Le mardi 22 d?cembre 2009 19:06:08 Jochen Ehmen, vous avez ?crit :
> Hello,
> thank you for your answer and also: sorry for the late reply - I was
> busy...
> As requested I attach the logs from trying to scan with the different
> versions of sane-backends (1.0.18-r6 and 1.0.20).
> I named them by version-number, the first is from the older but working
> version, the last is from the not working recent version.
> Thank you for looking into it.
> Please ask for additional info should that be needed.
> Jochen
> ps:
> and sorry for sending it twice - a simple reply only sent it to you but not
>  to the list


        thanks for all these debugging data. I'm going to look into it. I'll 
let you 
know soon what I may find.


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