Dear Julien,
dear listmembers,
first of all: many thanks that you took the burden and scan my output and take 
the time. I value that very much. Good that you'll check it in as I really do 
not need write access here, I just didn't want sit on anyones back!

And, things will move somewhat slower off now because (unfortunately ;-) ) I 
am back at work since today, but I'll do my best to get this checked and 
finalized until the end of this week at worst.
I am just starting with my testing and I have one question and one "add-on"

1.) attached please find a patch, a nice soul provided the information for the 
HP DeskJet 5p, so I adapted the patch regarding this scanner (we've got 4 in 
total now, wow :-) )

2.) why did you remove the
#ifndef DEVMODE
#define DEVMODE "0664"
#endif /* DEVMODE */

entries? Now I get warnings about redefinitions, so what is bad about that? I 
prefer warnings-free code (though I do not produce too much of it, you 
know ...) Just for me and my understanding.

Will be back as soon as I know more,
take care



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 <??__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
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if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)
-----------------------------------------------------------Am Montag, 12. 
Januar 2009 17:21:06 schrieb Julien BLACHE:
> "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at> wrote:
-------------- next part --------------
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