Hi, Sorry the adress was wrong so i forward my message to the malling-list.
Does anybody knows a good OCR under linux ? I will try gocr. Yannick ---------- Message transmis ---------- Subject: Re: [sane-devel] Snapscan 310 not recognized by scanimage Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 23:44:30 +0200 From: Yannick <sev...@free.fr> To: Henning Meier-Geinitz <henn...@meier-geinitz.de> Le Mercredi 17 Avril 2002 21:32, vous avez écrit : > Are you sure that there is only one installation of > sane on your system? Maybe you are editing the wrong config file? This was the correct question ! There was a previous install. Maybe one day it will be easyer to install and uninstall softwares on Linux boxes. I was editing the wrong file. Well, it works good now ! In my point of view, sane is bug-free. Just one thing or two : The install of the AVA scsi/isa card of scanscan 310 was pretty hard for me (i fond a mini how-to in italian for this). As i remember the noise made by the scanner under window$ was a bit more smooth (sound better) and maybe a bit faster. But this is not very important. (the reason of this is certainly the fog provided by the constructor AGFA) Thank you ! Now, i will try jocr for caracters recognition. Yannick Defais -------------------------------------------------------