Highly insecure, but I got Xsane to scan by changing=20
/etc/hotplug/usb/libusbscanner to set permissions at 0777 instead of=20
0660 (which is why the permissions were changing on me!).


Cory Foy wrote:
> Ok, I got it working completely. I'm on a 2.6 kernel, so this might hel=
> someone.
> The first problem was that I couldn't get sane-find-scanner to work.=20
> This is because libusb has to be installed before SANE. Using Gentoo, I=
> had to set the USE flags in /etc/make.conf to be aware of usb. Then I=20
> emerged libusb, then emerged XSANE (which emerged sane-backends). I=20
> modified the /etc/sane.d/dll.conf to only have plustek enabled and=20
> /etc/sane.d/plustek.conf to the settings for my scanner.
> Once sane-find-scanner worked, I was able to see the scanner in=20
> scanimage -L under root. Looking at the output of it, I saw a line=20
> similar to:
> [plustek] sane_get_devices (0xbfffe538, 0)
> device `plustek:libusb:001:003' is a Canon N1240U/LiDE30 USB flatbed=20
> scanner
> So I went over to /proc/bus/usb/001/003 (the last two taken from the=20
> scanimage output) and changed the permissions to 777.
> I then verified that scanimage -L was working under non-root. Which it =
> The problem now is that the permissions reset themselves fairly quickly=
>  I found a daemon that runs to keep the permissions set:
> http://www.xena.uklinux.net/Linux/usb_perms.html
> but haven't tried it yet. Will probably do that soon.
> Thanks everyone for the advice!
> Cory
> Nobody Here wrote:
>> I have the same scanner.  Mine is found by sane-find-scanners , but=20
>> not by scanimage -L .
>> I would try changing the device to auto.  The docs I read said auto=20
>> usually works and it at least finds it with sane-find for me.  If you=20
>> get it entirely working, I'll be interested in hearing about it.
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