Just a note to say I got my problem solved.  It took some fiddling with the 
configuration settings of the scsi adapter.  Primarily the DMA transfer rate.

Now one slightly off topic question.  Can anyone recommend an OCR package?

Thanks for the help.


On Tuesday 18 December 2001 04:35, Abel Deuring wrote:
> Macs are surprisingly tolerant to wrong SCSI cabling. If the scanner has
> or needs a terminator, should be metioned in the manual. Perhaps you
> find some switch labeled "terminator on/off" near the SCSI ID selector
> switch.
> You should also make sure that the other end of the cable is properly
> terminated; perhaps the adapter's bios or the adapter driver allow to
> select the transfer rate. 5 MB/s should be enough for the scanner.
> Abel
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