OOooppss, I was a bit late and it is described in a better English than mine.



> Message du 28/03/08 19:09
> De : "Julien BLACHE"
> Based on the current saned, it can already be achieved:
>  - link saned statically to libsane-dll (what we know as libsane
>    today)
>  - ship libsane-net as libsane
>  - add a local connection to saned, typically a UNIX socket and listen
>    to that and that only unless general networking is explicitly
>    enabled. Ditto libsane only connects to the UNIX socket by
>    default. (the UNIX socket wins hands down against localhost/TCP)
> There, done. Keep all the underlying architecture as far as saned is
> concerned.
> After that, implement whatever new feature you want in the
> backends. The backends API is now a private API between saned and the
> backends. Updates to the public SANE API as implemented by libsane
> only requires changing libsane. As an added bonus, a compat layer can
> probably be offered for current backends that cannot be modified.
> The network protocol will also probably need to change at some point,
> I haven't thought about that particular point yet. More interactivity,
> more status messages and the ability to feed scan data over a unique
> TCP stream would be nice.
> User ACLs can be added to the mix.
> We're losing the ability to link an application to a backend directly
> as is possible today, but it's seldomly use and we're getting rid of
> those frigging side effects we have today.
> If we're redoing SANE, let's at least do it the right way. Investing
> time and effort into something that'll only be marginally better than
> what we have today makes no sense.
> JB.

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