licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0,
while they're based on the NodeCore project, which is licensed under Expat. I
changed up the text a bit to make it a bit clearer.
Speaking of changing text, you may be right about the CC-BY-SA-4.0
incompatibility, so I changed the licensing too and now the whole program is
under the AGPL-3.0-or-later, since the license can also apply to media (I
added a short clarification about media counting as "source code" in the

> By another way, have you ever think about how your package would offer its
source code? 

I just thought of one: the mod can offer its source code via a command, so one
can initiate it and see the source code URL printed on the screen. I have made
and commented out such a command in init.lua so once can uncomment it when
modifying the package.

> Also, the copies of licenses hosted on sometimes change in minor
ways, like updating FSF's postal address and using HTTPS URLs instead of HTTP
ones.  I've noticed that your copy isn't the most recent revision; could you
update it?  (While at it, add a text version of the license as the COPYING
file like the GPL HowTo recommends?)

Ok, I updated the license file to the new text version and named it COPYING.
While re-reading the GPL HowTo, I also decided to change the license notice to
the 'This file is part of [this program]...' version, since the mod is made of
several files.

*A new tarball is attached below.*

(file #56582)


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File name: upd1_nb_more_concrete.tar.gz   Size: 22KiB


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