Hi, > I also quite like the "users don't want another daemon running"
Personnaly, i don't care to have a cups for scanner. But people in distributions, dev in other pieces of the stacks and end-users tell so. Again, we should not impose a service but rather keep at least library (and the daemon along) in order to allow to bypass the service. > I'm quite sick of the desktop people trying to overtake > everything. I guess you are labeling me as one of those "desktop people". Desktop users and developers, distributors and backend developers are sick of conservative people always considering other people as invader. > Everything is not a desktop, the desktop is only one use > case. ? Don't reduce desktop as window manager + xsane. > And we DO care about it, thanks very much. Sorry, what does mean DO ? > Integrating WITH a desktop doesn't mean writing the whole stack FOR > the desktop. Where did you read such statment ??? > Now, please try to understand that. Please try to understand end-users. ?tienne. -- E Ultre?a !