Have you counted thru how many developers are willing to rewrite
their code (backends, frontends, etc.) for this arbitrarily defined SANE
2 "thing" ?

My votes still are: preferably compatibly change SANE 1 or adopt
TWAIN for Linux.

On 27.03.2008, at 18:22, stef wrote:

>       Hello,
>       before any work can start on SANE 2, the current proposal has to be  
> completed.
>       The major change is the image data format. SANE 2 will be able to  
> handle new formats easily (which matches the current needs,  
> especially regarding ir
> channel). There will be 2 major image format, one pixel oriented and  
> the other will give images as a mime attachment. There is also  
> standard part for button handling.
>       Here is a summary of the differences between SANE 1 and SANE 2  
> proposal standards:
> structures changes:
>       - the SANE_Device struct has more fields, giving contact  
> information about the devices in case of bug, and the ability to  
> send device capability flags
>       - the SANE_Parameters changes to suit the image format improvement.  
> It also gives new informations such as a proposed filename and X/Y  
> dpi.
> options changes:
>       - capability hidden and allways settable added
>       - more commonly used options are now part of the standard
> SANE operations changes:
>       - sane_open has a SANE_Device ** parameter
>       - scanner's button handling
> newtwork operation:
>       The Network Protocol chapter seems to lag behind the SANE 1  
> chapter, and the SANE_NET_OPEN call needs to be updated to reflect  
> sane_open evolution.
>               The current proposal is in good shape, and the change regarding 
> image format seems to suit the current need for new formats.  
> Converting current backends
> to SANE2 doesn't seem that difficult.
>       But before starting, there are some things I'd like to see in the  
> new standard:
>       - the current code flow is
>       sane_init
>               sane_open
>                       sane_start
>                               sane_read
>                       sane_cancel
>               sane_close
>       sane_exit
>               rather than calling sane_cancel at the end of scan, I'd like to 
> have a sane_end function. Leaving the use of sane_cancel for  
> canceling the scan like it allready does. This new function would do  
> about the same, but code flow would be cleaner and easier to  
> understand:
>       sane_init
>               sane_open
>                       sane_start
>                               sane_read
>                       sane_end
>               sane_close
>       sane_exit
>       - the proposed button handling would surely be better if we create  
> sane_lock_buttons(), sane_update_buttons() and sane_unlock()  
> buttons, instead
> of doing this with control options.
>       - we should also add something about panels. Would some control  
> options be enough,  or do we also need some lock/update/unlock  
> behavior ?
>       - there are some issues about backends configuration. In order to  
> be detected, some backends need their  configuration files tweaked.  
> I think that
> having well-known configuration options would improve  the situation  
> and would
> also let us have a common way of accessing configuration parameters  
> across
> backends.
>       - do we want to improve warmup handling ? Currently there is no  
> feedback when warming-up is going on, which is sometime confusing,  
> we can have the feeling that nothing is happening. Do we want a  
> sane_warm_up() or a
> SANE_STATUS_WARMING_UP would be enough ?
>       There are other points that I feel they could be improved, but  
> could be done as we develop SANE2:
>       - we need a sane type for scanner buttons. Either we rename the  
> physical buttons, or we create a SANE_TYPE_HARD_BUTTON. So that a  
> frontend can easily detect hardware buttons. There should be a list  
> of well-known buttons
> description to use when  possible.
>       - a SANE_TYPE_PANEL would be handy
>       - since there are well-know options there should be well-known  
> groups, and the SANE_CAP of these options should also be given.
>       - a SANE_STATUS_LOCKED could be added to handle the case where the  
> hardware lock of a scanner has been left.
> Regards,
>       Stef
> -- 
> sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel
> Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject "unsubscribe your_password"
>            to sane-devel-request at lists.alioth.debian.org

  Ren? Rebe - ExactCODE GmbH - Europe, Germany, Berlin
  http://exactcode.de | http://t2-project.org | http://rene.rebe.name

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