Hi. I'm trying to get my HP Scanjet 3670 under Linux. The scanner works (it scans and all) but the scan has some color distortion.
I confirmed the scanner works: here is a comparison of a section of a scanned image in both, Windows and Linux: http://blog.alvarezp.org/files/scan-hp3670/scan-hp3670-win7.jpg http://blog.alvarezp.org/files/scan-hp3670/scan-hp3670-linux.png The scan is a black and white section of a creased document. Even the problem itself is very unstable. Sometimes the whole page is distorted, sometimes only gray shades are. *Once* in my 40-like attempts the output was acceptable but I could not reproduce this success case. I noticed, though that solid strong colors are usually not distorted. I wanted to find out if this was an introduced bug, but I could only compile as back as 1.0.22 + 2 commits and it failed too. Before that, there is a V4L compilation blocker that prevented me from going further back. I tried looking at the code but I realized I understand very little (near to nothing) about how a scanner works. Is this a SANE bug? What can be done to make it properly work? Thanks.