Hi Julien,
so I decided to do it today - and besides some "cosmetics" in print_hal and a 
comment modification in write_udev there is nothing to add IMHO. Looks very 
good, much better than I had had been capable of doing it.

Thanks a lot! I send you both the patch and the sane-desc.c file I patched 
against. However, I found the issue with "new", it was caused by a 
modification I introduced now.

Please do a diff between the attached sane-desc.c and your's before you apply 
the patch, however, I do not think that anything will go wrong any more. 
Maybe you'll have to clean up some more whitespace. The last thing I 
introduced is the following:

if we are within the list of i. e. HP-scanners, then I will not close the 
manufacturer - id bracket but keep it open until the manufacturer changes. 
Take a look and you'll see, nothing magic here.

And, one day in the future we'll take Abel's promise for sure - I mean what he 
said about the bottles of red wine, do we?

Take care
good working with you - I've learned a lot,


                 /\_/\           |
                | ~x~ |/-----\   /
                 \   /-       \_/
  ^^__   _        /  _  ____   /
 <??__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
  ||  ||         _| _|    _| _|

if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)
-----------------------------------------------------------Am Montag, 12. 
Januar 2009 17:21:06 schrieb Julien BLACHE:
> "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Oh- and Dieter, we'll need patches for hp.desc and epson/epson2.desc
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