
I’m Chris Hofstader, the former Director of Access Technology for FSF (a role 
in which I failed miserably for reasons far beyond the control of either FSF or 
me). These days, I’m the Managing Member of a little worker’s cooperative 
called 3 Mouse Technology <http://www.3mousetech.com/>. 3MT is small group that 
sells contract services helping primarily web developers make their work more 
accessible to people with disabilities.    

The other day, rms asked me if I could take a look at the Savannah site and 
report any accessibility problems we encounter. Yesterday, a couple of our 
folks, top accessibility experts both, started this process. As we’re working 
as volunteers on this effort, we won’t have much time to make our reports 
pretty and professional but we’ll try to get you guys as many actionable 
reports as we can. From our very initial look, the site is looking pretty good 
as regards basic accessibility but this assessment results from a very quick 
review done in about ten minutes each by two individuals. 

I will send along our reports “unfiltered” so they may contain prose about crap 
entirely unrelated to your project that can be ignored. I honestly just don’t 
have the time to do much editing this month.

If you have questions about the emails I forward here, please make sure you CC 
me so I can make sure you get an answer in a reasonable amount of time. As the 
gang is working as volunteers, they will be primarily focussed on their income 
generating work and helping out savannah as a sideline so, while we’ll get your 
questions answered, I’m not sure how promptly our responses will get back to 
you. Quite unfortunately, I’m almost purely a manager and don’t understand the 
technology well enough to provide much feedback myself and may not understand 
many of the details included in the reports our gang sends along but I’ll help 
make sure you guys get the bug reports and, when time permits, remediation 
suggestions as well.

Happy Hacking,

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