
Here’s a report from our gal in The Netherlands. She will write up a nice 
report (she always does) when she’s home from her day job later today. She 
answers rms’ question about the use of WAI/Aria (a standard for providing 
semantics where HTML cannot do so on its own) in a manner that I couldn’t. You 
might need to add some Aria to Savannah (we’ve not evaluated deeply enough to 
know if this is true yet) but I think she makes it more clear as to the purpose 
and use of Aria.

Also, as it’s the least “accessible” term in accessibility, I’ll define “a11y” 
as “accessibility” - it’s the hash tag used by people with an interest in 
accessibility on Twitter.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: _mallory <stommep...@stommepoes.nl>
> Subject: Re: [Members] Fwd: Introduction and Repositories was:Re: 
> Accessibility for repositories
> Date: June 8, 2015 at 4:10:28 AM EDT
> To: 3mt members <memb...@3mousetech.com>
> Reply-To: 3mt members <memb...@3mousetech.com>
> On Sun, Jun 07, 2015 at 07:49:29AM -0400, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> From rms’ email: 
>>> rms: However, we do have a repository of our own: savannah.gnu.org.
>>> Sina, would you like to check whether savannah.gnu.org complies
>>> with WCAG?
>> He also asks the question: 
>>> rms: An "excellent" repository will have to work with JS disabled,
>>> and in that mode, it should be accessible without need for
>>> WAI-ARIA -- right?
> I think we should be able to expect that all basic, necessary functions
> of a repo should be able to work without JS. However both situations
> would need separate a11y testing of course.
> WAI-ARIA is for when you are creating things in HTML for which there 
> is no HTML semantics for. There is no HTML for a value slider, a tab
> panel, or any built-in alerts that something has appeared/disappeared,
> etc. On top of that, many developers use it to cover not-great HTML
> caused by Graphic Designer Demands (such as no visible text allowed
> on a button).
> I'll see if I can take a look tonight.
> _mallory
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