On Friday, 4. October 2002 21:09, you wrote:
> After updating to 0.44-2 and being in normal mode, only the scan head
> light is on. When I switch from normal mode to transparency mode the
> scan head light turns off and the TPA light on, as expected. Going back
> to normal mode turns off the TPA light and turns back on the scan head
> light, also as expected. When switching from normal to negative mode, it
> behaves also as expected: scan head off, TPA on. Back to normal: scan
> head on, TPA off, also correct. But when I switch from negative to
> transparency or from transparency to negative both lamps go on, so there
> is still a bug.

I'll check this...
Can you enable the debug messages and send me the output,
esp. the case where the switching does not work?

> In addition, scanning slides and negatives with 150 dpi is much slower
> than scanning normal paper with 150 dpi (I have done all tests with 150
> dpi).
> For the TPA coordinates I have put the slide/negative frames which come
> with the scanner onto the glass and put the TPA lamp onto the frame, the
> feet of the lamp into the appropriate holes. There are two frames, one
> for negatives and one for slides. They position the lamp at the same
> place on the scanning glass. They both have a white reference hole which
> is at the same position. A second hole is there to insert either one
> framed slide (around 5x5 cm, the usual size) or one 24x36 mm negative,
> depending on which frame one uses. The frames cannot be fixed on the
> scanner and they do not fill out the whole scanner glass. So they can
> slide easily out of position.

So what about the quality of the scans, and what about the calibration 
area? I think I have to fix this too...

> To get the negative or slide in the frames correctly scanned I have
> edited the origins in /etc/sane.d/plustek.conf. The edited file is
> attached.

I'll put the values into the tables...

Thanks for the help

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