
This is the first report from one of our guys. He spent about ten minutes 
looking at the site and says nothing too specific. His results, however, 
confirm immediately that you’re already doing a pretty good job with 
accessibility which is, of course, a good thing as it would mean fewer remedies 
needed in the future.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Austin Hicks <camlor...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Members] Fwd: Introduction and Repositories was:Re: 
> Accessibility for repositories
> Date: June 7, 2015 at 4:56:31 PM EDT
> To: memb...@3mousetech.com
> Reply-To: 3mt members <memb...@3mousetech.com>
> Looking at it cursorily, it seems okay.  Certainly better than everything 
> with the exception of Github, and it's certainly not worse than Github.  
> Though I will confess that I'm used to Github by this point.  I don't really 
> have the patience or experience to go over it in detail, and I'm being 
> preempted mentally right now (linear-phase FIR filters, anyone?).
> If you're not using Javascript, you probably don't need Aria.  If you are 
> using javascript, you also shouldn't need Aria.  Using Aria should be a last 
> resort, at least unless you're doing something like NVDA RA where you really 
> just need to throw text at the screen reader.  Aria is intended for things 
> like custom controls; the reason we need it  with things like Angular is 
> because things like Angular go all out with CSS tricks and other stuff that 
> makes accessibility without it very difficult.
> The problem with Aria is that it's very spotty still.  The spec isn't very 
> clear on how you should expose stuff via the reader. At least NVDA still 
> hasn't implemented crucial things, like proper handling of Aria-label.  As 
> in, it doesn't work at all if you browse with the arrow keys, but kind of 
> does if you browse by tab or object nav.  I'm not sure what else they'd want, 
> but if even Aria-label isn't quite reliable, I'd stay far, far away.  To my 
> knowledge, the only thing that is bug-free is live regions, and even those 
> may have issues (I recall someone trying to add it once to something and it 
> not working, but this was a very long time ago).
> Here's the ticket for aria-label and NVDA.  This breaks parts of Google 
> drive, among other things: http://community.nvda-project.org/ticket/4773
> Why is us using their repository coming up?  If we do anything open source, 
> we'll almost certainly be putting it on Github, or at least that's my 
> understanding.
> On 6/7/2015 07:49, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m having dinner with Richard Stallman tonight. Yesterday, he asked if one 
>> or more of our people, as volunteers, could take a look at the GNU 
>> repository (link below) and write up a quick and dirty accessibility report 
>> about it. FSF is also looking for input on how repositories for free 
>> software projects can be made better so, if you have any ideas on how to 
>> make repositories better, send them along and I’ll get to them to the right 
>> person at FSF for consideration. Sina has also volunteered to help out on 
>> the UX of the site in hopes that it will be not only accessible but usable 
>> for us as well.
>> From rms’ email:
>>> rms: However, we do have a repository of our own: savannah.gnu.org.
>>> Sina, would you like to check whether savannah.gnu.org complies
>>> with WCAG?
>> He also asks the question:
>>> rms: An "excellent" repository will have to work with JS disabled,
>>> and in that mode, it should be accessible without need for
>>> WAI-ARIA -- right?
>> cdh: I’ve no idea the answer to this question.
>> cdh: So, if any of you, especially Mallory and Tyler have some spare time, 
>> please give the site a look and write up accessibility bugs in Markdown as 
>> we would for a real client. There’s no money here but having an FSF/GNU 
>> product on our resume may open some doors for paying gigs in the future.
>> cdh: To test this, we only need to look at it with NVDA/FF and Orca/FF. We 
>> needn’t provide suggestions for how to do the remediation (if necessary) but 
>> specific WCAG call outs would be great.
>> HH,
>> cdh
>>> -- 
>>> Dr Richard Stallman
>>> President, Free Software Foundation (gnu.org, fsf.org)
>>> Internet Hall-of-Famer (internethalloffame.org)
>>> Skype: No way! See stallman.org/skype.html.
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