Yes- the new frame types and new statuses are no longer enabled by
default in sane-backends CVS, because we are preparing for a non-API
changing release.

You will need to edit include/sane/sane.h, and change the '#if 0' to
'#if 1' around the new status values and around the new frame types,
and add a comma after the value right before the #if. Then rebuild and
reinstall sane-backends. If the compression option shows up in
scanimage --help, then you have succeeded.

I dont know if you really need to compile sane-frontends, but if you
do, make sure it can find the updated sane.h, wherever it has been


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 3:08 AM, Stefan Below <stefanbelow at> wrote:
> Hello,
> how can i enable jpeg compression for the fujitsu scanner (4120C)?
> I used it a lot last year, but after reinstalling my system, the feature is
> no longer available.
> So i compiled the lates sane-backends. Bu when i try to compile
> sane-frontends, i get the following error-message:
> scanadf.c:995: ERROR: ?SANE_STATUS_WARMING_UP? not declared.
> (there is only one installed instance of sane-backends in /usr/local/.....)
> Hope someone can help me
> Stefan
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